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officer: it puts the lotion on its skin

Man: But officer theres no lotion in this cache

ROFLMAO!!!!!!! <_<:wacko::lol:


How's this: Step back and nobody gets hurt. I don't care if you do have a gun, I'm claiming this FTF!


Man : "Beam me up Scotty. Scotty? Uh, hello?... Um, officer? Can you let me up out into the open? I have be in view of the sky for this thing to work." (waves arms around in the air)


Officer : (thinking) Oh boy, I knew this New Years would bring out the wackos! "Sir, I have to ask you to throw the thing on the floor, step back from it, turn around and lock your hands behind your head.


"If you prove to me that that really is a GPSr and that you really are in some kind of game, I'll call off the bomb squad before they get here, you have 20 minuets. GO!"


"....yep, all kinds of caches, virtuals, micros, mutli's...say, I was doing a great multi the other day. Now, this wasn't any ordinary mutli cache, no siree, we're talkin' FOUR stages, each of 'em ten miles apart, all of them with a 3 terrain. OK, so I print out the cache page, oh, yeah, we just got a new Epson printer. Super-fast and super-quiet, and we hit the road in my brand new Jeep that I got just last week. Its got leather seats, AC, power windows, a 6 CD player, everything you could want, and at a really good price. And I'm drivin' down the road, five miles under the speed limit--would you imagine goin' TWENTY-FIVE around your neighborhood...LEGALLY?--and I got on the freeway towards the first stage. Now, my GPS, which is sittin' on this great sandbag thing that I got for Christmas that goes right on your dashboard, tells me that its only 5.67 miles away, and its straight ahead. So, 15 minutes later--I'm still drivin' at 20, just to be, y'know, cautious--I pull into the parking lot of Willingham Park. Its a great park: trails galore! Its teemin' with hikers on weekends. Great place for families of the community to spend some real quality time, y'know? And my GPS tells me that its about half a mile away. So I start to hike--of course, with my standard gear: GPS, 8 extra AA and AAA batteries, my 64oz. water bottle, say, you're just reaching into your pocket, right?

"....yep, all kinds of caches, virtuals, micros, mutli's...say, I was doing a great multi the other day. Now, this wasn't any ordinary mutli cache, no siree, we're talkin' FOUR stages, each of 'em ten miles apart, all of them with a 3 terrain. OK, so I print out the cache page, oh, yeah, we just got a new Epson printer. Super-fast and super-quiet, and we hit the road in my brand new Jeep that I got just last week. Its got leather seats, AC, power windows, a 6 CD player, everything you could want, and at a really good price. And I'm drivin' down the road, five miles under the speed limit--would you imagine goin' TWENTY-FIVE around your neighborhood...LEGALLY?--and I got on the freeway towards the first stage. Now, my GPS, which is sittin' on this great sandbag thing that I got for Christmas that goes right on your dashboard, tells me that its only 5.67 miles away, and its straight ahead. So, 15 minutes later--I'm still drivin' at 20, just to be, y'know, cautious--I pull into the parking lot of Willingham Park. Its a great park: trails galore! Its teemin' with hikers on weekends. Great place for families of the community to spend some real quality time, y'know? And my GPS tells me that its about half a mile away. So I start to hike--of course, with my standard gear: GPS, 8 extra AA and AAA batteries, my 64oz. water bottle, say, you're just reaching into your pocket, right?

wow wrote alot lol


I am sry Joe..i know you have been reading about this geocaching thing on the computer at recreation time and i know you had to smuggle 30 cartons or marlboro thru to other inmates to buy that gps but your not going out in the woods without the proper leave papers from the judge.

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