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Beyond Platinum EarthCache Masters......


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Posted (edited)

I am often asked if we will set up a level beyond Platinum. The answer is YES...but the next level will have to be even harder to achieve. Suggestions have been like - visiting an EarthCache on every continent (yes...there are EarthCaches in Antarctica) or maybe five of the seven continents.


Thats tough! But what do you think? Any other EarthCache Master ideas?

Edited by geoaware
Posted (edited)

I am at Bronze so it will be a while.


I have just been getting the list for the states of each EarthCache that is feasable for me.

Some as of yesterday do not have many at all.


Maybe we can all get them going much better.

I will never get to maybe other than 1 or 2 Continents though.


And I need to get busy and re-write my EarthCache for here.


But to answer we probably need to get others involved in setting them up.

Or maybe have Specific Categories or levels.









B.Fresh Water







A.Pollution control


Just some ideas.

Edited by GEO*Trailblazer 1

People love to work to achive goals. I think higher levels of the Earthcache Masters program is a very good idea, but I would make several levels of difficulty before the "one on every continent". That would be a great final pinnacle level to achieve, but there should be other levels above platinum on the way.

Looking forward to many visits to this forumas Earthcaches are our favorite type of geocache.


I have given this some thought. My husband and I have about 11 earthcaches between us that we have created and we are almost at official Platinum level (He needs to set up one more solo and we both need to log the ast couple we've found).


The next levels probably ought to focus more on finds than earthcaches created, so the quality will stay high. We really don't want to concentrate on quantity vs quality.


It needn't necessarily be a level "up" from the existing levels so much as an additional 'certification' as it were. I also like the idea of trying to award commemoration for having exposure to various classifications of earthcaches: i.e. Erosional feature, igenous feature, mining site, fossil site. Say one level for having been to 3 different types and another for 5 different types, etc.


Following the same sort of logic, you could recognize having been to X number of caches per state/province. As it is now the wording reads at least X number in Y number of states--Why not have levels such as 3 earthcaches visited in one state, 10 earthcaches visited in one state, 20 earthcaches visited in one state. That would provide almost endless variation.


Naturally a challenge level would be cool. For example one earthcache in every state/province etc (OK so people in some nations get a break there, but really, there are advantages and disadvantages in either having many or few state/provinces--and nothing says we can't all travel there to catch the same break!).


I am often asked if we will set up a level beyond Platinum. The answer is YES...but the next level will have to be even harded to achieve. Suggestions have been like - visiting an EarthCache on every continent (yes...there are EarthCaches in Antarctica) or maybe five of the seven continents.


Thats tough! But what do you think? Any other EarthCache Master ideas?


I doubt I'll leave mine anytime soon, but that would be like a "World platinum pin" with real platinum in it :rolleyes:


How about following the Boy Scouts and the US military and award "palms" or "oak leaf clusters" for further finds on top of the platinum level. There would be no limit on devices added to the platinum level. For instance for every 10 earthcaches found about that required to receive platinum would allow the award of a palm.


Going with the earthcache theme you could make each device a continent or body of water with a completion of enough earthcaches you could have the whole earth.


I really like the idea of future awards for types of earth caches placed. It create more of a variety and raise the quality of earthcaches in an area.

For me, this is a better idea than every continent...mainly cuz I really doubt if we'll ever go to any of the others.


This would also help earth cache hiders get out of their "pet" earth cache types and branch out. Since recently catching the earth cache bug I have discovered that I <3 erosion features! I have a couple of spots in my head that would be perfect for erosion earth cache. Another friend of mine has a thing for BIG glacial erratics.


I also don't care for the 'every continent' idea. Something like that can more difficult for those who don't have the income to support that kind of travel.


I do like the idea of finding and/or developing different types of earthcaches, not just being in one niche all the time. That girl that likes erratics . . . . I think she got rocks in her head or sumtin! :rolleyes:


I thought some more on my idea.


EarthCache Master of the 4 Elements.






As others have suggested as you reach a certian number you could use Oak clusters in Bronze,Silver and Gold.


