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Fox-and-the-hound Coin Problems


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Just got off the phone tonight with our guy at the store. There have been numerous complaints (ours among them) on the high number of bad coins that were circulated among the good ones produced. We have seen a number of different problems show up and the Geocoinstore is working on it right now.


Here's the goods so far: The geocoinstore has a policy to replace, repair or refund for any coin with problems, but here's the good news. The store is currently ordering a new, partial minting of our coins (sans problems) to replace the bad ones that got through. If you have received and return a bad coin, you will receive a shiny new replacement. Better still, the store has generously offered to refund $1 per coin return to cover your shipping cost. The new coins should take 2-3 weeks to produce and begin shipping out immediately after. Any questions regarding the returns policy can be answered by emailing to info@geocoinstore.com


Thank you to all of you for your understanding. This is our first coin and neither ourselves nor the store want to dissapoint you and we're doing everything we can to make it right. - F&tH


I will be returning all 3 of my F&tH coins for replacement.


Its disappointing to see an experienced coin minter let quality issues like this get through, but I'm glad to see they are going to make it right.


Now I'm caught in a catch 22. I like the "stats" (bronze & hard enamal) of my "defective" coin better than those of the soon to come remake. Can't I just return it for one that isn't defective, or are they all gone?


Just to update on this, we expect to have replacements available as soon as next Friday. If your coin is not satisfactory please do not hesitate to email info@geocoinclub.com for instructions to return your coin.


All the coins of the original design have been sent. The replacements will be to the new parameters.


Now I'm caught in a catch 22. I like the "stats" (bronze & hard enamal) of my "defective" coin better than those of the soon to come remake. Can't I just return it for one that isn't defective, or are they all gone?


That's the way I feel too. I don't think this coin in soft enamal will be as nice.


I sent an email to the address yesterday morning, but I haven't received any reply yet. I like the original coin as well, plus this creates almost a version 1, version 2 situation. Now I want them both ;)


Ok, hope I can clear up the Version 1 / Version 2 issues here. The original design called for a polished brass coin with a brushed brass fox. It also called for soft, hard and synthetic enamels. We didn't realize until they arrived, that the producer couldn't provide those specs. So the replacements will be as close to the original specs as possible:


Face side will have Fox, underscores, coin edge and satellite in polished brass. Hound and underscore fill will still be blue enamel. The interior will be the soft black enamel which should show the original dimensional looks requested.


Tails side will have fox print, bone, trackable text and cords in polished brass. Hound paw will be in blue enamel. The outer ring will be filled level just like the current coin. The interior will be the soft black enamel which should show the original dimensional looks requested.


So we won't make everyone happy, we can only get them as close to our original design intended. I know this may be a strange turn of events, but we hope everyone is satisfied with the replacements being the coins we originally intended to be out there from the start.


Thank you for your patience and we're sorry for your inconvenience. ;)


Dear Fox and the Hound,


I´m also sorry to send my coins back. But I think no one is more frustrated than you. Don´t be sad. Thinks like this happens. It is good to see that the geocoinstore help to replace these coins. It´s just a bit of trouble but not a serious damage (I hope the this phrase is correct).


Is the return adress the same like the sender adress in the left upper corner from the post label of the envelope? I recived a mail that the incoming mail from the geocoinstore is too much. They try to answer asap. Did someone know how to return the coins?


Best wishes from germany




I mailed back my coins today. They were scratched and the enamel had a couple of weird splotches that I couldn't remove.


I look forward to receiving the replacement coins in a few weeks.


fox-and-the-hound, don't sweat it. Sometimes things go wrong. It sounds like the problems are being addressed and everything will be fine in the end.


If your Fox and The Hound coin requires exchange, please send your coin along with a note that details what defect it has to:


Geocoin Store

9417 E. Fulton

Ada, MI 49301


A relacement will be returned to you at the return address in about 2-3 weeks. Thanks for your patience and we apologize for any coins requiring exchange.


No, if you have not got them yet - the mail is being slow. First Class is supposed to be 4-7 days, but we've seen it take up to 20 at times. No rhyme or reason, either. We have some heavy repeat buyers and some get them all fast as lightning, others wait patiently and then report them lost after 12 or 15 days and then get them the next day.


All Fox and Hound coins were shipped the same day. Watching the "what's in my mailbox" thread is interesting for me to see how fast the coins are getting from our P.O. to the buyer's mailbox.


As someone who sits back and read these forums on a regular basis, it appears to me that the coins with black/dark enamel backgrounds are the ones that the defects show up in the most. And the defects I see comments about are things like "debris in the enamel" or some such thing. I would ask the coin makers if they are using a clean room type atmosphere, or have some kind of cleaning procedure for their equipment, or dust hoods over the enamel station. What kind of quality control do they have? I once worked in a clean room type atmosphere, and they had a machine that would count the dust particles in the air, and if it was too high production stopped. That may be way more control than a coinmaker needs, but some kind of air quality checks and station cleaning procedures before each run might help. Heck, we had to wear gloves, shower cap type hats, lab coats, dust covers on our shoes, step on tacky mats when entering, the whole nine yards, and if you had a beard, you have to wear a little shower cap thing on that too. I'm just curious as to how they control it, or if they even try to set controls.

