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Any Caches At Or Near Time Doorways Or Time/space Doorways?

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First, sorry for the typo (or typos) in the subtitle. Due to a missed keystroke, this thread got saved and started before I had planned to upload it. Now, on to my inquiry:


A few years ago, via my work in another field of endeavor, I made the acquaintance of Drago Plecko, who, until the political upheaval and attendant wars hit Croatia, had been a famed producer/director of non-fiction documentary films on strange phenomena and the unexplained inCroatia, and in fact, all across Europe. In fact, Drago had been known as the "Geraldo Rivera of the strange phenomena" in the world of Croatian TV journalism. Among other topics, Drago had once produced a lengthy documentary for Croatian TV on a secretive esoteric community in a remote mountain region of Europe known as Damanhur, or, as they call themselves "The Federation of Damanhur", who claim that they have several functional time travel devices, about which they mention a bit or two on their Federation of Damanhur Time Travel webpage. Anyway, Drago once confided in me that he had spent many years and many thousands of dollars pursuing reports from around the world of the existence of Time Doorways, aka Time/Space Doorways or Doorways in Time, or, as science buffs, quantum physicists and sci-fi aficionados are wont to call them, wormholes, aka "Time-Space Wormholes". A number of the tips he had received about such things had placed many reputed Time-Space Wormholes or Time Doorways in the USA, and thus Drago told me that he had spent quite a bit of time in the US over the past ten years, trying to locate such spots and then verify whether they were real. In fact, he told me one hilarious story of flying to the USA in 2002 to verify the existence of a reputed Time Doorway in Sterling, PA. He had flown into an airport in the NY/NJ area, and had then visited a Radio Shack store, where he had spent thousands of dollars on antenna masts, TV antennas, cables and electronic components, in order to build a complex "time-space transducer" device which his informant (a famed author of books on UFOs and the so-called "Montauk Experiment") had claimed would be needed in order to safely travel through the Time Doorway. He had then assembled the device and mounted it in the back of his rental SUV, after which he -- accompanied by his informant -- drove to a remote corner of a remote farm field near Sterling, PA in the Poconos to check out the putative Time Doorway; his guide had reportedly employed a trusty GPS receiver in order to find the waypoint for the exact spot.


Drago also told me that he had spent a considerable amount of time in Southern New Jersey, researching a reputed Time Doorway at Ong's Hat in the Pine Barrens, and also at the supposed site of the Montauk Project on Long Island in New York. In fact, after I mentioned my conversations with Drago in several venues on the web, I was contacted by folks from all over the world who claimed to know the location of Time-Space Portals.


And so, my question here is simply this:

Does anyone know of any geocaches which are claimed to be located at or near Time Doorways, aka Time-Space Wormholes, aka Wormholes, aka Time-Space Portals?


And lastly, I promise you that as soon as I can find one of these spots, I will be happy to place a geocache there, or perhaps even place an extreme cache on the Other Side of the portal. . .


Late Edit Note: At request of authorities and other concerned parties, edited original post to remove waypoint coordinates for two real Time-Space Portals, one in Southern New Jersey and the other in eastern West Virginia.

Edited by Vinny & Sue Team
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I recall reading a very similar story (maybe the same) in Weird NJ a few years back. I also read a story about a guy near Stanhope, that built a wooden car. The magnetic field the engine created resulted in a time travel effect. He would periodically arrive at destinations before he left ... or some sort of jazz like that.

Anyway, how this related to geocaching.

There are probably 50 - 60 caches in the NJ area near worm holes and time doorways.

I know this for a fact, because I've said I was only going to be out for 5 minutes while I looked for a cache, and returned 2 hours later. :anicute:

I've yet to go back in time, but I suspect I need to go to PA for that. :blink:

Edited by ekitt10
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I recall reading a very similar story (maybe the same) in Weird NJ a few years back. I also read a story about a guy near Stanhope, that built a wooden car. The magnetic field the engine created resulted in a time travel effect. He would periodically arrive at destinations before he left ... or some sort of jazz like that.

Anyway, how this related to geocaching.

There are probably 50 - 60 caches in the NJ area near worm holes and time doorways.

I know this for a fact, because I've said I was only going to be out for 5 minutes while I looked for a cache, and returned 2 hours later. :anicute:

I've yet to go back in time, but I suspect I need to go to PA for that. :blink:


Werd! :anicute:

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I recall reading a very similar story (maybe the same) in Weird NJ a few years back. I also read a story about a guy near Stanhope, that built a wooden car. The magnetic field the engine created resulted in a time travel effect. He would periodically arrive at destinations before he left ... or some sort of jazz like that.

Anyway, how this related to geocaching.

There are probably 50 - 60 caches in the NJ area near worm holes and time doorways.

I know this for a fact, because I've said I was only going to be out for 5 minutes while I looked for a cache, and returned 2 hours later. :anicute:

I've yet to go back in time, but I suspect I need to go to PA for that. :blink:

I remember that article about Ong's Hat in the Pine Barrens in Weird NJ, come to think of it. And speaking of Weird NJ magazine, they published one of my true stories a few years ago, and I still owe them two more articles.

