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Earth Coin


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I have e-mailed Dillon and have received no reply yet. I know he was making them as he asked my opinion on how many coins to order.

Steve. Are you there?

Have you received your Alabama or South Carolina coins yet? And have you even paid for the Earth coin?

HUH? Or is this for Steve?


FYI: South Carolina coins have not be received yet. They just closed the orders this week. Alabama coins should be arrive at your door anytime.


I've been wondering about this coin too as I put in the other thread if this ever got made I wanted 4-5. I think they are going ahead on it but an "official" update would be nice so I could allocate my coin money :D

Have you received your Alabama or South Carolina coins yet? And have you even paid for the Earth coin?

Too late - They aee already 2005 coins.

I received my Alabama geocoins today.

Posted (edited)

Sorry for the long delay. Had a few deaths of close friends to deal with in the past months. Soooooo...


Currently the artwork is finished. Talking with Coinsandpins.com and the geocoinstore for pricing. leaning towards geocoinstore because they can mint, collect the money, and ship the coins. should be in production before the end of the month.


The coin looks the same except it will have 2006 on it.


The coins are trackable on geocaching.com


The coins will have a custom icon


Pricing looking about $7.50per coin. (that's what happens when you add in the gc.com tracking and custom icon)


will post the final and give a mint date soon.

Edited by The Dillon Gang
<snip> leaning towards geocoinstore because they can mint, collect the money, and ship the coins. <snip>

And charge $3.33 to ship 1 coin, with no discount if you are buying more than 1 type of coin at the same time. Which I think is too much... :P That is just my opinion... :P

<snip>  leaning towards geocoinstore because they can mint, collect the money, and ship the coins. <snip>

And charge $3.33 to ship 1 coin, with no discount if you are buying more than 1 type of coin at the same time. Which I think is too much... :) That is just my opinion... :P



Talking with Coinsandpins.com and the geocoinstore for pricing. leaning towards geocoinstore because they can mint, collect the money, and ship the coins.

Coins and Pins can also do this for you.

Talking with Coinsandpins.com and the geocoinstore for pricing. leaning towards geocoinstore because they can mint, collect the money, and ship the coins.

Coins and Pins can also do this for you.

As can Oakcoins for a better price as well.

Talking with Coinsandpins.com and the geocoinstore for pricing. leaning towards geocoinstore because they can mint, collect the money, and ship the coins.

Coins and Pins can also do this for you.

As can Oakcoins for a better price as well.

thanks for the info.


emailing coinsandpins.com to ask about them taking care of it all.

Is the pre-order list from the previous thread still going to be used?

most likely not. there will be a total of 1500 coins made. so should be plenty for everyone to order. the ordering process, paying and shipping will be done by the company the coins are made at. so it looks like you will be able to paypal, credit card and perhaps send checks.

Is the pre-order list from the previous thread still going to be used?

most likely not. there will be a total of 1500 coins made. so should be plenty for everyone to order. the ordering process, paying and shipping will be done by the company the coins are made at. so it looks like you will be able to paypal, credit card and perhaps send checks.

Ok, thanks for the fast reply! :o


Okay folks!!!! Finally have the merchant locked in on the earth coins.


Coinsandpins.com will be manufacturing the earth coins. they will also be taking the money and shipping the coins out.


How Many to be Minted: 1500 (that's it...no more)


Cost: $7.00-$7.50 per coin


Handling: .75cents per order


Shipping: Priority Mail $4.10 (might have other options..not sure yet)


International Orders accepted however shipping rate will differ


Pre-orders: There will be no pre-orders taken. when the coins are minted they will go on sale.


Tracking: Geocaching.com

Custom Icon: yes!!



Handling: .75cents per order


Shipping: Priority Mail $4.10 (might have other options..not sure yet)


Boy and people complained about $3.33 from the other company and now it's $4.85 for just one coin! :mad:

Thanks for the update!

Privat sale or on a commercial geocoin website?

the coin manufacturer will take orders, payment, and responsibility for shipment.


after dealing with collecting money for 2000 california coins then getting the shippment, packaging, and then heading to the post office to ship them, i thought this option would be better. less hassle for me....and my family who i pressed into service to count and repackage the coins.



Handling: .75cents per order


Shipping: Priority Mail $4.10 (might have other options..not sure yet)


Boy and people complained about $3.33 from the other company and now it's $4.85 for just one coin! :mad:

that's .75 per order....if you order 1 coin, 5 coins, 10 coins or more....still .75cents not so on "the other" site being quoted.


as for the shipping. the quote is on the way to me tomorrow. i have discussed options with them and we'll have to see what it says.

