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The Navigatorz

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Adding my Congratulations to the Navigatorz for attaining the 4 digit mark. No cache machines to help them achieve this goal, just a lot of $$$$$ in the gas tank.

<_< The DEW LINE cache seems like a great one to do from reading the logs plus it is way up and best of all no gpser bouncing around !!! Does any one know what is the most visited cache in washington ??? Also I heard the first one was located around MT Saint Helens, just wondering if any body knows anything about these catches..........

I've tried to research this, but have not been able to definatly verify it, but I beleive "Dew Line" is the Highest Elevation "TRADITIONAL" cache in Washington State. There are some Virtuals on Mt Rainier that are higher, but they don't count.... they don't really exist :ph34r:


I can't speak about the most visited cache. Probably some lame urban micro :unsure:


The FIRST ever cache no longer exists. It was located around Beaverton Oregon. There is a replacement cache nearby (The UnOriginal Stash) and a plaque to the memorialize the original stash. I visited this one during the Portland Cache Machine. In fact, the plaque was the only real reason I went to the PCM.


The Oldest surviving cache anywhere in the world is somewhere in Kansas.


The Oldest cache remaining in Washington is GC8 and it's on the southern flanks of Mount Saint Helens. I visited this one a couple weeks ago and it's a fairly easy cache; only a few hundred feet off the road. You should visit it if you have the chance.


The Second Oldest cache in our state (GCD) is located near Mt Margaret on the eastern side of Snoqualmie Pass. This one requires a short but rather steep hike to get to. I've been close but have not made it to this one yet. Everytime I'm in the area it's either to hot to make that kind of climb or it's to late in the day. It's on my short list of caches to do and I will do it someday soon.


Check out The First 100 Geocaches Of course, the list is constantly changing as old caches fade away.


Oh where, oh where, are all the Cache-cadians hiding. I am seeing very few locals caching. Even the new caches have only been getting one or two hits. I see Navigatorz tried the big climb to "View From the Castle". I applaud you. That is one climb in the summer heat. I've been three quarters of the way up and still had a fantastic view. So far that cache has only had 3 people attempt it. I hope others will try it this fall. I hope to be one of them.


Thanks everyone. We (I) enjoyed finding all 1000 caches, even the micros. We may slow down some, but as the Carpenter's once sang, "We've only just begun". :huh:


Regarding A View from the Castle cache, it has an awesome view. Everyone (even the out of area visitors) really ought to put this one on their to-do list. I DNF'd it so I have to make the climb again sometime. Anyone want to go with me? Next time I'm not going so late it gets dark when I get to the cache (although seeing the city lights from there was pretty spectacular).


Congratulations to the Barnabirdy(s) for cache #900 today. It hasn't been logged yet but I have insider information. They didn't even get stumped on it (not to long anyway).

Posted (edited)

Do the DEW!!!


Hey I just got back from DEW Line cache (by Barnabirdys) and was so impressed with the scenery I thought I'd put in a recommendation here for those who are interested. If you can make it there before the snow flies you won't be disappointed.


DEW Line cache is located at Slate Peak, elev. 7440 feet, and access is from Mazama, through Hart's Pass. You don't need a 4 wheel drive to get there. The view is a 360 degree panaroma of mountains such as:


Mt. Baker (elevation 10,778 ft), Jack Mountain (elevation 9066 ft), Gardner Mountain (elevation 8897 feet - once the highest lookout in the state of Washington located there), Silver Star Mountain (elevation 8876 ft), The Needles (elevation 7925 ft), Tower Mountain (elevation 8444 ft), Golden Horn Mountain (elevation 8366 ft. - made of granite found only in this area), Azurite peak (elevation 8420 feet - partly made of azurite, a blue green copper ore), Mount Lago (elevation 8745 ft), Mount Carru (elevation 8595 ft), and Devil's Peak (elevation 8081 ft - one of the most rugged in the Pasayten Wilderness).