Then the EarthCacheMaster of that Element.

Posted (edited)

My challenge in Africa is that the bulk of the African Earthcaches are mine! I'm battling to get off Bronze level - even though I have almost 20 of my own Earthcaches!

There are only 4 earthcaches in South Africa that are not mine!

So I'd like to support the idea around progressing by hiding a series / certain "grading" of earthcaches, a peer reviewed or recommended series of Earthcaches - or something similar.


The pure numbers game is not a good idea, and I agree that Earthcaches on various continents is a possibility, but it would be a priveleged few who would be able to gain that award, and while not stopping it, I think there should be a more economically attainable award too.

Edited by Carbon Hunter

How about following the Boy Scouts and the US military and award "palms" or "oak leaf clusters" for further finds on top of the platinum level.

I like that idea. Base the additional awards on the different Earthcache classifications. So you'll get a "Cave Feature Specialist" pin once you find, say, three Cave Feature earthcaches and another for "River Feature Specialist" and "Fault Feature Specialist" and so on. Maybe make it three finds + one hide or something to keep a balance between the creators and the finders.




I really like the idea of future awards for types of earth caches placed. It create more of a variety and raise the quality of earthcaches in an area.

For me, this is a better idea than every continent...mainly cuz I really doubt if we'll ever go to any of the others.


My thoughts exactly.


I think there should be a few new pins for "placement" of Earthcaches - Though, since I have placed 12, and am the Master of New Zealand earthcaching ( where is that place?? :D ) might sway me to think that :)


We also like the idea of categories based upon the geologic element. Our EC's encompass glacial, metamorphic, sedimentary, etc. This will encourage a larger variety and hopefully a better quality of EC's.


Although we have caught some grief about our harder EC's (can't just pull up and read a sign to get your info) we really feel cachers will learn more if they need to read, think, and find. A quality/difficulty/content type of requirement could be useful as well.


Although we have caught some grief about our harder EC's (can't just pull up and read a sign to get your info) we really feel cachers will learn more if they need to read, think, and find. A quality/difficulty/content type of requirement could be useful as well.


I've done 3 of the Geosliders EarthCaches and have to say that I have enjoyed each of them. They are well worth the challenge.

A quality/difficulty/content type would be a nice feature to add to EarthCaches.


I’m not at all crazy about the “globetrotting” aspects of an advanced level. As for me, it’s an economic impossibility.


I think what needs to be done is to clarify the use of the term “earth science” in the reference literature, and the geology specific approvals. Once this is done, perhaps an expansion of the “types” would help achieve this goal in visits and creations.

Posted (edited)

I am at Bronze so it will be a while.


I have just been getting the list for the states of each EarthCache that is feasable for me.

Some as of yesterday do not have many at all.


Maybe we can all get them going much better.

I will never get to maybe other than 1 or 2 Continents though.


And I need to get busy and re-write my EarthCache for here.


But to answer we probably need to get others involved in setting them up.

Or maybe have Specific Categories or levels.









B.Fresh Water







A.Pollution control


Just some ideas.


I thought some more on my idea.


EarthCache Master of the 4 Elements.






As others have suggested as you reach a certian number you could use Oak clusters in Bronze,Silver and Gold.


Then the EarthCacheMaster of that Element.


I like this, too; some erosion is wind caused...that would get you your "air".


I am wild about Earthcaches.

Edited by ATMouse

I like the idea of incorporating the categories into both the finds and hides.


Using the number of finds on earthcaches you create could also be a possibility, but that relies more heavily on location.


If there was some way to get quantifiable feedback on each earthcache, that would also be good.


How about Earthcache Doctorate?


Feldspar Earthcache Doctorate

Visit and log three (23) or more Earthcaches in two (2) or more continents and have developed one (4) or more Earthcaches.


Black-Nickle Earthcache Doctorate

Visit and log six (26) or more Earthcaches in three (3) or more continents and have developed one (5) or more Earthcaches.


Pyrite Earthcache Doctorate

Visit and log twelve (32) or more Earthcaches in four (4) or more Continents and have developed two (6) or more Earthcaches.