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There are occasional time warps in my apartment.

I have yet to determine a pattern to their appearance, only that they seem to happen most often when I've expended a large amount of energy.

I'll be laying on the couch watching a movie when suddenly, literally in the blink of an eye, I am transported into the future. Sometimes it will just be a few minutes, sometimes an hour or more. :anicute:


I wouldn't have a problem with a cache being placed in my apartment, as long as all of the finders CITO'd.

Uh, CITO includes vacuuming and washing windows, doesn't it? :blink:

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I had one hidden near the entrance to a wormhole. It was a pretty fun find, especially for those coming from the other side. Unfortunately, some genius "hid the cache a little better" inside the wormhole, and it was gone. The wormhole collapsed before I had a chance to retrieve the cache, so I just archived it. Really stinks too, as there was a geocoin and a TB logged into the cache... :blink:

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"Late Edit Note: At request of authorities and other concerned parties, edited original post to remove waypoint coordinates for two real Time-Space Portals, one in Southern New Jersey and the other in eastern West Virginia."


Man O Man. I live in Southern New Jersey (I even know where Ong's Hat is) and was born in (and have lots of relatives still in) eastern West Virginia. Time-Space Portals would explain a lot! There is an NSA listening post in Sugar Grove WV, but is that what it really is? Maybe equipment related to T-SPs??? And the Green Bank Radio Observatory?


Ya never know.

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The technical term for what you're talking about is Chronosynclastic Infundibula. Apparently I keep one in my general vicinity at all times, as I have this knack for causing pens, pencils and small tools to disappear. These items have been known to slip into the infundibula even while I'm holding them. I theorize that there are parallel realities whose entire economies are based off of things that have disappeared from my general area.


It's not a total loss, though. I recently signed a contract with several nuclear power corporations to dispose of reactor waste. They give it to me in small quantities, and I simply make it disappear. It works reasonably well with spent fuel rods, but the process is greatly accelerated if they can make the waste look like something I need to use, like a pencil or a 1/2" socket.

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All you need is a proper cairn, the right number of sunwise circles, and the" time between times" and you've got the whole time/space portal thing taken care of. Piece of cake! Now that I think of it, a cairn cache would be perfect; if you worked it just right, there'd be no maintenance at all. Check out Stephan R. Lawhead's book, The Paradise War. Fiction, granted, but I'm afraid that ship sailed quite awhile ago.

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It's not a total loss, though. I recently signed a contract with several nuclear power corporations to disp ose of reactor waste. They give it to me in small quantities, and I simply make it disappear. It works reasonably well with spent fuel rods, but the process is greatly accelerated if they can make the waste look like something I need to use, like a pencil or a 1/2" socket.


PDA stylus...remanufacture those rods as styluses, poof! gone.


Back to the original post, Vinny you might want to take a look at this Series in Florida. I don't think you're gonna get much info from any of the finders though, mostly they claim 'memory wipe' - looks like a

Chronosynclastic Infundibula combo with Alien Abduction. Haven't done it myself though, uhhh, as far as I can remember.

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...Back to the original post, Vinny you might want to take a look at this Series in Florida. I don't think you're gonna get much info from any of the finders though, mostly they claim 'memory wipe' - looks like a

Chronosynclastic Infundibula combo with Alien Abduction. Haven't done it myself though, uhhh, as far as I can remember.

Thanks for the link to the Area 51 cache in Florida! Sounds like fun!


Incidentally, when I posed a thread similar to this one recently on the forums at Maryland Geocaching Society (MGS), I also used the "Poll" feature on their forum, and included the following poll options:

Have You Ever Found a Cache at a Time Portal or Time-Space Wormhole?

  • No
  • Yes
  • Yes, I found one and traveled through the portal, and, in fact, that is where I found my spouse/partner
  • Maybe, but I am quite sure that Vinny traveled here through one of them
  • Maybe, but I want to find one and place a cache at or near it
  • Maybe, but I want to place a cache on the other side of one
  • Actually, I came through such a portal from the Other Side in order to keep an eye on you people here on Earth
  • Yes, and we went through the portal, and we got one or more of our children from the Other Side

People are choosing some pretty funny replies so far! Wish I coulda set up a similar poll here on the national forums!

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This is the accurate facts of Ongs Hat


A mere pinhead on the map, Ongs Hat consists of a few houses and a family restaurant, Anapa's. In the 1840s, however, it was widely known for its cranberry cultivation. The town was named for Jacob Ong, a robust Pennsylvania Quaker who loved to drink and dance. Ong ran a tavern in the 1700s and one night, when he might have had one drink too many, he tossed his hat high up onto the limb of an oak tree. Too high to retrieve, the hat became a conversation piece. Customers would yell to newcomers, “There’s Ong’s hat.” By 1828 this cry was officially adopted as the town’s name. All that is left of Ongs Hat is the northern terminus of the Batona Trail, a 50-mile-long, pink-blazed path through the pinelands of southern New Jersey that was charted and built by the Batona Hiking Club of Philadelphia in 1961. The trail was designed to offer a true wilderness experience, despite the fact that it cuts across several roads and


These are the other claims to Ongs Hat, I make no claim to their accuracy though:







There is a book called Ong's Hat: The Beginning (Paperback)

by Peter Moon


And yes this cache is located near the portal.


