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4th International Math Trade


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Mailed 6 on 6 17/02/09


Received 0 on 6


I just can say that i should've put all my extra coins available to trade.




Got one :laughing: a petit paquet from Fanny and Friends, Thank you a lot Laval.


Received 1 on 6




Got another one from Avroair with two great geocoins.


Thank you a lot


Received 3 on 6




And another one from KDV, Thanks


Received 4 on 6




Received the last two. Thank you all for the great coins and trades....



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18 february: 10 of 10 packages to CHEESY PIGS (2), ICYDOVE (3), KDV (1), THE MOOP ALONG (1), JNBBALL (1), TEAM_ZZZZ (1), ZARYA. (2), DRESSELDRAGONS (1), AVROAIR (1), LAVAL K-9 (1)


24 february: 12 of 14 coins


MOTOCYCLEBOI (1), KDV (2), Tadpole379 (2), TEAMAMAROO (1), ATLANTAGAL (2),



Another coin in the mailbox today: the draginfly talisman steel viking from Globy. Thanks!

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All packages sent to:

AtlantaGal; Avroair; Burgessfour; Globy; Jnbball; Mauison; ModelCitizen; PSUFan; Surteb; Tadpole; TeamAmaroo; TheMoopAlong; Zarya.


Packages received from:

AtlantaGal; BurgessFour; Crowesfeat30; Dimkasmir; DrJeepster; E&CPlus3; -Eleanor-; GeocachingDragon; Li-Z; MillieBallon; TeamAmaroo; TheMoopAlong; UKTim.

Edited by Cheesy pigs
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I recieved my first math trade coin in the mail today from E&CPLUS3 (Kiwi coin). Awesome coin, thank you so much.


9 of 9 sent


1 of 9 received (E&CPLUS3, li-z, Cheesy Pigs (x2), Drjeepstr (x3), AlliedOz, and plaunta)


I have received 5 of 9 coins so far. Only 4 to go (3 from Drjeepstr and 1 from li-z).

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15 of 15 packages sent on 02/17/2009:

-Eleanor-(1), 2golfers(1), Atlantagal(1), Burgessfour(3), Cheesy Pigs(1), Choc-O(1), DresselDragons(2), Jackalgirl(1), Kdv(1), Mauison(1), Motocycleboi(2), PSU Fan(1), Southpawaz(3), Theotokos(1), Zarya.(2)


15 of 17 from:

AtlantaGal(2), Avroair(3), BurgessFour, Die_Anita, Drjeepstr(2), El_Rolfo, GeoKs, Globy, Jackalgirl, KDV, Mauison, MotocycleBoi, Tadpole379, The Moops, Theotokos, Uktim(2), Zarya.


Today a pair of beauties from Drjeepstr! :laughing: Two more packages & two more coins to go!!! This is going very smoothly. :D


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AtlantaGal; Avroair; Burgessfour; Globy; Jnbball; Mauison; ModelCitizen; PSUFan; Surteb; Tadpole; TeamAmaroo; TheMoopAlong; Zarya.


Packages received from:

AtlantaGal; BurgessFour; Crowesfeat30; Dimkasmir; DrJeepster; E&CPlus3; -Eleanor-; GeocachingDragon; Li-Z; MillieBallon; TeamAmaroo; TheMoopAlong; UKTim.


Thanks for the delft shoes Li-Z! :laughing:

Edited by Cheesy pigs
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I've enjoyed watching all the posts in this thread. It was pretty slow here last week, with only 2 of 7 packages arriving before the postman enjoyed his weekend off, but there were quite a few envelopes in the mailbox this afternoon...


Packages went into the Canada Post system on Monday (Feb 16) to AVROAIR (1), THE MOOP ALONG (1), E&CPlus3 (3 line numbers = 5 geocoins), ZARYA (1), CROWESFEAT30 (1), DRJEEPSTR (1), 2GOLFERS (2), JACKALGIRL (1), GRODAN (1) and FSCOUT (1). I haven't yet seen confirmation of arrival on the remaining four.


