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El Diablo

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Now that I have your attention. :) Have you ever stopped to think where this sport/hobby/game would be without our Reviewers? Or how about where these forums would be without Moderaters?


I can remember the good old days when fur flew in here. Well maybe they weren't that good. :unsure: Most of the Moderators in here are also Reviewers and have seen the good the bad and the ugly. They do a thankless job that most cachers don't even consider.


Over the years they have reviewed and approved hundreds of thousands of caches. They have kept many of us from killing each other in the fourms. Considering the money they are paid (None. Unless Jeremy and Bryan have gotten off the pocket book.) They are volunteers that take time out of their life to make it possible that we have fun. it's amazing that they take on such a task. We ridicule them, challange their decisons. complain about caches not being approved, or not being approved fast enough.


They are the people that make caching possible. They are the people that keep these fourms family friendly. Sadly most people forget, or don't know what these people do. Without them this sport/game/hobby would grind to a stop.


It's time to say thanks to your Reviewer and fourm Moderater.


Thanks Keystone, mtn-man, Quiggle, Briansnat, Jeremy, Cybret, Markwell, Moun10bike, and Sax man, and to everyone else that works behind the scenes reviewing caches and moderating the fourms. You people are the greatest!


El Diablo


Okay. What has the stick-maker done this week that he has to suck up?


Were the police involved?


First off...it's not a stick. It's a staff. I haven't done anything wrong that I know of. It's just time to appreciate those that do so much for us.


And whee the hell have you been?


El Diablo


Now that I have your attention. :) Have you ever stopped to think where this sport/hobby/game would be without our Reviewers?


Speaking for myself, yeah, I've thought about it.


I give thanks when I feel I need to, not when someone else feels that I need to. If you haven't received my thanks yet, well, maybe you have to work a bit harder for it. If you have received my thanks, then you deserve it.


Oh yeah, interesting post. Thanks for bringing it up.

Posted (edited)

Okay. What has the stick-maker done this week that he has to suck up?


Were the police involved?


First off...it's not a stick. It's a staff. I haven't done anything wrong that I know of. It's just time to appreciate those that do so much for us.


And whee the hell have you been?


El Diablo

Hanging out in bars a lot. Working two jobs. I'm now in the middle of a great controversy involving a Top Ten list I made for a newspaper I write for.

Edited by Torry


Hanging out in bars a lot. Working two jobs.


Maybe if you stop hanging out in the bars so much then you could quit one of the two jobs :)

The bars are virtual. The work is real. A lot cheaper that way and all the women remain fantasies.


Oops. On topic ...


Bravo, reviewers!


There. Whew. Almost forgot.

Posted (edited)
It's OK, Quiggle, we like you, too.
Quiggle? What's a Quiggle?
They're frog-like little guys.


I think the one in the pic in the avatar a few posts up got hit by a truck.


Edited by sbell111

All that said if fine but there are a few that has taken the Job and it is a Job way over the edge. Team 360 was given the Boot for making a joke or pushing an idea of a coin that Groundspeak doesn't want anything to do with. then a friend of mine was Booted off for speaking of such Coin and made his avatar be the coin. he was told that it was a banning from the post for 1 week then after that week was up, it turned in to for good. nothing was said the bannig turned in to getting Booted for good. yes they are doing a good job but some have taken there powers and turned to the Dark Side. i heard one Moderator described as Hitler. so yes most of them do need to hear the words Thank You. but some need to be moved to moderat some place else. i mean you don't keep a guard that beats on inmates in an area that he can still beat on prisoners you eather fire them or move them in an area that makes it where they can not touch the inmates. this place is for familys but when a kid asks a simple question and a moderator boots him off cuz he thinks that the question is not ok for Groundspeak is getting bad. i bet i'll get the boot for this post. or atleast a warning.


