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Casual Friday: Wear your Geocaching Shirt/Gear/Accessories


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Nearly every cacher I know has at least a few geocaching t-shirts, a geocaching pin, or hat that they wear to events or out caching if not a whole geocaching wardrobe...


What about a tradition that the first casual friday (if not every one) of each month we all wear our geo-gear to work/school. :)


Personally, I wear a uniform unless I'm teaching a class, but I have a nice tie tac/lapel pin that I would wear and have worn to work many times in the past and I have also worn my Texas Challenge t-shirts and geocaching hats to the range for requalification often.


I just think it would be cool to see a tradition like this catch on. I'm certain that there will be interesting stories as a result of coworkers and classmates noticing that someone they had no idea was a geocacher is someone they cross paths with every day at work, school, or in their daily routine. :):) I'm gettin' a little Fight Club vibe from this idea. :(


The first official GeoCasual Friday would be 9/3/10 and the next would be 10/1/10, then 11/5/10 and so on. Extra points for hiding or finding a cache (possibly on your lunch hour) that day... :lol:


Anyone wanna do this with me? Ya think it will catch on? :rolleyes:


Post here if you plan to participate. :)


Post your pics and stories of random encounters with other cachers, or lunch hour cachin' on GeoCasual Friday. :)


I would but today I was chatting about geocaching to a coworker and he said it sounded silly (stupid).


I can't possibly wear a geocaching shirt to work now.


Great idea but unfortunately I do not own any geocaching clothing. I am a bit poor at the moment but when things improve I do intend to purchase and wear many geocaching relating clothing items.


As it stands I have a geocaching decal on the back window of my car.


I had a t-shirt made for my daughter - which has I love Geocaching on the front in massive writing - she wears it to school as part of her PE kit - it has provoked much interest and even a discussion in class about geocaching - as an upshot of this some of the kids in her class has taken up caching themselves.


Though I'm not working right now, I can't think of any place that I have worked where wearing T shirts, esp T shirts with large logos and slogans, was allowed even on casual Fridays.


Not ever having worked where "Casual Friday" was allowed I still think it sounds great. Personally I can't because I drive a dump truck and I highly value my geocaching attire and don't want to get grease/dirt/assundry crap on it.


But...I wear my bright red Cache Slash Fest (since retired Halloween party) T-shirt year round when I go to Terre Haute shopping! It's really a conversation starter!


Though I'm not working right now, I can't think of any place that I have worked where wearing T shirts, esp T shirts with large logos and slogans, was allowed even on casual Fridays.


I work for a really BIG company where I am a middle management corporate stooge. We are casual most of the time except at the upper levels of management. You can see t-shirts on just about any friday.


Another company that is a tenant of ours charges $1 which is donated to charity for folks to go as casual as they want within the bounds of good taste.


Yet another tenant is a large IT company and it's casual friday every day. I can't comprehend why they would allow some of the attire I see their workers come in wearing.


Anyhoo, if this catches on mayyybe it will give Groundspeak some incentive to put out some Polo type geocaching logo and especially the TB logo shirts. :)


I would but today I was chatting about geocaching to a coworker and he said it sounded silly (stupid).


I can't possibly wear a geocaching shirt to work now.


So, somebody doesn't like it, why let that stop you? Personally the idea of watching grown men wearing matching uniforms throwing a ball around seems silly to me, but that doesn't stop millions of people from watching sports and wearing their favorite teams hats and shirts.


So let them deal with our silliness. And if someone calls me out on mine, I will call them out on theirs. :)


Good Idea! to bad I wear a uniform. No casual day that way :wub:


You can't even add a piece of flair? :ph34r:


My uniform is official and even I can wear a geocaching pin. :lol:


I don't always work on Fridays and I don't know if I'll be working that Friday. But you can bet your bottom dollar that if I am workign I'll be wearing my Geocaching pin, my muggle T-shirt and I'll have my geobag with me with all my Geoswag pins stuck to the outside.

I love this idea. I tell people at work about it all the time. My customers come in, sit down for a drink and ask about my adventures the past weekend!


Though I'm not working right now, I can't think of any place that I have worked where wearing T shirts, esp T shirts with large logos and slogans, was allowed even on casual Fridays.

Same here. I can't even wear a polo shirt with an embroidered logo on it unless the logo is for our company or a vendor.


I'll wear a solid color t-shirt if I'm in after hours or on the weekend, but in 5 years that's happened twice.


They took our "casual Friday" away from us a couple of years ago.

Quick, cheap & easy way to kill morale. They did that to us at a previous job. But only for the IT department. Other departments were allowed to continue to wear their clubbing attire, spray-on jeans and ratty Eeyore sweatshirts.

