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natural coordinates StatusQuo© instead of GPS


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Acc. to www.watchrose.de, I've invented natural world coordinates which are easier to undestand, can also be placed on indoor/outdoor signage, city maps and electronics and will make geocaching smarter.


I'd apreciate if you all could write to GPS-manufacturers asking for switchable features acc. to the Munich Orientation Convention.


Thank you in advance


How does telling me the direction and distance from a city help me when I may not know where that city is?

StatusQuo© NYC m7:6 r15 might be the same as StatusQuo© PHI m2:4 r25....

Yeay, THAT made things simple!

Tae-Kwon-Leap is not a path to a door, but a road leading forever towards the horizon.


Originally posted by follow_M:

Acc. to http://www.watchrose.de, I've invented natural world coordinates which are easier to undestand, can also be placed on indoor/outdoor signage, city maps and electronics and will make geocaching smarter.


I'd apreciate if you all could write to GPS-manufacturers asking for switchable features acc. to the Munich Orientation Convention.


Thank you in advance


Why change now, if it aint broke Dont fix it!


Get a GPSr, use it for a while, you will see that the system works just fine.


Hang in there SP, the best is yet to come


Lapaglia icon_cool.gif

Muga Muchu (forget yourself, focus)


If this is natural, give me unnatural any day.


I'm reminded, for some reason, of the guy who invented a new way to precisely specify the value of pi, and offered it free of charge to the State of Indiana.


To this day, nobody understands what the heck he thought he had done or how it was supposed to work, but that didn't stop the Indiana House of Representatives from passing a measure to adopt it. (Fortunately, the Senate stomped it.)




So, instead of having a unique address for each place in the world, each spot can have an almost infinite number of addresses. Of course, that's only what I gather from Mopar's response since the website doesn't work.


Geez, what a waste of money and time. Don't worry, though, you can probably get Circuit City to invest in it since this sounds a lot like DiVX.


Oh, and if you think that Geocachers have any pull with getting new "standards" incorporated, you're just silly. Of course, if you think that anyone is going to support an effort like this from an account created specifically to spam the message board, that's probably the case.


I say we do it.


And start using Internet Time


Oh, and while we're at it, how about using that silly metric system?


(follow M included a comma in his URL link so it didn't work. For an english version of his page, CLICK HERE)



"Just because I don't care doesn't mean I don't understand."


Stunod wrote:

Oh, and while we're at it, how about using that silly metric system?

The only silly thing about the metric system is that the likes of you think it's silly.


It's far superior to the imperial measurement system -- just ask anyone who uses it.



Considering the 0 finds of this person, this appears to me to be nothing more than an advertisement for his invention. IT doesn't appear that he is a cacher.


Basically, it is forum spam.




Originally posted by carleenp:

Considering the 0 finds of this person, this appears to me to be nothing more than an advertisement for his invention. IT doesn't appear that he is a cacher.


Basically, it is forum spam.

You mean like in this thread?


Tae-Kwon-Leap is not a path to a door, but a road leading forever towards the horizon.


Originally posted by Jomarac5:

Stunod wrote:

Oh, and while we're at it, how about using that silly metric system?

The only silly thing about the metric system is that the likes of you think it's silly.


It's far superior to the imperial measurement system -- just ask anyone who uses it.



Whats moronic is converting to it, then convertig back. What a royal pain.


As far as "Superior" that's because it's all based on 10s. Some of the units themselvs are just stupid. Meters are too big and feet are better. You could have gone metric with a foot as the arbitrary unit instead of a meter. But then the French are Anglophobes.


Though metric er...SI math is much easier especially in thermodynamics type problems. "Whas that a pound mass, lb, or are we wroking in slugs?


And the foot has been ruined due to metric. Now we have survey feet and International Feet. Great. Which is my GPS using? I'm LOST!!!!


Wherever you go there you are.


Originally posted by follow_M:

Acc. to http://www.watchrose.de, I've invented natural world coordinates which are easier to undestand, can also be placed on indoor/outdoor signage, city maps and electronics and will make geocaching smarter.


I'd apreciate if you all could write to GPS-manufacturers asking for switchable features acc. to the Munich Orientation Convention.


