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4th International Math Trade


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Mailed: 6 of 6 packages - 17/02/09

Received: 2 of 7 coins: from KDV and E&Cplus3 ;)


Thank You!


Great, then there is a chance that I also got some bubblers ;) can't wait to get home after school (ends 9pm *sigh*).


It always burns me that Canada Post can deliver a package to another country faster than it can within the same country! :laughing:

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The other package contained my new Caching Time Two-Tone coin from Zarya. Here's a picture I just took of it...




I just got an email from Zarya who was watching out for me and warned me about posting pictures that show show a coin's tracking number. Other forum users could then activate the coin themselves and have (virtual) ownership of it. No one here would do that though, right?


Anyway, that's not the actual tracking number shown in the photo. I used a little PhotoShop magic to make the last four letters of the tracking number match the first four letters of my last name: Bryant. So the coin is safe. I'm glad we have people on the forums here that will look after their fellow geocachers and try to keep them out of trouble. Lord knows I often need someone looking over my shoulder to keep me out of trouble.


Thanks again, Zarya!


Blue skies and happy caching!

Model Citizen - Zero Discipline

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15 of 15 packages sent on 02/17/2009:

-Eleanor-(1), 2golfers(1), Atlantagal(1), Burgessfour(3), Cheesy Pigs(1), Choc-O(1), DresselDragons(2), Jackalgirl(1), Kdv(1), Mauison(1), Motocycleboi(2), PSU Fan(1), Southpawaz(3), Theotokos(1), Zarya.(2)


7 of 17 from:

AtlantaGal(2), Avroair(3), BurgessFour, Die_Anita, Drjeepstr(2), El_Rolfo, GeoKs, Globy, Jackalgirl, KDV, Mauison, MotocycleBoi, Tadpole379, The Moops, Theotokos, Uktim(2), Zarya.


Just one more package but three coins in it. :laughing:


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Feb 16th, 2009 - 7 of 7 packages sent to:

fossillady (1), kdv (2), grodan & fiabus (1), PLnauta (1), dimkasmir (1), DrJeepStr (2), millieballon (2)


0 of 7 packages received from:

AtlantaGal (2), Jackalgirl (1), The Moop Along (2), PLnauta (1), Li-Z (1), ModelCitizen (1), icydove (1)


I may have a mailbox full of coins next Monday :laughing:

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I may have a mailbox full of coins next Monday :laughing:


My stuff to Canada almost always takes 2-3 weeks, depending on what province it's heading to. BC is usually the best transit time for me. We'll have to see how long they take since I sent several to various locations in Canada.

Edited by AtlantaGal
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Received by other party:

Eltada (1), Globy (1), Tadpole (1), modelcitizen (1), Alliedoz (1), Eleanor (1), Burgessfour (1), Doc265 (4), Geoks (2), crowes (1), TMA (1), mauison (1) southpaw (1), motocycle (2)


3 of 9 packages (5 of 18 coins) received from:

Theotokos (3), Jackalgirl(1), DrJeepStr (6), Icydove (1), Geoks (1), GCdragon (2), Cheesypigs (1), Crowes (2), TMA (1)


The Phoenix AE series just came in today from Theotokos - first package from Canada!

Edited by Zarya.
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I'm a little slow to post in this thread BUT I have been in touch via e-mail with the 10 people I send to.


Packages went into the Canada Post system on Monday (Feb 16) to AVROAIR (1), THE MOOP ALONG (1), E&CPlus3 (3 line numbers = 5 geocoins), ZARYA (1), CROWESFEAT30 (1), DRJEEPSTR (1), 2GOLFERS (2), JACKALGIRL (1), GRODAN (1) and FSCOUT (1). I don't think any of these have arrived at their destinations yet, but I'll keep an eye on this thread for news of successful delivery.


We're receiving from FOSSILLADY, E&CPlus3 (2 - arrived Feb 19), Zarya, PSU Fan, ATLANTAGAL (5), DRESSELDRAGONS (2), MODELCITIZEN.


It's good to see so many parcels reaching their destinations...I wonder how long it will take for the last one to arrive?

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Ok, weird...I posted that I mailed three packages and am receiving 2 packages. That's not right - I am receiving 3 packages (I think) so I corrected that. :laughing: I happy to say my first package arrive today and I love it!


Mailed: 3 of 3 packages - 02/17/2009

Received: 1 of 3 packages (20-Feb: Zarya)

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17 FEB 09: Mailed 7 of 7 packages.


