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Help needed for an interesting cache!

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I am planning a new cache in my local area, and am trying to locate as many 35mm film canisters as possible to make this dream come true!


If you have any ideas on where i could locate some for free then let me know, i will also take donations if you have some lying around (your name will of course be included inside the cache :anitongue: )

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I am planning a new cache in my local area, and am trying to locate as many 35mm film canisters as possible to make this dream come true!


If you have any ideas on where i could locate some for free then let me know, i will also take donations if you have some lying around (your name will of course be included inside the cache :anitongue: )

I hope you're not thinking what I think you're thinking :lol: :lol: :lol:


Rgds, Andy

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I hope you're not thinking what I think you're thinking :lol: :lol: :lol:


Rgds, Andy


If I'm thinking the same as you're thinking, and he's thinking the same as you're thinking, isn't there one like this somewhere else?


or multiple caches in multiple places in the country

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I hope you're not thinking what I think you're thinking :lol: :lol: :lol:


Rgds, Andy


If I'm thinking the same as you're thinking, and he's thinking the same as you're thinking, isn't there one like this somewhere else?


Several, I suspect ;)

You would suspect right :lol: . Or maybe that should be :mad: .


Rgds, Andy

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i like the thought of rolling up to GZ, opening the usual ammo can, and 'whoa' what's this! a can full of containers, this is different!


Not really unique anymore, I'm afraid. :rolleyes:


Every big town seems to have it's "big cache full of film pots" variant nowadays ;)

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Is it not the fun kind of surprise people enjoy? I am well aware there are some in existence, but the occasional bit of fun isn't bad, surely?


Just like the fun of being poked in the eye with a sharp stick. If you're thinking what I fear you're thinking I'd really urge you to reconsider.

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i like the thought of rolling up to GZ, opening the usual ammo can, and 'whoa' what's this! a can full of containers, this is different!

Picture the scene.

A cacher finds the nice ammo can. :D

Opens it and sees all the film tubs. :o or :mad:

Opens the first film can, no log, fills in a bit of paper and leaves it in the film can, and logs as 'Found'.


After a time you, as a responsible cache owner, pop along to perform maintenance...

You now have to open all the film cans.

You have to delete all the finds of those that have not signed the official log.

You, as a responsible cache owner, will have to email all those whose logs you have deleted, to tell them why...


Think caching is fun?

See what at least one or two of those that you deleted logs for, really think!


Good Luck.

It's already on my 'Ignore List'



edit to add.

What about those that signed 'the piece of paper' left by another cacher, in the belief it was the official log?

There're gonna be really hacked off when you delete their 'Found' for the cache.

Edited by Bear and Ragged
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it's interesting that you'd automatically throw the idea out the window.


things have been thought through, the plan is to number the bottom of each container, so i know which one i am looking for the check the log, also will be putting 'unlucky' notes in the other pots.

all i need to do is find container X and check the log (assuming it hasn't been changed).


i find it rather sad that people just pass off things out of the norm as not worth doing, just because involves a little more effort, which some people i guess just don't have.

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it's interesting that you'd automatically throw the idea out the window.


things have been thought through, the plan is to number the bottom of each container, so i know which one i am looking for the check the log, also will be putting 'unlucky' notes in the other pots.

all i need to do is find container X and check the log (assuming it hasn't been changed).


i find it rather sad that people just pass off things out of the norm as not worth doing, just because involves a little more effort, which some people i guess just don't have.


But it's not out of the norm - it's just not as common as most caches.

We're not just making stories up - these caches have been around for a few years now - we're just passing on opinions :)


And, FYI, I think after a while you'll find that most - if not all - the cachers who've voiced their opinions in here have already put enormous efforts into their hides and finds!


If you don't want to hear opinions that don't marry perfectly with your own, why did you ask the question on an open forum?

Edited by keehotee
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sorry for trying to make geocaching a little interesting once in a while. i too like getting to GZ and looking around and enjoying the views etc, all im saying is that once and a while it is nice to have something different to a empty cache.


i am well aware there are lots of these caches around, and im not under the illusion that im onto something groundbreaking.


and the suggestion that i don't put a lot of effort into my caches is not kindly received, i have put a lot of effort into my others.

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sorry for trying to make geocaching a little interesting once in a while. i too like getting to GZ and looking around and enjoying the views etc, all im saying is that once and a while it is nice to have something different to a empty cache.


i am well aware there are lots of these caches around, and im not under the illusion that im onto something groundbreaking.


and the suggestion that i don't put a lot of effort into my caches is not kindly received, i have put a lot of effort into my others.

Go ahead, do it. Prove us wrong.

I, for one, promise not to say "Told you so" if it doesn't work.


and the suggestion that i don't put a lot of effort into my caches is not kindly received, i have put a lot of effort into my others.


I don't read that anyone is saying you haven't put in the effort.

most - if not all - the cachers who've voiced their opinions in here have already put enormous efforts into their hides and finds!


I found more than 3 figures worth of caches before I hid my cache, and had found caches by dozens of different cachers, several types and sizes, and hidden different ways, and from further than 10 miles from home...

