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Garmin Gpsmap 60cs

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Has anyone discovered a good windshield mount for the 60cs? I must change vehicles regularly and so I need a temporary mount. I have the bean bag and am not happy with that..........

I've experimented with several home made mounts, but I am most satisfied with Garmin's bean bag mount. Just my humble opinion.

After repeated "ratcheting" of the adjustable pivot nearest the GPSr the ability to lock was finally lost. This is probably a result of using it in a way that was not intended. Perhaps it is poorly designed.


I called Garmin and they said they would send me a replacement. Great customer service as always.


Regardless something more substantial was needed for the way I use the unit. I ordered the Ram mount and am very impressed with it. We will not get to use it much until this weekend but are pleased at this point. I hope the release gets easier or I get better at getting it out. Thanks to all who answered. This is such a great resource.

What do you mean by ratcheting and what pivot? All the pivots move freely with no ratcheting if you loosen enough prior to moving them.

Posted (edited)

OK I need help. I have a HP laptop, Win XP, SA2004, 60CS, USB to serial cable. Problem: SA 2004 will not "see" com four. Maybe because I have a problem configuring the virtual com four. I have tried to do the plug and play thing but it will not work. I tried to install the USB to RS 232 drivers but XP just says the best driver is already in use. I have the virtual com four in the list of com ports in the divices list but it has a Code 10 error. Can somebody send me the info to configure this com so SA 2004 will put it on its drop down list of ports. Thanks in advance.


Thumper :D:D:D

Edited by OKThumper

What do you mean by ratcheting and what pivot?  All the pivots move freely with no ratcheting if you loosen enough prior to moving them.

There are two thumb screws that lock the articulating mechanism. I never found it necessary to adjust the one closest to the bean bag. The adjustment nearest the GPSr unit often needed adjustment due to backlighting of the sun or to remove glare from the screen. I use the GPSr quite a bit and must change vehicles frequently.


Loosening that thumbscrew allowed the unit to tilt. There was a ratcheting action as the detents/ridges were jumped and seated. After repeated adjustment the detents/ridges were worn to a point that it no longer held regardless of how tight the thumbscrew was.


I stated that the wear was probably due to misuse. The design probably never intended for as much use as it recieved. I think it should be better but that is only MHO.


But the Ram mount seems to be the berries in this area. I do not anticipate further problems.

Posted (edited)
OK I need help.  I have a HP laptop, Win XP, SA2004, 60CS, USB to serial cable.  Problem: SA 2004 will not "see" com four.  Maybe because I have a problem configuring the virtual com four.  I have tried to do the plug and play thing but it will not work.  I tried to install the USB to RS 232 drivers but XP just says the best driver is already in use.  I have the virtual com four in the list of com ports in the divices list but it has a Code 10 error.  Can somebody send me the info to configure this com so SA 2004 will put it on its drop down list of ports.  Thanks in advance.


Thumper :D  :D  :D


Did you verify XP sees your adapter/driver? Control Panel/Admin Tools/Computer Management/Device Manager/Ports (Com/LPT)


I have SA 2004 and 60cs and do load waypoints via the Belkin serial adapter once in a while. Lately I have GSAK'ed them to MapSource and used MapSource via the USB cable, which it MUCH faster.


When I just displayed (Control Panel/Admin Tools/Computer Management/Device Manager/Ports (Com/LPT)) my configuration it says Belkin Serial on USA Port (COM4). I did have trouble a few weeks ago, simular to what you are having, until I reloaded the Belkin Drivers from the CD. Since then it has been ok. Good luck.

Edited by wornout
i am new to this.  the software i am using (GSAK) for sending waypoints to 60cs does not have usb port option.  it only has com1 port.  how do i use the usb port to talk to 60cs?  what program?

Hang in there. Last night I beta tested the latest version of GSAK (v 4.1.3 Build 14) to download my waypoints to my 60cs via the USB cable. Lightning fast, just like when you use MapSource. GSAK was waiting for a GPSBabel update and now it works. It will be available to registered users very soon.


I was poking around the forums and found a piece on automation. I wrote a batch file that, with the click of one button:


1. Starts GSAK, opens my latest saved 'current' file,

2. Runs a filter to delete a couple of caches I don't want to do and filters out

archived/inactive caches.