B1rdbrain :)


Wait a minute. The mods and reviewers receive no pay for their hours of daily service, they have to hide behind separate account names to avoid being personally harassed, they are routinely accosted and assaulted at caching events to the poit of being afraid to attend, they spend hundreds of dollars worth of their own electricity, computer usage and energy, ..... and they get to beat up prisoners?


Where do I sign?


All that said if fine but there are a few that has taken the Job and it is a Job way over the edge. Team 360 was given the Boot for making a joke or pushing an idea of a coin that Groundspeak doesn't want anything to do with. then a friend of mine was Booted off for speaking of such Coin and made his avatar be the coin. he was told that it was a banning from the post for 1 week then after that week was up, it turned in to for good. nothing was said the bannig turned in to getting Booted for good. yes they are doing a good job but some have taken there powers and turned to the Dark Side. i heard one Moderator described as Hitler. so yes most of them do need to hear the words Thank You. but some need to be moved to moderat some place else. i mean you don't keep a guard that beats on inmates in an area that he can still beat on prisoners you eather fire them or move them in an area that makes it where they can not touch the inmates. this place is for familys but when a kid asks a simple question and a moderator boots him off cuz he thinks that the question is not ok for Groundspeak is getting bad. i bet i'll get the boot for this post. or atleast a warning.


B1rdbrain :)


Consider yourself warned...




(Not that it really matters coming from me!) :D


All that said if fine but there are a few that has taken the Job and it is a Job way over the edge. Team 360 was given the Boot for making a joke or pushing an idea of a coin that Groundspeak doesn't want anything to do with. then a friend of mine was Booted off for speaking of such Coin and made his avatar be the coin. he was told that it was a banning from the post for 1 week then after that week was up, it turned in to for good. nothing was said the bannig turned in to getting Booted for good. yes they are doing a good job but some have taken there powers and turned to the Dark Side. i heard one Moderator described as Hitler. so yes most of them do need to hear the words Thank You. but some need to be moved to moderat some place else. i mean you don't keep a guard that beats on inmates in an area that he can still beat on prisoners you eather fire them or move them in an area that makes it where they can not touch the inmates. this place is for familys but when a kid asks a simple question and a moderator boots him off cuz he thinks that the question is not ok for Groundspeak is getting bad. i bet i'll get the boot for this post. or atleast a warning.


B1rdbrain :)


Lessee, been in the game all of 3 whole months now, found 90 caches and attended 1 event, blessed us with your wise opinion 143 times, and can't find anything nice to say about the dedicated volunteers that make this site and game work?


"i bet i'll get the boot for this post. or at least a warning."


I bet you won't. You evidently underestimate these folks.


But, if they do...We'll miss you when your gone why?




Lessee, been in the game all of 3 whole months now, found 90 caches and attended 1 event, blessed us with your wise opinion 143 times, and can't find anything nice to say about the dedicated volunteers that make this site and game work?


"i bet i'll get the boot for this post. or at least a warning."


I bet you won't. You evidently underestimate these folks.


But, if they do...We'll miss you when your gone why?



I don't have anything nice to say? whare have you been. i was talking about the very few Mods that take the job way over the edge. i have not named any mods but Team 360 was booted for a Geocoin idea and some one else was booted for talking about said Coin. these people didn't get a warning they got booted they can't even go look up caches to find from all this happening. i know Joe had said sorry to the Mod that booted him and the mod has never even made it known that he even read it. so a friend is sitting at home can't even Geocache cuz he thought a coin was funny that Groundspeak made it known they would not suport at all. I ask you is it fair that some one speaks his mind to be given a boot and then can't enjoy a game he loves? it's not like he was taking about muggling every cache he came to and it was said in the forums. i think if he was given the boot at least make it where he can't post in the forums but let him still play.


Lessee, been in the game all of 3 whole months now, found 90 caches and attended 1 event, blessed us with your wise opinion 143 times, and can't find anything nice to say about the dedicated volunteers that make this site and game work?


"i bet i'll get the boot for this post. or at least a warning."


I bet you won't. You evidently underestimate these folks.


