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1,000 And Counting


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Airmapper post #1,000


On my 1,000th post, I'd like to ask a question. In 1,000 posts, what have you gained from the forums? And, has anyone gained anything from what we (posters over 1,000) have said? Have we spent it being helpful, discussing interesting topics, goofing off, flaming?


(All posters welcome, regardless of post count. :mad: )

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For reasons beyond my control, I was unable to start caching 'til about six weeks after I joined. I read the forums any chance I got to try to garner any information I could about this crazy obsession. Learned alot from frequent and infrequent posters alike and had quite a few laughs along the way. I can't remember how many times I spewed a beverage on the keyboard or monitor.


Personally I don't post much because I can't learn anything while I'm busy talking/typing. (Plus I really hate to type :mad: }


Congrats on 1000 but someone will say "It's not about the numbers" :(:(

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Thank you for welcoming our post no matter what our post count is.


I find post counts about as meaningless as find counts.

Find counts are getting more corrupt every day, and just because someone posts to the same topic 10 times shouldn't gain you membership into some exclusive club.It should be the content of your post.

I often see members with very high post counts and wonder where they find time to go geocacching,work,and do other things.

What have I gained? I learned a lot,mostly while lurking.

asked a few questions,and promptly locked the thread when I felt they were answered.

And I even answered a few when I knew what I was talking about.

There are some great forum posters out there that don't nessessarily have high post counts I have learned to recognize their avitar ,and generaly read their entire post no matter how lenghty.

and there are some that I recognize and just keep scrolling down the page.

Like the man said." It aint about the numbers"

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I don't mean to disparage the forums because I have gleaned some useful info from them over the years. On the other hand I'm not sure I understand the significance or value of having a high number of post. As far as I can tell it mainly indicates time wasted sitting indoors in front of a computer screen which would have been better spent outdoors.

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What have I learned?


Like Corp of Discovery said: "to not take these forums so seriously."


Time spent lurking is no different than time spent posting.


Post count is only an indicator of how much you have to say.


If you disagree with someone they will always argue with you.


There is a thin line between starting a thread and starting a brush fire. :(


and there is more, but that is enough for now.

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...just because someone posts to the same topic 10 times shouldn't gain you membership into some exclusive club...

Exclusive club? I don't think so (I haven't even received a membership card).


Time spent lurking is no different than time spent posting.


Then why are you celebrating your 1,000th post?


Post count is only an indicator of how much you have to say.


Or not. :( I have gained much knowledge from the posters (both over and under 1,000 posts) in this forum. Most of all, I have been entertained to varying degrees although it may not be the intended purpose of this forum.


Specifically what have I learned? The forums are just fun, even when they're boring. :(:(

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Time spent lurking is no different than time spent posting.


Then why are you celebrating your 1,000th post?

I am NOT celebrating! I consider 1,000 posts as an infamous milestone to some, and I'm not gloating over the fact I type a lot. If it seems that way it is not my intention.


Specifically what have I learned?  The forums are just fun, even when they're boring.  :(  :(


I agree with that, I come here because I like Geocaching and I like reading what everyone has to say. Some of these topics are downright hilarious, and I'll admit I have been very amused by some of Sept1c's threads.

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Some people like to talk (er TYPE) and some people don't. I mainly lurk. It is fun to watch. I do get quite a laugh out of some posts. However I couldn't resist this post. I have been in the forum for over 3 years and wanted to up my posts to 34. Hope you don't mind.


I only post when I have a good question, that hasn't been answered before and I try to only hide Caches that get people to a very unique place. Some people like numbers and some don't care about them. Different strokes for different folks. :lol::lol: No matter what you like you should enjoy your day. Life is too short to be taken too seriously. You never know when you are going to get your OFF button pushed. Enjoy every day.

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Some people like to talk (er TYPE) and some people don't. I mainly lurk. It is fun to watch. I do get quite a laugh out of some posts. However I couldn't resist this post. I have been in the forum for over 3 years and wanted to up my posts to 34. Hope you don't mind.


I only post when I have a good question, that hasn't been answered before and I try to only hide Caches that get people to a very unique place. Some people like numbers and some don't care about them. Different strokes for different folks. :P  :P  No matter what you like you should enjoy your day. Life is too short to be taken too seriously. You never know when you are going to get your OFF button pushed. Enjoy every day.

Now this is just trash talk.


You obviously speak with a double-edged tongue; you intend to pump up your post count and instigate a flame war. :lol::lol:

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I have learned that whenever talk turns to numbers, X number of people are going to bristle like dobermans.


I have not, however, learned why.

Bristleing it seems is akin to a mating ritual where the wanabees square off against the more desireable and better numbered elgible cachers, then issue the challenge. "numbers don't mean nuthin, whatcha gonna do about it?" "Why young buck I'm going to enjoy this here beer, with this nice lady and see what develops, you best be findin some caches if you want to be in my shoes cause your shoes ain't worth filling from where I sit."


Of course this was all about posts...

Edited by Renegade Knight
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I don't mean to disparage the forums because I have gleaned some useful info from them over the years. On the other hand I'm not sure I understand the significance or value of having a high number of post. As far as I can tell it mainly indicates time wasted sitting indoors in front of a computer screen which would have been better spent outdoors.

With around 12,000 posts in these here forums, I resent that insinuation. :lol:

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