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The Navigatorz

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That leaves the Birdies out!

Well, if I had any math sense I would be out there too. But beings I don't I am home nice and warm looking in the Yellow Pages for a Tutor!

I'm not suppose to say, but this person is probably well on the way to the cache.  :D

Hehehehehehe :D


Patudles Posted on Jan 19 2005, 11:55 PM

Well, if I had any math sense I would be out there too. But beings I don't I am home nice and warm looking in the Yellow Pages for a Tutor!


I wondered why my cell phone rang at 11:55 last night!! :P


All that excitement for a micro? :D


I look forward to solving this one (geometry and math and equations and stuff)...even if it is on the other side of the hills. :P

All that excitement for a micro? :P


I look forward to solving this one (geometry and math and equations and stuff)...even if it is on the other side of the hills. :D

Yeah, when you get as few caches around here as we do, there is even excitement for a micro!


I wondered why my cell phone rang at 11:55 last night!!


Just curious if it you were the one making the midnight run. Me, I just pulled another all nighter at work. Sleep sounds good right now. Oh, well I can sleep half the day away tomorrow.


I was sort of surprised to be FTF on Ski link. Normally I get off work at 4:30, but today was a busy day and I got off at 6:00, got home at 6:30, hopped online and saw the new cache by Robinego. I figured there was no way I'd get FTF, so I ate dinner, then headed to the cache at 7:20 pm. When I found it, I really expected to see at least a couple of names, but instead...a blank log sheet. Thanks Patudles and xy for snoozin on this one. :(

I was sort of surprised to be FTF on Ski link.  Normally I get off work at 4:30, but today was a busy day and I got off at 6:00, got home at 6:30, hopped online and saw the new cache by Robinego.  I figured there was no way I'd get FTF, so I ate dinner, then headed to the cache at 7:20 pm.  When I found it, I really expected to see at least a couple of names, but instead...a blank log sheet.  Thanks Patudles and xy for snoozin on this one.    :rolleyes:

Well, your response times are impressive. I didn't even submit the cache until around 12:54 today, it was approved at 4:47 and was found by 7:20... I'm thinking Moun10Bike needs a raise! Double, no TRIPLE his salary!! :(


I will submit the next one shortly, still debating about making it a multi. In keeping with the transportation theme I've got going on, maybe it will be a "follow that bus" cache....


I was asleep at the buzzer for this and Robinego's new Skilink. I was just fixin to head out the door for SkiLink when I see that Nav already has it in the bag, so it can wait til morning now. Ho Hum 


I was shocked to see I got The Rock. Figured I'd be eating your dust. So now you have 2 you can run and grab in the A.M.



Thanks  xy for snoozin on this one.    :(

Don't mention it. I didn't even see it until 8.

I'm a day late and a dollar short I guess, The way its going maybe I can make a day of caching up and not even leave Wenatchee. Hey, that sounds like fun! Keep them coming.


Hey fellow Cache-cadians, March is just around the corner and there is going to be a cache machine invading our area. We need to start thinking about what we would like to do for them. Maybe we could start throwing out some suggestions. We all might also want to start checking our caches next month and making sure the logbooks and sheets are dry and have enough room on them for a lot of cachers to sign. Find your favorite hiding spot to watch some fun in. We all know where to find Navigatorz! :lol:


You know how in marathon races, people set up locations along the route to give cups of water to the racers? Well we could place kleenex boxes in strategic locations to wipe their eyes from crying from all the DNFs. :lol:

  Find your favorite hiding spot to watch some fun in.  We all know where to find Navigatorz! :lol:

I was planning on going incognito and jumping in as a ringer. I mean hey, most of them have NO idea I am a tall tanned willowy blond from SoCal. :o

  Find your favorite hiding spot to watch some fun in.  We all know where to find Navigatorz! :grin:

I was planning on going incognito and jumping in as a ringer. I mean hey, most of them have NO idea I am a tall tanned willowy blond from SoCal. :huh:



Whoo Hoo! I finally got to go caching with Patudles and Robingo! You two have way too much fun. Just what were you doing down there on the ground Tudles? Taking earth samples? Peace, Nolenator

Whoo Hoo! I finally got to go caching with Patudles and Robingo! You two have way too much fun. Just what were you doing down there on the ground Tudles? Taking earth samples? Peace, Nolenator

What can I say, they say first impressions are lasting ones. I bet you never forget me and you'll always get a chuckle out of it :D ~Tudles

Posted (edited)
What I can't believe is that you did 19 caches in a day. And my wife thinks I'm over the top. ...I wonder if I can do 20? :D

Have you ridden with Robinego yet? :D If so you'd understand, you see she is a S. Cal gal. They really know how to get around in the big cities. :D ~ Tudles



Edit: typo

Edited by Patudles
What I can't believe is that you did 19 caches in a day. And my wife thinks I'm over the top. ...I wonder if I can do 20? :D

Have you ridden with Robinego yet? :P If so you'd understand, you see she is a S. Cal gal. They really know how to get around in the big cities. :D ~ Tudles



Edit: typo

Yes, I love my big gas guzzling, pollution emitting, high insurance rated, heated leather seat baby. I love to take her into the city just so I can revisit my past and enjoy traffic as it was meant to be. (Ironically, the geo-ignorant spouse runs a mass transit system and I don't use it, go figure... :) ) You can take the girl out of traffic, but you can't take her death-like grip off of the wheel! :D

but you can't take her death-like grip off of the wheel!  :D

And she can go around in circles really well! :D

Just another example of why following a simple arrow instead of listening to your auto-routing will get you to where you need to be. :D Who needs all those "purty" colors if you can't get to the cache??? I don't remember your Garmin finding me an espresso hut when I needed it!

