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Posted (edited)

Seeking (along with oh, so many other people...):



Black Nickel Turquoise Edition

Gold Spiced Yime Edition

Copper Nutella Edition

Nickel UTE Edition

Gold UTE

Black Nickel UTE Edition



Fiesta Edition

UTE Edition Nickel

UTE Edition Gold




New Jersey





Long Island


(I think those are the 999 coins I'm missing. I'm getting confused a bit at this point... I think there were 28 events but some events were sharing coins with other events and... well you get the picture. If I end up with a duplicate, that's ok...)


I have bolded the ones I'd especially like or need to complete a set.


Please check my available coins HERE



Edited by Crowesfeat30

anyone interested in trading an Anasazi Golden Spiced Yime Edition for a Satin Silver/Black Carosel Lion w/Purple trappings and pink stone (XLE)? (contact by e-mail please.)






still available for a trade!

Posted (edited)

Ok, I haven't posted here in awhile and I thought I would see if I could snag a couple of coins off my seeking list to end the mailbox dry spell.




Earth Compass AS preferred

2006 British Columbia

Northern Territory, Australia 2009 BN

Canada Geocoin N/S and E/W

Nature's Night and Day

The King of the Cache, The Caching Ace, The Queen of the Cache

Moon Mushroom

SpaceGate AS

The G-Files BN Glow

Trainset Geocoins (Engine and Caboose)

Alaska geocoins (except the 2008 Bronze...have it already)

Run for the Roses

COG 2007 AS and COG 2009

Perfect Caching Weather (Chrome)

Chargemen and Nordjas 2007


2008 I Love Geocoins

Aries Travelling

Cache Rewards Series (any one)

Cached and Confused

Oak Island

Cleaning Up the World CITO 2007

Geocaching Across the Atlantic AS

Crystal Compass Rose


Up for trade for any of the coins above is my personal coin that came out in the spring....Out on the Water, Caching by Boat coin (Available in Full Colour Nickel or Sepia Gold) -- see my site for pictures: http://sites.google.com/site/eltadascollec...ut-on-the-water


Or, I also have other traders listed at (scroll right to the bottom):



If interested, please contact me through my profile. Thanks!

Edited by ELTADA

Still looking for...


Dutch Geocoin 2005 LE

Dutch Geocoin 2006 LE

Dutch Geocoin 2007 LE

Dutch Lion

Geocoin Collecting Geocoin Antique Nickel LE

Geocoin Collecting Geocoin Antique Copper AE

Seize the Day G/Red MOGA Event Edition Geocoin

Team Wolfje, Enamel Black Nickel SE

Team Wolfje, Epoxy Antique Silver LE

Tracking Time, Antique Silver

Geocachers luck and protection geocoin (mystery coin)

Templar Geocoin BN

Templar Geocoin FG

Templar Geocoin N

Good Jeremy/Bad Jeremy AS


Different very limited geocoins available for trade.

Posted (edited)

>>>>> this post is edited, as posted to the wrong section.


some tn/ln geocoins available for trade.


took nothing, left nothing? so this coin might be something for you.


1.5" across (38mm). trackable with custom icon.







Edited by ernies

matte gold xxle

Are you offering any for trade (since you posted this in the trade thread)?


oooops, wrong thread. well, since you ask the question: yes, a few. any offers?

just contact me via gc.com.




matte gold xxle


I like this one but the only way to get it is to buy the set of 5 coins and that is almost $100 US dollars!!! :D I'll have to pass & look for a trade.




Looks like $60 in USD. :(

Posted (edited)

I like this one but the only way to get it is to buy the set of 5 coins and that is almost $100 US dollars!!! :D I'll have to pass & look for a trade.



Looks like $60 in USD. :unsure:


40% off :blink::o


the main problem is the currently weak u.s. dollar whose exchange rate has dropped quite a bit lately compared to other currencies like the euro. so that makes geocoin importing more expensive for u.s. customers.


