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12-12-12 Multi Event


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Go for the enchilada for a 12-12-12 coin!


I am sure someone will come up with a 13 something event somehow but bottom line..... there will be no 12-12-12's after this year that we will be hosting events at :D


13 whatever does not count in our book. This is the last of a great series period!


After such a successful 11-11-11 event in Sacramento, I am looking very forward to a 12-12-12 event. Is hosting just first come, first served, or do previous hosts have precedence?


Dawn of

djds clan


After the success of our 11-11-11 event, which was possibly the biggest event NZ had seen up until then, we'll be in again for Auckland, NZ for the 12-12-12.


I like the suggestion for a 12 sided coin, depending on cost difference. Also, like the idea of a Mayan calendar theme on one side. How about a digital clock display on the other side reading 12:12:12 (along with other detail) rather than the seemingly traditional rotated repeating pattern of past coins. Just thinking about something a little bit different. Perhaps witht he text "The end of an era..." and "...the start of a new one"? Just some initial thoughts anyway.


Oh, if it is okay, I'd like to name my event "It's (almost) the end of the world as we know it...and I feel fine!


That might be too long, but I was going to run with that theme.




I just had a discussion with nessie3d & Ynka as their event location is less then 160km from our location.

I assume that it is no problem as we are in two different countries, correct?

Otherwise, I have no problem with it.




We still have some months to go, but maybe it`s possible to set up a list of hosts and places?


It would give others a better view on where it might be possible to set up an event or get into contact with other hosts to combine events.


Here is my coin idea- Shape like a holiday ornament(instead of regular round) front-celebrating the 12-12-12 with twelve written in several languages. On the back the joined hands like the Imagine Peace back with Peace written in 12 languages surrounding it.(If the Imagine Peace owner would give permission)


We're in for Boise. Has the date been decided? We would prefer a weekend to coincide with a new geoart release.


Well hmm 12-12-12 is Wednesday December 12, 2012 so yes the date is decided. But I would guess that doesn't mean that someone couldn't have their event on another day if needed. Here it is easier to get a venue during the week so we will be celebrating 12-12-12 on 12-12-12.


We're in for Boise. Has the date been decided? We would prefer a weekend to coincide with a new geoart release.


Well hmm 12-12-12 is Wednesday December 12, 2012 so yes the date is decided. But I would guess that doesn't mean that someone couldn't have their event on another day if needed. Here it is easier to get a venue during the week so we will be celebrating 12-12-12 on 12-12-12.


Thanks, that answered my question. :)


Here is my coin idea- Shape like a holiday ornament(instead of regular round) front-celebrating the 12-12-12 with twelve written in several languages. On the back the joined hands like the Imagine Peace back with Peace written in 12 languages surrounding it.(If the Imagine Peace owner would give permission)



Front idea



Back Idea



Imagine Peace coin


Here is my coin idea- Shape like a holiday ornament(instead of regular round) front-celebrating the 12-12-12 with twelve written in several languages. On the back the joined hands like the Imagine Peace back with Peace written in 12 languages surrounding it.(If the Imagine Peace owner would give permission)


That sounds like a very nice idea for a Christmas coin! For this coin I like the idea that someone had for a 12 sided coin and the Mayan Calendar. I dont really want a compass rose or a clock face that has been on a couple of the previous coins.


Here is my coin idea- Shape like a holiday ornament(instead of regular round) front-celebrating the 12-12-12 with twelve written in several languages. On the back the joined hands like the Imagine Peace back with Peace written in 12 languages surrounding it.(If the Imagine Peace owner would give permission)


It's a very cool idea and like LadyBee4T said it would make a lovely Holiday coin! I'm not sure about permissions for a group coin looking so similar to a mystery coin thing. And with over 50 versions of the 11-11-11, the coin needs to be able to be colored in SO many different ways. I'm also not sure if everyone in the group celebrates Christmas.


I like the idea of a 12 sided coin, and having the mayan calendar on one side. Here's my idea for the other side...




I know it's a bit crappy, but I drew it in Word...


This is exactly what I had in mind when I suggested the 12 sided coin. Can't say the same about the digital clock but it might grow on me. Well done Chris.




I like the 12 sides idea and I also am not huge on the clock idea...we've done a clock face before I think even in digital it would be redundant...now a digital countdown calendar to the "end of the world" might be fun.


I like the 12 sided idea, and I also like the clock. I don't really think it should be Christmas themed, even though that idea is pretty cool, but as someone pointed out, not everyone celebrates Christmas, and I think that even though this takes place in December, it's really independent of the holidays.


Don't know if I'll be involved in an event or not but as a possible/probable purchaser, I agree with no Christmas theme (even though I celebrate it). There will be plenty of Christmas coins. Also, I couldn't care less about the Mayan calendar, although I'm sure it will sell a lot of coins I probably will not sell me one. Just my two cents. I think the digital clock idea is very cool.


I know 12-21-12 is the end of the world, but what's to stop us preparing for it or partying, 9 days early! Was thinking of a Mayan themed multi-event coin for 12-12-12. :unsure:


I'd love to see something other than a compass rose for this year. Something Mayan themed would be amusing, considering the whole media-blowing-things-out-of-perspective-thing, but on the other side of the ahem coin .. I'd like to see more ideas on '12' themes.


I had kicked around the idea of a geocoin which would look like an old fashioned pocket watch, with a view of the various gears and the mainspring, with hands and a couple small dials for month and day on the face.