Just another example of why following a simple arrow instead of listening to your auto-routing will get you to where you need to be. :D Who needs all those "purty" colors if you can't get to the cache??? I don't remember your Garmin finding me an espresso hut when I needed it!

Only cause I can't spell expresso :D

Congratulations XY,XX,XY.XY,XY,XY on #200, found here.

You're another one of those young whipper-snappers that are trying to come up and nip at my heels, aren't you xy? :rolleyes:


Along with that durned Robin. :ph34r::ph34r:


well, back from an absolutely gorgeous weekend in Revelstoke. There was snow. White, fluffy, cold and slippery...loved it! What wasn't up there were caches. Hardly any all the way up the 97. Very disappointing. Didn't bring my GPS because of the lack of caches. But saw sooo many great places to hide caches and wondered if there were any inland BC cachers? I'm heading back up to Naramata and Penticton in the spring/fall/winter over the next few years so I'll manage a few hides over the course of time. Hopefully, more hides will come out before then.

well, back from an absolutely gorgeous weekend in Revelstoke. There was snow. White, fluffy, cold and slippery...loved it! What wasn't up there were caches. Hardly any all the way up the 97. Very disappointing. Didn't bring my GPS because of the lack of caches. But saw sooo many great places to hide caches and wondered if there were any inland BC cachers? I'm heading back up to Naramata and Penticton in the spring/fall/winter over the next few years so I'll manage a few hides over the course of time. Hopefully, more hides will come out before then.

Oh, come now. We went to Silver Star at Thanksgiving and found 14 coming and going (or going and coming). :huh: You must have let your skiing cut into your caching.. :o


I know that most of you have gone to these caches already, but I thought that I would throw this out.


Tommorow (Sunday the 13th), I'm taking out a bunch of newbies caching. We're going to meet at Walla Walla Point Park at 2pm and walk all the way to the footbridge that crosses the train tracks into town, and go to Owl Drug for some Sodas.


Along the way, we would like to get, off the top of my head, Itty Bitty Island, Flag Mom and Apple Pie, Autumn Leaves, Bronze Memorials, Pearadise, and Watched by the Owl.


If you would like to join, bring warm clothes, caching items (for the one non-micro :lostsignal: ), and some money for the Owl.


If you need my cell phone number cause you think you might be late and need to catch up to us, pm me. I will only be here for a few minutes in the morning, and for a few minutes around 12 or 1. So in your pm, give me your phone # and I'll call you.


Phew! That's it. It's majorly short notice, but I thought that I'd let people know.:rolleyes:


Very well, thank you. :lol:


We went to Itty Bitty, Flag, Bronze Memorials (though we aren't going to log that one, cause we didn't do the multi I just took it to them so that they could see a larger cache), Autumn Leaves, Pearadise, and the Owl.


Kids had a lot of fun.


We had about 5 new cachers with us.




Itty Bitty Island cache





Bronze Memorials


Congratulations to Navigatorz on find #1100.


I went up to do the Badger Mt. cache today. Did not do it because I could find no access points that did not have me crossing a no trepassing area. If anyone else finds a way in let me know it looks like it could have a good view. Am posting a note saying basically the same thing to the cache page.


I disabled the cache and posted asking the cache owner to provide access that does not involve trespassing. This led to a series of abusive emails to be from the sole finder on that cache. :P That user also started spamming one of my cache hides. However, I think I have smoothed things out with him; we'll see. He says that there is definitely a route to the cache that does not involve trespassing (I wish he had found a way to say that nicely to me!). In any case, please keep me in the loop on the situation with this cache. I'll try to keep an eye on it.

Congratulations  to Navigatorz on find #1100.


(in her best SoCal beach voice) Dude! You rock! :P 1100? Where are you finding them? B) They aren't here in spite of the once a month club.

I disabled the cache and posted asking the cache owner to provide access that does not involve trespassing. This led to a series of abusive emails to be from the sole finder on that cache. :P That user also started spamming one of my cache hides. However, I think I have smoothed things out with him; we'll see. He says that there is definitely a route to the cache that does not involve trespassing (I wish he had found a way to say that nicely to me!). In any case, please keep me in the loop on the situation with this cache. I'll try to keep an eye on it.

After I received several harrassing emails from Ghosthunters, followed by a threat of physical violence from NWGeocache - all for disabling a cache that appeared to be on private property - both accounts have been banned from Geocaching.com. If you encounter any problems stemming from this incident, please let me and Groundspeak know as soon as possible. Sorry for the problems. B)


Wow! :)


That's pretty scary. I hope they get on with their lives and don't try to take out their frustrations on everyone! :)


That's why we say "It's only a game". :huh:


Thanks, Moun10bike for being a trooper. :)

I disabled the cache and posted asking the cache owner to provide access that does not involve trespassing.  This led to a series of abusive emails to be from the sole finder on that cache.  :)  That user also started spamming one of my cache hides.  However, I think I have smoothed things out with him; we'll see.  He says that there is definitely a route to the cache that does not involve trespassing (I wish he had found a way to say that nicely to me!).  In any case, please keep me in the loop on the situation with this cache.  I'll try to keep an eye on it.

After I received several harrassing emails from Ghosthunters, followed by a threat of physical violence from NWGeocache - all for disabling a cache that appeared to be on private property - both accounts have been banned from Geocaching.com. If you encounter any problems stemming from this incident, please let me and Groundspeak know as soon as possible. Sorry for the problems. :)

In response to the cache owners note that all you had to do was go through the gravel pit to the back and access it that way, the gravel pit has 4 No Trespassing signs clearly posted to keep you from entering it. So we thought we would go around to the side. One side is fenced with no trespassing signs and the other side also had a no trespassing sign. It is clearly well posted.


Thank you Moun10bike for taking care of this issue for us.

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