Thank you in advance


My first take is that the math would be much more difficult. LL works on a Globe. UTM or Grid coordinates work when you assume something is flat.


Figuring out how far something is from something else on this proposed system seems difficult. But the web page (take out the , people to see it, then click english) doesn't go into much detail.


Wherever you go there you are.


Originally posted by Jomarac5:

The only silly thing about the metric system is that the likes of you think it's silly.


Oh yeah??? My dad could kick your dad's a$$. icon_wink.gif

Silly arguement...



"Just because I don't care doesn't mean I don't understand."


Originally posted by Jomarac5:

The only silly thing about the metric system is that the likes of you think it's silly.


It's far superior to the imperial measurement system -- just ask anyone who uses it.



It wouldn't really be fair to ask some who uses the metric system for an opinion, they'd have nothing to compare it too. Ask some who uses both. Personally I could use either.


But imagine a world where,


Instead of the song saying..


"I would walk 500 miles

and I would walk 500 more.

Just to be the man who walked 1000 miles to be at your door.....


You'd have...


"I would walk 500 kilometers,

and I would walk 500 more etc.....


"You work 16 tons and what do you get?

Another day older and deeper in debt"


"You work 16000 kilograms and what do you get.......



Or how about those lovely numbers 36-24-36? What would be their equivalent?

91.44-60.96-91.44 that really stirs something in me.


I'm not sure I'm ready to go there yet.





Pedal until your legs cramp up and then pedal some more.


I think 9-6-9 would be a close approximation. However, I'm not sure how the topic went from dissing some spammer on a topic that remotely related to GPS usage, and discussion on the merits of the metric or imperial system.


Shall we move on?


Jeremy Irish

Groundspeak - The Language of Location


First of all, please excuse my bad english and the fact that I have no experience with forum rituals.


The Munich Orientation Convention isn't just another standard but the worldwide harmonization between all standards concerning the orientation means signage, cartography, electronics etc and will also minimize left/right confusions ( e. g. the amputation of the wrong leg ) and collisions on air. Your reactions demonstrate that the existing structures - including authorities - are inadequate for this target: only a courageous and patient inventor will be able to reach this.


My target group is/are people who wants to get smarter or at least have alternatives in case another methode would fail. As shown in www.follow-m.com/asp.htm I practise and teach - and this since 20 years - geocaching without the need of an external intelligence.


It's impossible for me to convince you by internet that a navigation based on a pole is much more natural than a based on two lines which are far away. This makes the difference between an egocentric and an exocentric navigation. A good example is Rio de Janeiro, where I've defined the Jesus statue as the clock center. Soldiers, boy scouts, pilots etc use imaginary clocks since 100 years: just for fun or because other means are unnatural? Please believe that children take 20 seconds to learn the time-space convention and 1.5 minutes to find an eastern egg among a chaos. Adults take a little longer, but: is there an urgency? At the other side, urgent cases are inadequate for learning purposes.


Until now, american manufacturers argued that nobody asks for this feature. Of course, if nobody knows that this feature exists...


In some weeks I'll be in Japan and will offer my system to the government for the reformation of the actual most complicated house numbering. With this, problably Casio will be the first one to offer GPSrs including natural means. In all situations, the receiver will also indicate where the center m0 and the north directon m12 is. It took me more than 10 years to find an idea how to manage that. The rise in price would be less than one dollar, 2 cents for me. Please be aware that if nobody contacts american manufacturers than you probably will have to buy Casio or wait 2 or 3 years for an upgrade of your receiver. All manufacurers ask for exclusivity.


A StatusQuo© is NOT a metric system, M and R are perpendicular house numbers and - exactly as you do today with house numbers - you navigate just comparing target and actual position figures without the need of a machine.


More details: www.follow-m.com/essenz.htm


[This message was edited by follow_M on March 16, 2003 at 02:57 AM.]


[This message was edited by follow_M on March 16, 2003 at 02:58 AM.]


[This message was edited by follow_M on March 16, 2003 at 03:00 AM.]


[This message was edited by follow_M on March 16, 2003 at 03:03 AM.]


[This message was edited by follow_M on March 16, 2003 at 03:04 AM.]