Edited by ernies

Looks like $60 in USD. :(

Whoops! My bad. I just saw the dollar amount and assumed it was Euros. :D I stand corrected but still outta my range at the moment.




(see also post above)

i will put some on ebay later, for 0.99$.




NEptune's Compass Deep Sea

NEptune's Compass Tempest

YemonYime v3 GCF gold

Armadillo Fiesta

any Anasazi Spirit Dweller

Geocacher's Star 2009 polished gold

Geocacher's Star 2009 polished silver


please send PM or email through GC.com user name




sent ya an email Pastor :D


Ok, I haven't posted here in awhile and I thought I would see if I could snag a couple of coins off my seeking list to end the mailbox dry spell.




Earth Compass AS preferred

2006 British Columbia

Northern Territory, Australia 2009 BN

Canada Geocoin N/S and E/W

Nature's Night and Day

The King of the Cache, The Caching Ace, The Queen of the Cache

Moon Mushroom

SpaceGate AS

The G-Files BN Glow

Trainset Geocoins (Engine and Caboose)

Alaska geocoins (except the 2008 Bronze...have it already)

Run for the Roses

COG 2007 AS and COG 2009

Perfect Caching Weather (Chrome)

Chargemen and Nordjas 2007


2008 I Love Geocoins

Aries Travelling

Cache Rewards Series (any one)

Cached and Confused

Oak Island

Cleaning Up the World CITO 2007

Geocaching Across the Atlantic AS

Crystal Compass Rose


Up for trade for any of the coins above is my personal coin that came out in the spring....Out on the Water, Caching by Boat coin (Available in Full Colour Nickel or Sepia Gold) -- see my site for pictures: http://sites.google.com/site/eltadascollec...ut-on-the-water


Or, I also have other traders listed at (scroll right to the bottom):



If interested, please contact me through my profile. Thanks!


Email on the way

Posted (edited)

I have a Neptunes Compass Artic Ocean that I would like to trade for a Muddy Waters edition Neptunes Compass. Thanks for any help.

Edited by love2cat

the person i promised my aquarium neptunes compass to has let me know they dont need my one now.


so its up for trade offers now.


im not sure what coin i would request yet, i like the tranquility coins, but there are other nice coins out there also.


see if you can tempt me to trade with you by luring me with your trade offers :D


The trade was for six coins. (I am physically ill over this.) I can replace two of the six myself, but I find myself in a desperate need to trade for the remaining four.


Hope you gave it at least a full 6 weeks from the date you sent it. Sometimes, especially with mailers containing more than 4 coins, customs will hang onto them for weeks and weeks.


Thanks for this, AtlantaGal. It has only been 3 weeks, so perhaps my panic is premature. This is the first intl package with that many coins, other than missions which are in larger boxes and required the larger customs paper (that allows for tracking). At this point I am hoping for the best but preparing for the worst!


recently, it took 10 weeks for me to receive a trade geocoin from the netherlands. i also thought the package was lost. the sender even offered to replace the geocoin, but i didn't feel it was their resposibility as i had assumed the risk when trading internationally. the package finally arrived after being held by customs for whatever reason. ask the person you are trading with, to be patient a few more weeks. hopefully...alls well that ends well. :D


Coins are at costum.. got the information this morning. Will go there tomorrow and *fingercrossed* get the coins without leaving money...


the person i promised my aquarium neptunes compass to has let me know they dont need my one now.


so its up for trade offers now.


im not sure what coin i would request yet, i like the tranquility coins, but there are other nice coins out there also.


see if you can tempt me to trade with you by luring me with your trade offers :D

How about an Oceanic Earth Turtle Maui or Bora Bora edition?? huh, huh?