We're receiving from FOSSILLADY, E&CPlus3 (2 - arrived Feb 19), Zarya (arrived Feb 26), PSU Fan, ATLANTAGAL (5 - arrived Mar 2), DRESSELDRAGONS (2 - arrived Mar 2), MODELCITIZEN (arrived Mar 2, along with a very nice sig card and toy parachutist).


I'll try to link a picture into this post (it also includes a couple other trades)...


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I know I haven't posted everything that I got because I have been on vacation, and I am still on the road headed home to New York from Florida. I got stuck in Charlotte NC for a few days because of the freak snowstorm. I should be getting home tomorrow night and I will be able to check my mail and sort through what has arrived and see if I am still waiting on anything. <_<

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I just got home from a very long 13 hour work day. It was such a pleasure to see a coin package on the counter waiting for me when I walked in the door. Today's coin is a two-tone antique nickel and foggy silver Swedish Moose from geosmurfarna. Thanks for brightening my day.


Status 3/2/09:

Sent 14 of 13

The Moops(1), PSU Fan(1), Mauison(1), The Moop Along(3) & -Eleanor-(1), Dimkasmir(1), AtlantaGal(2), 2Golfers(1), Dark_Onyx1982(4), TeamAmaroo(1), Laval K-9(1), Choc-O(1), Geoks(1), KDV(1), and UKTIM(1)


Received 12 of 14 packages (16 of 18 coins received)

Mauison(1), Zarya(1), PSU Fan(3), TeamAmaroo(2), Tadpole379(1), Choc-O(1), AtlantaGal(1), JackalGirl(1), Motocycleboi(2), KDV(1), NOSNOW(1), Geosmurfarna(1), Globy(1), and Cheesy Pigs(1).


Blue skies and happy caching!

Model Citizen - Zero Discipline

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Has anyone heard from QuigleyJones? Particularly UKTim, Kini_Ont, or Mauison? He hasn't posted since the trades was finalized and hasn't responded to repeated emails. Yet I saw him post in another thread just a few days ago.


I haven't received anything from QuigleyJones nor heard from him. Hope everything's okay.


Also, I received two coins from DrJeepStr, thanks!

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Received by other party:

Eltada (1), Globy (1), Tadpole (1), modelcitizen (1), Alliedoz (1), Eleanor (1), Burgessfour (1), Doc265 (4), Geoks (2), crowes (1), TMA (1), mauison (1) southpaw (1), motocycle (2)


9 of 10 packages (18 of 19 coins) received from:

Theotokos (3), Jackalgirl(3), DrJeepStr (3), Icydove (1), Geoks (1), GCdragon (2), Cheesypigs (1), Li-Z (2), Crowes (2), TMA (1)


Tomorrow is the last day I will be at this address, hope the one from cheesypigs comes in!

Edited by Zarya.
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One package received from JackalGirl this morning.


Feb 16th, 2009 - 7 of 7 packages sent to:

fossillady (1), kdv (2), grodan & fiabus (1), PLnauta (1), dimkasmir (1) , DrJeepStr (2), millieballon (2)


7 of 7 packages received from:

AtlantaGal (2), Jackalgirl (1), The Moop Along (2), PLnauta (1) , Li-Z (1), ModelCitizen (1) , icydove (1)


I received all my coins.


I'm still waiting to heard from DrJeepStr and all my trades will be done <_<

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1 of 1 sent.

1 of 1 received.


I received my package from the Geoks yesterday afternoon. It contained my wonderful Tatanka Pejula, a Geoks pathtag, and personal card. Thanks Geoks for the wonderful gifts. I will cherish them always.


Thanks again to Chuck for the Math Trade. It was alot of fun.

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15 of 15 packages sent on 02/17/2009:

-Eleanor-(1), 2golfers(1), Atlantagal(1), Burgessfour(3), Cheesy Pigs(1), Choc-O(1), DresselDragons(2), Jackalgirl(1), Kdv(1), Mauison(1), Motocycleboi(2), PSU Fan(1), Southpawaz(3), Theotokos(1), Zarya.(2)


16 of 17 from:

AtlantaGal(2), Avroair(3), BurgessFour, Die_Anita, Drjeepstr(2), El_Rolfo, GeoKs, Globy, Jackalgirl, KDV, Mauison, MotocycleBoi, Tadpole379, The Moops, Theotokos, Uktim(2), Zarya.