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sorry for trying to make geocaching a little interesting once in a while. i too like getting to GZ and looking around and enjoying the views etc, all im saying is that once and a while it is nice to have something different to a empty cache.


i am well aware there are lots of these caches around, and im not under the illusion that im onto something groundbreaking.


and the suggestion that i don't put a lot of effort into my caches is not kindly received, i have put a lot of effort into my others.


Don't let these Grumpy Old Gits put you off. Go for it, and wait for feedback from finders once it's been found. If they all say it's rubbish, consider archiving it, if they enjoy it, keep it. Good luck!

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it's interesting that you'd automatically throw the idea out the window.


things have been thought through, the plan is to number the bottom of each container, so i know which one i am looking for the check the log, also will be putting 'unlucky' notes in the other pots.

all i need to do is find container X and check the log (assuming it hasn't been changed).


i find it rather sad that people just pass off things out of the norm as not worth doing, just because involves a little more effort, which some people i guess just don't have.


The only extra effort here would appear to be in overcoming the boredom of opening x filmpots (where x >> 100) hoping the log isn't going to be in number (x-1) :rolleyes:

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I know where you could find several thousand film pots. They are dotted around the countryside at the bottom of fence posts etc. Now if you collected 1000 of them and put them in a box that would help :)


I'd still ignore a cache full of the dadgum things though.


I did a cache like this once. It was a *huge* tin trunk, full of 35mms. Hundreds. Maybe a thousand. I took one look at them, and decided that I wasn't going to open any of them. Good decision; they were all decoys.


I did another similar, although not so many 35mms. I can't tell you what the solution was, the cache might still be out there, but it wasn't to open all (or even any) of the 35mms.


So, a big box full of 35mms can still be a clever idea.

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I found a cache which was in some woods that was similar to the one you're planning. There were about 30 35mm containers inside it which didn't take too long to inspect and it was placed in a location where nobody could disturb you when you were taking everything to bits. I thought it was quite good.


Now, if you were to place a similar cache in an equally quiet location, I would enjoy finiding it. If it was put in an urban area, it would ruin the fun.


So go for it and make sure it's a good one!

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things have been thought through, the plan is to number the bottom of each container, so i know which one i am looking for the check the log, also will be putting 'unlucky' notes in the other pots.

all i need to do is find container X and check the log (assuming it hasn't been changed).


You could have it as a puzzle cache where cachers work out a few numbers in advance - could be any topic - then in each film pot corresponding to the answers is partial coords for the real final stage (with decoy partial coords in the incorrect puzzle answers).


That would be a lot more appealing to me than rifling through a hundred or more decoy filmpots

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So basically we have a lot of ego being offered around in this board, shame none of it matters to me ;)


Either way I'm going ahead with it, no negative comments will stop it, and yes I know you are trying to part your opinions, but they're too ego smothered to notice.


I'm letting this thread die now.


Hard to know why you bothered asking a question if you reject anything that says "reconsider" as being "ego smothered".

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Hard to know why you bothered asking a question if you reject anything that says "reconsider" as being "ego smothered".


To be fair, he didn't ask our opinion of the idea, just where he could get a pile of film pots.


There is a bright side to the idea. A box of 100 pots in one place is 100 less micros :)

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So basically we have a lot of ego being offered around in this board

No we don't, we have some honest opinions from people who have seen things like this before.


My own opinion is simply that most mindless repetition is likely to be tedious. This applies to searching for caches hidden behind those long steel fences where it is equally likely to be behind any one of 100 sections, and it would apply to opening lots of film pots if that proved to be necessary.


In other words, I prefer subtle and clever hides over those that require a brute force approach.


Here's hoping yours has more of the former than the latter :lol:


Rgds, Andy

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I have placed one of these hides. So far, I've only had very positive logs on the cache. My kids loved making the 'micro' and placing it. We aimed the cache at kids so that a bit of extra fun was added in for their caching walk. Our cache is placed in some lovely woods; my kids have spent many an hour kicking leaves, collecting sticks and stones, hiding, seeking etc. It hasn't been found by many kids yet though, but the adults who have logged it all seem to have enjoyed it.


Go for it! PLace the cache, it will be enjoyed by most!


PS We only have 30 micros in our Micro, so not too many for people to go through.

Edited by The QCs
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My own opinion is simply that most mindless repetition is likely to be tedious.


Some people (not me) might say that having to walk 5 miles to a remote Dartmoor cache (for example) is tedious.


My own opinion is that variety is the spice of life.

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My own opinion is simply that most mindless repetition is likely to be tedious.


Some people (not me) might say that having to walk 5 miles to a remote Dartmoor cache (for example) is tedious.


My own opinion is that variety is the spice of life.

Well, "variety is the spice of life" is the complement of what I was saying :lol: Checking through hundreds of identical containers isn't variety.


But I do know that wasn't what you meant :lol:


The point about the 5 mile walk on Dartmoor is that you know what you are in for before you start. With a cache that requires tedious repetition of any sort you generally don't know until you get there.


Rgds, Andy

Edited by Amberel
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