Anasazi Spirit Dweller (any metal)

Green Tree Frog (any metal)



Have for Trade:

Adventures in Geocaching Vol 1


The Cache Rash (AE Satin Gold)


Capsule Coin (brown color)


Celtic Star (copper)


Crake Wildflowers 2009 (Gold)


GC&PC August 2008 – Geocachers Blending To Our Surroundings


Good Mojo - Version 1 (doll version)


Jersey Diner Hitman Event (Gold)


Kids & Caching (Antique Silver)


Kids & Caching (Gold)


Kids & Caching (BN -artist edition)


Lighthouse Suncatcher (gold)


Lost Treasures Series Fire Salamander V1 (gold)


Moose on the Loose (Silver; glitter)


Nolefan9939 & KimbyJ's Just Married 2007)


Orca Shimmer (AE) - gold/glitter


Out on the Water, Caching By Boat (full color, Antique Silver LE)


Remember Our Fallen (Blue-LE)


Saskatchewan 2007 (SE Gold)


World's Best Dad (BN w/blue hat AE)


Seeking (along with oh, so many other people...):



Black Nickel Turquoise Edition

Copper Nutella Edition

Nickel UTE Edition

Gold UTE

Black Nickel UTE Edition



UTE Edition Nickel

UTE Edition Gold




New Jersey




Long Island


(I think those are the 999 coins I'm missing. I'm getting confused a bit at this point... I think there were 28 events but some events were sharing coins with other events and... well you get the picture. If I end up with a duplicate, that's ok...)


I have bolded the ones I'd especially like or need to complete a set.


Please check my available coins HERE




update, found a few to mark off and added the copper cache rewards. :ph34r:


im riding misc. coins and aiming for complete sets!! if you can help complete my sets please contact me.


Seeking list


Tengwars _Black Nickel and silver LE, .925 silver & 24k gold Tengwars (will trade multi)

Celtic Star AE, Black Nickel-trade pending

Guardians of the night AE- Ant. Silver with black glitter

Neptunes compass- muddy water

Celtic Cross- Ant. Gold with blue

Belted Kingfisher- Copper, Bronze, Black Nickel, Copper with Ant. Silver, Silver with Copper

2008 Compass Rose-gold with Bronze

Year of the Ox- Red on gold, orange on Nickel with Black Nickel

Celtic Peacock- Ant. Gold, Ant. Silver

Cache Rewards Gold- very challenging, great container,excellent hide-pending

Cache Rewards Ant. Silver- very challenging , great container, excellent hide

Cache Rewards Ant. Bronze- excellent hide, Amazing View

Cache Rewards- all copper versions.

5th anniversary compass roses- - YemonYime version , any numbered sampled versions.



Will trade activated coins for activated coins, of course will adopt it over to new owner, it will specify activated next to name of coin.



4 Musketeers- copper with royalist blue (activated)

2007 Isle of man-gold (activated)

2007 CastleMan- Rodium (activated)

2007 Castleman- Ant. Silver

2007 Rhein Nahe

6 jahre geoclub-black and white glitter (2 pieces/2 separate tracking numbers) 2 coins for trade

2006 Alberta wild rose- Black nickel

pathtag Sherpa - Ant. Gold, mabie bronze cant tell.

Love compass rose 2 tone LE- Silver with gold

Nolefan9399 & kimby j just married- black nickel

Caching coins jersey-silver

Tengwar- Ant. Silver , satin gold and Nickel LE- special trades/ will trade both for the LE tengwar I need

Moga pistol 2009- copper with red handle - special trades

The peters trio

2007 prowler53- copper

Celtic sun AE

Geo cell- gold

Utah micro 2006 , the micro mini ,, oak buck 1$ - will trade the 3 for 1 full size or 2” coin

German shepard coin (not sure of the name) has pic of a shepard standing by a fence (can see pic on pg 337 of the mailbox thread from dr neal.)

The cacher- black nickel

2009 team rod and tod with kaboom - silver

Kache kat and kickin 3 coin set (2 untrackables and 1 set trackable)gold,silver,nickel-will not piece apart set)

Cito- mother nature watches us- silver.