A coin from Globy. One more to go. <_<


Edited by Crowesfeat30
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Mailed: 6 of 6 packages - 17/02/09

I read that coins arrived safely I sent to AtlantaGal, Geosmurfana and 2Golfers

Tadpole379, ElRolfo and doc256 didn't confirm arrival yet


Received: 4 of 7 coins: from KDV, E&Cplus3, Theotokos, Eleanor and Atlantagal

and I still have two coins to look forward to (Fossillady and The Moops) <_<

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Received by other party:

Eltada (1), Globy (1), Tadpole (1), modelcitizen (1), Alliedoz (1), Eleanor (1), Burgessfour (1), Doc265 (4), Geoks (2), crowes (1), TMA (1), mauison (1) southpaw (1), motocycle (2)


9 of 10 packages (18 of 19 coins) received from:

Theotokos (3), Jackalgirl(3), DrJeepStr (3), Icydove (1), Geoks (1), GCdragon (2), Cheesypigs (1), Li-Z (2), Crowes (2), TMA (1)


All coins are in, the tranquillity from Cheesy came in time! (Although I had to dig my geocoin album out of my luggage, which was already packed, locked, and in the doorway.) Oddly, I was charged just over a dollar to receive it <_<


I wonder what's the status of the package to Doc265.

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I recieved my first math trade coin in the mail today from E&CPLUS3 (Kiwi coin). Awesome coin, thank you so much.


9 of 9 sent


1 of 9 received (E&CPLUS3, li-z, Cheesy Pigs (x2), Drjeepstr (x3), AlliedOz, and plaunta)


I have received 5 of 9 coins so far. Only 4 to go (3 from Drjeepstr and 1 from li-z).


Are you sure? Because I didn't send anything to you:


(LI-Z) 792 sends to (CHEESY PIGS) 221

(LI-Z) 793 does not trade

(LI-Z) 794 sends to (ICYDOVE) 682

(LI-Z) 795 sends to (ICYDOVE) 685

(LI-Z) 796 sends to (KDV) 742

(LI-Z) 797 sends to (THE MOOP ALONG) 1334

(LI-Z) 798 sends to (JNBBALL) 715

(LI-Z) 799 sends to (CHEESY PIGS) 209

(LI-Z) 800 sends to (TEAM_ZZZZ) 1094

(LI-Z) 801 sends to (ZARYA.) 1441

(LI-Z) 802 sends to (ZARYA.) 1440

(LI-Z) 803 does not trade

(LI-Z) 804 sends to (ICYDOVE) 661

(LI-Z) 805 sends to (DRESSELDRAGONS) 373

(LI-Z) 807 sends to (AVROAIR) 147

(LI-Z) 808 sends to (LAVAL K-9) 787


Or do you have antoher account under a different name?

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18 february: 10 of 10 packages to CHEESY PIGS (2), ICYDOVE (3), KDV (1), THE MOOP ALONG (1), JNBBALL (1), TEAM_ZZZZ (1), ZARYA. (2), DRESSELDRAGONS (1), AVROAIR (1), LAVAL K-9 (1)


24 february: 12 of 14 coins


MOTOCYCLEBOI (1), KDV (2), Tadpole379 (2), TEAMAMAROO (1), ATLANTAGAL (2),



I received the last coin today from Tadpole379!! Thanks everyone for the trades :lol:


Just waiting on a confirmation of AVROAIR, TEAM_ZZZZ and JNBBAL.... Hope the coins I sent will arrive safely, don't know why it's taking so long <_<

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All coins are in, the tranquillity from Cheesy came in time! (Although I had to dig my geocoin album out of my luggage, which was already packed, locked, and in the doorway.) Oddly, I was charged just over a dollar to receive it <_<


Thank goodness it made it! But that seems weird you were charged money to receive it :lol: I sent it from my post office, and the mail lady weighed it and charged me correct postage....


