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Not another "Mailbox/Forums" coin!


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Very nice coin and I'm very glad to see my name on it. The only thing is that I'm


yanagi (and NOT vanagi) (back side next to the bubble at the bottom)


Thank you again and I saved some money for it!

All fixed!


The coin is now FULL!! Thanks so much for your patience with me and your understanding. I'll be sending the art over to the mint ASAP. Please note that this is NOT my coin, merely my concept and work, it will be produced and sold by Geoswag. Once I have more information I will post it here. I will probably receive some special Artist Editions of this coin, if you would be interested in one please send me an email to WicksWorksDesign@gmail.com and I'll put you on the list.


whoott, sounds exiting this coin with a lot of friends name on it.


Did you notice 2 mysteriecoiners on it to. [a big smile]


What means the special coins you have, how are they different??


Thanks for designing the coin uotrackers. [smile]


Email sent. I would love to get one for my small collection as i am picky what i keep and put in there.

So far it has been something with a special meaning or from a special person. I do have several hundred traders and sellers that i use at local events. I hope soon to get time to create a list of traders but I keep working on making new coiins and it takes all my spare time. Thanks and the coin looks great.


whoott, sounds exiting this coin with a lot of friends name on it.


Did you notice 2 mysteriecoiners on it to. [a big smile]


What means the special coins you have, how are they different??


Thanks for designing the coin uotrackers. [smile]

Mine are always different somehow, sometimes in metal type and others in enamels used. The coin is not complete yet so I wont know for certain until it is. Unfortunately I no longer actively collect coins, I occasionally pick one or two up for my daughter, but I will not be trading these.


whoott, sounds exiting this coin with a lot of friends name on it.


Did you notice 2 mysteriecoiners on it to. [a big smile]


What means the special coins you have, how are they different??


Thanks for designing the coin uotrackers. [smile]

Mine are always different somehow, sometimes in metal type and others in enamels used. The coin is not complete yet so I wont know for certain until it is. Unfortunately I no longer actively collect coins, I occasionally pick one or two up for my daughter, but I will not be trading these.

Will you be selling any for the March of Dimes fund raising?


Very happy to make it on and my caching adult kids too! Thank you very much.......and March of Dimes fund raising....tell me more. Again, thanks for your work on this one.


whoott, sounds exiting this coin with a lot of friends name on it.


Did you notice 2 mysteriecoiners on it to. [a big smile]


What means the special coins you have, how are they different??


Thanks for designing the coin uotrackers. [smile]

Mine are always different somehow, sometimes in metal type and others in enamels used. The coin is not complete yet so I wont know for certain until it is. Unfortunately I no longer actively collect coins, I occasionally pick one or two up for my daughter, but I will not be trading these.

Will you be selling any for the March of Dimes fund raising?


I would LOVE to be able to , but it will be up to the mint/vendor. Recently they have been very agreeable and allowed me to make 2 of a kind versions for me to sell for the March of Dimes. Basically it's the same coin but in special baby like colors, pastels mostly. So we'll see! If and when I get the March of Dimes versions I'll add them to this page of my site (it needs to be updated I have a couple new ones to add but that's the page!) http://www.wicksworksdesign.com/marchofdimes.html


so sorry in this late response but i was way for the weekend. forestfyre07 is on there twice. i would prefer to keep the one on the backside with nika05. someone else can have our slot on the front. thanks so much!!


Any news on this coin yet?

The blueprint art was approved some time ago, along with color choices. Nothing else that I have heard form yet. As soon as I do I will post in here. It will be produced by Oakcoins same as the previous 2.


Any news on this coin yet?

The blueprint art was approved some time ago, along with color choices. Nothing else that I have heard form yet. As soon as I do I will post in here. It will be produced by Oakcoins same as the previous 2.

Thank you.


Yes! I had forgotten all about this thread and thought I'd missed out on the coin altogether. I can't wait to to order a couple! : )


<dancity dancity dance!>


Just wondering if this geocoin is still planned for production....


I dont want to miss out on this very cool coin! Any info would be tremendously appreciated!

Regards! DrJeepStr :D


This coin is at my wish list does somebody know when i can buy this coin :D


dito here -_-


Any idea when this coin will go on sale? I haven't been buying too many lately but I don't want to miss this one! :D


I know that UOTrackers has had a really difficult time of things these past few months and is slowly but surely working herself back up to catch up to things. I'm guessing it's just going to be a matter of 'hurry up and wait' on these.




I know that UOTrackers has had a really difficult time of things these past few months and is slowly but surely working herself back up to catch up to things. I'm guessing it's just going to be a matter of 'hurry up and wait' on these.




Thanks for the update Naomi :D




First I am UOTrackers Brae I'm just no longer a UOTracker...


I received this update from Oakcoins this week...






The coins are finished and will likely be announced through Oakcoins in the next week or two!! The "Artist Editions" if you still call them that, I'm way out of the loop, are on their way to me now, however I no longer keep a "Store". My versions will be available for sale and I believe I have a list already, but if you had wanted one, I will only have 28, 2 of them are special for the March of Dimes auctions, if you wanted one send me an email to wicksworksdesign@gmail.com


If you have any questions I check my email much more regularly than the message boards here. I hope your as excited as I am to see these coins!






First I am UOTrackers Brae I'm just no longer a UOTracker...


I received this update from Oakcoins this week...






The coins are finished and will likely be announced through Oakcoins in the next week or two!! The "Artist Editions" if you still call them that, I'm way out of the loop, are on their way to me now, however I no longer keep a "Store". My versions will be available for sale and I believe I have a list already, but if you had wanted one, I will only have 28, 2 of them are special for the March of Dimes auctions, if you wanted one send me an email to wicksworksdesign@gmail.com


If you have any questions I check my email much more regularly than the message boards here. I hope your as excited as I am to see these coins!




Nice job AGAIN Jen! Looks great.


Where is the PRICE for the geocoin?


Also, I cant make out most of the names on the coin, do you have better pics?


The price will be set by Geoswag, I'm not sure what it will be as I was only the designer.


The pictures I posted are the ones sent by the mint. When they arrive I will take better shots like I have of previous ones!

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