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County Caching

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I was on its not about the numbers and found this neat stat where it telsl you all the caches you found in the county. So I was wondering.


Have you found a cache in every county in your state?

And what are your Top 10 counties


Okay here we go:

Red = 1

Blue = 2

Green = 3



Allegany County = 3

Anne Arundel County = 67

Baltimore County = 92

Calvert County = 93

Caroline County = 6

Carroll County = 9

Cecil County = 2

Charles County = 66

Dorechester County = 2

Frederick County = 41

Garret County = 5

Hartford County = 5

Howard County = 15

Kent County = 3

Montgomery County = 13

Princes Georges County = 43

Queens Anne County = 13

Somerset County = 2

St. Marys County = 132

Talbot County = 12

Washington County = 60

Wicomico County = 4

Worcester County = 8



Alexandria 3

Arlington 2

Caroline 4

Chesterfield 4

Fairfax 14

Fredericksburg 15

Greensville 4

Hanover 8

Henrico 2

King George 10

Loudoun 10

New Kent 1

Prince George 1

Spotsylvania 12

Stafford 5

Williamsburg 7

York 1


TOP 10


1) St. Marys (MD) = 132

2) Calvert (MD) = 93

3) Baltimore (MD) = 92

4) Anne Arundel (MD) = 67

5) Charles (MD) = 66

6) Washington (MD) = 60

7) Washington (DC) = 45

8) Prince George (MD) = 43

9) Frederick (MD) = 41

10) Wake (NC) = 39


I haven't even been to all of the 90+ counties in Nebraska. I have cached in about half the 23 couties of Wyoming.


I have cache finds across 11 states though. A large number of counties.


Several folks, myself included, have found caches in all 88 of Ohio's counties. I had a lot of fun doing that, there is a wide variety of terrain available around the state. I'll have to look tonight to get my top counties, but if I had to guess I would say my top 3 are probably Franklin, Summit, and Delaware.


Only 52 of the 254 counties in my home state...but I'm slowly making progress.


Top 10 counties (Texas except where noted)




Alameda (CA)


Bannock (ID)




*TIE Blount (TN) and Blanco


The state I used to live in didn't have counties!


But according to stats, I have cached in two of the boroughs there. To cache in all the boroughs in Alaska, you would need to do quite a bit of flying!


New Hampshire and Massachusetts do not yet have a county challenge, I've suggested it to some people but nobody wants to make another gas guzzler multi here.


That said, I've done every county in Mass except the 2 on the islands. New Hampshire I've done all except for the next closest NH county to me to the north, a direction I rerely go. Even neighboring Connecticut and tiny Rhode Island I've not completed countywise.


Dolphin is proud to say that he was FTF on the New Jersey County Challenge, with Andy Bear! The challenge coincided with a vacation, so we spent two days wandering about South Jersey! The Delorme challenge will take considerably longer.

As to counties, my brother only put up my New Jersey map: NJ Counties. I also have a number of finds in Pike Co. Pa, New York, Queens, Kings and Orange counties, New York. Not o mention a cluster in Sagadahoc, Me, and a few other places I've been caching. Gonna have that bird to update my county list!


I've been having a blast coloring in my counties map over the past year since the INATN site came online. My biggest achievement was coloring in my entire home state, without any of that wimpy sky blue color that means you only have one cache find in that county:




I've found caches in 198 counties across 28 states. Next year I'll probably attack the county maps in Ohio and West Virginia. My caching goals will again be about the "spread" of my travels, rather than the number of caches found overall.


My top ten counties include not only my home state but also some travel destinations:


1. Allegheny County, PA: 339 (my home county here in Pittsburgh)

2. Davidson County, TN: 220 (Nashville. 'Nuff said.)

3. Erie County, PA: 129 (one of our favorite day trip/weekend destinations)

4. Beaver County, PA: 117 (suburban Pittsburgh)

5. Dauphin County, PA: 103 (Harrisburg, the State Capitol)

6. King County, WA: 101 (Seattle, home of Signal the Frog)

7. Westmoreland County, PA: 94 (suburban Pittsburgh)

8. Monroe County, NY: 87 (Rochester, where my parents live)

9. Cuyahoga County, OH: 80 (Cleveland, where I attend events a few times each year)

10. Butler County, PA: 79 (suburban Pittsburgh)


I'm a NOOB with only 14 finds so far, but I am from Maine and we only have 16 counties I think I already have 4 counties. Won't be a huge stretch to get them all this summer. Don't think there's a county challenge in play though. Will have to look it up.

Posted (edited)

New Hampshire and Massachusetts do not yet have a county challenge, I've suggested it to some people but nobody wants to make another gas guzzler multi here.

