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Jazzed Up Cache Pages!

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Hi recently i have been obsessed with My Cache Page and i have been wondering why some peoples are so well dull so why dont you Jazz up yours!!


I just think its really good for its one of the first things people look at before meeting you so its a key point in my eyes.


Are there any jazzed up cache pages you know "send em here" if your is jazzed up "send em here" looking forward to your posts.


Respect, Da Rubber Chicken


Commercial links at bottom of web counter might upset the People at GC.com


Also central justification is hard on the eyes, and this is Geocaching, not a pop site.


Sort that lot out and I'm sure it will be OK


Hi recently i have been obsessed with My Cache Page and i have been wondering why some peoples are so well dull so why dont you Jazz up yours!!


I just think its really good for its one of the first things people look at before meeting you so its a key point in my eyes.


Are there any jazzed up cache pages you know "send em here" if your is jazzed up "send em here" looking forward to your posts.


Respect, Da Rubber Chicken


Looks like you've put a lot of effort into that, looks good! Like it.



James :ph34r:


Also you have to remember not everyone is on a broadband connection, and don`t want to be bombarded with lots of multimedia players popping up when all they want to do it look at your stats and general information. Some are still on dial up and probably don`t want to wait for a video to load up.


Sometime the KIS (Keep It Simple) works better. Web pages can look too busy and unreadable if you try to add too much.




Yay! Green Day!


But I would suggest making the video not play automatically, since most people won't be expecting music :laughing:


If you edit the HTML for the video where it says


showcontrols="1" showstatusbar="1" autosize="true"


just add an extra bit


showcontrols="1" showstatusbar="1" autosize="true" autostart="false"


that should stop it playing automatically.


Aside from that, top marks!




1. Where did you pick up the video? Is it in the public domain, i.e. freely availble to be viewed, and listened to?

Otherwise, you may be infringing copyright laws, performing rights and a few other things.

2. Make the playing of the video optional, not everybody uses broadband - honest. And there is nothing more annoying than being on dialup and watching a page try and load something you don't want.

3. The Counter has advertising associated with it, if you want a counter, either write your own, or get some free code (JavaScript).

4. Otherwise nice to see you playing with HTML

5. Green Day - good choice. Especially their early stuff.

6. Didn't you meet me out caching?

7. And finally - never, never use Flash no matter what people tell you :-)





:DB) I never new it would go down so well!! B):D


Right i have now changed it so the music video doesn't start automatically even though Greendsy Rock!!! :D


But its a shame i wanted to see some other caches pages aswell!! B)B)


my counters gone from 13 to about 250 lol. ;)


eeeeemmmmmmmmmm cheerzfor the brilliant coments!! :P


Da Rubber Chicken


That video is being streamed direct from the record label, so either they are paying the royalty collection agencies or they really should tighten up their streaming servers :)


any more pimped out pages out there in the world??


Not quite "pimped", but I've put a bit of effort into my profile page, but have maintained the KISS attitude (Keep It Simple Stoopid). I am trying to colour my maps dark green now :)


any more pimped out pages out there in the world??


Not quite "pimped", but I've put a bit of effort into my profile page, but have maintained the KISS attitude (Keep It Simple Stoopid). I am trying to colour my maps dark green now :o


Got a little way to go with second map eh?

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