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What Things Have You Found At A Cache Site?

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What have you found (or heard of finding) at a cache site or while out geocaching?


Anyone found drugs, dead body, bag of money?


I have heard stories of being chased, questioned by the police and similar things.

This pas weekend we found a softball and met a local - apparentle the LOC file had the wrong coordinates in it, and as i was pondering this issue in a residential neighborhood on a sunday morning a resident came out to meet me, well, question my activities anyway.


In a state game lands i found what appears to be a shrine/grave/rememberance to what i assume was a double homicide. Freaked my out. i have not gone back there.


Unfortunately a few geocachers have found bodies.


At one of my caches several people have reported finding a small stash of pot and a pipe tucked away nearby. I guess the neighborhood teens stashed it.


I haven't found that bag of money yet, but I'm still looking.


In our 3 months in the hobby we have tallied 2 crack pipes made of foil, a big blue bong pipe found at one of our hides and a fouled pair of tidy whities. The surprising thing is that we were in rural areas.



Anyone found drugs, dead body, bag of money?







Like $20 or like $20,000?


Was it just lying there or hidden with the cache?


a cacher found a pipe near one of my caches and she was kind enough to move it away from the cache location. when i got to the cache to remove it completely, it was gone. somone cached in and hashed out?

Clearpath found some money

I don't see how that could have been considered a drug deal. The money would not have been there long enough to have been covered with the dust and grime mentioned in the description. I think it was one of the other guesses: A kid taking money from his Mom's purse or some similar situation.


Either way, the suggestion to leave contact information in case the person who hid it came back, now that's just really crazy.


Anyone who found the note would be contacting you to claim it.


ive found a couple of pipes and someones priviate stash of weed in and around a few caches, no bodies no large amounts of cache but i know of a cache nearby that has at least $30 in it.


My very first time out a few days ago, I was looking for a letterbox because I did not have my GPS yet and I dug up someones poor dead pet parakeet in a homemade teeny crypt. Never found letterbox, considered returing GPS for Tivo, but going good so far! Yesturday I found a Gateway computer monitor along side of a trail aways off the road, who ever carried it there was very strong. I dragged it back and left it were I knew road crews would pick it up.

Posted (edited)


Like $20 or like $20.000

Kinda like $20,000. but more. :D


Over a couple of years, split between our team.


Please don't move to Vancouver Island :D

But if you do here is some cache cash.

Edited by Dagg

Thus far the finds include:


A pair of prescription eyeglasses

A balloon released by an elementary school class

A deer boneyard

A homeless fellow who was quite nice once he determined I wasn't the police

A variety of articles of clothing

A stash of unopened beers


Porn, and a bag of human looking hair, couldn't tell if it was a wig, someone got a lot of hair cut and for some reason saved it, or there was a head in the bag. ( I didn't look inside )




Most of the time I find a geocache. :D


Sometimes, I do not find a geoache. ;)


In those instances, I tend to find a lot of other things, such as spoons, lots of bricks, snakes, an old automobile engine, an abandoned refrigerator, three or four film cannisters (not caches), um, oh, and a dead squirrel. :D


Found drugs, needles and a sleeping bag about 20 foot from a cache once - and that was in Cheyenne Wyoming - called the cops - they came and cleaned up the area. Returned a year later for a TB and the scene had returned - called the cops and they came and cleaned up the area. Returned with a friend/new cacher about a year later and.......well you get the idea!


We were out in a city park by the river, within the city, but the park was secluded. When you are in it you feel like you are in the middle of no where. Less then 100 feet from the cache was a purse hanging on a downed tree, with all kinds of make-up trashed on the ground, a "My Son" beaded keychain. It was odd, and when we looked closer we also an empty condom wrapper. It was an odd scene, but there wasn't much we could say or do about it. We chalked it up to some childish fun, a kid stealing mommies purse and make-up.

A few days later, the news reports two bodies being found by the river, both where kids. We then reported the purse to the police, which they told us to bring it in. When we went back to get it, it was gone, all of it. We still chalk it up to kids playing, or something else innocent, but we'll always wonder.


While showing two of my co-workers what caching was all about on a business trip to NJ, one of my co-workers found a large black trash bag, obviusly full, and all that was visible was a pair of childres shoes poking out. We were all so releived when he poked it with a stick on found out it was all shoes, not a dead body. Don't know why there was a bag full of shoes in a wooded area in NJ, but whatever.


In the parking lot of our very first cache (in Canada) we came across a car with clothes thrown all over the place, a blanket and two people with very little clothes next to it. I will leave the rest up to you.


On another cacher closer to home (CT) we were doing the first stage of a three part multi cache and came across two males (one clothed and one not), a lot of porn and some condom wrappers.


On a third occasion we didn't see any people but we did find lots of porn, condom wrappers, and about 15 containers of whipcream in the parking lot.


After all this adventure it is a wonder that i have continued to cache.



See geocachers do good in SC...but I guess that wasn't mentioned, huh?

FYI, the link you provided requires signing up for a membership.


I've run into law enforcement on several occasions since I cache at night a lot. Most of them will leave you alone if you answer their inquiries clearly and accurately. Usually the conversation goes something like this:


Cop: "What are you doing?"

Me: "Looking for something."

Cop: "And what are you looking for?"

Me: "A Geocache, it's a treasure hunting game. (show GPSr)"

Cop: "Ahhh. be careful and have fun"


One policeman was so intrigued he joined us on the search. That cache went missing soon after, so I wonder if he took it? :lol:


I've had a sherriff put his squad car's spotlight on me while placing a cache. I showed the attachment mechanism (magnetic) and he didn't mind since it did not involve defacing/destroying government property, and drove off.


So far in my short time as a casher I have found 3 home run balls

An unopened 6 pack of Pepsi

A good tire pump

A dead duck


It is amazing what you find constantly looking at the ground




I took home a stray kitten a week or so ago. She was about 6 months old and nothing but skin and bones. We took her to the vet who said that other than being hungry she was healthy. She's a sweet kitten, and she's fitting into her new home well.

Posted (edited)

At Prince's Island Nature Walk (GCJ687) in Calgary, Alb. we zeroed in on the coordinates, which seemed to be under a bush. Lifted some branches out of the way -- and found a guy in a sleeping bag right where the cache should have been. (This was at about 2 p.m. on a warm August afternoon.) I was going to nudge him and ask him, politely, to move off the friggin' cache, but the other half of the brigade had a better idea: "RUN LIKE HELL." Which is what we did, settling for a burger, a beer and a DNF. (The cache was archived shortly after, as a few others had similar experiences.) I suppose this qualifies as finding a body at a cache site.

Edited by The Old Bet Brigade
Posted (edited)

Most interesting things we've found -- a plastic Easter Egg (full of water and a soggy piece of chocolate) near a cache, cigarettes (new/unused -- these were actually IN a cache), and a baby alligator. (Well, the gator was in a pond you passed by when travelling between stages of a multi-cache. Didn't come too far out of the water and wasn't close to the actual container, though.)


We also came across a sunbather one time (who thought she was alone in a private spot.) Surprised her a bit.

Edited by RandLD

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