Posted (edited)

The couple of goofy splotches on the finish of my coins looked like something had messed up the finish of the enamel. You could see it if you tipped the coins at the right angle. It looked like it was right on the surface, but it was obviously part of the enamel because it wasn't just a surface smudge that could be easily removed.


The nicks and scratches in the metal, however, where just terrible.


Can't wait to see the re-made coins!

Edited by Ferreter5

As someone who sits back and read these forums on a regular basis, it appears to me that the coins with black/dark enamel backgrounds are the ones that the defects show up in the most. And the defects I see comments about are things like "debris in the enamel" or some such thing. I would ask the coin makers if they are using a clean room type atmosphere, or have some kind of cleaning procedure for their equipment, or dust hoods over the enamel station. What kind of quality control do they have? I once worked in a clean room type atmosphere, and they had a machine that would count the dust particles in the air, and if it was too high production stopped. That may be way more control than a coinmaker needs, but some kind of air quality checks and station cleaning procedures before each run might help. Heck, we had to wear gloves, shower cap type hats, lab coats, dust covers on our shoes, step on tacky mats when entering, the whole nine yards, and if you had a beard, you have to wear a little shower cap thing on that too. I'm just curious as to how they control it, or if they even try to set controls.


The 'debris' that is seen are actually air bubbles and the most common cause is the temperature used when setting the enamel. You are correct that black seems to show them more readily but it can happen in any color. Some metal types are less prone to it than others. The optimum temperature range is only a couple of degrees.


Very rarely will there actually be foriegn matter in the enamel, almost all enamel work in done in clean rooms, at least in my experience.



The 'debris' that is seen are actually air bubbles and the most common cause is the temperature used when setting the enamel. You are correct that black seems to show them more readily but it can happen in any color. Some metal types are less prone to it than others. The optimum temperature range is only a couple of degrees.


Very rarely will there actually be foriegn matter in the enamel, almost all enamel work in done in clean rooms, at least in my experience.


TEMPERATURE! Of course! I should have taken that into consideration, thanks for that information!


As someone who sits back and read these forums on a regular basis, it appears to me that the coins with black/dark enamel backgrounds are the ones that the defects show up in the most. And the defects I see comments about are things like "debris in the enamel" or some such thing. I would ask the coin makers if they are using a clean room type atmosphere, or have some kind of cleaning procedure for their equipment, or dust hoods over the enamel station. What kind of quality control do they have? I once worked in a clean room type atmosphere, and they had a machine that would count the dust particles in the air, and if it was too high production stopped. That may be way more control than a coinmaker needs, but some kind of air quality checks and station cleaning procedures before each run might help. Heck, we had to wear gloves, shower cap type hats, lab coats, dust covers on our shoes, step on tacky mats when entering, the whole nine yards, and if you had a beard, you have to wear a little shower cap thing on that too. I'm just curious as to how they control it, or if they even try to set controls.


The 'debris' that is seen are actually air bubbles and the most common cause is the temperature used when setting the enamel. You are correct that black seems to show them more readily but it can happen in any color. Some metal types are less prone to it than others. The optimum temperature range is only a couple of degrees.


Very rarely will there actually be foriegn matter in the enamel, almost all enamel work in done in clean rooms, at least in my experience.


When I worked at GM for a temporary period last year in Paint we call those bubbles in the paint Craters. They gave a list of items of what not to wear (most antipersprints, some shampoos, those very popular Rubber Wristbands, ETC) and gave us a blue lint free suite to wear while working on the line.


I wonder if someone came to work wearing and rubbing those rubber wristbands all over the coin blanks while they're being produced, this could explain alot of problems.


Received my replacements today... ...WAY better than the first ones!


Thank you fox-and-the-hound for the nice coins, and thank you geocoinstore for handling the replacements in a timely and painless (for me) fashion!


The replacements have arrived and we love'm <_< Take a look...




For those trusting few who have already sent trades, we'll be sending yours right away. For the others who expressed interest in trades, we'll be contacting as soon as we can, it will just take a short time to get organized. Thank you to everyone for being so patient with problem coins. The guys at geocoinstore were good to their word and have gone a long way to make things right for all of us and it's appreciated. :huh:


The replacements have arrived and we love'm :lol: Take a look...




For those trusting few who have already sent trades, we'll be sending yours right away. For the others who expressed interest in trades, we'll be contacting as soon as we can, it will just take a short time to get organized. Thank you to everyone for being so patient with problem coins. The guys at geocoinstore were good to their word and have gone a long way to make things right for all of us and it's appreciated. :D


Uhh my Fox and Hound Coin I traded for don't look anything like that and has splotches in the tracking number. What do I do with the coin.?

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