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$60 Bazillion just to send pictures to Earth confirming Mars has rocks... Now that's spending money wisely ;) Let me weigh this one out. Tax cut or Crappy pictures of rocks that look like they come from Arizona anyway. Yep, I'll take the pics anyday. NOT.

$60 Bazillion just to send pictures to Earth confirming Mars has rocks... Now that's spending money wisely Let me weigh this one out. Tax cut or Crappy pictures of rocks that look like they come from Arizona anyway. Yep, I'll take the pics anyday. NOT.

I'm sorry you feel that way. I happen to feel that exploration of our universe is vital to the survival of the human species, and although I don't understand why, since I won't be around anyway, but I have an incredibly strong urge to keep us humans in existence.




Some human genetics our species could do without....

I think its interesting seeing how excited the geeks are getting over some rocks... Its not even an interesting landscape... but I guess you gotta take baby steps before taking the big leaps...


I liked the pic in the paper of all the techno's looking at giant 3-d landscapes of, as mentioned, the Arizona desert. They shoulda spiced it up by having an "alien" suddenly jump into view and mooning the camera.


That woulda been a great practical joke.

$60 Bazillion just to send pictures to Earth confirming Mars has rocks... Now that's spending money wisely  Let me weigh this one out. Tax cut or Crappy pictures of rocks that look like they come from Arizona anyway. Yep, I'll take the pics anyday. NOT.

I'm sorry you feel that way. I happen to feel that exploration of our universe is vital to the survival of the human species, and although I don't understand why, since I won't be around anyway, but I have an incredibly strong urge to keep us humans in existence.



As long as the Earth is still here for another sixty or so years I'll be happy. After that I could care less what happens to it or the people on it. BTW... I was just kidding in both my posts. I think it's neat too. I'd much rather see my tax money go towards exploring space than some stupid social program designed to get some official re-elected.

Posted (edited)

Spirit landed in what may have been a lake bed. There are more features (depressions and rocks, etc) there than the investigators expected. The current round of pictures are just mapping shots to get bearings and decide where to drive the rover to collect more detailed spectra and other data.


That site was selected for Spirit because it has the potential to provide a lot of information about the past hydrology of the the region. The "cache owners" went back and forth with the "cache approvers" / engineers to select sites with science potential and mininal crash and burn potential.


The puzzle cache is an opportunity for kids to be involved in the exploration process. The blocks holdin the disk are part of a magnetic experiment and can be used an a color calibrator similar to the other disk with the sun dial. The sun dial is to highlight the similarities and differences between the motion of the sun here and there, etc.

Edited by brad.32
$60 Bazillion just to send pictures to Earth confirming Mars has rocks... Now that's spending money wisely ;) Let me weigh this one out. Tax cut or Crappy pictures of rocks that look like they come from Arizona anyway. Yep, I'll take the pics anyday. NOT.

Fortunately my children are much more inspired and curious about Mars than they are about some lice in someone's beard. We're spending $87 billion in you know where along with getting a generous tax cut. This Mars gig is a nano-sizzle in the frying pan. Cheap inspiration for a new generation.


Any of you guys ever listen to a guy on the radio Art Bell? A few years ago I was listening and the topic was how there was a big conspericy(sp?) about how the moon landing and walk was shot in some warehouse and that pretty much all of the space program was a hoax. I think someone took over for Art (guess the govt finally got him) ;) but the new guy still talks about wacked out stuff.


Being fourty in age, I remember being a kid and looking up at the night sky with my parents looking for the Apollo Missions going overhead, and being in awe when we spotted that moving star! What kid did not wonder what was in space? Maybe that is why I held an interest in astronomy and astro physics thru high school and college. I would rather see we spend money on our space programs than some of that so called crap the government likes to fund...like what ketchup is thicker and flows faster. Let the kids wonder abouit what is really out there. Plus that would really kick if they did plant a cache on Mars.




Art Bell, the Jerry Springer of radio.


The whole mars code idea is awesome. It is great they are trying to spark the interest of a new generation in space exploration. How long though do you think it will take before there is a Microsoft logo on the moon ?


I think the Idea was great myself.


A Virtual on Mars all you have to do is crack the Code,

has anyone figured it out yet?


