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I was hoping to activate one of the coins and put it in the event for folks to discover. Is there a reason the activation codes are not available yet?


my understanding is because the coins were made specialy for this event and not supposed to be in circulation before may 1st




I was hoping to activate one of the coins and put it in the event for folks to discover. Is there a reason the activation codes are not available yet?


my understanding is because the coins were made specialy for this event and not supposed to be in circulation before may 1st


Aha. I thought it would be nice to have one of the coins for folks to discover at the event - but I suppose it does not have to be activated until after the event. Thanks!



Aha. I thought it would be nice to have one of the coins for folks to discover at the event - but I suppose it does not have to be activated until after the event. Thanks!


you can always activate it that morning and drop it in the cache before you go, i see your start time is 1PM, that's lots of time :D




I was hoping to activate one of the coins and put it in the event for folks to discover. Is there a reason the activation codes are not available yet?


my understanding is because the coins were made specialy for this event and not supposed to be in circulation before may 1st


I'm not so sure about that... :D


I retrieved an activation code on a coin 2 days ago with no problem. I haven't activated it yet as I am waiting until Sat morning to do so for nostalgic purposes. Given the activation code I retrieved I can assume with little doubt that the activation code is 'generic' for all coins. I'd double check your I's, 1's, O's, 0's, B's and 8's if you are having trouble retrieving an activation code for your coins...


I may have a few Idaho Geocoins to trade if Da_Muggle is done with his trading.


I will let you know for sure after the event tonight.


I hope everyone is having fun at there events :?)

Posted (edited)

Had fun at our event.


I have about 16 coins left over from the Myrtle Beach event. I've already secured trades with a few other event hosts (listed below), but if anyone else is wanting to collect them all, I'll trade for other 10 Years event coins I don't have. Email me through my geocaching profile.


I have these already:


Czech (BN ver, AS ver pending)


South Jersey

The Netherlands




Edited by AtlantaGal

I am anxious to hear how everyone's events went. Ours was great...beautiful weather and a MUCH larger crowd than I would've guessed a month ago (based on the logbook, there were at least 150 people there). We ended up with a clown and a juggler (he even juggled flaming batons) - both cachers - massive quantities of food, and no coins left. Sorry guys!


My Event went over as planned - mostly. The weather was perfect. The company congenial. The food.... well, I don't know about the food because I had to leave and handle a family emergency. :ph34r: I'm told that a GREAT time was had by all. I just wish that I hadn't had to miss most of it. :)


I have eleven (11) coins available and would absolutely LOVE to trade them all for 10 Years Event coins that I have not already traded for or arranged trades for. :)




We had a blast at our event! Lots of cachers, well over 125, and even The Easter Geocoin Bunny showed up. Shadow's Friend was lucky enough to find the egg.


Every one loved the 10 Year coins! Thanks to avroair and ELTADA for their hard work for putting this project together.


Now on to GCF 2010 and then 10-10-10!


We had a blast at our event tonight.


We got so lucky on the weather as it was being on the edge of being real bad for our outdoor event.


I will post photos and more details later.


I do have a few coins left to trade.


Just wanted to say I got a couple different coins today via avroair. A bunch of us did four of the events today, not sure how many miles were clocked, but there are three more people are hoping to nab tomorrow as well. We had 75-100 at each of the four events and I'm sure it will be near the same for each of the three tomorrow. We had a lackey at one event and miss jenn even hung out with us at the seattle one this evening, nice to hear about how she got into geocaching as well as another fellow, valdez, who explained where is username came from.

Yep, good times all around. Coins are amazing, what a fun day


We too had a blast at our event. The weather was not as bas as announced and the cakes were very much appreciated!




However, Swiss people are not great coin collectors (no kidding!) so I have tons of coins left.

I am not interested in trading so I can have the whole set, but I will review every request, whether I like the offered coin or not. They can also be bought so I can plan more coins in the future!

I already have these people on my trading list :





The Moop Along


+ two swiss people who couldn't come to the event and asked for some.


I probably won't have much time to proceed through the requests today, but I will do my best to take care of it in the beginning of the week.


The event in DFW was huge! We had about 150 people show up. It was a blast. The Easter Geocoin Bunny showed up at our event also. I found the egg, but gave it to the cutest little boy. He had blue teeth, blue lips and a blue tongue. If we would have added water to him, he would have turned into a Smurf!


We sold out on the coins. I'm just going to have to get more coins for 101010!

Posted (edited)

Our events were a huge success and thanks to local cachers we had 106 new 10 Years! Caches placed!! :unsure: We even had Robamy, hider of the 2nd oldest cache in existence (Beverly GC28) with us and he was sporting an original Geocaching T-Shirt with the original logo on it!







