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My script adds links to OS and Google Maps/Google Earth - see screenshot at the start of this topic for an example. Before GreaseMonkey 0.35 it could also give you an accurate marker pointer on the OS maps at any scale.


To replace the maps that are actually on the geocaching pages themselves, use the script written by Southseakers here.

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Seems greasemonkey 0.3.5 is causing the problem, type into Google 'greasemonkey 0.3.4' and install that version google throws up - this has worked for me.

If you only use the geocaching Greasemonkey scripts written by myself and Southseakers, you should be fine with an earlier version, however, if you don't fully understand the nature of the security flaw, I'd strongly recommend that you either disable Greasemonkey or install the new (albeit crippled) version.

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Is it possible to make a script that would show only caches that have not been found. I travel frequently and it would neat to pull up Google Earth and only see the caches I have not found in an area.


But hey, the script is awesome as it is! I wish I had time to learn the scripting. I used to be a decent coder but it is something you lose it you don't use.




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Is it possible to make a script that would show only caches that have not been found. I travel frequently and it would neat to pull up Google Earth and only see the caches I have not found in an area.


You do it in a slightly round-about way (greasemonkey wouldn't do it well anyway). Google Earth will open GPX files, so either create a pocket query and drag that to Google Earth. Or use G:UK (after signing up etc) to download caches you haven't found and then convert it to GPX format (probably the easiest is to download the easyGPS and then save as GPX format)

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I have a problem also, all my bookmarks have gone and I now do not have the ability to bookmark! I have the GR to map installed OK, please LE how do I get my bookmarks back?????


Doesn't sound like a Greasemonkey problem sadly - best bet might be trawling Google Groups for a similar sounding issue...

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I am having a problem with the script that I have come to rely on heavily.


I do not know if it happened when I went to Firefox v1.5.0.3 or Greasemonkey v0.6.4.


The problem:


Certain caches will not display the: Google Map (inc Satellite) Google Earth links


I now this sounds weird, but it appears that some users' caches will diplay the menu, but other do not. For example all of baskletlady_bee and umpire35's caches show the menu, while none of LegendPilot's caches display the menu.


Any ideas as to why this is happening?




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I looked at this LegendPilot cache page and saw the Google Map / (inc Satellite) / Google Earth links.


On a cache page, right click the monkey icon bottom right of your browser and see what scripts you have active. Are there any others aside from "Geocaching Map Linker"? Also, check the version number of your map link script by clicking "Manage User Scripts", then highlight "Geocaching Map Linker" and click Edit - you should see this at the top of the file:


Geocaching OS Linker - 0.51 28/07/2005


If you've got an old version, install the latest one by right clicking here and choosing "Install User Script..."

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I've been using this incredibly useful script for a while now. Last week I installed it on a new computer only to find that I couldn't see the OS maps - all I got was "Config error; no server". I figured it was probably a firewall issue, but when I got home I found that my home PC was giving me exactly the same error.


Has this script now become obsolete and no longer useable? If so, it's a shame as it was one of the more useful hacks I've seen using Greasemonkey.

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I've been using this incredibly useful script for a while now. Last week I installed it on a new computer only to find that I couldn't see the OS maps - all I got was "Config error; no server". I figured it was probably a firewall issue, but when I got home I found that my home PC was giving me exactly the same error.


Has this script now become obsolete and no longer useable? If so, it's a shame as it was one of the more useful hacks I've seen using Greasemonkey.


See here for the fixed script.

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Many many caches ago, I stumbled onto this topic and downloaded the useful gizzmo that put map links into my cache page. I seem to remember that it was not possible to get a pointer onto the map but then, through someones genius, it was all sorted.

Enter new computer.

I have just downloaded the gizzmo that puts the map links into my cache pages again but there is no arrow.

Then, as I read though this whole topic, I see that there is a problem with a version of greasemonkey.

My questions to the forum are:-

1) How do I find which issue of greasemonkey I have got and if there are any problems with it?

2) Is the little arrow still available for the maps and

3) If so how do I get it.