3. Created a cachemate file and sends it to the palm hot sync program

4. Sends the waypoints to my 60cs via USB cable

5. Exports a txt file to DeLorme folder for Street Atlas 2004

6. Exports an mps file to MapSOurce (old habits die hard) for sort of a backup.


The actual batch file is over here if you are interested:http://forums.Groundspeak.com/GC/index.php?showtopic=79406&st=0entry1063880


just come accross this thread. i've been seriously thinking about getting the 60c, not the cs as i have a compass! are there any downsides? at the moment i'm using a geko 201 and want the upgrade. has anyone regretted getting this unit? i'm only going to use it for caching so probably overkill but what the hell.


anyone got good reliable cheap website to buy it from? i'm in england but there is no way i'm buying it here, not at the prices i've been quoted. just a little reticent to spend 250 plus pounds in a website without being reasonbly happy that i will actually get one delivered and not be ripped off!


cheers for the help.


I would not buy a 60CS just for the geocaching functions alone unless I was also investing in the best sets of maps, both street and topo that I could get.


From my secondhand knowledge, it seems that Magellan makes better maps for the UK.


If you are not going to buy mapping software, I'd wait until Garmin adds a geocaching screen and features to a cheaper model. Otherwise, you are paying too much for mapping and autorouting features that you are not going to use.




I have the 60c and love it. But it comes with a base map loaded, based upon where you purchase the unit. If you buy one in the US, you get a US and Canada base map. The mapping function is pretty cool (enough to make me go out an buy their more detailed maps).


If you aren't going to use the maps at all, you may want to consider a Legend C (which actually has mapping, but less memory) for less $$ (sorry, ££).


I got my 60c from CompuPlus and was very happy with their price and service. I got my maps from GPS Now and was very pleased with them as well.


Hang in there. Last night I beta tested the latest version of GSAK (v 4.1.3 Build 14) to download my waypoints to my 60cs via the USB cable. Lightning fast, just like when you use MapSource. GSAK was waiting for a GPSBabel update and now it works. It will be available to registered users very soon.


I have just become a registered user of GSAK but get a file error when I try to download waypoints to my 60 CS. I checked the box for USB. Do I have to set some other switch on the GPS ?


I just took a long trip and had my 60CS connected to my laptop with Streets and Trips running while traveling so it was on quite a bit more then usual. I noticed the last few days it started making a "whirring" noise or had a "vibration" when first turning on. It only lasted a second of two. Is this something to be alarmed about? Anyone else notice this? Also, once the display faded away. I thought it had turned off, but it hadn't. The display just faded away.


Other than that it really worked great. It was nice being able to track where we were and notice that wrong turn we made before it was way too late :anibad:

I have just become a registered user of GSAK but get a file error when I try to download waypoints to my 60 CS.  I checked the box for USB.  Do I have to set some other switch on the GPS ?

Did you download and install the beta version of GSPbabel as well?


To confirm this, Start GSAK, then click on Help=>About, and the version

should show as 4.1.3 (build=20) and  the GPSBabel version should show as 1.2.4_beta09082004-gusb


I'm sure that Clyde will be by here with more info soon. If not, send him an e-mail or browse the latest GSAK topic.

Posted (edited)
I'm sure that Clyde will be by here with more info soon. If not, send him an e-mail or browse the latest GSAK topic.


Private email already sent to albuquerquebill


But .....


USB support is currently only available to registered GSAK users. If you want USB support there are a few extra steps required to make this work:


First Download and install version 4.1.3


Now, Downlod this zip file BabelUsb.zip


You will be prompted for a user and password, if you do not have this user ID and password, then send me a private email


Unzip the contents to your install folder of GSAK, making sure to override gpsbabel.exe file.


To confirm this, Start GSAK, then click on Help=>About, and the version

should show as 4.1.3 (build=20) and the GPSBabel version should show as 1.2.4_beta09082004-gusb


Now from the Main Menu select GPS=>Setup, and check the "Enable USB

Support" check box.

Edited by ClydeE

Forgive me if I am being rude but I just bought a GPSmap 60CS and the instuction book says I can go to Find-Geocache-GoTo and the compass page turns into Geocache Navigation with features that include Found-Note-Data-Stop options.

I can navigate up to the Go To point but the Compass page is still a regular compass page. Help.

BTW this thing is so accurate. We have found 10 caches and it is right on the money. I have been reading and playing and slowly figuring it out. Could use some guidance. TandGG of Phelan.