Plutonium Earthcache Doctorate

Visit and log twenty (40) or more Earthcaches in five (5) or more Continents and have developed three (7) or more Earthcaches...


Of course, the Plutonium pin might be a little difficult to get through the mail :anitongue:


How about Earthcache Doctorate?


Feldspar Earthcache Doctorate

Visit and log three (23) or more Earthcaches in two (2) or more continents and have developed one (4) or more Earthcaches.


Black-Nickle Earthcache Doctorate

Visit and log six (26) or more Earthcaches in three (3) or more continents and have developed one (5) or more Earthcaches.


Pyrite Earthcache Doctorate

Visit and log twelve (32) or more Earthcaches in four (4) or more Continents and have developed two (6) or more Earthcaches.


Plutonium Earthcache Doctorate

Visit and log twenty (40) or more Earthcaches in five (5) or more Continents and have developed three (7) or more Earthcaches...


Of course, the Plutonium pin might be a little difficult to get through the mail :anitongue:


I don't think most folks are going to get a Passport for the simple sake of Earthcaching. I for one would dread to see the economic costs associated with such a venture. Perhaps replacing the term continents with either states or provinces may be the better way to go?


I don't think most folks are going to get a Passport for the simple sake of Earthcaching. I for one would dread to see the economic costs associated with such a venture. Perhaps replacing the term continents with either states or provinces may be the better way to go?


yes you have stated that - just throwing it out there

Posted (edited)
EarthCache Master of the 4 Elements.






I think this is a bunk idea because everybody knows that the true elements are from the periodic table. This category is as fluffy as astrology.


I think there should be a few new pins for "placement" of Earthcaches - Though, since I have placed 12, and am the Master of New Zealand earthcaching ( where is that place?? :lol: ) might sway me to think that :D


I don't like this idea, because it encourages people to develop earthcaches in bulk, and those are generally of poor quality. I am all for preserving the integrety of earthcaches. In fact, I can already think of a number of earthcaches that should be archived because they are really uninteresting.


This would also help earth cache hiders get out of their "pet" earth cache types and branch out. Since recently catching the earth cache bug I have discovered that I <3 erosion features!

Sounds like we have a budding sedimentologist!


I have a couple of spots in my head that would be perfect for erosion earth cache. Another friend of mine has a thing for BIG glacial erratics.
Tell your friend to come to Calgary. It seems like every rock that has been moved by a glacier has been turned into an earthcache. The first one was cool, the tenth one was...yaaaaaawn!


As a geologist, I expect a certain level of quality from earthcaches and I hope this can be maintained, or even raised. I know not everyone is a geologist, but if you just copy an interpretive sign word for word or copy and paste your description from wikipedia, you aren't really adding anything to earthcaching. Please do the research, list your references and you will have a quality earthcache! If you aren't sure about something, there are a number of geocaching geologist, just ask one of us for advice! Most of us would be happy to help out.

Edited by shearzone
EarthCache Master of the 4 Elements.






I think this is a bunk idea because everybody knows that the true elements are from the periodic table. This category is as fluffy as astrology.



Of course "earth, wind, fire and water" are bunk as real elements.


We were talking about using a fun idea to highlight a contibuting Earthcache feature required for additional "levels" of Earthcache development and discovering.


Fun, not facts. Art, not science. Think marketing, not thesis.


So what is your idea for beyond Platinum Master levels?

EarthCache Master of the 4 Elements.






I think this is a bunk idea because everybody knows that the true elements are from the periodic table. This category is as fluffy as astrology.


ok, how about :




Gaseous? :lol:


I am often asked if we will set up a level beyond Platinum. The answer is YES...but the next level will have to be even harder to achieve. Suggestions have been like - visiting an EarthCache on every continent (yes...there are EarthCaches in Antarctica) or maybe five of the seven continents.


Thats tough! But what do you think? Any other EarthCache Master ideas?