Li-Z - SoDakCachers is Jnbball B)

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Has anyone heard from QuigleyJones? Particularly UKTim, Kini_Ont, or Mauison? He hasn't posted since the trades was finalized and hasn't responded to repeated emails. Yet I saw him post in another thread just a few days ago.

No packages yet from QuigleyJones and Atlantagal (not worried mail in Canada is slow)

Still awaiting to hear from KDV if package arrived?

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Has anyone heard from QuigleyJones? Particularly UKTim, Kini_Ont, or Mauison? He hasn't posted since the trades was finalized and hasn't responded to repeated emails. Yet I saw him post in another thread just a few days ago.

No packages yet from QuigleyJones and Atlantagal (not worried mail in Canada is slow)

Still awaiting to hear from KDV if package arrived?


Nope, it hasn't arrived yet. I am still waiting for coins from you, AtlantaGal, ModelCitizen and The Moops, but actually I am amazed that 8 out of 12 packages have already arrived. I am used to this type of mailings sometimes taking even several months to get here from across the pond. It must be customs holding on to them to admire them for a while.

Edited by kdv
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Anyone getting emails from Dr. JeepStr? My package from her was missing a GCC ROT13 Bottle Opener LE Silver. Not sure what the status is, but if anyone gets that coin . . . .




I hope they sent it to me by accident! At the moment it is the last coin missing from my wish list for my godson's geocoin collection that I have startedon his behalf, as it was produced in the month of his birth...

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Has anyone heard from QuigleyJones? Particularly UKTim, Kini_Ont, or Mauison? He hasn't posted since the trades was finalized and hasn't responded to repeated emails. Yet I saw him post in another thread just a few days ago.

No packages yet from QuigleyJones and Atlantagal (not worried mail in Canada is slow)

Still awaiting to hear from KDV if package arrived?


QuigleyJones checked in with me today. All coins were sent out.

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Ireceived my last coin today.


So, to update my status:


Received 4 of 4: Icydove, KDV, PSUFan, Tadpole379 (thank you all very much for the trades!!!)


Sent 4 of 4 (on Feb 19th): Atlantagal, KDV, Geosmurfana, Mauison (just waiting on receipt confirmation from Geosmurfana)


Love the little nerd! It's actually cuter than I thought! He's sooo small! I want some more Nerds!



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I am finally home from my vacation and I have a huge box of coinmail!! I checked through everything that arrived while I was away, and I have received all of my incoming trades!! Thanks for all the beautiful coins. :)


This was fun and I would join in again next time there is another math trade. :anicute:

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To those international still waiting on stuff from me, everything went on the tuesday and thursday immediately following the trade release. If you were receiving more than 1 coin from me, it was mailed that tuesday. All single coin shipments went out on Thursday.


Canada and Portugal are usually my two WORST countries to ship stuff to. Italy is typically 10-14 business days, but if you're in a rural area in any country that could also slow it up. I only have 1 international package loss since 11/2005. So I am very confident they will eventually arrive. I just have no idea when.

Edited by AtlantaGal
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Packages sent to:

AtlantaGal; Avroair; Burgessfour; Globy; Jnbball; Mauison; ModelCitizen; PSUFan; Surteb; Tadpole; TeamAmaroo; TheMoopAlong; Zarya.


Packages received from:

AtlantaGal; BurgessFour; Crowesfeat30; Dimkasmir; DrJeepster; E&CPlus3; -Eleanor-; GeocachingDragon; Li-Z; MillieBallon; TeamAmaroo; TheMoopAlong; UKTim.

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Anyone getting emails from Dr. JeepStr? My package from her was missing a GCC ROT13 Bottle Opener LE Silver. Not sure what the status is, but if anyone gets that coin . . . .




I hope they sent it to me by accident! At the moment it is the last coin missing from my wish list for my godson's geocoin collection that I have startedon his behalf, as it was produced in the month of his birth...


Sorry kdv. Got it all straightened out with the Dr. this morning. Email me offline and I'm sure we can work out something for ya.



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