But, if they do...We'll miss you when your gone why?



I don't have anything nice to say? whare have you been. i was talking about the very few Mods that take the job way over the edge. i have not named any mods but Team 360 was booted for a Geocoin idea and some one else was booted for talking about said Coin. these people didn't get a warning they got booted they can't even go look up caches to find from all this happening. i know Joe had said sorry to the Mod that booted him and the mod has never even made it known that he even read it. so a friend is sitting at home can't even Geocache cuz he thought a coin was funny that Groundspeak made it known they would not suport at all. I ask you is it fair that some one speaks his mind to be given a boot and then can't enjoy a game he loves? it's not like he was taking about muggling every cache he came to and it was said in the forums. i think if he was given the boot at least make it where he can't post in the forums but let him still play.


If you have a beef about Team 360, then start your own thread. This one is about giving thanks to the people that work behind the scenes.


Please don't derail my topic.


Thanks! :)


El Diablo


If you have a beef about Team 360, then start your own thread. This one is about giving thanks to the people that work behind the scenes.


Please don't derail my topic.


Thanks! :)


El Diablo


Nicely put.


I think they are most definitely needed and also think they do a great job keeping everyone in line. With all of the mud slinging that goes on in the forums, I can't imagine what the forums would be like if left on their own.


What a nice thread El Diablo. The Mods rarely get "keep up the good work", more often an aweful lot of complaining.


I don't know if it's the same here, but on a forum where I'm a Mod, I don't have the authority to ban someone, only give them a time out, so I'm not sure that we aren't giving the mods too much credit for being "power happy" I think that may lay on paid staff. (And no, I'm not saying they are power happy, there is ALWAYS more to the story.)


Sorry, I think I just derailed your topic again.


You couldn't pay me to put up with the mods do on here, let alone do it for free! Keep up the good work!


these people didn't get a warning they got booted they can't even go look up caches to find from all this happening. i know Joe had said sorry to the Mod that booted him and the mod has never even made it known that he even read it. so a friend is sitting at home can't even Geocache cuz he thought a coin was funny that Groundspeak made it known they would not suport at all. I ask you is it fair that some one speaks his mind to be given a boot and then can't enjoy a game he loves? it's not like he was taking about muggling every cache he came to and it was said in the forums. i think if he was given the boot at least make it where he can't post in the forums but let him still play.

Uhm, if your friend Joe is SlumberSix, it wasn't a mod or a reviewer that banned him, it was the guy that owns this website. At least that's who he keeps apologizing to with all his sockpuppets. It takes a lot to get banned here (I'm still here, that proves it); I'll bet money there's more to the story then getting banned just for thinking a coin is funny.

Sorry El D.


At the risk of getting a time out (due to a warning I was issued, my 1st BTW. Woo Hoo! not a virgin anymore...) I'd like to respond here. Moderators and reviewers are a necessary evil. This site would be hard pressed to operate without them. They do get their share of praise as this thread illustrates. That is a good thing. Putting them on a pedestal is not. Are they perfect? No. They make mistakes and errors in judgement as we all do. From what I have seen they are just average folks with an additional job to do.


All in all, the mods/reviewers do an exceptional job in what they have, or want to handle. "You can't please all of the people, all of the time" however, they do get close! Some cachers kinda take it personal when they are questioned about cache placements, attributes, etc, and I'm sure out of all those who serve for Ground Speak, they're are bound to be a (very) few who take somethings personally as well. Dealing with people is not easy and it does take some talent and "a little patience" (Guns-N-Roses). For an organization to run as this one does, so effectively, I consider myself fortunate to get to use the services provided and enjoy all parts of this site. From the top down, I thank you all.


it's not like he was taking about muggling every cache he came to and it was said in the forums.


That's true, he didn't threaten to muggle other people's caches here in the forum.


Steal his caches. nothing will piss him off more then to have to replace his caches.


I like the peeing on the cache idea.