We're how you use the word StatusQuo© to describe a radical change in the way people navigate. Shouldn't it be RadicalChange©?


When I was a kid I found it fun to imagine that my living room was a lake filled with crocodiles. I would have to jump from chair to leg rest to sofa so the crocodiles wouldn't get me. People always use distracting means for entertainment, much like you dictate. It wasn't like I should propose to furniture manufacturers to build sofa bridges just because I was playing around.


Here's the big problem: You indicate that it is a natural way to navigate, yet so far I'm completely confused with your navigation technique. Using the "if it ain't broke don't fix it" rule, what problem are you trying to solve that current navigation systems do not? And using a reference point requires you to see the reference point to navigate. Yes?


Last point, you indicate that Casio may be interested in this idea. My recommendation: If you want to get widespread adoption of this idea don't allow exclusivity for the production of such equipment. Though equipment shouldn't be necessary for navigation, so why is Casio involved in the first place?


Now I'm really confused.


Jeremy Irish

Groundspeak - The Language of Location


Well, I am sure you put a whole bunch of work into this, but now that I have read the description, I have to say that this whole thing makes about as much sense as a tanker-truck load of sailboat fuel. icon_confused.gif I am also going to give you the benefit of the doubt, and assume that that crack about people "wanting to get smarter" is just a language issue. Unfortunately the link provided seems to only scratch the surface. All of the amplifying information is in German, and my skills are way to weak to try and translate all that. Still, how do you equate house numbering Japan with runway designators in Singapore, to an Easter-egg hunt???? By the way, how do you copywrite a phrase like "Status Quo"???? It's public domain. You could have "Status Quo something something" or "Something something Status Quo" or make it into a logo, but otherwise....


[This message was edited by tirediron on March 16, 2003 at 11:33 AM.]


This seems to be a very silly system. If you are lost and don't know where you are, how would you use it? Very silly. This would be completely useless in areas without visible cities. Has this guy even BEEN out in the woods?

Spammer. Useless to even bother with. Can't imagine anyone, especially anyone Euproean, wanting to make THIS change. Can you imagine what a fit the guys at 0 degrees will have?



Where am I going? I ain't certain.

When will I get there? I don't know.

All as I know is I am on my way!


How is this any different from saying something like: 50km South-West of Munich?


Crazy. I like this translation: "As...the invention comes from Europe, it is expected that the decision will be positive." How Euro-Centric can you get?


And I have no idea how it would have the resolution for any normal person to tell WTC Tower 1 from Tower 2. Silly argument.




I'm more confused than not, but let me see if I've got at least this part straight: Your system basically works like using a 'clock-face' as a reference point. As in 'the cache is in the 3 o'clock position from me'. So by using a set reference point, I determine its' location by the angle it is from me. A relatively new instrument is out on the market that does this - it's called the compass. Instead of 12 hours it's broken down into 360 degrees. Ok, ok, I guess it is like a clock after that since it can be further drawn down into minutes and seconds.


Now to determine my exact position, I take three or four landmarks, statues, Munichs, whatevers, determine what 'o'clock' position I'm at from each one, triangulate that, and now I know what time it is, no, I mean where I am. Hmmm, what about if we could put up a whole bunch of satellites that would constantly give feedback to some sort of receiver that triangulates where we are based on the angle we are from the satellites? We could give it a snazzy new name, something like 'global positioning system'.


Yeah, yeah, I know that the above is full of oversimplified sarcasm, and some of the terms I used are probably technically incorrect, but it really seems you're trying to reinvent the wheel by making it football-shaped, and that just ain't gonna roll!


Also, it's really gonna be a lot of trouble moving all the world's landmarks every time daylight savings time changes roll around! icon_razz.gif


Visit the Mississippi Geocaching Forum at



Follow me I have a really outrageous idea which I hope to make a lot of money with. If you do not understand my concepts you must be stupid or something! icon_eek.gif

My target group is/are people who wants to get smarter or at least have alternatives in case another methode would fail
icon_eek.gif but there may be hope for you yet.


These changes in latitudes, changes in attitudes;

Nothing remains quite the same.

Through all of the islands and all of the highlands,

If we couldn't laugh we would all go insane


Well first of all thanks to follow_M to have given us this information. I personally never heard anything about this.