Coins and Pins has made a coupule of coins for me, but $4.85 is way too much to ship one coin. We're looking at $12.35 for just one!!

I don't see anything about the coin on there site ! Where did you see the shipping costs at ? :(

I don't see anything about the coin on there site ! Where did you see the shipping costs at ?  :(

You can find the costs in The Dillon Gang's post:

Cost: $7.00-$7.50 per coin


Handling: .75cents per order


Shipping: Priority Mail $4.10 (might have other options..not sure yet)


International Orders accepted however shipping rate will differ


I sure hope they offer 1st Class mail in the US. Priority for one coin is way too much and usually the transit time is the same or close between 1st class and priority.


75 cents or $2.00 is reasonable IMHO for a handling charge per order for either site. I usually order for two people so it does bring the cost per coin down a bit.



Shipping: Priority Mail $4.10 (might have other options..not sure yet)


I hope they have other options!! :(

$4.10 for shipping PLUS $.75 for handling :(


Has anyone else noticed that this coin looks very similar to World of Geocaching V2? I guess there really is a sucker born every minute.


Here's some more updates:


4.10 is priority shipping + delivery confirmation. after the experience with the last ca geocoin order of "30 missing shipment" going this route is the safest way to ensure delivery and the manufacturer eating costs in having to replace lost shipments.


if you buy any coin from coins and pins, that is the shipping method, even if it is not a geocoin.


for our European caching friends:


we are working on a distribution center in europe where we will ship a batch of coins and then distribute from there saving a lot on postage for you. sounds like a great option to help reduce costs to you.


  • When the details are completly finalized, you will see information on the coinsandpins.com site.
  • coins produced on this venture have been reduced to only 1000 made

Here's some more updates:


4.10 is  priority shipping + delivery confirmation. after the experience with the last ca geocoin order of "30 missing shipment" going this route is the safest way to ensure delivery and the manufacturer eating costs in having to replace lost shipments.

…and what is the difference between first class and priority? As I understand it you receive your package ONE day quicker with NO guarantees. Sorry I do not see the value in paying the $3.22 difference when all I get is one day. Let’s face the facts. These packages are delivered through the same post offices on the same trucks. How is priority any safer than first class?


It may be worthwhile to lean on your distributing people a little about this issue.


Anyone planning on ordering some extras? I'd like to team up with someone or a group of people to order and have one person redistribute, I'll pay the cost of the coin plus shipping.


How many coins can be shipped for the one pound rate of $4.10? At least 10 (depending on coin weight) I would thing, that's $0.49 per coin to the first person and then what $1.50 to mail on to the second person.......$2 shipping sounds much better to me.


If someone wants to team up or form a group let me know.

Anyone planning on ordering some extras? I'd like to team up with someone or a group of people to order and have one person redistribute, I'll pay the cost of the coin plus shipping.


How many coins can be shipped for the one pound rate of $4.10? At least 10 (depending on coin weight) I would thing, that's $0.49 per coin to the first person and then what $1.50 to mail on to the second person.......$2 shipping sounds much better to me.


If someone wants to team up or form a group let me know.

That is a great idea. I could NOT buy one with the shipping at $4. Count me in!

Here's some more updates:


4.10 is priority shipping + delivery confirmation. after the experience with the last ca geocoin order of "30 missing shipment" going this route is the safest way to ensure delivery and the manufacturer eating costs in having to replace lost shipments.


if you buy any coin from coins and pins, that is the shipping method, even if it is not a geocoin.


for our European caching friends:


we are working on a distribution center in europe where we will ship a batch of coins and then distribute from there saving a lot on postage for you. sounds like a great option to help reduce costs to you.

  • When the details are completly finalized, you will see information on the coinsandpins.com site.
  • coins produced on this venture have been reduced to only 1000 made

First Class plus electronic delivery confirmation is $1.01 for a 3 oz package. (one coin should always be under 3oz)


That is pretty much the same 'security' and speed as that $4.10 shipment.


I've been sending all my trade coins that way. I had send myself .01 in paypal once and that lets me 'resend' with a address change to get the .14 delivery conf and print the postage for me, just attach and drop off or request a pickup. No stamps, no waiting in line, etc.

Anyone planning on ordering some extras?  I'd like to team up with someone or a group of people to order and have one person redistribute, I'll pay the cost of the coin plus shipping. 


How many coins can be shipped for the one pound rate of $4.10?  At least 10 (depending on coin weight) I would thing, that's $0.49 per coin to the first person and then what $1.50 to mail on to the second person.......$2 shipping sounds much better to me.


If someone wants to team up or form a group let me know.

That is a great idea. I could NOT buy one with the shipping at $4. Count me in!

Count me in also I was thinking about ordering a couple.

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