You did.



Back on topic, it's a thankless job. I'm glad they're doing it, because I wouldn't want to.


it's not like he was taking about muggling every cache he came to and it was said in the forums.


That's true, he didn't threaten to muggle other people's caches here in the forum.


Steal his caches. nothing will piss him off more then to have to replace his caches.


I like the peeing on the cache idea.


You did.



Back on topic, it's a thankless job. I'm glad they're doing it, because I wouldn't want to.

you are no better then the news. why only take a small part of what was writen and make me look so bad. while take the whole post out of contex. first i was defending 2 people that got the Boot over a Geocoin idea. you then take 2 quotes out of contex to make me look bad. DUDE GROW UP. i bet i can do the same to you if my whole life was sticking my nose in to other peoples buisness. i was making a point about another cacher that was Booted this was not about me. and he was booted For A COIN IDEA i got the emails from the MOD and Joe i have read everything that the Mod had sent him Joe also had said sorry on 3 different times. but the MOD refuses to contact him back. i also never said it was all the MODs, i simply said the some of the MODs are acting like the Geocaching SS and have handed out harsher punishments to people that through a funny COIN idea out there. By the way the coin in question will be made and sold on Ebay for thoughs that would like to still get said Coin. and as far as Joe goes he said sorry 3 times to the MOD but the MOD has never said anything back to him. all the MOD did was Boot him off for good. all the guy wants is to access his acount and be able to look for caches. see when you get booted off here you get booted off from playing the game. is that fair? he aslo was told that the Banning was only going to be for a week out of the blue the bootting went from 1 week to forever. no reason given just did it anyway. so yes just like the LAPD there are alot that need thanks but there are a few Dirty ones that need to be sent someplace other then here. I Don't Pee in you're Pool, Please don't Poop on my Caches.


it's not like he was taking about muggling every cache he came to and it was said in the forums.


That's true, he didn't threaten to muggle other people's caches here in the forum.


Steal his caches. nothing will piss him off more then to have to replace his caches.


I like the peeing on the cache idea.


You did.



Back on topic, it's a thankless job. I'm glad they're doing it, because I wouldn't want to.

you are no better then the news. why only take a small part of what was writen and make me look so bad. while take the whole post out of contex. first i was defending 2 people that got the Boot over a Geocoin idea. you then take 2 quotes out of contex to make me look bad. DUDE GROW UP. i bet i can do the same to you if my whole life was sticking my nose in to other peoples buisness. i was making a point about another cacher that was Booted this was not about me. and he was booted For A COIN IDEA i got the emails from the MOD and Joe i have read everything that the Mod had sent him Joe also had said sorry on 3 different times. but the MOD refuses to contact him back. i also never said it was all the MODs, i simply said the some of the MODs are acting like the Geocaching SS and have handed out harsher punishments to people that through a funny COIN idea out there. By the way the coin in question will be made and sold on Ebay for thoughs that would like to still get said Coin. and as far as Joe goes he said sorry 3 times to the MOD but the MOD has never said anything back to him. all the MOD did was Boot him off for good. all the guy wants is to access his acount and be able to look for caches. see when you get booted off here you get booted off from playing the game. is that fair? he aslo was told that the Banning was only going to be for a week out of the blue the bootting went from 1 week to forever. no reason given just did it anyway. so yes just like the LAPD there are alot that need thanks but there are a few Dirty ones that need to be sent someplace other then here. I Don't Pee in you're Pool, Please don't Poop on my Caches.


Once again I'm going to politely ask you not to derail my topic. This topic is not about who got banned or why.


Apparently you have a a problem with someone being banned. If you look way up on top of the page you will see a button you can click to start your own topic. I suggest you do that if you feel so strongly about the subject.


This topic is about appreciation of Moderaters and Reviewers.


