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The Navigatorz

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Posted (edited)

Looking back on the Year 2004.


In the 20 mile radius around Wenatchee, there were 108 new caches hidden in 2004. This equals the number of hides in year 2003 (108 also). Thanks to all who provided some real fun, interesting, and challenging caches.


Here are some stats of hides in the Wenatchee area in 2004:

Total hides in 20 mile radius: 108 hides

Most in one month: 27 hides in June

Least in one month: 1 in January and August




For comparison, here is 2003:




Looking forward to more great new caches in 2005.


Happy Holidays to All.

Edited by The Navigatorz
Congratulations!! Robinego on the milestone of 400 cache Finds!!
also on #401 & 402 today.


And thanks to everyone who helped and participated in my birthday. It was great! 

How does it feel to be middleaged now?


Looking forward to more great new caches in 2005.


Maybe we can do better in January of 2005, specially if the snow stays away. :unsure:


Here's to wishing you all a Happy New Year! ~ Tudles

And thanks to everyone who helped and participated in my birthday. It was great! 

How does it feel to be middleaged now?


I thought that was supposed to be when you turn 50? :unsure::blink:


Much grass my friends. And old really doesn't happen until you're well into your 80's because I'll be still trying to find some of the more elusive caches then!


Xy, how goes the owie?


Nav, thanks for the new hide. It was a God send last night. Kept me from being on the front page of the newspaper today seing how I was real close to knocking off a few family members last night....and who says caching is a waste of time? (it saved their lives...)





Xy, how goes the owie?


Nav, thanks for the new hide. It was a God send last night. Kept me from being on the front page of the newspaper today seing how I was real close to knocking off a few family members last night....and who says caching is a waste of time? (it saved their lives...)



I'm feeling well enough that I drove the family to Seattle on Sunday evening. I'm still sore, but not so much that I need the magic pills the doc gave me. I'm bummed that I didn't get to jump right on Nav's new cache though. I'll have to get it on Wed or Thursday.


Much Grass, XY for going over and getting us the ammo cans. Now.... where to put them? I wonder what Miss Innocent would do with one of them. Think she could be sneaky with one? ;)

According to a Note posted by Moun10Bike on the cache page, the coordinates to Uncle Ed's cache have been fixed by the owner. Who will be FTF?


I knew about the coord differences (thanks XY) earlier, but have yet to battle the road up. Kills me since I look at that @*%# road daily. Everytime I drive home, I think, I could go just a little further...

If I had an O2 tank, snowshoes and a helicopter waiting to bring my lifeless body down, I might walk up there... Anybody game to go with me? Muahahaha -R-

If I had an O2 tank, snowshoes and a helicopter waiting to bring my lifeless body down, I might walk up there... Anybody game to go with me? Muahahaha -R-

I think the boys have all of the above that we could bring along...Of course they're just plastic toys, but I can bring them. I'm game if you are. :blink:

Posted (edited)
You better look at this before you go.

Wow! Brrrrrrr. I've seen wind chill charts several times before. Used to have one on the back of my thermometer zipper pull on my ski jacket. I have never seen the frostbite times though. Thanks.

Edited by xy,xx,xy,xy,xy,xy

Looks like the next Cache Machine will be in Wenatchee, here is a forum reply from TravisL:


The Wenatchee Cache Machine will be April 2. There's no event page for it yet; expect that in late February.


If you keep the Gig Harbor Cache Machine on your watch list, you'll be one of the first to know about the WCM page going live, because I'll post a note to the GHCM page when it does.


Of course, it'll also have its own forum topic.


(I'd told some folks on Saturday that it would be March 28, but I'd meant March 26, and didn't realize that March 27 was Easter. So April 2 it is.)

Looks like the next Cache Machine will be in Wenatchee

So are we locals supposed to do anything other than stand in the Wal-Mart Parking lot and laugh at all of the people looking for Take Shelter? I guess all of us once a month clubbers need to get busy with finding some creative uses for ammo cans.

Posted (edited)
I guess all of us once a month clubbers need to get busy with finding some creative uses for ammo cans.

I already hid my January cache. Just waiting on approval.


I might set up a lawn chair at Apple Capital Recreation loop trail and watch them look for that cache. :huh:

Edited by The Navigatorz
Looks like the next Cache Machine will be in Wenatchee

So are we locals supposed to do anything other than stand in the Wal-Mart Parking lot and laugh at all of the people looking for Take Shelter? I guess all of us once a month clubbers need to get busy with finding some creative uses for ammo cans.

The cache machine has thick skin. Especially after Heinous Hide at the Park & Ride in view of the Best Western Hotel to start the day. And then Borgen Street Bark & Ride and Tennis Anyone? with the respective owners keeping an eye on us.

Some very clever hiders over on the west side of Galloping Gertie.


Posted (edited)

Apple Capital Recreation Loop trail (GCHNVK) has claimed DNFs from several west siders, with over 1000 and 2000 cache finds each. Come on over, we'll be watching, and that will be me in the lawn chair, the one laughing. :huh:


No fair talking to TIAG! about it beforehand either. :lol:

Edited by The Navigatorz
Apple Capital Recreation Loop trail (GCHNVK) has claimed DNFs from several west siders, with over 1000 and 2000 cache finds each. Come on over, we'll be watching, and that will be me in the lawn chair, the one laughing. :wub:


No fair talking to TIAG! about it beforehand either. :laughing:

I'll find that baby first time through :-)


I'll find that baby first time through :-)

:laughing: I'll be sure to bring some things that will help you in your search. Like, sunglasses during the day to keep the glare out of your eyes, and a flashlight for late night searching when you're still looking for it. :wub:


I'll find that baby first time through :-)

:laughing: I'll be sure to bring some things that will help you in your search. Like, sunglasses during the day to keep the glare out of your eyes, and a flashlight for late night searching when you're still looking for it. :wub:



I'll find that baby first time through :-)

:wub: I'll be sure to bring some things that will help you in your search. Like, sunglasses during the day to keep the glare out of your eyes, and a flashlight for late night searching when you're still looking for it. :laughing:


He forgot to mention the club you'll want to beat him with after you find it or the soap you'll need to wash your mouth out from all the expletives!! :)


I've heard of computers with all the bells and whistles. Maybe she has one that whistles everytime a new cache appears. :o Or to much time on hand. Doesn't she have a job? :rolleyes:

I think someone in town has a 6th sense about new hides.  They are already heading to the cache as its being hid.  Then as soon as the hiders leave, they pounce on it while its still warm.