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Many many caches ago, I stumbled onto this topic and downloaded the useful gizzmo that put map links into my cache page. I seem to remember that it was not possible to get a pointer onto the map but then, through someones genius, it was all sorted.

Enter new computer.

I have just downloaded the gizzmo that puts the map links into my cache pages again but there is no arrow.

Then, as I read though this whole topic, I see that there is a problem with a version of greasemonkey.

My questions to the forum are:-

1) How do I find which issue of greasemonkey I have got and if there are any problems with it?

2) Is the little arrow still available for the maps and

3) If so how do I get it.




1) Tools > Add-ons or Extensions.

The version i have is 0.6.6, it works fine.

2) Yes, it's a circle.

3) Here

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Thanks Edgemaster for the reply. I was not accurate enough with my question.


I was not referring to the map at the bottom of the page ( in which the red circle appears) I was asking about the maps that opens from the new links that the gizzmo has included a) at the top of the page with main coordinates and :) from within the text section of the cache page when coordinates are given. By clicking on these links, I am getting a copy of the 1:25000 of the area but without any indication where the centre of the map is.


Also, with reference to the map at the bottom of the page, I wonder is there any way of changing the scale of that map?



Edited by Weary Banker & Bookworm
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Thanks Edgemaster for the reply. I was not accurate enough with my question.


I was not referring to the map at the bottom of the page ( in which the red circle appears) I was asking about the maps that opens from the new links that the gizzmo has included a) at the top of the page with main coordinates and :) from within the text section of the cache page when coordinates are given. By clicking on these links, I am getting a copy of the 1:25000 of the area but without any indication where the centre of the map is.


Also, with reference to the map at the bottom of the page, I wonder is there any way of changing the scale of that map?



Ah yes, I understand now too.


I don't have an arrow there either, but it would be nice.

And, as for the embedded one in cache pages, you can't get anything higher than 1:50k from multimap. Although, the distortion can be fixed.


Go to Greasemonkey config, select UK maps substituter, and click Edit.

Find the line


and replace with


Edited by Edgemaster
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OK, here we go....


Announcing the updated GeocachingMapLinker v0.6!


This release fixes some problems the older release was having with changes to Firefox and Greasemonkey, and adds a few new groovy features:

  • On gc.com cache pages, adds links to OS maps, Google Maps and Google Earth (see screenshot at start of this thread)
  • When you click the OS map link on a cache page, the OS map indicates the cache position with a red arrow
  • NEW! move the mouse cursor over the OS map and see the WGS84 coordinate for that point in the right hand sidebar
  • NEW! Ctrl+click the map to log a WGS84 coordinate in the sidebar (up to 20 coords can stored)
  • NEW! Download your clicked coordinates as a GPX file

This has been tested only in the latest versions of Firefox ( and Greasemonkey (, which you should upgrade to if you haven't already.


Installing the new version...

Follow this link http://files.dixo.net/GeocachingMapLinker.user.js and GreaseMonkey should kick in and offer to install it for you.

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OK, here we go....


Announcing the updated GeocachingMapLinker v0.6!


This release fixes some problems the older release was having with changes to Firefox and Greasemonkey, and adds a few new groovy features:

  • On gc.com cache pages, adds links to OS maps, Google Maps and Google Earth (see screenshot at start of this thread)
  • When you click the OS map link on a cache page, the OS map indicates the cache position with a red arrow
  • NEW! move the mouse cursor over the OS map and see the WGS84 coordinate for that point in the right hand sidebar
  • NEW! Ctrl+click the map to log a WGS84 coordinate in the sidebar (up to 20 coords can stored)
  • NEW! Download your clicked coordinates as a GPX file

This has been tested only in the latest versions of Firefox ( and Greasemonkey (, which you should upgrade to if you haven't already.


Installing the new version...

Follow this link http://files.dixo.net/GeocachingMapLinker.user.js and GreaseMonkey should kick in and offer to install it for you.


Ah great, saves me some hacking. I noticed the sidebar feature was already in the version I had, I probably had an in-between state.




PS, one thing I should add is that coords show up as N 51ý 22.193 W 0ý 8.687...