We all have the Explorer in us I too have been looking to the Stars and heavens since I was a Kid and watched the first Moon walk,I have been hooked ever since.


I just wish they would turn all that mapping technology to the Earth.I would love to have a 3-D model that I could interact with.


I would have to get out my SPECTACAL to see if it would MAR the MOON


Exploration has always beeen the noblest of pursuits, but most of the time, humans spread out to make room for more humans, as the migrations to North America, Australia, New Zealand, and many other places show. With Spirit and Opportunity, the human race has a chance to explore the next step in our evolution. We learn about our planet by studying others.


Many have explored the Apollo 11 "hoax", which was supposedly perpetrated from a sound stage in Burbank, and a night desert scene in Arizona. I have seen the Saturn V launch vehicle (Apollo 17) lift into the night sky, and believe me, there is no doubt that it's going somewhere. I think that some day in the future, our calendar will be renumbered, with July 20, 1969 becoming Jan 1, Year 0, the day the human race reached another world.


There can be no better way to spend money than on the Space Program. After all, not one cent is spent on Mars, but a lot was spent near JPL in Pasadena. That has to help some people out, right?


Now to rate the first cache, it will have to be a 5, 5, technical aids necessary. We will have to load new Topo software in our Garmins and Magellans though. Those volcanoes and canyons ( Mariner Valley woohoo!) being a little larger than we're used to. Then again, the gravity is only 38% of what we're used to, so maybe it evens out.

There can be no better way to spend money than on the Space Program. After all, not one cent is spent on Mars, but a lot was spent near JPL in Pasadena. That has to help some people out, right?

Its a very good way to spend money (I'm sure there are a few better ways). My brother-in-law was one of the designers of the Rover's arm. The space program has given him and his family a comfortable life.


I can't wait to get my kids tuned in to cracking the code. They're very excited about the Mars expedition.


BTW - Art Bell, from Nye Co., NV, used to rock! I remember driving late at night with Art on the radio.

Planetary.org  Crack the Code

Crack the Code from Mars and Win.

NASA always has new adventures for us.

The Latest is the Sun Dial an antique piece of equiptment on the SPIRIT  Hi Tech Rover, :D used for Calibration for Coordinates...IE Longitude and Latitude :D

I was under the impression that the Sundial was just a sundial stuck into a color calibration plate, used to calibrate the camera, nothing to do with coordinates.

Posted (edited)
Art Bell, the Jerry Springer of radio.


Howard Stern is more like the Jerry Springer of Radio. Art Bell is more like a Rod Serling mixed with the weekly world news... of Radio. :D


I used to love to listen to Art Bell when I had a job where I had to get up reeeeally early in the AM!

Edited by mozartman
Posted (edited)
snip...The sun dial is to highlight the similarities and differences between the motion of the sun here and there, etc.

Wow! All this time I thought the planets where in orbit around the sun. :D

Edited by Johnnie Stalkers
Art Bell, the Jerry Springer of radio.


The whole mars code idea is awesome. It is great they are trying to spark the interest of a new generation in space exploration. How long though do you think it will take before there is a Microsoft logo on the moon ?

I bet there is one on that rover somewhere already.

Art Bell, the Jerry Springer of radio.


The whole mars code idea is awesome. It is great they are trying to spark the interest of a new generation in space exploration. How long though do you think it will take before there is a Microsoft logo on the moon ?

I bet there is one on that rover somewhere already.

As I understand it Beagle 2 was running Windows ME. The Nasa Rovers are strictly running a Unix based OS. :D

Any of you guys ever listen to a guy on the radio Art Bell? A few years ago I was listening and the topic was how there was a big conspericy(sp?) about how the moon landing and walk was shot in some warehouse and that pretty much all of the space program was a hoax. I think someone took over for Art (guess the govt finally got him) :D but the new guy still talks about wacked out stuff.

And let's not forget that the manned Mars landing was also faked! O.J. Simpson and James Brolin didn't really land on Mars! [Capricorn One]

Posted (edited)

Hah! I've already decoded it:


"Just wanted to get your opinions on this: While I was vacationing on Mars, I planned a virtual cache and the approvers turned it down! This sucks! First they said I couldn't maintain it properly. Bull! I paid NASA big bucks to set up roving cameras to keep a watch on it. Then they said not to do a virtual anywhere a physical container would work. Well, I thought about that, but I have it from good authority that there are plans to make Mars into a National Park. This just isn't fair. Sure, I could've done one on Pluto instead, but who ever visits that Mickey Mouse planet?"