This is definately one to put on your To DEW List.


PS. Look for a new cache at Hart's Pass by The Navigatorz which was just submitted for approval.

Edited by The Navigatorz


We just gave geocaching a try with our new GARMIN GPSMAP 60CS and found zero for five. We are reasonably well educated and intelligent so we must be missing something significant. Are under rocks and in thick weeds or shrubbery legit hiding places? Our GPS always takes to a likely place but no success.

Any advice will be appreciated.


Lea & EC



Welcome to caching, in answer to your questions Yes. Almost anything goes. Caches can be anything thing from itty bitty (micros) to 5 gallon containers (or larger if you with). They can be hidden in shrubs, trees, under rocks or logs, camoflaged in any conceivable manner. Many are meant to be difficult others not.

it would be helpful to know what area you were caching in so someone who is in that area could be of a help to you.

We just gave geocaching a try with our new GARMIN GPSMAP 60CS and found zero for five. We are reasonably well educated and intelligent so we must be missing something significant. Are under rocks and in thick weeds or shrubbery legit hiding places? Our GPS always takes to a likely place but no success.

Are you reading the hints? At least 20% of caches have hints that make finding the cache very simple. You should have looked for one of those by now.


Caches are usually under stuff, whether a pile of rocks or parallel sticks, or just under a log or low hanging branches from a tree.


Don't give up. It's not always about the destination; usually the journey is what makes geocaching worthwhile. At least for me. Or is that just what I say when I have a run of 5 did not finds in a row. :lol:


If you post the caches here that you've tried someone here will probably have found it before and can give you a good hint to get you started.


We visited DEW Line today. No one was there and the access hatch was closed. However the window flaps were open so someone must go there fairly frequently. If it needs a high fire danger, NOW IS THE TIME!

BTW, too late for the Jeep in Hartt's Pass :lol: K&A

Had to make a quick stop on this one because I was suppose to go to the grocery store and get waffle mix for breakfast for the family. I gave it a good effort, but it was certainly an uncomfortable place to be with all the traffic coming and going. Must be well hidden. Now off to the store for the waffle mix, Le' go of my Eggo,


Ahh, come on Navigatorz, was that really your excuse for not finding this one? I really think you just used the excuse of going to the grocery store for an excuse to look for this cache instead and ran out of time. :P Is that what you call a double edged excuse? ~ Tudles

You got me. Only a geocacher would have seen through that story.  But actually I was going after waffle mix. Had to make use of those huckleberries we have in the freezer. Huckleberry waffles....Mmmmm good.


That's kind of like me hitting Music to Your Ears on the way to Costco....it's on the same side of the river... :P


By the way Patudles...where is that cache?


Hmmm, I am getting immense pleasure in that I finally have one that has not been found after only 2.5 minutes of looking, however, all I can tell you is that this is not an original idea, just tweaked a bit.


Were the waffles good?



Hmmm, I am getting immense pleasure in that I finally have one that has not been found after only 2.5 minutes of looking.

After searching for your new Take Shelter cache, my conscious started speaking to me. Guilt started setting in. So now, from the bottom of my heart, my apologies to all cachers who stood by the street corner looking like idiots searching for Lincoln Park cache and Apple Capital Loop trail cache.


Not!! :P

Posted (edited)

The Navigatorz Posted on Sep 20 2004, 07:24 PM

So now, from the bottom of my heart, my apologies to all cachers who stood by the street corner looking like idiots searching for Lincoln Park cache and Apple Capital Loop trail cache.


Whoooa, so thats what I looked like, huh. I must look for another costume!


Edit: Oooops

Edited by Patudles
After searching for your new Take Shelter cache, my conscious started speaking to me. Guilt started setting in. So now, from the bottom of my heart, my apologies to all cachers who stood by the street corner looking like idiots searching for Lincoln Park cache and Apple Capital Loop trail cache.