Don't get me wrong because no one and I mean no one appreciates the good old Earthcache folks more than I, but psychologically it would be a downer to add another 'level'. It's kind of like those who plan, work hard and set out to climb Mt. Everest because it was the toughest goal and all the sudden someone determines that another mountain is 6.2 inches higher. They thought they arrived or met the most difficult goal but then someone says nada...you haven't met the highest goal because we discovered the measurements were not correct and there is another range than than you need to look at.

Just a thought. Requiring multi continents, etc, then make it something that only the very rich can do. Maybe that is OK but it isn't very 'earthy'. Even good old USA travel to becoming expensive and to have to go abroad, well impossible for most. Thanks. :)


I am often asked if we will set up a level beyond Platinum. The answer is YES...but the next level will have to be even harder to achieve. Suggestions have been like - visiting an EarthCache on every continent (yes...there are EarthCaches in Antarctica) or maybe five of the seven continents.


Thats tough! But what do you think? Any other EarthCache Master ideas?


I concur, iff this additional level only includes additional (Find) requirements.


The last thing we need is to encourage anyone else to place a gazillion LPC equivalent earthcaches...

Posted (edited)

Well since we already have a classification system, and since all earthcaches already have one of these designations (which go seemingly unused and don't show up on gc.com):


Cave/Karst Feature

Coastal Feature

Erosional Feature

Fault Feature

Fold Feature

Fossil Site

Geomorphological Feature

Glacial Feature

Historical Site

Hydrologic Feature

Igneous (Plutonic) Feature

Igneous (Volcanic) Feature

Metamorphic Feature

Mineral Site

Mining Site

River Feature

Sedimentary Feature

Structural Feature

Impact Feature

Other Feature


Feldspar Earthcache Doctorate

Visit and log twenty-three (23) and visited/created Earthcaches Earthcaches with (10) or more classifications and have developed (4) or more Earthcaches.


Black-Nickle Earthcache Doctorate

Visit and log twenty-six (26) and visited/created Earthcaches Earthcaches with (13) or more classifications and have developed (5) or more Earthcaches.


Pyrite Earthcache Doctorate

Visit and log thirty-two (32) and visited/created Earthcaches Earthcaches with (15) or more classifications and have developed (6) or more Earthcaches.


Plutonium Earthcache Doctorate

Visit and log fourty (40) and visited/created Earthcaches with (18) or more classifications and have developed (7) or more Earthcaches...

Edited by Juicepig

Well since we already have a classification system, and since all earthcaches already have one of these designations (which go seemingly unused and don't show up on gc.com):


Cave/Karst Feature

Coastal Feature

Erosional Feature

Fault Feature

Fold Feature

Fossil Site

Geomorphological Feature

Glacial Feature

Historical Site

Hydrologic Feature

Igneous (Plutonic) Feature

Igneous (Volcanic) Feature

Metamorphic Feature

Mineral Site

Mining Site

River Feature

Sedimentary Feature

Structural Feature

Impact Feature

Other Feature


Feldspar Earthcache Doctorate

Visit and log twenty-three (23) and visited/created Earthcaches Earthcaches with (10) or more classifications and have developed (4) or more Earthcaches.


Black-Nickle Earthcache Doctorate

Visit and log twenty-six (26) and visited/created Earthcaches Earthcaches with (13) or more classifications and have developed (5) or more Earthcaches.


Pyrite Earthcache Doctorate

Visit and log thirty-two (32) and visited/created Earthcaches Earthcaches with (15) or more classifications and have developed (6) or more Earthcaches.


Plutonium Earthcache Doctorate

Visit and log fourty (40) and visited/created Earthcaches with (18) or more classifications and have developed (7) or more Earthcaches...


Could we add the following:




Many of these elements address solving problems brought about by geology.


I think a specified number of finds/developed in a variety of classifications.

Bronze, silver, gold, and platinum sound like jewelry settings to me. The next levels should be the gems, amethyst, ruby, emerald and sapphire and a nice sparkly diamond to top the list. This could work for additional pins or for "Crystal Clusters"

Posted (edited)

Could we add the following:




Many of these elements address solving problems brought about by geology.