I wonder if it's because, in Massachusetts at least, "counties" seem like almost a foreign concept. Counties are much more significant in other parts of the US. If someone from, say, Georgia, asks a fellow Georgian where he's from, he's like to say what county he lives in.


In MA, though, no one ever says what county he is from; the answer would be the city or town name. If the reply was a county name instead, it would probably result in some quizzical looks, a puzzled frown, and an immediate distrust of this strange county-naming person.


I wonder what the results would be if a poll were taken of a group of first-graders in Georgia and in MA, asking "What county do you live in?" I'd guess a significant percentage of the southern kids would know it right off the bat, while very few of the Mass kids would. (Probably the most common reply among Mass kids would be "What's a county?")

Edited by the hermit crabs

I wonder what the results would be if a poll were taken of a group of first-graders in Georgia and in MA, asking "What county do you live in?" I'd guess a significant percentage of the southern kids would know it right off the bat, while very few of the Mass kids would. (Probably the most common reply among Mass kids would be "What's a county?")


Hopefully the results would be better than if you asked ADULTS!



Posted (edited)

I have only 76 of the 254 Counties in Texas under my belt. There is a Texas County Challange that about five have completed. It takes about 14,000 miles to get it done.


My top county is Dallas, with Tarrant next and a tie of Denton and Hood. It then drops off to only one or two for the remainder. I also take pictures of the County Courthouses too. Sometimes the only cache in a county is not at the county seat, so more driving.


As a side note, there are two "Texas" counties not in Texas, one in Missouri and one in Oklahoma.

Edited by sodajerk

Hey. Many people that I know don't even know what town they live in!

Interesting how facts interfere with memory. I checked INABTN, and here are the counties in which I have found ten or more caches:

Morris, NJ: 385

New York, NY: 133

Bergen, NJ: 120

Sussex, NJ: 110

Passaic, NJ: 70

Essex, NJ: 52

Somerset, NJ: 46

Union, NJ: 43

Warren, NJ: 38

Queens, NY: 33

Monmouth, NJ: 29

Pike, Pa: 23

Hudson, NJ: 18 (But, I've found or hidden all but two in Hudson...)

Hunterdon, NJ: 13

Suffolk, NY: 12

Cumberland, Me: 10

D of C: 10


After a little research, I found that Maine has a "16 Counties of Maine" microcache series. We have already found Penobscot county's micro in the series. One thing of note is that there are three counties without a cache dedicated to them yet. Knox, Waldo, and Washington have yet to be placed. Looks like I may have another mission to take care of when I get back from Hell... I mean Qatar. (Same thing)




I've found caches in all but 8 Pennsylvania counties. Unlike The Leprechauns, I have a lot of wimpy baby blue ones with only one find though, because a lot of caching I do is on business trips when time is limited. I do try to take two or three caching weekends each year in various parts of the state though so those missing counties will eventually be filled in. There's an All Counties Challenge for Pennsylvania that I'm slowly working on completing, but I have about 15 counties I need to get to to meet the requirements for that challenge (I've already completed the PA Delorme Challenge, and caches used for that don't count for the County Challenge)


I've noticed these AWESOME cache-data displays on some of these posts and I looked into one of them and found link where I can set mine up as such. Unfortunately, it was PC only (it actually required a download...?!) and I have a Mac.


How do I get cool stat boards and stuff like that for a Mac and, preferably, without downloading some type of application?





Posted (edited)

I've found caches in 68 of Texas' 254 counties. I have a loooong ways to go to complete the most difficult of the state county challenges.

Top counties:

1) Collin

2) Dallas

3) Denton

4) Tarrant

5) Fannin

6) Hunt

7) Grayson


I'd include a map but the Texas map is huge and I'm too lazy to downsize it.


I would imagine that you could do Maryland in one day if you planned ahead.

Edited by 9Key

I've noticed these AWESOME cache-data displays on some of these posts and I looked into one of them and found link where I can set mine up as such. Unfortunately, it was PC only (it actually required a download...?!) and I have a Mac.


How do I get cool stat boards and stuff like that for a Mac and, preferably, without downloading some type of application?






What PC software? I'd like to know. ITNATN does not have a county specific parameter that I can find. A map of Ohio all colored in would be nice, but to make it would be tough.


How do you do it? TIA!


The county maps are generated by the INATN website based upon your "All Finds" pocket query. You can also view your totals by county on the website, and by clicking on the link for each county, you can see the names of each cache find you have in that county, plus the date, plus links to the cache and your log.


Here's my Ohio map from INATN as an example. It needs work, but ain't bad for someone who lives out of state.


No PC software is needed, except for the ability to save an image and then upload it somewhere.



