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Air power series geocoin Presale!


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This is a coin I have been working on for some time now. There will be seven more in the series if this one goes. Only 600 will be made of each coin. This is the first one. I am only going to sell 500 the rest I will keep to set free or trade or ? The price of the coin includes shipping and insurance. There are two prices listed one for United States and Canada and one for all others. aetoys



The coin has already been approved by Groundspeak for custom prefix with tracking numbers and icon


Coins should ship Nov. 20th or sooner.


Click here to order.


The other coins in this series will be


A-10 Thunderbolt

B-2 Spirit

AH-1W Cobra


Then the vintage air power will be


P-51 mustang

B-29A Superfortress

P-38J Lightning

F4U-1A Corsair


I hope to have all coins done for christmas.

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Do you mean you hope that ALL the coins you have listed will be produced (finished, completed and in-hand) by Christmas??


Thats what I am hoping for. All coins done shipped and sitting in Xmas socks by xmas morning.


OK, I have to get this clairified:


You will have all 7 coins in the series done by Christmas?




That is what I am going for.

Edited by aetoys
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This is a coin I have been working on for some time now. There will be seven more in the series if this one goes. Only 600 will be made of each coin. This is the first one. I am only going to sell 500 the rest I will keep to set free or trade or ? The price of the coin includes shipping and insurance. There are two prices listed one for United States and Canada and one for all others. aetoys



The coin has already been approved by Groundspeak for custom prefix with tracking numbers and icon


Coins should ship Nov. 20th or sooner.


Click here to order.


The other coins in this series will be


A-10 Thunderbolt

B-2 Spirit

AH-1W Cobra


Then the vintage air power will be


P-51 mustang

B-29A Superfortress

P-38J Lightning

F4U-1A Corsair


I hope to have all coins done for christmas.


There are 8 in the series, 4 modern and 4 vintage. If sales are good All should be done by Christmas.


the size is 2", 3mm Thick

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Nice looking coin! Order placed. I hope you have a way to notify coin buyers when the next one becomes available because I want 'em all. I suspect that once people see how nice these coins are turning out, you may not be able to get a full set by waiting until the last one is done.


I'd also liike to nominate the Granville Bros. "Gee Bee R-1" for the next vintage set!


Good luck with your production schedule. :unsure:

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Nice looking coin! Order placed. I hope you have a way to notify coin buyers when the next one becomes available because I want 'em all. I suspect that once people see how nice these coins are turning out, you may not be able to get a full set by waiting until the last one is done.


I'd also liike to nominate the Granville Bros. "Gee Bee R-1" for the next vintage set!


Good luck with your production schedule. :unsure:


I will email every one who ordered the first coin before the rest go on sale. So who ever buys this coin will also get first chance at the rest. I love the "Gee Bee's. and if the coins do well more sets I'm sure will follow.

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I fell sad that you didn't include the F-4 Phantom in your list. It is one of the longest flying aircraft in the US military arsenal.


The F-4 Phantom is a great plane and I have a coin already for proofing but I cut the list maybe I'll do a 2nd series next year. I have about 20 aircraft I started the airwork for, before picking the 8 I am offering this year.



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Ok the proofs are back for the F/A-22 Raptor with two other finish. Silver and Black Nickel. I should have the proof back on the A-10 by Monday. I will Start taking orders on Wed.. As for the F/A-22 the coin will retire ofter 600 made. The first mint will be whatever has sold plus a few extra. The next mint of the F/A-22 will be after the new year. I was going to try to get all 8 coins done before Christmas. But after talking to friends and the people making the coin for me I think I will only be able to get the first four done before Christmas..


Silver finish.



Black nickel finish.




Edited by aetoys
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Hello, I have talked to the mint. and I will be adding Silver and Black nickel tonight to the site. I'll upload the new set of proofs as soon as the kids go to sleep. Thanks!


Are those the next planes, or the same coin in different finishes?

Silver and Black nickel finish of the F/A-22

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Hello, Just a small change on the upcoming coins. I will be moving the B-2 to the bomber series coming out after the vintage series. I will be replacing it with the F-4 Phantom. "It's been 40 years since the "Phabulous Phantom" first took to the air on May 27, 1958. The F-4 Phantom II aircraft, which still flies in defense of 8 nations, was retired in 1996 from U.S. military forces, ending a record-studded 38-year career." I think this aircraft has earned a spot in the first series. Thanks! I hope to see proofs of them this week. I will post as I get them.

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Hello, Just a small change on the upcoming coins. I will be moving the B-2 to the bomber series coming out after the vintage series. I will be replacing it with the F-4 Phantom. "It's been 40 years since the "Phabulous Phantom" first took to the air on May 27, 1958. The F-4 Phantom II aircraft, which still flies in defense of 8 nations, was retired in 1996 from U.S. military forces, ending a record-studded 38-year career." I think this aircraft has earned a spot in the first series. Thanks! I hope to see proofs of them this week. I will post as I get them.


I'm very excited about this. My father was one of the first US Air Force pilots of this aircraft when it entered the Air Force inventory. Here is a picture of him in 1964. He is standing on the right.


He was still flying the F-4 when he retired as an instructor pilot for the Air National Guard in 1984.

Edited by webscouter.
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Tank Killer -- my favorite. Looking forward to seeing the A-10.


Love the Warthog! What a awsome plane...


Years ago I had a computer set up as a flight simulator (with yokes, sticks, and pedals like a real plane). Besides the MS Cessna, I also flew an A-10 that real pilots said was lifelike in its operation. Unlike other planes, the Warthog belongs right there with the grunts on the ground. It is like a fast flying tank. (Fast compared to a tank, that is.)


Then one day I was at the big Exhibition (a large fair) in Toronto and they have a big air show. I wasn't at the air show, but was very near by when I saw it... an A-10 suddenly appeared from behind some buildings. It seemed to be hanging in the air as it floated by the crowd. I was awed by its ugliness... so ugly it is beautiful.


An interesting thing about the A-10 is that if a ground enemy spots one low on the horizon, they have a hard time telling if it is coming or going, but they do hope that it is going.

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Proofs for the A10 should be in today. Then the F4 proofs within the week.


Also if any one is interested in buying the F/A-22 in bulk to get a lower price email me and let me how many you would like, I will email back bulk pricing. could be a good way to make a little extra money this xmas.


Orders for F/A-22 will stop on Monday November 6th when I order from the mint. The 2nd batch will not be offered unitl next year some time after the vintage set and the bomber set.



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Years ago I had a computer set up as a flight simulator (with yokes, sticks, and pedals like a real plane). Besides the MS Cessna, I also flew an A-10 that real pilots said was lifelike in its operation. Unlike other planes, the Warthog belongs right there with the grunts on the ground. It is like a fast flying tank. (Fast compared to a tank, that is.)



I, too, am an A-10 fan


"Fast" is a relative term - relative to era, if nothing else

The A-10 has almost identical performance specs as a P-51 Mustang

(climb rate, ceiling, max speed, roll rate, takeoff/landing distance, etc)

The one spec that differs greatly is the maximum payload

(feel free to guess which carries more)

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