Is there a way to upload to the GPS unit from the map on the basic Mapsource Trip and Waypoint Manager? I've noticed that the manager has a few more highways then the stock map loaded in the GPS unit. Niether the help section or the FAQ sections has a solution that works.


I wish I had the extra money now for upgraded software :rolleyes:

Forgive me if I am being rude but I just bought a GPSmap 60CS and the instuction book says I can go to Find-Geocache-GoTo and the compass page turns into Geocache Navigation with features that include Found-Note-Data-Stop options.

I can navigate up to the Go To point but the Compass page is still a regular compass page. Help.

Two things I think you have to do, if I understand your question.


1. The icon has to be the geocache closed treasure chest

2. You have to be in off-road mode, not follow road mode


BTW this thing is so accurate. We have found 10 caches and it is right on the money. I have been reading and playing and slowly figuring it out. Could use some guidance. TandGG of Phelan.


Reference your comment about how accurate the 60cs is: Don't forget that the waypoint you are going to was put in by someone else with a different GPSr. While it seems accurate, someday you will find you are yards away from the cache as the placer's GPSr is different than yours.

Forgive me if I am being rude but I just bought a GPSmap 60CS and the instuction book says I can go to Find-Geocache-GoTo and the compass page turns into Geocache Navigation with features that include Found-Note-Data-Stop options.

I can navigate up to the Go To point but the Compass page is still a regular compass page. Help.

BTW this thing is so accurate. We have found 10 caches and it is right on the money. I have been reading and playing and slowly figuring it out. Could use some guidance. TandGG of Phelan.

It isn't exactly rude, but it is considered bad form to post the same question in three different threads. I'm hopeful that the one of the answers you have gotten will help.


If not, press Menu, Menu, go to Setup, press Enter, go to Routing, press Enter, and set Guidance Method (the first drop down) to "Prompted"


Then when you press Goto on the cache, it will prompt you. Select Off Road.


Hope this helps

Two things I think you have to do, if I understand your question.


1.  The icon has to be the GeoCache closed treasure chest

2.  You have to be in off-road mode, not follow road mode

Not quite, the icon in the GeoCaching setup menus for caches not found HAS to match the waypoint assigned to the cache you are seeking. That is the way the unit knows it should be using the GeoCaching mode.


I keep my 60CS in Lock On Road/follow Road all the time and have no problems with it automatically changing from map mode to compass-GeoCaching mode when I get close to a cache. You just have to make sure the icon used for the cache's waypoint in the unit matches the icon assigned in the GeoCaching menu (and no they do not have to be the closed/open chest to work. I change mine from caches to benchmarks as needed all the time).



Like so.....






You can change the icons used in the GeoCaching setup screen to any two you want. Just make sure that when you upload then download the waypoints the icons stay the same as the ones you need. Some of the programs out there reset the waypoint icons back to a default.


I've read nothing but good things about the 60CS and it was a deciding factor in my purchase. As an owner of a Garmin IQUE 3600 my friend introduced me to this sport and I got hooked. I then purchased my 60cs because it was more rugged and much cheaper then the Que for hiking in the woods not to mention I could quickly adapt the City Map Select Software to it. In the 2 months I've used it - I can say I'm a little disappointed. Though it had a higher rating for better reception in the woods then my Que, it looses reception 6-8 times more frequently under the same foliage coverage. That doesn't say much for its quad Helix antenna. In addition, when in WAAS mode, I have never received a "D" on any of the Graph Bars of the 60cs even to this day when my Que could have 3-4 of them displaying under similar conditions. Which brings me to my next point - accuracy. Repeatively, the Que appears to be far superior even when it has 1-3 less satellites locked on as opposed to the 60cs. I have learned to power up the 60cs and allow it to sit perfectly still for a good 5 mins. before moving though I am impatient waiting and that seems to have helped a little. My Que can be powered on the fly and be true. I am currently, testing the accuracy of the 60cs by taping the outline of a box on my deck and placing the unit within the outline and letting it sit for up to an hour at a time. After logging it's position, it has only gotten as close to 14-22ft with a 16ft +/- acc. Move it away by just 4 ft and it can read up to 35+ ft away. Just recently, I've noticed that the display is reading "Hold Level" constantly and "North" is deviating to the West for no reason. It could be just sitting flat on the deck and the problem could occur. For the record I am using the 3.5 update and my almanac time is within 2 seconds of Eastern Std time for my location. I realize no 2 units will read the same and that I am comparing apples to oranges between the 60cs and the Que but I was hoping it to be a little more accurate and dependable. I'm still using the Que for kills on hard to find caches.