Hmmmm. Any thoughts Robinego?

What 6th sence? ;) It pops up and I'm on it like white on rice. No different than the hardcore Wet Siders! Caches don't last a few hours before they are grabbed over there. Out of 428 finds, I only have 15 FTF's. Or 0.53571428571428571428571428571429% Hardly an earth shattering number. :huh: I would however like to improve that # if you would like to give me a few heads up... :D


Patudles Posted on Jan 17 2005, 09:58 PM


  I've heard of computers with all the bells and whistles. Maybe she has one that whistles everytime a new cache appears.  Or to much time on hand. Doesn't she have a job? 


You ain't kidding. I was off for over 2 months but now I'm getting called in and work is already crowding my caching time. ;) Gotta pay for that gas! -R-

Out of 428 finds, I only have 15 FTF's.  Or 0.53571428571428571428571428571429%  Hardly an earth shattering number.  ;) I would however like to improve that # if you would like to give me a few heads up... ;)


Well, you had to know that some numbers geek was going to post a real percentage, right?


Your FTF rate is 3.5046729%, assuming the above FTF and find-count numbers are accurate. Much, much higher than you'd like us to believe. :huh::D

I would however like to improve that #

Look's like you don't need a heads up. Here's another percentage:


Since December 1st, Wenatchee has seen 8 new caches, and I won't say her name, but her initials are Robinego :huh: has been FTF on 5 of them

(Wrap it up, Navidogz, Bronze Memorials, Jude's Oasis, and Non Rolling Log).


That's FTF on 62.5% of the newest caches. So there. ;)

pdxmarathonman,Jan 18 2005, 04:27 PM

Well, you had to know that some numbers geek was going to post a real percentage, right?


Your FTF rate is 3.5046729%, assuming the above FTF and find-count numbers are accurate.  Much, much higher than you'd like us to believe. :D  :D


Thank you for the correction. ;) Math (even as simple as that was) is not my forte, but I'm a damned good nurse and I'll run you over to get that FTF! 3.5% Holy smokes! Call the P-I!!! :huh:

The Navigatorz Posted on Jan 18 2005, 06:14 PM

Since December 1st, Wenatchee has seen 8 new caches, and I won't say her name, but her initials are Robinego  has been FTF on 5 of them

(Wrap it up, Navidogz, Bronze Memorials, Jude's Oasis, and Non Rolling Log).


That's FTF on 62.5% of the newest caches. So there. 


Now wait a minute, I didn't get Non Rolling Log, that was Xy's baby so the stats would be only 50%. I got Navidogz because I left Patudles back in a snow drift, Bronze Memorials only because Ambrosia and Patudles listened to my whining were persuaded to walk and not drive to the final location, Jude's Oasis and Wrap it up were pure luck. So in essence, my # should be 25% because those were the only 2 I earned... Now that I am back to work, I'm sure I'll be skunked on my fair share. ;)


Speaking of Navidogz... The Birdys have been in town at least twice since that one was hidden. I figured they'd be all over that one due to the "trail" that needs to be crossed. I know they are some of those "other enthusiasts" that Robinego referred to in her FTF log.

Posted (edited)
Just hid a 4 star difficulty cache.  Who will be FTF?  Muahaha  :huh:

Ok, I just saw it pop up...and I'm thinking I'll be letting someone else figure it out. Maybe my exchange student.... Hmmm..... :huh:


What kills me, there is someone out there that will see the page and say "well duh, any moron can figure that one out..." :P


cache in question... The Rock

Edited by robinego
But we all know who the reigning FTF champ is don't we? Come on Patudles, you're being kind of quiet here. Let me guess....85 FTFs out of 850 finds. That's about a 10% FTF rate.

I once had a goal of 100 FTF and 100 TB's and 1,000 caches by May 2005. Then the caches hereabouts started slowing down. So I kinda lost track of where I am on FTF. I need to count them all over again. Probably close to 80 is my guess. Right now I am just struggling on how to find time to get 130+ caches in by my anniversary date in May.


I appreciate all these new caches popping out. Now to start soloing again and beating a few others to the draw needs to happen. :huh: I haven't been pushing the FTF as hard as before. Kinda fun to watch Robinego and XY try to beat the Birdy's to the draw. :huh:

  Now to start soloing again and beating a few others to the draw needs to happen. 

In other words, she got herself a geocruiser that will get her up the mountains and she doesn't need me anymore :huh:

What kills me, there is someone out there that will see the page and say "well duh, any moron can figure that one out..." :huh:

It's really not all that difficult. Anyone with the mind of Einstein should be able to figure it out. :huh:

  Now to start soloing again and beating a few others to the draw needs to happen. 

In other words, she got herself a geocruiser that will get her up the mountains and she doesn't need me anymore :huh:

LOL - You know I love you though. :huh:


No, we can still go tandum. I will just put a lock on your seatbelt to give Gabby and me a handicap. :P

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