Geo-portal- i have all the versions including my AEs for trades


please contact me for any and all trades. i love to trade!!!! trades are good!!! thanks for looking and trading!!


ive done some wire wraps, if any one is intrested in these





I would like to trade for a midnight stargazer coin...I just saw it now and can't believe what I've missed in not having internet for 3 weeks!


I have my personal for trade and some cache hoppers and maybe a Neptune's Compass, not sure which one as my records are on my home computer and I am now at the library with 4 minutes remaining on my time limit!



Please? anyone?



Nobody huh? I just never seem to get trades out of this trading thread...

Posted (edited)

Now that the dust has settled somewhat I thought I might try my luck (as bad as it has been of late) I'm hanging onto the slim hope that the two I have might be sought after by those who missed out at Tsuns stand due to the few that were on sale were leftovers and not the full minting run.


We can but ask. :ph34r:


Looking for Neptunes Compass


Deep Sea Edition

Tempest - Neptune's Fury Edition


Up for offer


Aquarium Edition

Muddy Water Edition

Edited by AlliedOz
I would like to trade for a midnight stargazer coin...I just saw it now and can't believe what I've missed in not having internet for 3 weeks!


I have my personal for trade and some cache hoppers and maybe a Neptune's Compass, not sure which one as my records are on my home computer and I am now at the library with 4 minutes remaining on my time limit!



Please? anyone?



Nobody huh? I just never seem to get trades out of this trading thread...


I rarely get trades from this thread either. I sent you an email.


I have the following available for trade:


Crystal Compass Rose Set - all 3 coins, prefer to trade as set

Earth Turtle Oceania Bora Bora

Earth Turtle Oceania Maui

Elf (the new one by tadpole379 offered by cacheaddict - Blue)

Geo Coin Club - 6/09 - CITO- Cache In Trash Out

Geo Coin Club - 7/09 - El Muerto del AmmoCan

San Diego County Geocachers 2007 (Silver)

Spiral Dragon (Nickel)

Toronto 2006 Geocoin (Antique Gold)


I'm really looking for any trackable micro Musketeers, the new Yemon Yime GCF version, Deadliest Cache Maverick or Wizard, the GCF 09 event coin or see my seeking list on geocoincollection.com


I have the following available for trade:


Crystal Compass Rose Set - all 3 coins, prefer to trade as set

Earth Turtle Oceania Bora Bora

Earth Turtle Oceania Maui

Elf (the new one by tadpole379 offered by cacheaddict - Blue)

Geo Coin Club - 6/09 - CITO- Cache In Trash Out

Geo Coin Club - 7/09 - El Muerto del AmmoCan

San Diego County Geocachers 2007 (Silver)

Spiral Dragon (Nickel)

Toronto 2006 Geocoin (Antique Gold)


I'm really looking for any trackable micro Musketeers, the new Yemon Yime GCF version, Deadliest Cache Maverick or Wizard, the GCF 09 event coin or see my seeking list on geocoincollection.com


I have a lot of coins from your seeking list.


You have an Mail.


Greatings René






Putnam Museum, IA - TRADE COMPLETE (haven't heard from the receiver if they got the coin I sent them)

Pacific Science Center, WA

Rochester Museum, NY - TRADE COMPLETE (haven't heard from the receiver if they got the coin I sent them)

Discovery Museum, CT

Minnetrista Cultural Center, IN - IN THE MAIL


Also looking for:


Baby Geocoin (really want this as my son is about to be born in 2 weeks!!)

1701eh Memorial Geocoin

KacheKat & Kickin' Geocoin


Have GPS Maze "Children's Museum" Geocoins for trade or "Jaspa the Journeyer" coins. Otherwise I can pay.



Rochester Museum, NY - TRADE COMPLETE (haven't heard from the receiver if they got the coin I sent them)



They didn't :D




Gah. I hope it gets there soon. I got it in the post last Friday!



