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Cointest time! Win a GeoJellie3 "Ocean Waves"


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OK, I wanted to do this for quite a long time, but couldn't find the time for a cointest. You play for one of my GeoJellies, flavour "Ocean Waves":




What to do? I got a beautiful wooden treasure chest for christmas where I store most of my coins in. Guess how many coins are currently in that treasure chest! (I count GeoTags, PathTags and coin-like Signature Items as coins, too).



- one guess per person every 15 minutes (to make it easier for me and you, I count the 15 minutes clockwise, and not from your first guess. So you can guess now and again between xx:45 and xx:00, xx:00and xx:15, xx:15 and at xx:30 etc.)

- don't edit your post

- winner is the person who first guesses the correct number


I might post hints from time to time!


Good luck and much fun!


166....GREAT chest!! I also LOVE that sparkly blue....very nice!!


I have one of these that my dad gave me a few years back...full of quarters (no quarters left though), maybe I'll use that as well!!

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