The rocks and the earth processes that act on them were here long before we were, and the world was perfectly fine. Don't blame geology, it's the humans exploiting it that are making a mess!

Edited by shearzone

Could we add the following:




Many of these elements address solving problems brought about by geology.


The rocks and the earth processes that act on them were here long before we were, and the world was perfectly fine. Don't blame geology, it's the humans exploiting it that are making a mess!


I do believe you are missing the point… I sense some negativity here. All of these elements are symbiotic to both man and geology.

We can choose to close our eyes and ignore the problems of the past or we can choose to change or correct these problems. This does not “blame” geology but enforces the need to educate others, which I believe is a core value of an Earthcache, on the “Who, What, Where and Why” of these issues.

Perhaps we are witnessing the birth of a new geologic epoch, the Anthropocene?


As a cacher who is at platinum level (Did you get my submission geoaware?), I liked the different levels. I like working toward something. I have some ideas for some more EarthCaches, but I admit I am a little bit less motivated now. I enjoy making them, but they do take a lot of work to create.


I like the "specialist" idea. It could be broken down in different ways. In Michigan, our EarthCaches are almost all glacier or water related. (My last one was about oil.) I could see folks here becoming specialists in glacial EarthCaches. I another area of the country there may be different specialists.


Honoring those who have found many could be signified with a "Platinum +50" (finds) pin, "Gold +10" (created). I like the idea of finding caches in other states and countries: "International Platinum" for five or more EarthCache finds in other countries. Or, "Platinum USA Traveler" for finding EarthCaches in 10 or more states.


As a cacher who is at platinum level (Did you get my submission geoaware?), I liked the different levels. I like working toward something. I have some ideas for some more EarthCaches, but I admit I am a little bit less motivated now. I enjoy making them, but they do take a lot of work to create.


I like the "specialist" idea. It could be broken down in different ways. In Michigan, our EarthCaches are almost all glacier or water related. (My last one was about oil.) I could see folks here becoming specialists in glacial EarthCaches. I another area of the country there may be different specialists.


Honoring those who have found many could be signified with a "Platinum +50" (finds) pin, "Gold +10" (created). I like the idea of finding caches in other states and countries: "International Platinum" for five or more EarthCache finds in other countries. Or, "Platinum USA Traveler" for finding EarthCaches in 10 or more states.


I like this idea (as well as most of the others). We will work on trying to get these incorporated into a new level.

Thanks for all the great input




I am often asked if we will set up a level beyond Platinum. The answer is YES...but the next level will have to be even harded to achieve. Suggestions have been like - visiting an EarthCache on every continent (yes...there are EarthCaches in Antarctica) or maybe five of the seven continents.


Thats tough! But what do you think? Any other EarthCache Master ideas?


I doubt I'll leave mine anytime soon, but that would be like a "World platinum pin" with real platinum in it :huh:


I lioke the sounds of this idea, But I'm new to this with only 9 Earthcaqche finds and 8 placed, who an I to say.

Earth caches though are quickly becoming my favorite. I have 3 new ones submitted now and 2 more I working on.


The best idea I have at the moment is to just increase the number of finds and states/countries. I am against requiring people to develop earthcaches for free pins since the quality has suffered a bit since the start of the masters program. On a whole there have been more earthcaches to find and quite a few really good new ones but the quality of some hides is pretty poor.


I would like to see some rating system used and then incorperated into the masters program but I need some time to think about it to see if I can come up with anything good.


- Rev Mike




oh, excuse me

Yep...I've been developing a bit of a cold as well...I have been wondering about the progress of this...I know several folks with 100+ EC finds...that might be a good goal for beyond Platinum. Other countries would be really hard for those in the US. In parts of Europe, sneeze and you are in a different country.


Here is 15 new levels.

Rare earth elements consist of a group of 15 metals. In most cases and usage patterns in the modern economy, these 15 elements are oxides. The names of the elements are
















Reminds me of a song now what was that....The Galaxy Song.


This would or could be a new category RareEarth sites.


Other countries would be really hard for those in the US.