I think that I will print out all the informations, and read them SLOWLY AND CAREFULLY at home!

Things always change, and I don't understand why there is so much criticism around. If you're not interested in this simply DO NOT READ IT! but please stop crying around. tell us your opinion and may be also your arguments and than let it be. Do not blame somebody for having posted a new idea !! icon_mad.gif





I thought the purpose of the posting was to elicit help from the geocaching community, so the poster could make a profit selling it to GPS manufactures etc. Shouldn’t we also let it be known if we don’t like the idea? The worldwide version proposed sounds like latitude/longitude to me, other than having the central point somewhere other than the poles. As for covering the world in a series of circular grids, what’s up with that??? There are all ready too many map grids out there right now. GPS is simplifying things by making true latitude and longitude workable and usable by all. (Gives you a distance and direction away from the pole) There are already many cities out there using a similar system by referencing streets via north, south, east, and west, based on relationship to the city center. It works okay provided there is no growth, but as cities grow, merge, decide to honor people by naming a street after them etc. The system quickly becomes confused and chaotic. I'm not trying to put down the original poster, just trying to say I don't think his proposed system is by any means better than the "Status Quo"


Long live latitude and longitude icon_cool.gif


I'm impressed. First of all, You all can read German. Second of all, whatever the article was talking about looks stupid. Some Germans kids, Geesh!


I don't seek. I find.

-Pablo Picasso



Well, VOR/DME has been in use in aviation for a long time (radial and distance from a navaid). The concept has been in use in various navigation systems since at least the 1920's. Of course, road signs showing distance to a town date back to at least the 12th century...


"Invent" generally implies originate, not apply an old idea stupidly.




Sounds to me like someone is saying "Use MY system so I can get rich from this new idea". Forget the billion dollar satellite system so we can put a stick in the ground and eyeball our direction? No thank you. I would rather buy some of those inflatable shoes to walk on water, or the "Cyclone" to turbo charge the air for my car....

Face it.

That dog don't hunt.


Some more information about the

Munich Orientation Convention



The more we just follow arrows in electronics and signage, the more we loose our sixth sense and all in dependance of external means. The more we follow the M-direction we evaluated ourselves, more rapidly we'll return to the natural situation which has been before the signage has been invented.


"Orientation" comes from "orient" and this is a kind of a pole. Do you agree?


The greatest benefit of this Convention will be the reduction of accidents on roads, mainly in Europe, where - other than in USA - the signage is terrible: sometimes we have to read 25 names within 3 seconds for to detect that our target is not included. But sometimes it has been the right exit point, that means, we'll never read the right name anymore. In France they solve this

problem indicating "all directions". Is that better?


Twin towers:

based on the tragic of the unlogical adresses of the WTC towers, I'm negotiating the renaming of the Petronas towers in Kuala Lumpur. Just watch the news, this innovation will be published worldwide in some weeks/months.


Big money

Suppose I'd abandone the idea of getting any remuneration for the intectual property, my work and the invested money, would you then give my idea a chance? Would the system look less trange?

The manufacturers say "what costs little is worth less"



I also live in Rio de Janeiro and see no problems if the center of WatchRose© would be another point than München. Any suggestions? Tokio Orientation Convention? Follow T ?


Invention or not?

There are more than 100 patents concerning a simple computer keyboard. Are all these patent owners inventors or not? The only persons who are authorized to issue patents say yes.


Poor home page

Please excuse if in my opinion it wouldn't be very intelligent if an inventor invests time creating beautifull self explaining home pages. Wouldn't it be an invitation to invade my property? For instance to sell the idea to Petronas?


Well April 1 has come and gone, so who is going to be stupid enough to continue with this crap.


Honestly has one ever heard so much tripe!


Cheers, Kerry.


I never get lost icon_smile.gif everybody keeps telling me where to go icon_wink.gif


Originally posted by Kerry:

Honestly has one ever heard so much tripe!

You don't real Slashdot at -1 much, do you? icon_wink.gif


(The WHOIS checks out, so it doesn't look like a troll or anything. Just a well-intentioned and over-eager Rube Goldberg.)


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