Edited by BAT1800

Cute cake!! :unsure:


I had at least 180 at my event but won't know the exact count until I contact the SLAGA treasurer... It had stormed the night before but yesterday's weather was perfect for a picnic. It didn't start raining again til about midnight last night. Someone else has the pictures so I'll post some as soon as I can. ;)



Posted (edited)

our event went great too, the day started off with a huge downpour, but temperature was nice and warm

the wind was a bit strong at times since we were in a shelter by a lake, but we were rewarded with a beautiful view

the turnout was much better than expected and everyone enjoyed themselves


as for the coins, they are totally SOLD OUT, i shared an order of the 100 with res2100


all in all was a great day that lasted from 11:00am to around 4:00pm :unsure:


10 Years! Golden Triangle Area SW Ontario







Edited by t4e

Our event here in Oregon went really well!!!! With well over 200 people the group shot got a little tricky and the fire department (which was across the street) briefly shut down the road for us so that we could get a good picture without our photographer getting run over. We found out later that the chief of the fire department is a geocacher :unsure: It was a very good time!


10 Years Redmond (Seattle, WA) finished up, had 144 people! Still have a few coins left for trade... after hitting up four events yesterday this was my fifth one! Wish we had planned on 10 for the area! :unsure:


10 Years Redmond (Seattle, WA) finished up, had 144 people! Still have a few coins left for trade... after hitting up four events yesterday this was my fifth one! Wish we had planned on 10 for the area! :unsure: It was a nice surprise to have a couple Lackey's Bryan, Hydee and Jeremy show up too. ;)

Hello there!


The Czech Republic 10 Years events in Prague and Pilsen are over.


I have couple of geocoins for trade.

Prague event listing with coin: 10 Years! (Praha, Czech republic)

Pilsen event listing with coin: 10 Years! Pilsen (CZE)


Thanks for interest


Bo.T.L. Czech Geocacher and Geocoins Collector

E-mail sent this morning...


I do have a trade with Lucie. Didn't the Pilsen Event have a different coin? :unsure: I would like to trade for that one too if at all possible. ;)



Hello there!


The Czech Republic 10 Years events in Prague and Pilsen are over.


I have couple of geocoins for trade.

Prague event listing with coin: 10 Years! (Praha, Czech republic)

Pilsen event listing with coin: 10 Years! Pilsen (CZE)


Thanks for interest


Bo.T.L. Czech Geocacher and Geocoins Collector

E-mail sent this morning...


I do have a trade with Lucie. Didn't the Pilsen Event have a different coin? :unsure: I would like to trade for that one too if at all possible. ;)




She had both versions. So find out which one she sent you.


Our event went really well! We had just over 50 people which is quite a lot given all the other events going on in the area. :unsure:


We have about 50 coins left, but unfortunately to recoup costs from the event we need to sell most of them. If anyone is interested in buying one, you can do so here:



I've set aside 10 for trades, but I've gotten over 10 trade requests, so I'll need to review them all.









At the Ithaca event yesterday we had 83 geo-names in the logbook, which translated to well over 160 people. So glad I booked the BIG pavilion and bought enough coins. Super fun. Managed to send coins over to an event across the state in Buffalo, and have some to bring to one in Watkins Glen tonight.


I've got seven left here (New York Version) in a little pile on my desk, willing to trade or sell. This week is busy busy at work, so if I don't respond right away, please be patient.




Well, after the dust has settled, events logged, money and coins tallied after a couple of awesome 10 year! events in Florida....


I ended up with exactly 3 extra coins! I could have sold a few more if I sold multiple coins to several cachers, but I limited sales to 1 each...


I have received several trade requests, but can only fulfill 3 of them. My appologies go to anyone that I can't make trades with....



We have about 50 coins left, but unfortunately to recoup costs from the event we need to sell most of them. If anyone is interested in buying one, you can do so here:



I've set aside 10 for trades, but I've gotten over 10 trade requests, so I'll need to review them all.

You have a gorgeous coin! I think I might just buy one anyway. And if you'd like to trade for my coin, that offer is still very much open. :P



Posted (edited)

Only had about 50 attendees at my event. I was surprised at the smaller turnout considering the closest other events were Columbia & Aiken, Raleigh and Savannah, all 3-4 hours away.





I have about 14 coins left over from the Myrtle Beach event. I'll trade for other 10 Years event coins I don't have. Email me through my geocaching profile.


