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Poker After Dark Cointest...

Odyssey Voyager

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5, 17, 20, 25, 29, 52

please re-post another entry with ONLY FIVE NUMBERS. thanks.



I guess I need to go back to school and learn to count again!! Sorry about that!


Let's try this!


17, 20, 25, 29, 52


And MY favorite game is Geocaching (does that count!!??) But I play a lot of Spades online.

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5, 17, 20, 25, 29, 52

please re-post another entry with ONLY FIVE NUMBERS. thanks.

I guess I need to go back to school and learn to count again!! Sorry about that!


Let's try this!


17, 20, 25, 29, 52


And MY favorite game is Geocaching (does that count!!??) But I play a lot of Spades online.

got it! thanks for re-posting and for playing. hmmmm...i wonder if "Geocaching" could be incorporated and combined with some sort of a board game?! that could be fun and interesting, although it might take some time to finish! :laughing:

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:laughing: I forgot to mention my favorite games...


I like Trivial persuit, a game that you take a card, with a word that you have to help the other one in your team to guess it but you must not say words of a list that will actually help....



That's Pictionary, I think.


Do any ladies out there remember - MYSTERY DATE - ??? LOL!

Edited by opalsns
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Can't resist to post on such another nice cointest for this beautiful horse ;)


I like poker and let's play: I take 1,2,3,4,5 :laughing:


I have several games, but I particularly liked to play some time ago Talisman. Those were long nights. :laughing:


Thanks for the cointest :laughing:


hi susanne, i'm glad you liked your Hades Trojan Horse. good luck and thank you for playing!

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Yeah!!!! Apples to Apples is GREAT!!! Definitely need at least 4 players to really make it worth it. 5 is people is very fun, even more is hilarious!! Definitely a game with lots of laughs! :laughing:


Add in alcohol, and people will be laughing so hard, they'll almost be on the floor. :)

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Nice way to let people feel they are all equally guessing with no obvious chance of cheating. Of course I can tell by the wear marks on the cards that the winning hand is 14,16,23,50,04. Thanks, the grey ghosts :(

another first time forum thread post! awesome...welcome to the madness! thanks for playing and good luck! remember, there will be a consolation cointest for all players that will begin right after this cointest winner is announced on saturday and will run for 24 hours, with timely replies being a factor. so stay tuned for all the details. :)

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I'll take 5, 13, 21, 29, 37


A good party game is Apples to Apples.


What is Apples to Apples. So many games here I've never heard of. I need to go back and start asking all the others about their games.


My BFF has so many games and a lot I'd never heard of before she got. Not board games though. LCR is one she does at a lot of her smaller parties. Add some jello shots and I'm not sure how many guests even care about the food.

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:( I forgot to mention my favorite games...


I like Trivial persuit, a game that you take a card, with a word that you have to help the other one in your team to guess it but you must not say words of a list that will actually help....


That's Pictionary, I think.



I'm pretty sure that he's describing Taboo. You have to draw for Pictionary.

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Cool, thanks for that cointest! :(


My numbers are 21, 22, 24, 34, 46


And my favorite party game is sing star :blink: That's real fun :o

i have not seen "sing star", can you tell us how to play? good luck in the cointest!


(edit to add) i googled "singstar" and i see that its a sing along playstation game. looks like fun. especially for me, since i like to sing!

Edited by Odyssey Voyager
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I was thinking.... wouldn't just be interesting if... somehow... the 5 players with the best cards, to continue...


what I mean... Instead of showing all the cards, show only the cards the top 5 players have! (if there are not 5 and they are 2 or 3, it is even better!)


Then... they will have to drop 2 cards and choose 2 other from the ones that are left and still unknown! then... the best much will win! :)


I was also thinking if the top players will know their cards from the start or not! :D but... :unsure:


Now... when everything ends, you can post all the cards so we can know what everyone had! :anibad:


Of course I do not know if that consider to be... gubling and not a cointest...


And of course... that is just a thought... I am not asking you to do that! ;)

It is up to you! :mad:

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I was thinking.... wouldn't just be interesting if... somehow... the 5 players with the best cards, to continue...

well...nikos...i had considered an elimination poker cointest for the top hands, but i would really like ALL players to have a second chance at winning, so i have come up with ANOTHER poker cointest that will involve different skills instead of just blind luck to win! i think you will like it. :)

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Oooh, how did I miss this til now?? What a great concept for a cointest and I really like the prize being offered!


My numbers are: 3, 19, 28, 35 & 44 (just random)


My favorite card game is "Hearts". I have a fond memory of my brother, sister in law, and I playing cutthroat hearts during a snowstorm here in Oregon in the 80s (for lack of anything better to do) - and every time I play that game, I think of that time. Now, when it snows.. I go caching! LOL


Thanks for the fun!


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I will take:


3 (my son's birthday)

12 (my husband's birthday)

22 (my daughter's birthday

23 (my future son in law's birthday)

30 (my birthday)





well howdy neighbor! welcome to the geocoin forums and all the madness associated with it! good to see a fellow land of enchantment dweller playing in the reindeer games! good luck and be here saturday at 5 PM eastern time (3 PM our time) for the winner announcement and a fun consolation game that, once again,...anyone can win! :)

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