As a parent of teenagers, I can sense sarcasm 6 miles away, you live how far from me??? So what time will you be down there tomorrow so I can watch, snap a few pics and post them? :laughing:


Theoretically, I will hit 300 tomorrow since I have an unlogged FTF way back in April on a cache that I found that has never been submitted. That just burns my buttons! :bad:


Such is life.


Have fun tomorrow. -R-

You should go ahead and log it, even though its late. Here's one I logged several months after I found it


The cache itself has never been submitted so I can't log it. I was hiking and being a cacher at heart, was poking around when I found it by accident. Came home to log it and found it doesn't exist. Much like your find that you found prior to approval. Apparently the satellites are a problem in the area so the cache will not be submitted in the future. Incidentally, it was my 1st find ever and what got me thinking about caching again after our move up here. So not all is lost. -R-


ok I see why your buttons are burned. I once hunted a cache for someone who wanted me to try it out before he submitted it online. So I did and it happened to be raining hard. After several minutes of searching and getting very wet, I found the cache and called the owner. I told him it was a good hide, but for some reason he decided against the location and didn't submit it for approval. He later retrieved the cache. So there was a cache I found but couldn't log. I feel your pain.

Posted (edited)
since I have an unlogged FTF way back in April on a cache that I found that has never been submitted. That just burns my buttons!
I once hunted a cache for someone who wanted me to try it out before he submitted it online. So I did and it happened to be raining hard. After several minutes of searching and getting very wet, I found the cache and called the owner. I told him it was a good hide, but for some reason he decided against the location and didn't submit it for approval. He later retrieved the cache. So there was a cache I found but couldn't log. I feel your pain.


Waaaaaaa! Maybe there is some kleenex near by when you find those caches tomorrow! If not I will be happy to bring some!


Edit: There is nothing stopping either of you to place caches in those spots so I can find them. :laughing:

Edited by Patudles

Waaaaaaa! Maybe there is some kleenex near by when you find those caches tomorrow! If not I will be happy to bring some


Remember I can sence that sarcasm and you live closer to me than he does... and as you well know, I carry plenty of my own kleenex, thank you! :laughing:


There is nothing stopping either of you to place caches in those spots so I can find them.


Oh yes there is. The fact that you want me to and I'm not clever enough to come up with a 5 star difficulty! :bad:


Go to bed!

Posted (edited)
The cache itself has never been submitted so I can't log it. I was hiking and being a cacher at heart, was poking around when I found it by accident. Came home to log it and found it doesn't exist. Much like your find that you found prior to approval. Apparently the satellites are a problem in the area so the cache will not be submitted in the future. Incidentally, it was my 1st find ever and what got me thinking about caching again after our move up here. So not all is lost. -R-

Hey, that cache could be submitted, if someone with the right kind of knowledge would do it. (Hint: Ish, of Ish-n-Isha)


I've bugged him a few times about it. I would love to submit it, but it involves going to a certain waypoint, and then going so much distance in a certain direction to get to it. Also, a cool map that he got. Not my forte, to say the least.


I know, let's all get on his case, and maybe the cache will happen! :laughing: (You know that we love you, Ish!)


Course, this time of year is not the best for him, with apples and all. It might have to be in the spring. I could go over to his house and watch over his shoulder and see that it is done. :bad:

Edited by Ambrosia
it involves going to a certain waypoint, and then going so much distance in a certain direction to get to it. Also, a cool map that he got.


Oh Lordy, didn't know it was going to be one of those hard have-to-use-my-pitiful-brain type caches. Well then we must get him to complete it so I can honestly say I got one of his caches on my own! :laughing:


Robinego, let's pretend we're hiding a cache, but not really, and give Patudles the coordinates to go find it. We'll see who's wailing. We'd have to call the Waaaaaambulance.