So my questions are as follows: Other then constantly recalibrating or sending to Garmin; any thoughts on the accuracy issues?(Compass or distance to)

Any explaination of why I have never received "D"s in WAAS mode?

and what does the "Bearing" option on the "Go to Line" of the Map Setup Tracks Menu do? - Not to compare again, but my Que has a "Heading line" which is extremely helpful when off road because you can orientate your "Triangle" directly to the cache without projecting an imaginary line on the "Map" screen.


Don't get me wrong - there are plenty of things that I like about this unit (which I won't get into - like mounting to my motorcycle, battery life, etc.) but I just thought it would be more a cache magnet. I was hoping to walk into the woods & cling, cling , cling - caches would just start sticking to me. For, what the unit is I am content.


Oh yeah, last but not least - one more stupid question. I have to admit, I did drop this unit "once" in the woods - Could that have damaged the unit possibly?


Rather long for a 1st post but - Thanks


I had to do a hard reset on my 60CS because of the same thing and it helped quite a bit.

Found this information here:



Hold enter while powering up to enter test mode. Hold enter and page while powering up to master reset the unit. The 76C and 76CS should use the same key strokes as they use the same firmware.


If you have to perform a full reset using one of the sequences shown above you will need to allow the unit to collect a full almanac before normal can be resumed. First a fix will need to be obtained which can take from 5 to 10 minutes of leaving your unit outdoors, stationary, with a good sky view. After the first lock you will need another 12.5 to 15 minutes to get the almanac reloaded. Check the date to insure that the information was reloaded properly. Time will be shown as UTC time since your local time offset was lost in the reset.


Re-establish all of your preferences such as time zone, daylight savings flag, etc. Reload all your waypoints and saved routes from your backup. I do hope you have a backup. WAAS capable receivers will have to re-establish the WAAS almanac as well.


You should also calibrate the compass each time you change out the batteries (or if you get a shut down from bumping the unit causing the batteries to lose contact for a moment). That will help with the problem of pointing the wrong way :wacko:


Lords of swords- I went the other way, got the 60CS first, but covet the IQUE, especially the on the fly routing option. I haven't gotten the detailed street maps yet, as I'm still thinking about the IQUE,and don't want to buy the mapping software,only to have it come with the IQUE. Did you have any problems putting what came with the IQUE in the CS and how much better is it using the IQUE for road navigation than the CS?


I've been trying to fugure out how Map Information Setup settings work on my 60C

The manual offers this helpful information

This page of the Map Setup feature displays a list of downloaded detailed maps such as topographic, marine charts, and MapSource maps with auto-routing capability.  Use the ROCKER key to highlight the desired map and then the ENTER key to show it on the map display or turn it off.

Pressing the Menu key displays list of options for displaying these maps.

It then lists "Show All," "Show None," "Hide Basemap" Restore Defaults," and "Restore All Map Defaults."


I uploaded 50 nearby caches from GSAK to MapSource, then D/L'd City Select and Topo maps for my local area, as well as caches to the GPSr.


I pressed Find Geocaches, Goto, and then selected Follow Road (I have my Route Settings set to "Prompted") to get my GPS to plan and auto route to the cache. The GPSr autorouted me through my neighborhood to the state park 70 miles away to where the cache is hidden. (It then routed a straight line from the end of the park road to the cache). I was SO IMPRESSED.


I wanted to make sure that I could see the Topo map when I got near the cache, so I went to Map Information to see what map was being used. It listed only the appropriate Topo map, and had a checkmark next to it. No other maps were listed. But when I zoomed in on the state park, the Map shows a local street name, but no contour lines or other Topo features. (The street name isn't on the Topo map.) I couldn't figure out how it could have gotten me turn-by-turn routing only using the Topo map 70 miles away that doesn't even include my neighborhood (local area streets are not included in the base map).