Edit: To fix, edit the ý in line 903 to a °


Edit again: Another slight bug, is that the WGS coords update over any image, not just the map. This includes the pointer, giving some odd results if you want to grab coords from underneath it.

Edited by Edgemaster
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The gresemonkey plugin and the scripts that people have done are great. I do believe they enrich the geocaching website especially from a UK perspective. Here comes the question / favour cos' I'm a greasemonkey virgin! :huh:


Would anyone be good enough to create a greasemonkey script so that the Microsoft live imaging can be be linked too as well as the GoogleEarth? I know GoogleEarth can be linked, because here's the proof from my GreaseMonkeyified firefox browser whilst browsing geocaching.com.




The reason why I ask is because Microsoft Live Local has a much higher resolution consistently across the UK whilst Google has some areas of high resolution and some areas not so high. I know its cheeky to ask and I know that I'll be relying on someone else but if you don't ask, you don't get!! I'm sure other cachers would find this uber helpful too. Maybe even the flashearth.com website so then at the same co-ords you can get the images from googleearth, live local, yahoo and ask...



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Would anyone be good enough to create a greasemonkey script so that the Microsoft live imaging can be be linked too as well as the GoogleEarth? I know GoogleEarth can be linked, because here's the proof from my GreaseMonkeyified firefox browser whilst browsing geocaching.com.


Even better, why not see if I can link it to flashearth, then you can get imaging from all the sites!


5 mins later


I have it here, it includes the rounded corners on the getamap site, and the flash earth link. It defaults to Microsoft Virtual earth with labels.


Map Linker with Flash Earth Link


Remember to remove the existing version before installing this.

Edited by Edgemaster
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Even better, why not see if I can link it to flashearth, then you can get imaging from all the sites!


5 mins later


I have it here, it includes the rounded corners on the getamap site, and the flash earth link. It defaults to Microsoft Virtual earth with labels.


Map Linker with Flash Earth Link


Remember to remove the existing version before installing this.


That is fab and works spot on! Cheers Edgemaster!! 5 minutes.... hmmm I'll have to get into this GreaseMonkey gubbins. Recommended link for all.



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I'll just note that this script got smashed by the recent site updates. It no longer shows google maps links at the top of the page.


If you're technically minded, this can be fixed by changing line 217 to:

var linkJeeep = document.getElementById("MapLinks_MapLinks").firstChild;


I have a fixed version here that also has the extra features noted by me 3 posts back.


(I have also contacted LordElph with the fix)

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Beaten to the first to write script yet again!


I've had the same thoughts as other cachers about getting a streetmap on a cache page and here is my stab at it. It isn't finished yet but feel free to play with it here.




(Beware it also decripts the hint!)




There is already a script to substitute the 'grey' map on cache pages with a Ordnance Survey map. See the greasemonkey thread which is listed in the pinned topics thread of this forum to take a look.

(It is always good to search, before trying to reinvent the wheel :laughing: )


I will note that some have had troubles with the original map substituter since the server upgrade, I have been unable to reproduce this problem though.

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I will note that some have had troubles with the original map substituter since the server upgrade, I have been unable to reproduce this problem though.


I have had a few problems since the upgrade to GC.

I am (was) able to get the OS map replacing the generic grey GC map, bu couldn't get the OS map "link" to work with a double click on the OS map insert.

I downloaded the new script (above) but Greasemonkey wouldn't let me install the new script. I tried updating the Monkey, via Firefox, but it told me I already had the most updated version... Lies all Lies :laughing:


A quick bit of Googling threw up the same problem and the solution on the Userscripts forum - a more uptodate version of the Monkey was in fact available.

I updated Monkey and installed the new script OK this time...


BUT -..- now I go to the GC cache pages and I either don't get the OS map at all, or get the old generic insert.

Back to square one???

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Beaten to the first to write script yet again!


I've had the same thoughts as other cachers about getting a streetmap on a cache page and here is my stab at it. It isn't finished yet but feel free to play with it here.




(Beware it also decripts the hint!)




There is already a script to substitute the 'grey' map on cache pages with a Ordnance Survey map. See the greasemonkey thread which is listed in the pinned topics thread of this forum to take a look.