AtlantaGal(3), DresselDragons(1), DrJeepStr(2), kini_ont(1), PSU Fan(1), TeamAmaroo(1), The Moop Along(5)


20 FEB 09: Received 4 of 11 packages.


Chur(1), Crowesfeat30(1), dark_onyx1982(1), DrJeepStr(1), GeoKs(2), ModelCitizen(1), MotoCycleBoi(1), PSU Fan(1), tadpole379(2), The Moop Along(2), Theotokos(1)



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Again 2 packages in the mailbox today, tnx Mark and Pete


17FEB09 - 6 of 6 packages mailed to:

atlantagal (1), dark_onyx1982 (1), drjeepstr (2), southpawaz (1), the moops (3), uktim (1)


4 of 6 packages received from:

20 FEB:avroair (1) , 19 FEB:doc256 (2), fossillady (1), tadpole379 (1), 21 FEB:the moop along (3) , 21 FEB:the moops (1)


A picture of the coins received:


Edited by wilg
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Received by other party:

Eltada (1), Globy (1), Tadpole (1), modelcitizen (1), Alliedoz (1), Eleanor (1), Burgessfour (1), Doc265 (4), Geoks (2), crowes (1), TMA (1), mauison (1) southpaw (1), motocycle (2)


5 of 9 packages (8 of 18 coins) received from:

Theotokos (3), Jackalgirl(1), DrJeepStr (6), Icydove (1), Geoks (1), GCdragon (2), Cheesypigs (1), Crowes (2), TMA (1)

Edited by Zarya.
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17 FEB 09: Mailed 7 of 7 packages.


AtlantaGal(3), DresselDragons(1), DrJeepStr(2), kini_ont(1), PSU Fan(1), TeamAmaroo(1), The Moop Along(5)

21 FEB 09: Received 2 today for a total 6 of 11 packages.


Chur(1), Crowesfeat30(1), dark_onyx1982(1), DrJeepStr(1), GeoKs(2), ModelCitizen(1), MotoCycleBoi(1), PSU Fan(1), tadpole379(2), The Moop Along(2), Theotokos(1)



Edited by 2golfers
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Mailed All (11 of 11): Feb 17


Received: 7 of 13


Senders Remaining:



I also received one of my viking runestones, but I have no idea who it was from (no caching name or trade ID number)


The Viking runestone was from me. :unsure:

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15 of 15 packages sent on 02/17/2009:

-Eleanor-(1), 2golfers(1), Atlantagal(1), Burgessfour(3), Cheesy Pigs(1), Choc-O(1), DresselDragons(2), Jackalgirl(1), Kdv(1), Mauison(1), Motocycleboi(2), PSU Fan(1), Southpawaz(3), Theotokos(1), Zarya.(2)


9 of 17 from:

AtlantaGal(2), Avroair(3), BurgessFour, Die_Anita, Drjeepstr(2), El_Rolfo, GeoKs, Globy, Jackalgirl, KDV, Mauison, MotocycleBoi, Tadpole379, The Moops, Theotokos, Uktim(2), Zarya.


Two more packages; two more coins! And GeoK's tossed in a Pathtag too!!! :o Sweet!. Thanks!! :unsure:


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Received 2 packages today:





Thank you both for the trades!!!!

Received 3 packages yesterday:



The Moops



Thanks for the trades!!!


5 down, 5 to go


4 more packages came in yesterday:







9 packages have arrived with only 1 to go :unsure:

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I am on vacation, but I had my mom open my coinmail for me, and I have received packages from KDV, CHOC-O, -ELEANOR-, THE MOOP ALONG, THE MOOPS, DRESSELDRAGONS, KINI_ONT, ZARYA., and FSCOUT. :unsure:


I am still waiting for packages from:



Thanks everyone for the trades! I can't wait to see my new coins when I get home. :o

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I jut got back from a weekend at my parents' for my Mom's birthday and found I had received three more packages with 4 coins in them.


Received Katrina Relief from Tadpole379, Russian Nesting Dolls from Choc-O, and Dear Santa & Chinese Fan from TeamAmaroo. Thanks everyone! Wish I could stay up later checking out the coins but it's been a long day.


Status 2/22/09:

Sent 14 of 13

The Moops(1), PSU Fan(1), Mauison(1), The Moop Along(3) & -Eleanor-(1), Dimkasmir(1), AtlantaGal(2), 2Golfers(1), Dark_Onyx1982(4), TeamAmaroo(1), Geoks(1), Choc-O(1), KDV(1), UKTIM(1), and Laval K-9(1)


Received 6 of 14

Mauison(1), Zarya(1), PSU Fan(3), TeamAmaroo(2), Tadpole379(1), Choc-O(1), Motocycleboi(2), Globy(1), KDV(1), Cheesy Pigs(1), Geosmurfarna(1), NOSNOW(1), JackalGirl(1), and AtlantaGal(1)

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I was hoping for a mailbox full of mailers but only got one :D


Feb 16th, 2009 - 7 of 7 packages sent to:

fossillady (1), kdv (2), grodan & fiabus (1), PLnauta (1), dimkasmir (1), DrJeepStr (2), millieballon (2)


0 of 7 packages received from:

AtlantaGal (2), Jackalgirl (1), The Moop Along (2) , PLnauta (1), Li-Z (1), ModelCitizen (1), icydove (1)


Well, tomorrow is an other day :yikes:

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Mailed 6 on 6 17/02/09


Received 0 on 6


I just can say that i should've put all my extra coins available to trade.




Got one :yikes: a petit paquet from Fanny and Friends, Thank you a lot Laval.


Received 1 on 6




Got another one from Avroair with two great geocoins.


Thank you a lot


Received 3 on 6



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