So I stroll over to Map Setup, and find the Information page. I click on Show All. Now the Map page lists 8 maps (4 city and 4 topos) that I D/L'd, all with check marks next to them. I re-zoom, and the map still displays the City Select map (only). No Topo info. I switch to Off Road, thinking that I am getting the city maps since I used it for auto routing, but it still shows the city map. (Remember, when I hit the map setting menu origianally, the only map listed is the local Topo)


So what is the deal? Obviously, the GPSr used at least 2 city maps to get me from my house to the state park. It listed only the Topo map when I went in to list maps, but it was showing only the city map. The Topo information is not overlayed on the City Select info.


To use the appropriate Topo map, I had to go to Map Setup, Information, and change the default setting to "show all." Then I had to go in and uncheck the city select maps in the area. Then it FINALLY let me see the Topo map.


For a unit that specializes in Geocaching, this seems like an pretty counterintuitive way to get there. I'm glad that I was doing all of this on my couch, and not out in the sweltering skeeter-infested woods (I know its September, but this is Houston, high today 95, heat index 101).


Okay, I'm done ranting now. Sorry. Does anyone have a way to show the Topo maps for a cache without going through 18 steps? What am I missing?

Posted (edited)
Does anyone have a way to show the Topo maps for a cache without going through 18 steps?  What am I missing?


You didn't mention the firmware version you're using. According to Garmin's website, the most recent firmware for the 60C, v. 3.50, "Add the ability to independently show or hide entire map families on the Map Setup page".


Not sure if this will solve your problem, but if you're using older firmware, you might try installing the 3.50 version. I myself don't use any maps other than Mapsource City Select, and so don't have your problem (yet).


You can get the latest version here:



Edited by houkou-onchi

Good thought, Houkou, I am using 3.50.


And that's what I get for reading the manual. The GPSr now has two more listings not shown in the manual. "Hide City Select North A" and "Hide US Topo"!!! I didn't see them there until your post mentioning "map families". If you hit "Hide City Select North A," the Topo maps show up. That menu selection then changes to "Show City Select North A"


I'm still puzzled by the fact that when you tell it to show Topo and show City Select, it only displays the latter on the map. Maybe it gets too cluttered to show them both.


But if only one is going to be shown, I would have thought that when you first hit Menu on the Map page, the Map Setup listing would show the map that is actually being displayed, instead of (i) listing as the only map, one that isn't being displayed, and (ii) having to go to a further submenu by guessing to press "Menu" again from that page to get the to the list of the real map.


Oh well. Still love this GPSr.

Posted (edited)
Good thought, Houkou, I am using 3.50.


And that's what I get for reading the manual.  The GPSr now has two more listings not shown in the manual.  "Hide City Select North A" and "Hide US Topo"!!!  I didn't see them there until your post mentioning "map families".  If you hit "Hide City Select North A," the Topo maps show up.  That menu selection then changes to "Show City Select North A"


I'm still puzzled by the fact that when you tell it to show Topo and show City Select, it only displays the latter on the map.  Maybe it gets too cluttered to show them both.


But if only one is going to be shown, I would have thought that when you first hit Menu on the Map page, the Map Setup listing would show the map that is actually being displayed, instead of (i) listing as the only map, one that isn't being displayed, and (ii) having to go to a further submenu by guessing to press "Menu" again from that page to get the to the list of the real map.


Oh well.  Still love this GPSr.

If you upload two or more Mapsource products covering the same area, only one will be displayed. There is a heirachial order, unless you disable the higher priority mapset, it will be displayed. City Select is highest, followed by Metroguide, etc. I currently have City Select v6 and Topo in my CS and City Select v5 and roads and rec in my Vista.

Edited by Wild_Bill

Hello, all. I am impressed with all the great information in this topic and am prepared to purchase a 60 now. I did see a question without reply earlier about spontaneous shutdowns that might sway my decision of C v. CS.


The reason I am concerned is that I currently am using my second Vista, a replacement for the original that shutdown several times a day despite good batteries, cord power, battery cover, battery contacts, multiple firmware upgrades, and 'politely' asking it to quit that sort of thing. Even the replacement unit has done this a couple of times. I have heard it theorized that the S models tax the processor more and thus display this behavior.


If the CS is also having this sort of problem, I will probably go with the C and a compass despite the slight loss of convenience and cool-factor. I would greatly appreciate hearing anyone's experience with non-desired shutdowns with either the C or CS model.




No shut down problems with my 60C. I can't speak for CS owners. There is a setting on the C telling it what to do if it loses external power. The default is set to turn unit off. You can change it to stay on.