(It is always good to search, before trying to reinvent the wheel :laughing: )


I will note that some have had troubles with the original map substituter since the server upgrade, I have been unable to reproduce this problem though.


The one that existed when I tried it used Multimap and created a very small reduced size map. Mine creates a much bigger map from streetmap.co.uk (although as it is such a hack I expect is is full of bugs).



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I will note that some have had troubles with the original map substituter since the server upgrade, I have been unable to reproduce this problem though.


I have had a few problems since the upgrade to GC.

I am (was) able to get the OS map replacing the generic grey GC map, bu couldn't get the OS map "link" to work with a double click on the OS map insert.

I downloaded the new script (above) but Greasemonkey wouldn't let me install the new script. I tried updating the Monkey, via Firefox, but it told me I already had the most updated version... Lies all Lies :laughing:


A quick bit of Googling threw up the same problem and the solution on the Userscripts forum - a more uptodate version of the Monkey was in fact available.

I updated Monkey and installed the new script OK this time...


BUT -..- now I go to the GC cache pages and I either don't get the OS map at all, or get the old generic insert.

Back to square one???


I expect the scripts are fighting each other. Go to Tools -> Greasemonkey -> Manage User Scripts

Click on the script you want to remove and click uninstall.



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I'll just note that this script got smashed by the recent site updates. It no longer shows google maps links at the top of the page.


If you're technically minded, this can be fixed by changing line 217 to:

var linkJeeep = document.getElementById("MapLinks_MapLinks").firstChild;


I have a fixed version here that also has the extra features noted by me 3 posts back.


(I have also contacted LordElph with the fix)


Heh.. you beat me to it. I'm not in the UK, but I *love* this script. I don't often visit these forums, wish I would have known of your post about half an hour ago.


I just submitted "Geocaching Map Linker V2" on userscripts.org (and gave "Paul Dixon" his due). I took a slightly different approach than you, but the results are the same - it works again.

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I'm curious:


I use Firefox with Greasemonkey map scripts and as a result when I view cache pages with coordinates such as N51 19.318 W002 45.175 I get the [map] link to the OS Get-a-map page after them - great! :( .


However, if I use the HTML code ° to correctly display the coordinates as N51° 19.318 W002° 45.175 I don't get the link. :anicute:


Why is this?

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I'm curious:


I use Firefox with Greasemonkey map scripts and as a result when I view cache pages with coordinates such as N51 19.318 W002 45.175 I get the [map] link to the OS Get-a-map page after them - great! ;) .


However, if I use the HTML code ° to correctly display the coordinates as N51° 19.318 W002° 45.175 I don't get the link. ;)


Why is this?


I seem to be missing this 'Get-a-map' Script.


Can someone direct me to it?





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Firstly, this post may only appeal to small minority who satisfy the following criteria:

1) you use Firefox as your main browser

2) you've always wished that instead of just saying "British Grid: TL 11855 26471" on the cache information page, it actually linked to an OS Map.


This is an excellent addition and one which I used successfully before the geocaching.com changes.


Unfortunately the current version no longer works on a Mac (OS 10.4.9, Firefox, GreaseMonkey and fails in a rather spectacular manner. After installing, all other GreaseMonkey scripts disappear. I have not managed to find the source of the problem but am still looking into it because I would really like to use it again. I will, however, share how to recover once you have tried to install it after my long and painful investigation. So after having tried to install the script and found that although it appears to install, at lest the first time you try, it does not work, the easiest way to recover is to delete the folder ~/Library/Application Support/Firefox You will of course loose all you Firefox add-ons, bookmarks etc but I have found no other way to recover without having to completely reinstall Firefox.


Of course if anyone has managed to use it successfully on a Mac or can suggest anything I should try, please let me know.

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I do not maintain this script, but all appears to be working as expected when I installed the version linked by LordElph from the first post of this thread.


The version I linked in my post is now broken - I will remove it from my webspace, now that LE has carried over the changes.


Aaah, that's better. Thanks.


Next question. I assume the script can be edited just to show a link to flashearth and google earth and not be dependent on caches location, i.e. for non UK caches.


Any good resources that may assist me in editing the script?

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