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King Tut Geocoin NOW AVAILABLE


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I am having a King Tut Meet n' Greet at the Pyramid Ale House and Brewery in Seattle, Feb 24th, the event is sponsored by COWWS and the coins will be a fundraiser for GW8. The event is listed: HERE


The folks at www.geoswag.com will have a limited number of coins available:

Nickel and Copper metal finishes. The preliminary artwork is below, it will be slightly altered when the coin is minted.



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Another fan of King Tut and Egypt here!!!!

Went to Chicago (alone) in July '06 to see the King Tut Exhibit at the Field Museum. And, a few other Museums, too!! Great trip!!

Would loooove to see the Pyramids!!!!


About the coin: love it, me wants!!!!

Amazing artwork- hope they can fit all the elements in and keep it looking as beautiful as the preliminary artwork.

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An event at a brewery with a gorgeous coin :anibad: ! Mark, we miss you back in Jersey!


Yeah, sorry about that one... I have had 2 events at breweries out here, and attended two more AND whenever I goto Shopp99er events they have brewed up there own beer! Event life is good! :anibad:

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An event at a brewery with a gorgeous coin :anibad: ! Mark, we miss you back in Jersey!


Yeah, sorry about that one... I have had 2 events at breweries out here, and attended two more AND whenever I goto Shopp99er events they have brewed up there own beer! Event life is good! :)


and washington life, hehe. See you at the event, coins looks amazing. Actually, I need to email you back about the washington coins and hopefully have some money for you at the sherwood event :anibad:

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Isn't there a law against having an event at a brewery on a work night? :D


I just realized the event is on a Wednesday. Guess they make vacation days for a reason...


The coins look great! :D


You are only 3 hours away and the event is within 1/2 mile of I5! Straight shoot up! If you make it... will have a something special for ya! :)


There will be 50 gold, 50 silver and 10 XLE copper available at the event... I was goingt to do a BN XXXLE version but figured black on black would be too trendy. :D

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Isn't there a law against having an event at a brewery on a work night? :)


I just realized the event is on a Wednesday. Guess they make vacation days for a reason...


The coins look great! :D


You are only 3 hours away and the event is within 1/2 mile of I5! Straight shoot up! If you make it... will have a something special for ya! :D


There will be 50 gold, 50 silver and 10 XLE copper available at the event... I was goingt to do a BN XXXLE version but figured black on black would be too trendy. :D


Keep the temptations coming... (like I'm not already tempted enough!) :rolleyes:

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A couple of mint photos... which are notoriously bad!






Besides being available at the event, there will be a limited number available at www.geoswag.com - They are trackable and will have a unique icon.





This event will be February 24th in Seattle, right next to Qwest field. :)

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