Edited by pater47

:D I think we should be smart enough to figure out the code and all send in for the certificate and put them in caches....I noticed that the DVD on the lego site was different then the actual one the Mars lander... the one on the lander goes like this

101001110001111110011000101100011110111000101001001100001000110011001100001 the 1's are lines and the 0's are dots....I tried a binary converter and it didn't make scence...If any one is serious about this email me and we could brainstorm...We can't let LEGO stump us can we? :D

Posted (edited)

The code could go by columns instead of by rows




I've tried both code sequences with different grouping sizes but didn't come up with anything either, including using the 2's compliment of both sequences. The end or beginning of each row could have a check digit (the sums are odd or even and match at the ends, probably coincidence [small sample]).


To claim a virt at Gusev, you would have to break the code and should answer the science questions: were the rocks, minerals, and geologic landforms modified by the presence of water? Email the answers to Steve Squyres at Cornell University :D

Edited by brad.32
Yea, but are they placing  a cache while up there ?  :D

I think it's behind one of those rocks...





Strange thing that the GPS reads N49, W123. That's near / in Vancouver, Canada! ;-)


Actually if you look at the repeating pattern on the lego version you notice 3 symbols a dash a dot and a line.


now if those 3 symbols appear on the actual photo which to me is too out of focus to actually see clearly and for a proper contest they shd have a clear snapsj\hot of it. Good luck deciphiring which is a dot and which is a dash, I thought maybe morse code, but it too didnt pan out. (Agn though I can barely tell which are the dots and which are the dashes. Just which are lines and which are 1 of the other 2.

Posted (edited)

There is a similar disk on Voyager (I believe) with music from around the world.


Earth recently received a coded message from space that said "Send more Chuck Berry".


The message on this disk says "More Chuck Berry available for $19.95."



Edited by geospotter
Posted (edited)

Here's the message as it appears (3 times) --






There may be 3 different symbols, but the image is too blurry to distinguish between them.


To me, it looks like you're supposed to spin the little man. If his left foot falls on the red color you have to put your left foot on the red spot....wait a minute...sounds familiar.

Edited by geospotter
Being fourty in age, I remember being a kid and looking up at the night sky with my parents looking for the Apollo Missions going overhead, and being in awe when we spotted that moving star! What kid did not wonder what was in space? Maybe that is why I held an interest in astronomy and astro physics thru high school and college. I would rather see we spend money on our space programs than some of that so called crap the government likes to fund...like what ketchup is thicker and flows faster. Let the kids wonder abouit what is really out there. Plus that would really kick if they did plant a cache on Mars.



My folks had just got their first color TV the spring before the Apollo moon landing. What a thrill to get woke up in the middle of the night to rund down to the living room to see the landing live. We watched the launch in color, and the moon landing in black and white of course, but wow wasn't that an exciting time. :D

There may be 3 different symbols, but the image is too blurry to distinguish between them.

If you look on the picture of the prototype there are three symbols, a circle a dash and a line... The image is way too poor to disguinish the dots from the dashs. of course maybe there are just 2.. will have to wait and see what the clues are

Posted (edited)

I wish that I was more computer literate on this code bt from my research as of yesterday I find these 2 type of dots and lines codes.






The one on Silicon -Alley refers to what I have been watching on NASA about how the Sundial and the Coordinate system works with the circles on the base.And the color of the leggo's are used to calibrate the colors for refinement of pictures.

Edited by GEO*Trailblazer 1

Okay after much looking this image seems to be the best. It looks accurate. If you go up one level from there, you can see the code in 2 different styles including a braille version which says "explore to learn" but that isnt the answer.. Anyway this image appears to match the one on mars..

Posted (edited)
would GPS work on mars??

I know you are a kid so I will answer and not flame you.


In short no.

gps is a satellite system that encircles the earth and signals are sent towards the earth .

They would have to have a system of many gps satellites around b]mars[/b] for it to work on mars.


edit: typo

Edited by ironman114

here is the clue


Clue No. 1, January 10, 2004:


A longer text using the same code would read:



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