Rochester Museum, NY - TRADE COMPLETE (haven't heard from the receiver if they got the coin I sent them)



They didn't :D




Gah. I hope it gets there soon. I got it in the post last Friday!


Was there when they got home :rolleyes: Thx.



Posted (edited)

I have a Neptunes Compass Artic Ocean that I would like to trade for a Muddy Waters edition Neptunes Compass. Thanks for any help.


pm sent well duh....sending another pm

Edited by BVnLJ

Hi all,


i´m looking for the neptun´s Compass Coins. Until know i have no version.


I have the following coins up for trade


Moose Geocoinshop LE

Bulgarien Mystic Coin AS

Benchmark Geocoin Micro Cooper

Benchmark Washington AG

Cache Caravan Micro Cooper

Cache Caracan Micro Silber

Candystick Nickel

Chills Ride 2006 Gold LE

Cito 2007 Geocoin Nickel

Cito Coin Signal Frog

Edward Munch Scary Night

Edward Munch Scream Coin

Erzgebirge Geocoin Two Tone LE

FTF Geocoin BN

GPS Adventure Maze Series 1 Silver

Grimm Cacher Gold LE

Grimm Cacher "Relax i´m just here…) Silver

Guardian Coin Silver

Jukebox Coin Suncatcher Nickel LE

Leipzig Eventcoin Silver

Little Mermaid Coin Red Hair (Arielle)

Little Mermaid Coin Brown Hair

Little Mermaid Coin Blond Hair

Lord of the Cache Earth AG

Lord of the Cache Earth AS

Lord of the Cache Earth Gold

Lord of the Cache Earth Silver

Lord of the Cache Earth BN

Los Muertos Geocoin LE

Mallorgeo Silver

MegaPott GeOlympics Silver LE

Mossemob/Roadrunner AS

Mother Henn and three chicks Gold (not trackable but numbered)

Munich Geocoin 2008 Gold Glowing XLE (only 10 Coins weltweit)

Munich Geocoin 2008 BN/Glowing XLE (only 10 Coins weltweit)

NRW Goes Geocaching Gold Personal Coin

Perfect Weather Caching BN Personal Coin

Police Squad Magelan Armed AS

Ruhrpott Coin Regions of Germany Nickel

Schwäbische Alb Regions of Germany Nickel

South Jersey / North New Jersey Coin Gold

Stadtmeisterschaft Darmstadt Gold LE

Stadtmeisterschaft Hannover LE

Team Ole Omi All in fun AS

Team Ole Omi All in fun AG

Team Sand Dollar 2006 SG

Team Sand Dollar MWGB Nickel

Twelve Day´s of Geoaching Spinner Coin Silver

Venus Coin Gold LE

2007 Volunteer Geocoin Gold LE

2007 Volunteer Geocoin BN LE

Autism Awarnes Coin Nickel

Bahama Starfish Nickel

Caching with you Pug AS

Dorkfish Fishtank BN

Gauss Coin AS

Gauss Coin AG

Geotoids BN

Hazard II Perry County

Bitten by Whitebear AS

Castleman 2008 Geocoin Gold SE

Castleman 2008 Geocoin USE

CM/CW Caching Two Tone SE

Compass Rose 2008 AS/yellow

Compass Rose 2008 AS/Green

Compass Rose 2008 Gold/Blue

Compass Rose 2008 Cooper

Dragonspinner Spinner Coin AG

Dragonspinner Spinner Coin AS

Earth Turtle 2008 Gold/Blue

Mallorgeo Gold LE

Musketeer Assasin Creed AS

Musketeer Cardinal Red AS

Unknown Soldier AS


If you are interessted to sell some of this coins please send an offer.


Greatings René


I am looking for two coins put out by CRAZY INUVIK ELDERS. Will trade or purchase, can be activated and adoptable:


Drum Dancer

Inuvik 50th Anniversary.