Thank you in advance for your understanding! :lol:


El Diablo


Egads! Methinks a few people need a hug more than the moderators do. :lol:


I've had nothing but positive personal interactions with the moderators here. I've met a handful of the cache reviewers and even liked them enough to go caching with a couple of them; those I haven't met but who have reviewed my caches have never been unreasonable.


I've disagreed with some of their decisions in the past, and the very fact that Mopar is still allowed around here speaks to the fact that the mods aren't perfect. :lol:


But in spite of their being human and capable of imperfections, I agree this site would be far worse off without them.


(Now please approve my vacation cache next to the federal courthouse already!!)

Posted (edited)
see when you get booted off here you get booted off from playing the game. is that fair?

Bird, I think I know where you're coming from, but the only honest answer to your question is, yes, it's fair. Nobody twisted my arm and made me play this game. I could've just as easily looked for Tupperware in the woods on other sites. I chose this site because it has the features I prefer. With that in mind, I recognize that the owners of this site have the right to boot me off any time they see fit. It's their playground, Brother. You gotta play by their rules, or go home. I know what coin you're talking about, and the part of my brain that enjoys Mind of Mencia even found it humorous. The other 99.3% of my brain thought it crossed the line in a big way. This site is multinational & multicultural, and that image painted an amazingly insulting picture of one particular culture/nationality. Promoting that image as a geocoin was just asking for trouble, and few of us were surprised when trouble arrived. Choosing that image as an avatar was just adding insult to injury. The only comments I've seen on this site which were ruder than that image are the ones that refer to Moderators and/or Reviewers as Nazis. That can get you banned faster than Rosie O'Donnell can finish off a pint of Ben & Jerry's. I notice you've done that several times, and even though you were always careful to make your references as indirect as possible, it's still a dangerous path to tread. My suggestion to you; if you like it here, and want to continue playing this game, lay off the SS comments. You'll last a lot longer.


Of course, I'm not a Moderator, so feel free to tell me to fly a kite. :lol:


Edit to add: Oops! Off topic alarm! Sorry!

I've seen forums without moderators, and they have all devolved into word slugfests within a brief time. Thank God, (Buddha/Gia/Seth/et. al), that we have the Moderators on here. With all the eclectic personalities in this place, chaos would kwickly reign without them. As far as the Reviewers go, I have nothing but high praise for the ones I know of.

Edited by Clan Riffster
see when you get booted off here you get booted off from playing the game. is that fair?

Bird, I think I know where you're coming from, but the only honest answer to your question is, yes, it's fair. Nobody twisted my arm and made me play this game. I could've just as easily looked for Tupperware in the woods on other sites. I chose this site because it has the features I prefer. With that in mind, I recognize that the owners of this site have the right to boot me off any time they see fit. It's their playground, Brother. You gotta play by their rules, or go home. I know what coin you're talking about, and the part of my brain that enjoys Mind of Mencia even found it humorous. The other 99.3% of my brain thought it crossed the line in a big way. This site is multinational & multicultural, and that image painted an amazingly insulting picture of one particular culture/nationality. Promoting that image as a geocoin was just asking for trouble, and few of us were surprised when trouble arrived. Choosing that image as an avatar was just adding insult to injury. The only comments I've seen on this site which were ruder than that image are the ones that refer to Moderators and/or Reviewers as Nazis. That can get you banned faster than Rosie O'Donnell can finish off a pint of Ben & Jerry's. I notice you've done that several times, and even though you were always careful to make your references as indirect as possible, it's still a dangerous path to tread. My suggestion to you; if you like it here, and want to continue playing this game, lay off the SS comments. You'll last a lot longer.


Of course, I'm not a Moderator, so feel free to tell me to fly a kite. :lol:


Edit to add: Oops! Off topic alarm! Sorry!

I've seen forums without moderators, and they have all devolved into word slugfests within a brief time. Thank God, (Buddha/Gia/Seth/et. al), that we have the Moderators on here. With all the eclectic personalities in this place, chaos would kwickly reign without them. As far as the Reviewers go, I have nothing but high praise for the ones I know of.