I seem to remember the question you are referring to, that the GPSr just shut sown randomly. If the user who asked the question only had the problem when it was plugged into a cigarette lighter or something, I would blame a loose connection and a "Shut Down" setting.


Hopefully, some CS owners will chime in here.

Hello, all. I am impressed with all the great information in this topic and am prepared to purchase a 60 now. I did see a question without reply earlier about spontaneous shutdowns that might sway my decision of C v. CS.


The reason I am concerned is that I currently am using my second Vista, a replacement for the original that shutdown several times a day despite good batteries, cord power, battery cover, battery contacts, multiple firmware upgrades, and 'politely' asking it to quit that sort of thing. Even the replacement unit has done this a couple of times. I have heard it theorized that the S models tax the processor more and thus display this behavior.


If the CS is also having this sort of problem, I will probably go with the C and a compass despite the slight loss of convenience and cool-factor. I would greatly appreciate hearing anyone's experience with non-desired shutdowns with either the C or CS model.

I have not had this issue since I got mine about 6 months ago. I put mine through a lot of very hard and abusive circumstances as well. Not intentionally just back packing and motorcycle riding for some reason it keeps getting tossed and hits the ground but it keeps working and with nearly no scratches.


Some of the first run made 60C snd 60CS were made with weak springs for the batteries. If you bump the unit it can lose contact with the battery and shut down. It has been fixed with newer made units and it is very simple to fix the problem in the older ones that people have already bought (me being in that group).


I have only had one other shut down that was not caused by this and I was able to re-do it when I tried. I have sent in how it happeneds to Garmin. It takes a few steps and deals with finding an address while in demo mode.


Sputnik 57, MacBandit, and we3dements -- Thank you each for your response. I will watch the thread for another day or two until I purchase. Actually, I will keep watching while the thread is active as it contains a wealth of information. I appreciate the feedback and will get the model I really want, the CS.

Posted (edited)
swala Posted on Sep 15 2004, 10:08 PM

Lords of swords- I went the other way, got the 60CS first, but covet the IQUE, especially the on the fly routing option. I haven't gotten the detailed street maps yet, as I'm still thinking about the IQUE,and don't want to buy the mapping software,only to have it come with the IQUE. Did you have any problems putting what came with the IQUE in the CS and how much better is it using the IQUE for road navigation than the CS?


Swala - in response to your questions: No - I had no problems placing the same city select maps which came with my QUE on the CS. Basically just had to use the unlock code that came with the unit and select the new unit that I wished to add the software too. (Garmin allows you to place the same software on 2 different units) Can't remeber exactly how I did it, but do recall the program walks you through it. (It helps if the original software was registered with Garmin - then all the units IDs and Passwords & unlock codes are @ your finger tips with support help.) As for your second question - If you purchased the Automount accessory (the bean bag with adaptor cord & voice amplifier - which I did) then the Que is superior while driving in the car. It provides audible directions as well as a larger screen to view. However, when riding my motorcycle my 60CS with a modified marine mount provides me with a good sense of direction minus the audible in a more compact package since space is limited on a bike. I have found that both my units have provided exceptional guidance when traveling and each has their own benefits depending on the application at hand.

Edited by Lords of Swords

Thanks for the reply, now it might be easier to convince myself to wait and put the $120+ I would have spent on the mapping software towards the purchase of the IQUE.


My 60CS is dying! OK here's the deal. During as mega caching spree the other day (144 find!) all of a sudden my 60CS's buttons wouldn't work. So I reboot, take the batteries out, beat it a bit. After about an hour it starts working again! Woohoo!


So I'm caching on Tuesday, near the end of the day it's doing it again, but I get it reworking.


So today, same thing. I mean what's making these buttons work intermittently? I don't have time to have a GPS out of service, there's caches to find!


Anyone got any ideas, beside reloading the firware, tried that already.




I just got my Gpsmap 60cs today, and I was trying to download my Streets & Trips 2005 to my GPS. I was not able to do it. Can someone help me?





I just got my Gpsmap 60cs today, and I was trying to download my Streets & Trips 2005 to my GPS. I was not able to do it. Can someone help me?



The only maps that you can upload to your 60CS are those from Garmin like MapSource MetroGuide, City Select, US Topo, etc. Maps from sources other than Garmin are impossible to upload to your GPS. This is the same for any other brand of GPS on the market...Magellan GPSs use only Magellan maps, Lowrance GPSs use only Lowrance maps, etc, etc.


