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Fastest Geocache published?

Sol seaker

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I just submitted a cache for review last night.


Right after I submitted it I posted a note for a coin drop. That was at 7:15.


At 7:38 I got a note that my cache was published.


Not much more than 15 minutes!!! (YOU GO ROCK RABBIT!!! YOU ROCK!!!)


My geopartner submitted one recently and was fretting about it.

He kept checking back again and again to see if it had been published. I told him sometimes these things take time and to be patient. Some may take up to two days I hear.


He said, "OK I've waited long enough!"

And just then my phone beeped. New cache. His.

One hour publish time.


Big thanks to all these hard working reviewers!!!


The unsung heros of geocaching!!!!

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My second cache took around 10-15 min. It caught me off guard - the cache was still sitting in my car.


???????????? .... :rolleyes::P


I had checked the coords the night before and then again that morning but I didn't have the container compleatly ready yet. I brought it to work with me, thinking I could finish the cache page, and then have time to go drop the cache off at lunch. My first cache took a while and I had just read some posts on the forum whining about 70+ hour waits so I thought there was no rush.


I won't make that mistake again. B) I immediately disabled the cache, made a note to the reviewer and headed out to the site to drop off the container. Only took 15 min to hide the container... by the time I got back the cache had already been retracted (5 min or so) with a scolding note about having the cache ready. heh... I re-activated the cache and it was published within 30 min AGAIN!


That's what I call speedy service and a learning experience.

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My second cache took around 10-15 min. It caught me off guard - the cache was still sitting in my car.


???????????? .... :rolleyes::P


I had checked the coords the night before and then again that morning but I didn't have the container compleatly ready yet. I brought it to work with me, thinking I could finish the cache page, and then have time to go drop the cache off at lunch. My first cache took a while and I had just read some posts on the forum whining about 70+ hour waits so I thought there was no rush.


That's what I call speedy service and a learning experience.


Yeah. I learned that lesson. Around here, it used to be that caches got published on Thusdays. I never unchecked the 'cache is ready box.' I was helping my sister, in another state, with her cache page, when she got an e-mail from the reviewer that the coords were in the middle of the ocean!

My fastest publication was last week at 45 minutes.

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It seems to me that the fastest way a cache could get published is if the reviewer knew exactly when it was going to be submitted. That would occur if a reviewer had placed a cache, submitted it for review, the reviewed their own cache. While reviewers might not use the same handle for geocaching as they do for geocaching I would find it hard to believe that many of them did not spend a fair amount of times as geocachers as well, and have hidden (and reviewed) their own caches.

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It seems to me that the fastest way a cache could get published is if the reviewer knew exactly when it was going to be submitted. That would occur if a reviewer had placed a cache, submitted it for review, the reviewed their own cache. While reviewers might not use the same handle for geocaching as they do for geocaching I would find it hard to believe that many of them did not spend a fair amount of times as geocachers as well, and have hidden (and reviewed) their own caches.

For me, this would only be true if there were no other similar caches awaiting review. If there were fifteen traditional caches submitted in my territory earlier in the day, I would review those caches first before publishing one that I had hidden.

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it doesn't seem to matter WHEN you submit it. 02:00am, by 02:20am it's out.


You think he enjoys the thought of phones ringing at 2am.... ? :rolleyes:



As a reviewer I'm not real concerned about the speed of publication of my own caches. Indeed, it's really more fun to put my cache out for some other reviewer to publish - they might offer harassment helpful remarks, add weird pics of dancing hamsters, or Alaskan wolves proofread my spelling, generally mess with my cache, generally do their helpful best to get that listing out right and proper.


Keystone himself was once kind enough to suggest, that while my cache wasn't quite suitable for Geocaching.com, I could certainly try an alternate listing service, I believe it was www.yourcachesucks.com

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I've had 48 listings published.


3 which were submitted in the normal manner were published in less than 5 minutes; the fastest were published immediately... maybe a minute for me to log out of my account and he into his, since I was sitting under a tree in a campground with the Reviewer and listed them on his laptop!


The longest was around 12 hours.


3 have been held up needing corrections.


30 minutes publication-to-FTF for urban caches is not uncommon in my area... few last 4 hours.


Rural caches 40 miles from the city rarely last a full day.

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Keystone himself was once kind enough to suggest, that while my cache wasn't quite suitable for Geocaching.com, I could certainly try an alternate listing service, I believe it was www.yourcachesucks.com


This was great!!! Made me really laugh.


This is why I read the forums. thanks!


(ps, glad to have the URL for future reference in case I need it) :rolleyes:

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How about the fastest from the hide to the FTF?


I hid my first cache. Drove home and submitted it. The reviewer published it. The FTF was logged by someone who happened to be in the area. Total time 45 minutes.


My latest hide was published about 4pm local time Friday afternoon. It was found about 10 minutes later....


How long from the time you hid it to the time it was found?

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How about the fastest from the hide to the FTF?


I hid my first cache. Drove home and submitted it. The reviewer published it. The FTF was logged by someone who happened to be in the area. Total time 45 minutes.


My latest hide was published about 4pm local time Friday afternoon. It was found about 10 minutes later....


How long from the time you hid it to the time it was found?


Final cache submission (after a requested modification) was about 3:45. 15 minutes to publish, another 10 to FTF.

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