Edited by chstress53
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This is the accurate facts of Ongs Hat


A mere pinhead on the map, Ongs Hat consists of a few houses and a family restaurant, Anapa's. In the 1840s, however, it was widely known for its cranberry cultivation. The town was named for Jacob Ong, a robust Pennsylvania Quaker who loved to drink and dance. Ong ran a tavern in the 1700s and one night, when he might have had one drink too many, he tossed his hat high up onto the limb of an oak tree. Too high to retrieve, the hat became a conversation piece. Customers would yell to newcomers, “There’s Ong’s hat.” By 1828 this cry was officially adopted as the town’s name. All that is left of Ongs Hat is the northern terminus of the Batona Trail, a 50-mile-long, pink-blazed path through the pinelands of southern New Jersey that was charted and built by the Batona Hiking Club of Philadelphia in 1961. The trail was designed to offer a true wilderness experience, despite the fact that it cuts across several roads and


These are the other claims to Ongs Hat, I make no claim to their accuracy though:







There is a book called Ong's Hat: The Beginning (Paperback)

by Peter Moon


And yes this cache is located near the portal.


I love the links! Even better than those which I have found in the past for Ong's Hat! My favorite quote comes from the first link (above), somewhat as follows:


". . .This rag-tag group built the "Egg" - a glistening Faberge-like device that enabled trans-dimensional travel into unpopulated mirror worlds...


I am personally aware of two separate first-hand narratives of how the New Jersey Pine Barrens commune was stormed in the mid-1970s or 1980s (depending on the sources) by a Delta Force team from nearby Fort Dix. These shock troops reportedly descended from ropes off helicopters, toting flame-throwers and automatic weaponry...the Ong's Hat commune was burned down to the ground. As many as seven cult members were killed. It never made the papers...


But wait, there's more! Add to this mix a benevolent race of humanoids descended from Javanese lemurs on a parallel Earth, capable of dimensional shift without machinery, who have been world tripping for thousands of years. You've got your chaos; sex magick; applied quantum physics; shadow conspiracy; crypto-palaeontology and enlightenment hopes all wrapped up in one neat package..."


Classic! :):(

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So this relates to geocaching how?

If your question was serious, allow me to remind you of the primary question asked at the conclusion of my post at the start of this thread:

. . .And so, my question here is simply this:

Does anyone know of any geocaches which are claimed to be located at or near Time Doorways, aka Time-Space Wormholes, aka Wormholes, aka Time-Space Portals?


And lastly, I promise you that as soon as I can find one of these spots, I will be happy to place a geocache there, or perhaps even place an extreme cache on the Other Side of the portal. . .

However, in light of your having asked that particular question, well, we cannot but help to wonder whether maybe you are on the payroll of some secret organization which wants to strongly discourage us from talking about time-space wormholes, particularly in connection with geocaching, and thus you are perhaps trying to throw a wet blanket on the topic! In fact, maybe you are not a human being at all, but rather a reptoid reptilian shapeshifter sent to lead this trhead off track....





Edited by Vinny & Sue Team
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A recent group discovered that by logging a cache near one of the time doorways their act of logging the find automatically disappeared back in time and they could therefore log it again. At last count they have recorded over 17, 000 finds on this cache and show no signs of stopping. One member of the team was quoted as saying, "CCCooperAgency, eat your heart out!"

Edited by Torry
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I have a time/space shifting machine in my basement. However, it only shifts a person 2 mm to the left and 0.1 second into the future. :laughing:

I noticed this morning that someone is selling a small "Grady exotic matter compression core" device on E-bay which, if emplaced within the torsional orthorotational Fullerene loop matrix of your machine, will increase the spatial range to about 1,200 miles and the temporal displacement to almost 300 years in the past or 100 years into the future. To find the listing, log into Ebay and search for "time travel".

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I have a time/space shifting machine in my basement. However, it only shifts a person 2 mm to the left and 0.1 second into the future. <_<

I noticed this morning that someone is selling a small "Grady exotic matter compression core" device on E-bay which, if emplaced within the torsional orthorotational Fullerene loop matrix of your machine, will increase the spatial range to about 1,200 miles and the temporal displacement to almost 300 years in the past or 100 years into the future. To find the listing, log into Ebay and search for "time travel".


I had one of those when I was a kid. It exploded and killed my dog. I swore I'd never own another. Grady exotic matter compression core, that is.

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Bill and Ted of Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure were from San Dimas. By Ted's own account, Strange things are afoot at the Circle K.


Wow, would you believe that movie is going to be "pushing 20" in a couple of years? There is a ton of people who weren't even BORN yet when the movie was out, let alone old enough to be able to watch it. So I can actually imagine (hard as it is to believe, boy I feel old :) ) people who have no idea about the movie or the phone booth in San Dimas. However, if you're either of those people, rent the video/DVD, it's a neat flick!

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