Posted (edited)

I can't seem to fill out any one state but if I could juggle my three states counties around I might have a bit of a chance.



Edited by Team Sagefox
Posted (edited)

I never did get around to updating my stats the same evening as I promised above, but I finally did it tonight. Here is my top 10


Ohio - Franklin - 212

Ohio - Delaware - 81

Illinois - Cook - 80

Tennessee - Davidson - 72

Ohio - Summit - 63

Ohio - Medina - 43

Ohio - Hamilton - 38

Ohio - Cuyahoga - 38

Pennsylvania - Erie - 36

Ohio - Licking - 29


My top 10 in Ohio


Ohio - Franklin - 212

Ohio - Delaware - 81

Ohio - Summit - 63

Ohio - Medina - 43

Ohio - Hamilton - 38

Ohio - Cuyahoga - 38

Ohio - Licking - 29

Ohio - Williams - 26

Ohio - Greene - 25

Ohio - Hancock - 24


If you're really curious, my top counties for each state in which I've cached are below


California - San Francisco - 2

Delaware - Sussex - 1

Florida - Broward - 3

Hawaii - Hawaii - 3

Illinois - Cook - 80

Indiana - Delaware - 5

Kentucky - Hardin - 2

Maryland - Frederick - 2

Michigan - Roscommon - 4

Nevada - Douglas - 1

New York - Chautauqua - 8

North Carolina - New Hanover - 6

Ohio - Franklin - 212

Pennsylvania - Erie - 36

South Carolina - Dorchester - 2

Tennessee - Davidson - 72

Virginia - Wythe - 1

West Virginia - Raleigh - 1

Wisconsin - Kenosha - 7

Edited by Mr. 0

The county maps are generated by the INATN website based upon your "All Finds" pocket query. You can also view your totals by county on the website, and by clicking on the link for each county, you can see the names of each cache find you have in that county, plus the date, plus links to the cache and your log.


Here's my Ohio map from INATN as an example. It needs work, but ain't bad for someone who lives out of state.


No PC software is needed, except for the ability to save an image and then upload it somewhere.



muchas gracias


I never explored all the links on INATN. Now I have thanks to you. Looks like I'd better get busy (tho I have travelled in excess of seven thousand miles caching!).






I don't know if Kentucky has a challenge going on or not, but I have a mere 16 counties (out of 120). I don't even know if there are caches hidden in all the counties, though I assume there probably are by now. According to INATN, I've traveled over 10,000 miles between my caches...not bad for fewer than 200 finds :rolleyes:

Posted (edited)


Here's my Ohio map from INATN as an example. It needs work, but ain't bad for someone who lives out of state.


Yea.. Delaware would be a lot easier. I finished it one day last summer. :rolleyes:

Edited by edscott

I use maps from INATN, but my state county maps do not show the county names. The state maps shown by other posters in this thread do show county names. How do you get the county names to show?




I use maps from INATN, but my state county maps do not show the county names. The state maps shown by other posters in this thread do show county names. How do you get the county names to show?




go to the individual states maps, there is a link(highlighted underlined text) for names and shading. Click the links and you have names and shading. THe default is no names and no shading.




Only selected states have the newer and better county maps on INATN. The site owner hasn't gotten around to upgrading Tennessee to the fancy map style yet.

I guess I just need to cache in more states. :rolleyes:

Actually, I've cached in a few other states, and none of them have the new state maps either (including California). I'll just wait to see the better state maps someday.

Thanks for the reply.

go to the individual states maps, there is a link(highlighted underlined text) for names and shading. Click the links and you have names and shading. THe default is no names and no shading.
OK, I see the options now, but only for some states. Of my few cache states, only California has those option links.


go to the individual states maps, there is a link(highlighted underlined text) for names and shading. Click the links and you have names and shading. THe default is no names and no shading.
OK, I see the options now, but only for some states. Of my few cache states, only California has those option links.



works for me in Washington, Oregon and Kalifornia.




Nah, I don't plan to find a cache in every county in minnesota. Many of the counties here are simply boring (to me). :rolleyes:


I like my state, but we have plains to the west... flat fields and not much else. Personally I like hills, lakes, rivers, etc. and those are found to the north, and east.


I don't know if Oklahoma has a county find cache. I know of several folks who have completed the Delorme Challenge cache and would probably claim a county cache if it were there. I've had a wonderful time just doing the counties that I have, even though a few of them are the wimpy 1 find types. B) ( I do have 3 of those dark read ones though!)



With California gas prices being highest in the nation I have no plan to actively hunt all 58 counties in California.


On a side note how many cache owners are annoyed by all the public (challenge) bookmarks that cover your cache pages? B)

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