Canada Too.. Sure wish we had another country around here.. wish we weren't all tucked away down in the south Pacific :anicute:


Here is 15 new levels.

Rare earth elements consist of a group of 15 metals. In most cases and usage patterns in the modern economy, these 15 elements are oxides. The names of the elements are
















Reminds me of a song now what was that....The Galaxy Song.


This would or could be a new category RareEarth sites.


The above rare earth elements clould be the new levels of the RareEarthcachers awards with an appropriate pin for each element. On the other hand, we could just leave well-enough-alone! I vote for the latter! :)


I've been thinking about this for a while now. It's taken that long to filter through the previous suggestions (in my mind) and come up with an idea of my own.


I think the previous suggestions (elements, number of finds and states/countries/continents, environmental

economic/ remediation) are fine ideas if you want to promote the numbers game.


Obviously (if you check my profile) I'm not a numbers basher. I enjoy playing that game sometimes and in my own way. It's just I like to think there could be more to the EarthCache Masters program than just numbers.


I'd like to advance the idea that we kick it up a notch for a level above Platinum.


I suggest that we tie an additional EarthCache Masters level to the advancement of EarthCaching. My thought is to have it relate to educational efforts (i.e. EarthCache events, educational classes, and mentoring programs).


I realize that this could require some substantial work (in regards to the event/classes/mentoring aspect) to establish programs and/or standards. In the end I think it would add much more to the EarthCache program than a numbers competition.


This would also be achievable by all geocachers no matter where they are located and their economic situation.


I think it's also a logical extention of the existing EarthCache Masters program: Find + Hide + Educate


I'm interested in all feedback!





AKA: DeRock & the Psychic Cacher - Grattan MI


Will there be a beyond Platinum level? ;)


I am often asked if we will set up a level beyond Platinum. The answer is YES...but the next level will have to be even harder to achieve. Suggestions have been like - visiting an EarthCache on every continent (yes...there are EarthCaches in Antarctica) or maybe five of the seven continents.


Thats tough! But what do you think? Any other EarthCache Master ideas?


Last thing I paraphrased from this was that they had made a decision on what will be happening, and there would be an announcement shortly! I would love a heads up - a bonus perhaps to those so interested in earthcaches that they stay tuned to the Earthcache forums!

Posted (edited)

I cannot believe I find myself saying this (see earlier posts) but if there is to be something beyond Platinum, how about an emphasis on placement of ECs? Maybe a combination of placements and finds with more 'credit' going for placements.

Example: need 100 points: 35 hides ( 2 points each) = 70 points plus 30 finds (1 point each) = 100 points. Distance, such as more States etc. , shouldn't matter because not everyone can afford extensive (long distance) traveling. Emphasis is on placement no matter where they are placed.

If people try to overcrowd a spot, then Geoaware can tell if someone is stretching the point as to what is a good EC and not just another neighboring rock. There are many, many places on this Earth where dozens and dozens of ECs can be placed in close proximity because that's the way Nature did it. Just check out the Daniel Boone Forest in KY. for an example of one of those places.

Maybe 100 points or more gets something beyond Platinum. Maybe Platinum with an oak leaf cluster!

Just some thoughts, as deranged as they may be! :laughing:

Edited by Konnarock Kid & Marge

The best idea I have at the moment is to just increase the number of finds and states/countries. I am against requiring people to develop earthcaches for free pins since the quality has suffered a bit since the start of the masters program. On a whole there have been more earthcaches to find and quite a few really good new ones but the quality of some hides is pretty poor.


I would like to see some rating system used and then incorperated into the masters program but I need some time to think about it to see if I can come up with anything good.


- Rev Mike

Sorry to differ, but I really believe the emphasis should be on placements. I haven't seen any deterioration in quality. Thank God and/or Mother Nature and a some ambitious ECers, we finally have more ECs to find. Beside, Geoaware should and does control the quality. Thanks. :laughing:


The best idea I have at the moment is to just increase the number of finds and states/countries. I am against requiring people to develop earthcaches for free pins since the quality has suffered a bit since the start of the masters program. On a whole there have been more earthcaches to find and quite a few really good new ones but the quality of some hides is pretty poor.


