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Stolen Pathtags

Rockin Roddy

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Here's from the topic in the MiGO forums:


We discovered that the bag of NL Chapter's Top Ten Pathtags were missing. The last place we had them was in our open pack laying on a table at Winter Social 08'


These tags are beginning to appear all over the country on my pathtag map- THESE ARE STOLEN TAGS!!!!!


I have contacted all the people to who I didn't personally hand these prize tags to and will soon find out who is trading stolen property. If these tags are returned then nothing more will become of this. But come on, stealing pathtags and trading them on a site where the owner of the stolen tags can track them- what a foolish, pathetic attempt at personal gains of a silly collectable item


If anyone get's one of these pathtags, please contact me. THANKS!!

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As I keep saying, geocaching is becoming more mainstream and is attracting less savoury kinds of characters. To be expected I'm afraid. First it was selfish cachers who can't be bothered to re-hide a cache, then it was swag kleptos then cache kidnappers and now coin thieves.


Roddy, this is the second time a bag of coins has been stolen from you in less than a year. You be jinxed, dude. :unsure:

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That is absolutely rediculous. That someone actually had the gall to steal it from an event is even worse, and goes to show that you can't trust people to be honest anymore, even among a community such as this.


I hope there was a name list of attendees, and if I were the one in charge, I'd be interrogating them under a swinging light in a dark, empty warehouse!


I do hope that this gets resolved. It's such a bummer.

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i`m sorry to hear about this :unsure:

i hope that you get your pathtags back and that they find a way back to home


i just wan`t to say STEALING IS WRONG..................


The NL is a Chapter of MiGO (Michigan Geocaching Org), the pathtags were to be given out by the V.P. of that Chapter for prizes for the best caches etc. These were not my property, I'm V.P. of the S.E. Chapter.


These coins were taken from the table of these people, we ALL had our coins and such laying about as we all feel like family (I guess there's a blacksheep in all families??) and trust one another...that'll likely end!


Anyone with any info on these, please contact me!! THANKS!!

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As I keep saying, geocaching is becoming more mainstream and is attracting less savoury kinds of characters. To be expected I'm afraid. First it was selfish cachers who can't be bothered to re-hide a cache, then it was swag kleptos then cache kidnappers and now coin thieves.


Roddy, this is the second time a bag of coins has been stolen from you in less than a year. You be jinxed, dude. :unsure:

First off, I am so sorry to hear about the theft, an entire pouch of pathtags that you'd never even had a chance to look at yet too! I hope you catch the crook. There is simply no excuse!


... and as far as what Droo said about cache theft, I just got a report that one of my caches was kidnapped the other day, and held for ransom! The cacher who found it, threw away the note and replaced the cache! Thankfully, most cachers are honest and also generous!

Edited by tom4props
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That just totally sucks to say the least as many of us are trusting of others to NOT steal our stuff... how many times have we left our coins, GPS's and purses/etc just hanging around on a table, assuming other cachers will NOT take them?! I am soooo guilty of that!!!! I’ve had some pretty desirable coins too just hanging about….. and stupid me even left something at an event a couple months back, thankfully the cachers knew the stuff was mine and found me outside hunting a cache and told me to go find someone who had my stash. But lately I've tried really hard to keep track of my stuff more....


To hear of the increased stealing and dishonesty in our little arena is so heartbreaking.


I sure hope those pathtags are returned.

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Oh!!! I just saw this thread!!! I am so sorry!!!


They were stolen from an event??? Is there a posibility that there was a young child there who accidently took them to play etc, and...


I am just asking because I think that events are only for geocachers or I do not know...pathtagers? I do not know if they exist or they are one with Geocachers!


Probably the people who have them now, do not even know that they are stolen! Oh boy!!!!

If you communicate with them (I do not know, is that possible?) and let them know....you might even find the guy who did this!!!


BTW, if the pathtag is the one I saw in the picture, it is very nice!!!

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And I thought it was bad enough that coins, tags, and/or TB's are stolen from caches.... what a shame to have to be on your guard now at events. Here's hoping someone is honest enough to return the tags... even individual ones.

It is awful!

We were told recently to be careful and not leave our purses laying around at CHURCH.... :)

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Well, I suppose someone could have picked them up not really knowing what they were...I know, seems unlikely..it's a bag of heavy metal disks! But if it were a newbee and they saw "trading" going on and in their mind it was "giving away"...


and maybe it was a child..


Anyway, it's a bummer. Hopefully they get tracked down...

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FYI, while the tags have gone missing, all the logged tags have been accounted for and were come by legit. So far, if they were stolen they have not been distributed or at least not logged.


We're keeping an eye out for them. Meanwhile, if someone out there has them and would like to make an anonymous return to the owner, please drop the tags in the mail to us at



9417 E. Fulton

Ada, MI 49301


We'll get them back to the original owner.

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