Well said, and Amen!


Wait a minute. The mods and reviewers receive no pay for their hours of daily service, they have to hide behind separate account names to avoid being personally harassed, they are routinely accosted and assaulted at caching events to the poit of being afraid to attend, they spend hundreds of dollars worth of their own electricity, computer usage and energy, ..... and they get to beat up prisoners?


Oh yeah, baby - that's the only reason I do this.


At the risk of getting a time out (due to a warning I was issued, my 1st BTW. Woo Hoo! not a virgin anymore...) I'd like to respond here. Moderators and reviewers are a necessary evil. This site would be hard pressed to operate without them.

That's right!

They do get their share of praise as this thread illustrates. That is a good thing.


Putting them on a pedestal is not.


Are they perfect? No.

Yes, we are.

They make mistakes and errors in judgement as we all do.

No, we don't.

From what I have seen they are just average folks with an additional job to do.

Did you just call me average?


Now, all praise the pasta!


it's not like he was taking about muggling every cache he came to and it was said in the forums.


That's true, he didn't threaten to muggle other people's caches here in the forum.


Steal his caches. nothing will piss him off more then to have to replace his caches.


I like the peeing on the cache idea.


You did.



Back on topic, it's a thankless job. I'm glad they're doing it, because I wouldn't want to.

you are no better then the news. why only take a small part of what was writen and make me look so bad. while take the whole post out of contex. first i was defending 2 people that got the Boot over a Geocoin idea. you then take 2 quotes out of contex to make me look bad. DUDE GROW UP. i bet i can do the same to you if my whole life was sticking my nose in to other peoples buisness. i was making a point about another cacher that was Booted this was not about me. and he was booted For A COIN IDEA i got the emails from the MOD and Joe i have read everything that the Mod had sent him Joe also had said sorry on 3 different times. but the MOD refuses to contact him back. i also never said it was all the MODs, i simply said the some of the MODs are acting like the Geocaching SS and have handed out harsher punishments to people that through a funny COIN idea out there. By the way the coin in question will be made and sold on Ebay for thoughs that would like to still get said Coin. and as far as Joe goes he said sorry 3 times to the MOD but the MOD has never said anything back to him. all the MOD did was Boot him off for good. all the guy wants is to access his acount and be able to look for caches. see when you get booted off here you get booted off from playing the game. is that fair? he aslo was told that the Banning was only going to be for a week out of the blue the bootting went from 1 week to forever. no reason given just did it anyway. so yes just like the LAPD there are alot that need thanks but there are a few Dirty ones that need to be sent someplace other then here. I Don't Pee in you're Pool, Please don't Poop on my Caches.


Does anyone know where the switch is to turn this yo-yo off?


El-D, you are quite right. I have had several dealings with FSM, Eartha, Team Misguided, and Moun10Bike through the forums. Except for the one warning I've gotten, they were all quite friendly, and helpful.


Hula Bum's right. There is no way GC could pay me enough to do this.


Although....beating the prisoners sounds attractive.


Once again I'm going to politely ask you not to derail my topic. This topic is not about who got banned or why.


Apparently you have a a problem with someone being banned. If you look way up on top of the page you will see a button you can click to start your own topic. I suggest you do that if you feel so strongly about the subject.


This topic is about appreciation of Moderaters and Reviewers.


Thank you in advance for your understanding! :lol:


El Diablo


Actually, when I look at the top of the page to see what the topic of this thread is, it reads:

Reviewers/Moderators, Do we need them?


So that is the topic of the thread, not the appreciation of Moderators or Reviewers.

Furthermore, you then ask the following questions:

Have you ever stopped to think where this sport/hobby/game would be without our Reviewers? Or how about where these forums would be without Moderaters?


You then go on to answer your own questions with your opinion.


It seems, though, that you are not liking some of the answers by others, and are trying to supress those that express an opinion that is different than your own. If the moderators are the ones who ban users from the forums, bringing up a banning seems on-topic to me, considering that is the motivation of the poster in answering the questions you asked.