I would like to see some rating system used and then incorperated into the masters program but I need some time to think about it to see if I can come up with anything good.


- Rev Mike

Sorry to differ, but I really believe the emphasis should be on placements. I haven't seen any deterioration in quality. Thank God and/or Mother Nature and a some ambitious ECers, we finally have more ECs to find. Beside, Geoaware should and does control the quality. Thanks. :D

And I beg to differ with you. There really shouldn't be a push to see who can list the most EarthCaches just for the sake of having the most or getting a prize. While some people can keep their focus on creating quality experiences, others would just want to see how many they can amass, and we'd end up with the EarthCache equivilent of the ____(insert your most despised lame geocache type here)_____.


I've already heard some ugly comments made about people who 'discover' an area relatively free of EarthCaches and rush in to submit 4, 5, or 6 new features efore anyone else can get in there. That makes me wonder if it might be a good idea to put some sort of limit on how close one of our EarthCaches can be to another one of our own in the same area--or at limit the time frame until we could list another one in the same area. (Full disclosure: And I say that even as someone who has created three EarthCaches near each other--along with students from my science classes)


So often, I hear people who are new to EarthCaching say they had discovered it, and they would like to place one themselves, but "someone else has already taken all the good spots" locally. Now mind you, we all know that likely isn't true-- But very often it is true that all of the easiest to create listings have been snarfled up, and potential new spots are beyond the skills of the average new enthusiast.


And although some of us will help other new EarthCachers, some folks seem to see it as a competition. Where I used to see cachers helping each other figure out how to come up with a fun and creative activity for an EarthCache, I now see competition to get all the good spots. It's gotten so bad in some areas that cachers won't discuss their future placement ideas with each other.


And the rush to get published before someone else can beat you to it has changed the quality of new EarthCaches; other people have noticed it. I've also started hearing from geocachers who aren't rabid fans that EarthCaches are getting pretty lame as far as their "learning activity" goes--"Go here, take a picture, estimate the size of X and email me" or "Go here, take a picture, tell me the answer to my question that you can find on the sign and email me" Admittedly, not every EarthCache has features that are easily turned into an interactive activity, but some of the people who list so many EarthCaches don't seem to be making any attempt at all to have an entertaining or truly educational activity even when it would be simple.


I'd rather own 10 really high quality EarthCaches than 100 blasé ones that just barely meet the requirements.

Posted (edited)

If you are going to place an emphasis on 'finding' ECs, why not place some emphasis on placing them? Is there not some emphasis on placements already? Some have to be placed or no pin!

I trust that Geoaware has the ability to control quality. As to spacing of ECs, who cares as long as there is a quality geological sight to find. As an example, above or on top of the mountain is a great outcropping and 200 or 300 feet below is a nice cave. Should one or the other be eliminated because they are close?

I don't believe that anyone has a right to stake out any particular territory and I know of no one who does.

We do our EC caching primarily in KY, TN. and VA. As most people know, these states are not as flat as pancakes therefore there are many, many wonderful geological features. We have mountains, extinct volcanoes, caves, canyons, outcroppings, springs galore and other geological wonders so you see ECs can and probably should be kind of crowded. What the heck is the problem with that? If your state is flat, obviously ECs will be spread out, not here!

I don't assume the worst because, again Geoaware can and does control quality. If ECs are too close, whatever that means, then Geoaware can easily question the significance of one cache versus the other. Potential ECs are much too hard to find and to get published for them to fall into the micro trap that has overwhelmed traditional geocaching.

I guess in the final analysis each individual should decide if the quality of an EC meets his or her standards and go or not go to find it. I haven't met a disgusting EC yet!


P.S. Down here we still help each other on the placement of caches. Several cachers have suggested to me potential good spots for an EC and I have done likewise. Nobody here is breaking their necks by trying to beat out another cacher to an EC spot. Maybe a few of us risk breaking out necks just getting to a spot, not beating someone to it.

Edited by Konnarock Kid & Marge

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