Please tell me what these are...they sound like something I would be really interested in.


Now that the dust has settled somewhat I thought I might try my luck (as bad as it has been of late) I'm hanging onto the slim hope that the two I have might be sought after by those who missed out at Tsuns stand due to the few that were on sale were leftovers and not the full minting run.


We can but ask. :smile:


Looking for Neptunes Compass


Deep Sea Edition

Tempest - Neptune's Fury Edition


Up for offer


Aquarium Edition

Muddy Water Edition


Forgive my ignorance AGAIN, but were these new GCF versions?


Now that the dust has settled somewhat I thought I might try my luck (as bad as it has been of late) I'm hanging onto the slim hope that the two I have might be sought after by those who missed out at Tsuns stand due to the few that were on sale were leftovers and not the full minting run.


We can but ask. :smile:


Looking for Neptunes Compass


Deep Sea Edition

Tempest - Neptune's Fury Edition


Up for offer


Aquarium Edition

Muddy Water Edition


Forgive my ignorance AGAIN, but were these new GCF versions?


Now that the dust has settled somewhat I thought I might try my luck (as bad as it has been of late) I'm hanging onto the slim hope that the two I have might be sought after by those who missed out at Tsuns stand due to the few that were on sale were leftovers and not the full minting run.


We can but ask. :smile:


Looking for Neptunes Compass


Deep Sea Edition

Tempest - Neptune's Fury Edition


Up for offer


Aquarium Edition

Muddy Water Edition


Forgive my ignorance AGAIN, but were these new GCF versions?

Aye, I believe they were.


Now that the dust has settled somewhat I thought I might try my luck (as bad as it has been of late) I'm hanging onto the slim hope that the two I have might be sought after by those who missed out at Tsuns stand due to the few that were on sale were leftovers and not the full minting run.


We can but ask. :smile:


Looking for Neptunes Compass


Deep Sea Edition

Tempest - Neptune's Fury Edition


Up for offer


Aquarium Edition

Muddy Water Edition


Forgive my ignorance AGAIN, but were these new GCF versions?


I think they were availble in September (except the Tempest version)...

See the Neptunes Compass thread

Posted (edited)

Now that the dust has settled somewhat I thought I might try my luck (as bad as it has been of late) I'm hanging onto the slim hope that the two I have might be sought after by those who missed out at Tsuns stand due to the few that were on sale were leftovers and not the full minting run.


We can but ask. :smile:


Looking for Neptunes Compass


Deep Sea Edition

Tempest - Neptune's Fury Edition


Up for offer


Aquarium Edition

Muddy Water Edition


Forgive my ignorance AGAIN, but were these new GCF versions?


I think they were availble in September (except the Tempest version)...

See the Neptunes Compass thread


I'm confused on this too...there are three on ebay right now. A deep sea, a neptunes fury, and a copper one.

Two say they are from the GCF and the other is just "highly sought after". I haven't seen any of them before though so I guess they are all from the GCF :lol:


maybe the copper one is the muddy water ? (befuddled)

Edited by BVnLJ

The muddy water and the aquarium version were available at the tsun store before GCF. You can see pictures here:




The tempest version is the red and purple on black nickel, and the deep sea is a new blue one on shiny nickel (not to be confused with the sandblasted silver/nickel). These were both introduced at GCF.


Lotsa pictures here:


Posted (edited)

Want to purchase a North Carolina Geocoin Regular Verson not the micro any year,any metal.send message with what you have to sell, don't have much that would be desireable trades.Thanks

Edited by Nanni&PapK57

I am looking for two coins put out by CRAZY INUVIK ELDERS. Will trade or purchase, can be activated and adoptable:


Drum Dancer

Inuvik 50th Anniversary.


Please tell me what these are...they sound like something I would be really interested in.


Yeah, me too. :(

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