I think if you are going to ask the questions, you should allow the others to answer them. Some of those answers will be different than what you would like to see. Discussion forums exist for discussion, not just pushing one opinion on others.


If you want to start a post that just praises the moderators and reviewers, you should close this topic and use the button you mentioned to start a new appreciation topic. You can then word the topic and questions more carefully, so that any opposing opinions would truly be off-topic.


Thanks for starting this thread where we can discuss whether we need the Moderators or Reviewers, and how the forums might be without Moderators. It's an interesting topic, I'm glad you brought it up.


Once again I'm going to politely ask you not to derail my topic. This topic is not about who got banned or why.


Apparently you have a a problem with someone being banned. If you look way up on top of the page you will see a button you can click to start your own topic. I suggest you do that if you feel so strongly about the subject.


This topic is about appreciation of Moderaters and Reviewers.


Thank you in advance for your understanding! :lol:


El Diablo


Actually, when I look at the top of the page to see what the topic of this thread is, it reads:

Reviewers/Moderators, Do we need them?


So that is the topic of the thread, not the appreciation of Moderators or Reviewers.

Furthermore, you then ask the following questions:

Have you ever stopped to think where this sport/hobby/game would be without our Reviewers? Or how about where these forums would be without Moderaters?


You then go on to answer your own questions with your opinion.


It seems, though, that you are not liking some of the answers by others, and are trying to supress those that express an opinion that is different than your own. If the moderators are the ones who ban users from the forums, bringing up a banning seems on-topic to me, considering that is the motivation of the poster in answering the questions you asked.


I think if you are going to ask the questions, you should allow the others to answer them. Some of those answers will be different than what you would like to see. Discussion forums exist for discussion, not just pushing one opinion on others.


If you want to start a post that just praises the moderators and reviewers, you should close this topic and use the button you mentioned to start a new appreciation topic. You can then word the topic and questions more carefully, so that any opposing opinions would truly be off-topic.


Thanks for starting this thread where we can discuss whether we need the Moderators or Reviewers, and how the forums might be without Moderators. It's an interesting topic, I'm glad you brought it up.

Well Put.......... I have never said we don't need the MODs. i simply said there are a small few the over step there boundrys. My friend Joe was given the boot by one MOD and Joe said sorry for what he had done. the MOD never responded but the MOD also said the Banning was for a 1 weeks time. with out saying any thing to Joe the MOD made the 1 weel ban to a life time ban. this is a case where the MOD over stepped the Boundrys. in this small case we do not need to have this MOD around (this is part of you thread. you ask "do we need them?") if you feel like i am derailing you're thread I'm Sorry but you left the door wide open on if we need the mods or not. i simply say we don't need the countrol freaks and if a MOD is going to do one thing then he/she should stick to what they said, they Should do not go off and make the punishment harder with out notice. so my Stand is Yes we do need the MODs no we don't need the MODs that are compleat controle freaks.


i simply said there are a small few the over step there boundrys. My friend Joe was given the boot by one MOD and Joe said sorry for what he had done. the MOD never responded but the MOD also said the Banning was for a 1 weeks time. with out saying any thing to Joe the MOD made the 1 weel ban to a life time ban. this is a case where the MOD over stepped the Boundrys. in this small case we do not need to have this MOD around

Be REALLY careful what you wish for. Since you seem to have missed my previous post in this thread, I will repeat it. The "control freak MOD" you keep refering to and saying we don't need is Jeremy.

Jeremy the guy who started a little website called Geocaching.com.

Jeremy who owns the forums you are typing in.

Jeremy who owns the website that lists all the tupperware you want to find.



Now, do you REALLY want him to take his toys and leave?