I wear my caching gear on the days I am out caching. At work I wear my uniform. Since I don't let my employees wear whatever they like, I am not about to start something that would cause me trouble.


I wear my caching gear on the days I am out caching. At work I wear my uniform. Since I don't let my employees wear whatever they like, I am not about to start something that would cause me trouble.

Are you telling me that I'm the only one that goes for 3s on terrain in work attire? :rolleyes: Heels and work slacks are great for caching. :D It is when it is muddy that heels are bad, then you might as well not get out of the car in them.


I've got a whole bunch of custom made caching t-shirts, bearing my caching name on the pocket and snarky slogans on the back. I wear them almost all the time that I'm off duty, or if I'm at a LEO class. When I'm on duty, I wear a short sleeve deputy sheriff uniform, with no place for adornments. When I'm in court, I wear a long sleeve uniform, with a geocaching pin as a tie tack. The day of the week has little to do with it, as my schedule swaps every week.


I work in pretty much what I like. Good taste prevails of course, nothing that might offend of get you in hot water with HR, but Caching tee shirts seem just fine, and paired with jeans or cammy pants they make excellent grab the cache after work gear. I guess there are some advantages to being a punch the clock turn the screws sort of guy.



Since I work alone in my office, I can wear anything I'd like, so I'll definitely participate! However, this Friday is College Colors Day, and that's going to get my t-shirt this month. Guess it's an excuse to get a geocaching hat! :)


I'm so glad I've never worked for a company that required me to wear anything above casual.


Though I'm not working right now, I can't think of any place that I have worked where wearing T shirts, esp T shirts with large logos and slogans, was allowed even on casual Fridays.


How sad for you. Every place I've worked allowed this. My current company encourages it by giving us t-shirts - a lot of em.


Our only real dress code is due to safety concerns. i.e. one must wear safety shoes in certain parts of the building.


**Sorry if this ends up a weird triple post, the forums are hanging and I can't seem to get this one to go through!**


While I don't have any geocaching teeshirts/accessories to wear for Fridays, I did wear my Geowoodstock 8 Volunteer shirt to the hospital a couple weeks ago when I went in for surgery! I got to explain to seven or eight people what geocaching and Geowoodstock are, and it sure helped to relieve some of the anxiety of waiting to go into the O.R....


I've taken this idea to a higher power than this forum. I posted GeoCasual Friday as a facebook group. :D


In just 16 hours the group has grown to 129 users. My goal is to get between 500 & 1000+ people to participate for the first Official GeoCasual Friday.


I really think if this idea catches on the stories of folks finding other cachers or discovering caching via t-shirt as well as other fun stuff will start to roll in. :):D:)


I wear my caching gear on the days I am out caching. At work I wear my uniform. Since I don't let my employees wear whatever they like, I am not about to start something that would cause me trouble.


I hear ya. I have to wear a uniform most days as well, however it's the spirit of the occasion.


On Fridays, I'll wear my pin, but THIS FRIDAY, I'll change into my Lost & Found event shirt before I leave work and go cachin'. Been needing to do some cache maintenance and I'll hide a cache in a spot I've been scoping out on the way home. Heck, if I have time I'll even try to find a cache in honor of the first Official GeoCasual Friday.


we do have casual Friday, but I don't own any geocaching clothes....


I do have a large geocaching bumper sticker on my car, it's been there for over 2 years, not one person at work has ever asked me about it.


Neither have they ever asked why I come back from lunch all muddy and covered in bits of undergrowth.


I think they just think I'm very odd :)


So I doubt a t shirt would strike up much of a conversation either, but if I see one I like I'll give it a try....


(another vote here for a zip up hoodie, if anyone finds one, in black, please let me know :ph34r:)


we do have casual Friday, but I don't own any geocaching clothes....


I do have a large geocaching bumper sticker on my car, it's been there for over 2 years, not one person at work has ever asked me about it.


Neither have they ever asked why I come back from lunch all muddy and covered in bits of undergrowth.


I think they just think I'm very odd :ph34r:


So I doubt a t shirt would strike up much of a conversation either, but if I see one I like I'll give it a try....


(another vote here for a zip up hoodie, if anyone finds one, in black, please let me know :D)


You list your location as being in the UK. You know how polite you Brits are. I'm sure they notice, but they either dismiss it or talk about it when you're not around.


Kinda makes me think of this story that Douglas Adams told: :)


I remember him telling me once of something that, he said, had just happened to him at the railway station. He was early for a train, so he bought The Guardian, a cup of coffee and a packet of biscuits, and sat down at a table, putting the folded newspaper down so he could do the crossword. The packet of biscuits was in the middle of the table.