In the MapSource Trip and Waypoint manager, it shows more detail for Europe than the GPS does. Can I load the european detail that is in the T&W into my GPSr? I don't need that much detail, so I don't want to buy any Euro mapping CD, just the major roads and POIs that are included with the T&W, Thanks.

My 60CS is dying! OK here's the deal. During as mega caching spree the other day (144 find!) all of a sudden my 60CS's buttons wouldn't work. So I reboot, take the batteries out, beat it a bit. After about an hour it starts working again! Woohoo!


So I'm caching on Tuesday, near the end of the day it's doing it again, but I get it reworking.


So today, same thing. I mean what's making these buttons work intermittently? I don't have time to have a GPS out of service, there's caches to find!


Anyone got any ideas, beside reloading the firware, tried that already.

I have had the same thing start to happen with my 60CS in the last week or so. The only button that works is the power. The unit is not locked up because it is still tracking and showing pop-ups for turns but I cant get it to respond with the keys (other then powering it down). I have had to shut it off and press all the keys really hards a few times then power back up and keep doing this untill they start to work again. I am going to call Garmin in the morning and see what can be done.

The big problem I have is I use it for work and even being without it for a day will be a HUGE pain. I have a GPS V as a back up, but I am really spoiled now and do not want to go back to the "old" gps. I have also thought about getting a Quest for work but I still dont know if it will be worth it.


Just call Garmin and get an RMA number. Also when you talk to them ask them to lets us use the full capacity of the notes window, not just the 1-1/2 lines we currently can use. This is the biggest thing that would make the unit near perfect, being able to store the whole hint on the GPS, YES!~ :huh:


Quick question regarding the notes section of the Garmin GPSMAP 60c/s, is there a text limit to the notes field? I put hints in this area and then up load using GSAK & MapSend way point manager. Only a small portion of the note appears on the GPS notes area. Any idea's?


The consensus appears to be that there's a 30-char limit in the notes field, even though there's real estate enough to display more. Sad, maybe they'll fix it in another FW rev.


A while back someone asked a question about never having seen a "D" in WAAS mode. Don't know if that ever got resolved, but the key is there's initially no WAAS almanac in the unit when it ships, so it slowly searches through all the possible PRN numbers looking for one, when there's really only a few it could possibly find.


There's a great web page at http://www.gpsinformation.org/dale/dgps.htm#waas which explains the process for getting WAAS going on a Garmin unit, which is a one time process, provided you have a good clear view of one or both of the WAAS satellites.


Once you've acquired one of the WAAS satellites for the first time in the 60CS, re-acquiring it in the future and getting "D"-mode going is much quicker.

A while back someone asked a question about never having seen a "D" in WAAS mode. Don't know if that ever got resolved, but the key is there's initially no WAAS almanac in the unit when it ships, so it slowly searches through all the possible PRN numbers looking for one, when there's really only a few it could possibly find.


There's a great web page at http://www.gpsinformation.org/dale/dgps.htm#waas which explains the process for getting WAAS going on a Garmin unit, which is a one time process, provided you have a good clear view of one or both of the WAAS satellites.


Once you've acquired one of the WAAS satellites for the first time in the 60CS, re-acquiring it in the future and getting "D"-mode going is much quicker.

A BIG <_< thank you for this info and the page you included.


I haven't seen any recent posts on the size capability of the waypoint name or notes sections...

are there any updates on this? Will Garmin, in their next free download for the 60CS increase the size capability of the waypoint name from 10 characters to ? and the size of the notes section from 30 characters to?



Will Garmin, in their next free download for the 60CS increase the size capability of the waypoint name from 10 characters to ? and the size of the notes section from 30 characters to?

I e-mailed them about this last week, pointing out that there is a lot more room in that field, room for maybe 60 characters. I got a canned response that said the notes field held 30 characters. Maybe if we all keep bugging them . . .



My 60CS is dying! OK here's the deal. During as mega caching spree the other day (144 find!) all of a sudden my 60CS's buttons wouldn't work. So I reboot, take the batteries out, beat it a bit. After about an hour it starts working again! Woohoo!


I went out the other day and after about 11 hours of caching we only could find 11. I can see maybe 15 but how in the world did you get 144?

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