I have these already:


Czech (Prague BN ver; Pilsen ver pending)


South Jersey

The Netherlands






Florida (Emerald Coast & Space Coast)


New York



Edited by AtlantaGal

Whew! Quite a day getting the last minute details of the event(Emerald Coast FL) done. All in all, there were approximately 80 people at the event and we all had a great time. Photos will be coming soon and after everything was said and done, we have a few coins leftover for trade. Please email or PM me if interested. Its about time for bed now. :P

Hello there!


The Czech Republic 10 Years events in Prague and Pilsen are over.


I have couple of geocoins for trade.

Prague event listing with coin: 10 Years! (Praha, Czech republic)

Pilsen event listing with coin: 10 Years! Pilsen (CZE)


Thanks for interest


Bo.T.L. Czech Geocacher and Geocoins Collector

E-mail sent this morning...


I do have a trade with Lucie. Didn't the Pilsen Event have a different coin? :P I would like to trade for that one too if at all possible. :D




She had both versions. So find out which one she sent you.

No, I have only Prague version (we have antique silver and black nickel - same colours different finish), Pilsen have completely different design.


Prague 10 Years! geocoin (on the left antique silver, on the right black nickel) - it is not a really good picture, sorry... I have a several of black nickel for trade if somebody want :) black nickel version is in reality nicer than antique silver (at least for me :)





Our event was a huge success - now we have about 240 attendees logged. The weather was a little bit capricious, but without a rain only a few drops :)



Wow, I've finally replied to all who sent me requests for trades or purchases of our coin so I can get to work now :P


Oh yeah, the pic I previously posted doesn't do justice to the great cakes we made so here's another picture!



The UK events are now all over - some 20 different events up and down the country.


The Manchester event was well attended and all coins have been sold - I have various trades lined up, but there's no more after that!

Posted (edited)

No, I have only Prague version (we have antique silver and black nickel - same colours different finish), Pilsen have completely different design.


Okay, thanks for clarifying. I knew you had two metals and just figured it was both locations.


240 people?! That's amazing!

Edited by AtlantaGal

Our event in Terra Cotta, Ontario, Canada was a huge success. There were 21 caches to find, lots of food for the pot luck lunch and 184 attendees. Wish I had more coins to sell as the demand was incredible. Everyone had fun. We used the event banner as the log book.



Hey, there you have such great pictures and I thought getting ours in as well.

We have been nearly 150 people (small & big ones, 2 + 4 feet)and had very much fun between talking, eating and had a big raffle before taking the group picture. We had rent the big puppies from our carnival musuem to get fancy frame. More pictures can be seen on the event page.


Happy Birthday Geocaching !

and a big thank you for making the event coin possible.




We all had a great day!


The coins I posted as left over from the New York event are all sold or traded at this point. Except one that I am holding with hopes that my favorite color/combo state will trade with me!


Thanks everyone.


Our event http://www.geocaching.com/seek/cache_detai...e9-839c610fdf5f was a blast!!


Here is a picture of our Group. We had 65 people show up - thank goodness they weren't all there at the same time. A rather large event for our area. We couldn't find the right color party hats so Mrs. Piate ended up buying construction paper and making 75 hats. Who in their right mind makes their own party hats :wacko:



Thanks to the many generous donations from Sponsors and the purchase of 25 of the "Crown Royale" coins there was a nice prize (mostly coins) for everyone who attended. The attendees were surprised and thrilled with the "10 Year" coins.


We played a game called "Press the Great Blue Switch"

Everyone blew up a balloon



And pressed the Great Blue Switch



Some were very afraid of what happened when the Great Blue Switch was pulled



We hope that Signal doesn't ever see her image on the cake. The sad part was that the decorator was so proud of his replica of "the creature thing". :D


Posted (edited)

I had 1 coin left over at my event and I am not sure if any were left at the other event, my 1 is in my collection.

The total signed log attendance was 66, so far 50 have posted attended.




I am the one all the way on the right in the dark shirt.

Edited by CCWashburn

I'd like to get one coin, don't have anything to trade, so it would be a purchase. Send me a note if you've still got one. I'd mention which color schemes I liked but I'm on my cell phone and really can't easily go searching back through my posts a few pages ago to see what I wrote.


Well with the weather we had here Saturday I was hoping the caching wouldn't be a washout :wacko:

But Mother Nature did shine for us and also wetted us down as well but it was still a great day of caching and meeting old and new caching friends.

Milestones we had a few; RickonTheRange 200th and he had a 2+ hour drive to get to our event, PumpkinOneA's reached their 5000th cache and the winner :o Nawty & Isquba's 8300 th :D

Thanks to all COG members and friends for making it a memorable day 027.jpg



The Gang



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