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Someones Looking At Me I Can Feel It.

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Have you ever been looking for a cache or signing the log and you get this feeling that someones looking at you, and you look up and low and behold it is a muggle. I have the perfect solution to stop a muggle from watching your every move. I have done it before while searching or logging a cache.


If I see a muggle watching my every move I turn around and give them the stare down. :lol: I mean my eyes are dead locked right on them. After they see that the tables have turned and I am starring at them they usually get freaked out and stop looking at me and go on about their business. Has anyone else ever tried this technique??

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Just walk right over to them and ask if they would be interested in signing your petition to outlaw pencils in school and the workplace because they can potentially used as a weapon. They will rapidly lose interest in you and soon wish they had never even seen you.


(This tidbit of utter posh was instigated by hearing a news article about a group trying to condemn the word "fail" being use in classrooms as it carried a bad connotation and may affect the children's mental helath. They decided it would be better to use the term "delayed success" as a "failure" was truly nothing more than not having yet succeeded.)


I, personally, adhere to the adage of our friend Yoda..."Do or do not...there is no try."



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just hold your GPSr up and talk into it like a walkie talkie and say real loud "I found him!!...hes right here looking at me, if you hurry, we can catch him!"

Even better shouting is:

Oh no! The batteries for my Geiger meter just died. How am I going to SURVIVE out here! Aaargh!

Aaargh! is optional.

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Just walk right over to them and ask if they would be interested in signing your petition to outlaw pencils in school and the workplace because they can potentially used as a weapon. They will rapidly lose interest in you and soon wish they had never even seen you.


(This tidbit of utter posh was instigated by hearing a news article about a group trying to condemn the word "fail" being use in classrooms as it carried a bad connotation and may affect the children's mental helath. They decided it would be better to use the term "delayed success" as a "failure" was truly nothing more than not having yet succeeded.)


I, personally, adhere to the adage of our friend Yoda..."Do or do not...there is no try."



that's perfect


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I just ignore them, and most of the time, they go away. I once told a curious bystander that I was checking the tree for fruit flys. It satisfied his curiosity, and he walked away.


Seriously though, if someone hides a cache in an area that is frequented by muggles, they have no right to complain if their cache gets muggled.

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I've done my share of joking about this, but we did a cache this weekend and it was muggled right afterward. It was this cache. ;) I somehow feel responsible. We were careful, and looked around before we re-hid it, but perhaps someone was watching us. Maybe someone just happened upon the spot, and we had nothing to do with it, but I still feel terrible. The logbook was lost, but most of the other things survived, including a travel bug.

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