There was another man already sitting at the table and this man now leant calmly across, tore open the packet of biscuits and ate one. Douglas said he went into a sort of state of shock, but — determined not to show any reaction — he equally calmly leant forward and took the second biscuit. A few minutes later, the man took the third and ate it. Douglas then took the fourth and tried his best not to glare at the man.


The man then stood up and wandered off as if nothing had happened, at which point Douglas’s train was announced. So he hurriedly finished his coffee and picked up his belongings, only to find his packet of biscuits under the newspaper.


It’s actually a profoundly philosophical story. With one slight adjustment of the furniture, the victim becomes the aggressor and the aggressor the victim, and one is left with the untold story of the true victim hanging in the air. It’s exactly the sort of shift in perspective that fascinated Douglas — as a way of not just telling stories but also of looking at ideas.


He told me the same story many times, and it eventually ended up, much embellished, in So Long and Thanks for All the Fish.


Well, since I won't normally wear casual clothes while calling on customers (I'm a sales rep), I figured I wouldn't be able to participate in 'Casual Friday'.


My only appointment for tomorrow got shoved back until next week and since it's the Friday before a long weekend here, there's not a soul who will really want to see me.


I'm going casual tomorrow....I'm going caching ALL DAY!! Yeehaw. a 4 day weekend with only one day of responsibilities.


Wonder how many caches I can find with three days to do it!!


My apologies for my enthusiasm to anybody who has to work tomorrow...so sad......... :)



You list your location as being in the UK. You know how polite you Brits are. I'm sure they notice, but they either dismiss it or talk about it when you're not around.



:D I suspect the latter :D


I love that Douglas Adams story, I think I read that before (I have Neil Gaiman's biography of DA somewhere, I suspect it’s in there).... you're right, we Brits are a strange lot :)


134 attending and 27 maybe(s) on the worldwide GO GeoCasual Friday event I posted yesterday. :D


The facebook group for GeoCasual Friday is 1 shy of 200 members now! B)B)B)






You list your location as being in the UK. You know how polite you Brits are. I'm sure they notice, but they either dismiss it or talk about it when you're not around.



:D I suspect the latter :)


I love that Douglas Adams story, I think I read that before (I have Neil Gaiman's biography of DA somewhere, I suspect it’s in there).... you're right, we Brits are a strange lot :)


Strangeness in and of itself is not a bad thing. B)


It all depends on what you measure strange by. :D


I view Brits for the most part as EXTRAnormal which is sorta strange to me. :)


I often have the opposite scenario as well... I have a meeting with a client so I put on my nice business clothes, and then somehow find myself in their area an hour early (totally on accident). Well what to do, but go caching! So I end up at meetings with sticks in my hair and mud on my shoes... :D

Posted (edited)

Happy kickoff GeoCasual Friday!!!


What are you wearing today? B)B)


Today, I am wearing my Geocaching Flag of England pin on my uniform. I'm sure I'll load up a pic of me wearing it at work on facebook later. :)




BTW- I got this pin out of a cache near Knoxville, Tennessee on my way to Asheville after GW7.


I need to find out if they make one with a Saudi flag since I work for a Saudi company. :D

Edited by Snoogans

Sorry, I won't be geeking it up at work today. Not so much because of workplace policy or my desire to hide my geek from fellow workers, but because I'm heading to a gig right after work and I don't want to tarnish my rock and roll cred with a dorky t-shirt.


Do they make geocaching themed underwear??


I ordered a shirt with tracking number on it and text:

I use multi-billion-dollar

military satellites to find

Tupperware in the woods.

Unfortunately it didn't arrive soon enough B) So I took the GC that had the same tracking code and made it as a necklace. Only one co-worker spotted it... next month I'm going to wear that shirt :D


Happy kickoff GeoCasual Friday!!!


I need to find out if they make one with a Saudi flag since I work for a Saudi company. :rolleyes:


If you work for a Saudi company you should just be able to borrow the company jet and go to Saudi Arabia and get a real Saudi flag to tide you over while you are waiting to find a Saudi flag geocoin. :rolleyes:


Good Idea! to bad I wear a uniform. No casual day that way :rolleyes:


You can't even add a piece of flair? :rolleyes:


My uniform is official and even I can wear a geocaching pin. :rolleyes:


I'm guessing that Snoogans works for the same "company" as I do. No wiggle room.




Good Idea! to bad I wear a uniform. No casual day that way :P


You can't even add a piece of flair? <_<


My uniform is official and even I can wear a geocaching pin. :)


I'm guessing that Snoogans works for the same "company" as I do. No wiggle room.


Nope. I work for a foreign Gubmint. I wore my cachin pin.

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