I'm all over it. I have just the spot too. In front of the police station, hanging on the flag pole! :bad:

ok I see why your buttons are burned. I once hunted a cache for someone who wanted me to try it out before he submitted it online. So I did and it happened to be raining hard. After several minutes of searching and getting very wet, I found the cache and called the owner. I told him it was a good hide, but for some reason he decided against the location and didn't submit it for approval. He later retrieved the cache. So there was a cache I found but couldn't log. I feel your pain.

I too have a FTF that'll never be recorded. I was on the machine and happened to receive the new cache as it was posted. Evil micro not too far from Pepper's home.


Thought I'd better haul butt for FTF! So I did..got there about 830 pm. It was dark out. Took half hour to find the TINY micro...man you needed a microscope to see it....god I thought those dog keychain whistles were small, but this was fraction of size of those!!!


Tried for another cache nearby and didn't find that one. Went home to log my FTF only to find that it wasn't on the site anymore. What?! I emailed Moun10Bike about this. As it turns out the other approvers in our area had approved the cache,b ut he had rejected it. It had been somehow submitted twice. It was hid at a location for a waypoint for a nearby puzzle micro so I wasn't too surprised,but dissapointed of course since this was a very evil hide and I managed to find it.

Tried for another cache nearby and didn't find that one. Went home to log my FTF only to find that it wasn't on the site anymore. What?! I emailed Moun10Bike about this. As it turns out the other approvers in our area had approved the cache,b ut he had rejected it. It had been somehow submitted twice. It was hid at a location for a waypoint for a nearby puzzle micro so I wasn't too surprised,but dissapointed of course since this was a very evil hide and I managed to find it.


Now that one is worth a Waaaaamobile, tissue and all the that goes with it!

Looks like some Cache-cadian milestones coming up soon, let's see:


Barnabirdys at 988

Patudles at 798

Robinego at 298


Get out the confetti and the kazoos

Drumrolls please:


Barnabirdys at 995

Patudles at 799

Robinego at 299


BARNABIRDY(S) reach 1000!!!


Very Impressive, considering they live in Winthrop with only only 83 caches in a 50 mile radius. That means they must have driven a billion miles while geocaching, maybe even a million!! :(

Congratulations Barnabirdy(s)!!!

BARNABIRDY(S) reach 1000!!!


Very Impressive, considering they live in Winthrop with only only 83 caches in a 50 mile radius.  That means they must have driven a billion miles while geocaching, maybe even a million!! :D

Congratulations Barnabirdy(s)!!!

The Navigatorz has to remember that of the 83 caches within 50 miles of us, 12 are ours. One is under water, one is a several day trip into the wilderness and a few are in Canada. Since Patudles asked we want to show that The Navigatorz isn't the only one who can generate figures.


2004 Geocaching Statistics


Trips 20


Overnights 48


Destinations: Spokane





Whidbey Island

San Juan Islands






Port Orchard/ Burlington





Seattle/Gig Harbor/Port Orchard



Miles: Wenatchee trips were 200 miles. Seattle trips averaged at least 500. We are afraid to add it up!


Forgive if this comes out trashed, we don't have much practice on the fourm yet


And the gas bill $$$$$$$$$$$. You two really know how to get the best out of retirement! I know you have been enjoying almost every minuete of your adventures. Next Goal?


If the weather is warmer next week (we had a freeze here already) we may bring the motorcycle to Wenatchee for one overnight and go after Elk and Beautiful Views, Jack O Tree. etc. Where the Wind Blows has been on my mind almost since caching day one, Patudles, do you think it is still there?

2004 Geocaching Statistics


Trips 20

Wenatchee trips were 200 miles. Seattle trips averaged at least 500. We are afraid to add it up!

Ok, I added it up. You listed 19 destinations, but said 20, so I added a few more miles for the 20th and came up with 8700 miles in 2004 for geocaching.


Assuming you got 20 mpg, then you consumed 435 gallons of gas, and at $2.00 per gallon, that's $870 in gas.


You probably didn't want to know that. :huh:

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