Something I'd like clarified is the actual banning process. B1rd keeps claiming that a Moderator banned his buddy for life, but it was my (mis?)understanding that only the Illustrious Potentates could do that. Assume for arguments sake that I stepped way out of line on the forums, calling assorted Moderators every vile name in the book. How does the process work? Someone reads my post & reports it, a Moderator feels strongly enough about my post that he/she brings it to the attention of the Grand Pooh-Bahs, then they bannish me to a life of no geocaches?


Is that about right?


Aw gee, thanks for the thanks.


For the record, I don't beat the prisoners, ow! I give them a short time out in the corner, have them bow their head in shame, and think about what they've done. :lol:


Something I'd like clarified is the actual banning process. B1rd keeps claiming that a Moderator banned his buddy for life, but it was my (mis?)understanding that only the Illustrious Potentates could do that. Assume for arguments sake that I stepped way out of line on the forums, calling assorted Moderators every vile name in the book. How does the process work? Someone reads my post & reports it, a Moderator feels strongly enough about my post that he/she brings it to the attention of the Grand Pooh-Bahs, then they bannish me to a life of no geocaches?


Is that about right?

The poster who's violating the forum guidelines on multiple counts is sadly misinformed, both about the nature of the underlying violation leading to the ban of which he complains, and of the process followed when bans are made.


I wish I could enjoy reading the thread for the purpose it was designed to serve (regardless of tortuous attempts to twist the OP's meaning). There is a steady diet of other threads in which site volunteers are criticized. Constructive, factually accurate and on-topic criticism is always welcomed.


Something I'd like clarified is the actual banning process. B1rd keeps claiming that a Moderator banned his Assume for arguments sake that I stepped way out of line on the forums, calling assorted Moderators every vile name in the book. How does the process work? Someone reads my post & reports it, a Moderator feels strongly enough about my post that he/she brings it to the attention of the Grand Pooh-Bahs, then they bannish me to a life of no geocaches?


Is that about right?


Yep, that's about right, almost. I think the first step is that you would have your posting rights taken away, either for a period of time or maybe even forever. I guess a lot would depend on the severity of what you posted and if what you posted was true or not.


I suppose if you keep abusing the website by posting with sockpuppets, harassing other users through the email option, or perhaps posting inappropriately in your geocaching logs, this would get you banished from the main website as well.


We have a pretty good reviewer in our area, I haven't had much trouble with getting caches approved, although others might have. I can't remember if I thanked him or if I just take his service for granted. I know that when he's not around, another reviewer steps in to take his place. He's usually approves my caches quicker than the regular guy, and is very polite with his emails. I'm pretty sure I've thanked him before, probably more than once. As for the moderators, I suppose the place needs them even if I don't personally. I'm pretty good at sifting through the posts I want to read and those that I don't. I am thankful when they leave me alone though. :tired:


See thats how it should be But thats not what had happened. you see team 360 came up with a geocoin idea. this coin was not going to be supported by GC. so words went on between GC and Team 360 and Team 360 was banned (thats all i know about 360) well my friend Joe liked the coin idea and made his avatar be the Coin in question. The Mod didn't like it and gave Joe a time out for 1 week. at the end of 1 week Joe found himself banned for life and when you get a time out or get banned you can't go on the site and play anymore. this was really only one mod that has done all this to 2 Geocachers but there are the very few Mods that i don't think a thank you is needed nor do i think we need them here yes there are some that do there Jobs and do it well but there are the ones that over step there power and like some one said take his game home and not let us play. i have talked to joe about this thread and all he is mad about is the fact that the Mod said one thing and did another the Mod told him it was a time out and then Banned him for good. i think this is a clear use of over stepping you're powers on the site. so in my Opinion there are still the few that we don't need.


next time you want to make a bow down and praise the MODs thread make it say that and don't give people the option to make a choice for them selfs. also i don't see how this derails you're thread when it'a all about the MODs. you clearly ask "Do We Need Them?" In my Opinion yes we need the ones that stick to doing there jobs and no we don't need the Mods that act like Dictators we need more Yodas and less Darth Vadors.

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