Just got back from a Back Country weekend and a bit fatigued (particularly after finding my Nikon D70s malfunctioned big time and I'm trying to get the pictures out of it still. :mad: Last Nikon I ever buy.) See if I can draw up something and produce a mock-up.


I know 12-21-12 is the end of the world, but what's to stop us preparing for it or partying, 9 days early! Was thinking of a Mayan themed multi-event coin for 12-12-12. :unsure:


I'd love to see something other than a compass rose for this year. Something Mayan themed would be amusing, considering the whole media-blowing-things-out-of-perspective-thing, but on the other side of the ahem coin .. I'd like to see more ideas on '12' themes.


I had kicked around the idea of a geocoin which would look like an old fashioned pocket watch, with a view of the various gears and the mainspring, with hands and a couple small dials for month and day on the face.


Just got back from a Back Country weekend and a bit fatigued (particularly after finding my Nikon D70s malfunctioned big time and I'm trying to get the pictures out of it still. :mad: Last Nikon I ever buy.) See if I can draw up something and produce a mock-up.

What about the digital clock idea on the one side and you pocket watch idea on the other? The old and the new. If you pulled the pocket watch thing of well, that might be enough to get me to take.a day off work and drive to an event for a coin.


I know 12-21-12 is the end of the world, but what's to stop us preparing for it or partying, 9 days early! Was thinking of a Mayan themed multi-event coin for 12-12-12. :unsure:


I'd love to see something other than a compass rose for this year. Something Mayan themed would be amusing, considering the whole media-blowing-things-out-of-perspective-thing, but on the other side of the ahem coin .. I'd like to see more ideas on '12' themes.


I had kicked around the idea of a geocoin which would look like an old fashioned pocket watch, with a view of the various gears and the mainspring, with hands and a couple small dials for month and day on the face.


Just got back from a Back Country weekend and a bit fatigued (particularly after finding my Nikon D70s malfunctioned big time and I'm trying to get the pictures out of it still. :mad: Last Nikon I ever buy.) See if I can draw up something and produce a mock-up.

What about the digital clock idea on the one side and you pocket watch idea on the other? The old and the new. If you pulled the pocket watch thing of well, that might be enough to get me to take.a day off work and drive to an event for a coin.


It's a funny idea. But let me ask this... how many digital clocks like that do you see in a day? After the initial novelty of digital clocks and watches I don't see many of them anymore (Remember when people said 'Kids won't know how to read time on an old clock or watch?) The only numeric displays I see now are on GPSr, mobile phone and computer screens. My watch has hands as do most clocks around home and work. So other than remind me of a digital alarm clock I once had I don't think it's dominant enough to work -- as a clock anyway.


The pocket watches I had in mind I saw at a watch show...


Here's one example, but a little too busy for a 1.5 inch design




Very much like this as a base design, but working the day and month dials may be a challenge




There are some models with a window on the back which shows about 1/3 view of the clock work, though they may have been samples for watch sales people. Anyway, that's the kind of thing I've been thinking about.


I like both of those watches but I am a sucker for pocket watches, although I only carry mine for formal occassions. If you wanted to go the cheese rout, you could have the signal frog be the hands, kinda like the old Mickey mouse watches. :anitongue:


I like both of those watches but I am a sucker for pocket watches, although I only carry mine for formal occassions. If you wanted to go the cheese rout, you could have the signal frog be the hands, kinda like the old Mickey mouse watches. :anitongue:


Ha! That's an intriguing idea. Have a view of spring and gears from the reverse side and Signal on the front side, with Roman numerals and his hands pointing to XII.


But remember, I think it's something like $1.50 per coin additional cost to use Signal? Isn't that right? I'm sure one of the main coin makers could confirm this, but I'm pretty sure that was mentioned when the Feb 29th coin was designed and there was discussion about using Signal.


The 11/11/11 coin had a clock face with the hands at 11:11. With that in mind I'm not a fan of the watch idea, nor am I a fan of a Christmas theme either. My opinion here is let the event, and the coin, stand by itself - not associate itself with another event.


I suggested a 12 sided coin early on and liked funkymonkeyzone's drawing although I'm not a great fan of the digital clock. Avroair mentioned that he had a design from a few months back. I'd sure like to see it and any other designs that people might have.


Ohh i still wonder why i didn´t get informations about the events here :P :P ...

Count me in...Munich and Bavaria


Mike you need to be patient :rolleyes:

I have got the place booked for 160 people in Cologne!


Ohh i still wonder why i didn´t get informations about the events here :P :P ...

Count me in...Munich and Bavaria


Mike you need to be patient :rolleyes:

I have got the place booked for 160 people in Cologne!


Hmmm you be right...but last year i have 140 People on my Event...perhaps, i can beat it this year...i have already a few ideas :D:rolleyes:


Count Manitoba, Canada in again this year!


Would like to know if there is a list of participants being tracked somewhere. Is our post in this thread good as confirmation or do we need to contact Avroair directly?


Ok. Deadlines have been met at work, I'm done with GWX, so I have free time again! I will try to have some artwork up by the end of the week for people to critique. :)


Here is some rough artwork I had worked on a while back. It's not final, I need to add some detail to it and make sure points line up etc. The idea was that the out area would be bare metal and semi raised where as the inner area with thicker\darker lines would be fully raised with translucent coloring in those areas.


Two possible titles:

12-12-12 The End of the World Event

12-12-12 The Event to End All Events





Two possible titles:

12-12-12 The End of the World Event

12-12-12 The Event to End All Events


I like your artwork, but both titles are very sad. I hope no the end ...

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