+JaimeeG Posted August 21, 2003 Posted August 21, 2003 I didn't even know about the new cache placed by Vdbalamo! I guess I should look more often, huh? Congrats on getting the FTF. Jaimee "What a fine thing it is to have an intellect, and room enough in the seat of your breeches to hold it." Quote
+Green Achers Posted August 22, 2003 Posted August 22, 2003 quote:Originally posted by macfamily6:Well, gang, I really _wanted_ to give Bill and JaimeeG first crack at finding vdbalamo's new cache, Manteca Bike Trail, since it was placed as a thank-you to our intrepid CVC Break-Fest organizers. After a couple of days passed, though, I started getting fidgety, so I went out with my older two sons tonight gunning for that puppy. It was dark, and we had just one mini-Maglite to aid us. We searched and searched, and a yippety-yip dog in a nearby yard just would _not_ shut up. Just before we were about to give up, we spotted the cache. vdbalamo did a great camouflage job! Sorry, Bill and JaimeeG. I guess patience just isn't one of my virtues! Mike of macfamily6 Huh? I've been watching and didn't see nothing. Drats. Now you'll need to go place a couple more caches to make up for that. LOL Bill of Green Achers "I like pigs. Dogs look up to us. Cats look down on us. Pigs treat us as equals." - Winston Churchill Quote
+Brute-Force Posted August 23, 2003 Posted August 23, 2003 ARRIVED! Olivia On 8/23/03 @ 6:22am 7.2 lbs 20" Grandpappy Brute again. CQ CQ CQ DX...... Quote
+macfamily6 Posted August 23, 2003 Posted August 23, 2003 Congratulations, Richard! There are a few things more important than geocaching, and I'd say a new grandchild certainly counts in that category! [] macfamily6 Quote
+Green Achers Posted August 23, 2003 Posted August 23, 2003 7.2 lbs is a keeper. Congratulations. Huh, What's more important than Geocaching?? Just kidding. Family first - most of the time. Bill of Green Achers "I like pigs. Dogs look up to us. Cats look down on us. Pigs treat us as equals." - Winston Churchill Quote
+Green Achers Posted August 24, 2003 Posted August 24, 2003 CVC Tag is a two-fer. For some UNKown reason, it hasn't been hunted this week. I think I feel like another day off. Just can't include Tag yet (due to the two cacher rule). Bill of Green Achers "I like pigs. Dogs look up to us. Cats look down on us. Pigs treat us as equals." - Winston Churchill Quote
+Camelot Crew Posted August 25, 2003 Posted August 25, 2003 quote:Originally posted by Brute-Force:_ARRIVED!_ Olivia On 8/23/03 @ 6:22am 7.2 lbs 20" Great day for a birthday!! Congratulations!! -- Camelot Crew Quote
+TeamJiffy Posted August 25, 2003 Posted August 25, 2003 Fun, food, games, caching, kids’ activities, company, talking about geocaching!!! Another “Bay Area and Beyond” picnic is coming, this time in San Mateo's Central Park! Set aside Saturday, October 4th right now. Be sure to RSVP. http://www.geocaching.com/seek/cache_details.aspx?ID=86961&log=y&decrypt= Quote
+Green Achers Posted August 25, 2003 Posted August 25, 2003 10-4, Roger. [chicken band talk]. I'll be there as I'm real interested in visiting more plants. Seeing how close to the sun this will be, how could I say no? Q? How would you feel about a cache hunts feedback rating system? The forums all have one but there's no way for the finders to rate a hunt (other than words). So, what if you could (but not be required) rate your hunt on a 0-5 scale and see the average before you hunt it? The Finder Factor could then become a dynamic value of a cache. It may also push the quality of stashes up as drive by dumps would rate the feared Zero! Bill of Green Achers "I like pigs. Dogs look up to us. Cats look down on us. Pigs treat us as equals." - Winston Churchill Quote
+Marky Posted August 26, 2003 Posted August 26, 2003 quote:Originally posted by Green Achers:Q? How would you feel about a cache hunts feedback rating system? The forums all have one but there's no way for the finders to rate a hunt (other than words). So, what if you could (but not be required) rate your hunt on a 0-5 scale and see the average before you hunt it? The Finder Factor could then become a dynamic value of a cache. It may also push the quality of stashes up as drive by dumps would rate the feared Zero! I think this is a good idea. It could be abused, but if done right, shouldn't be too bad. It would be best if Groundspeak did it, since they could integrate it into the find log page. If not, we'd need to set up a site and have a rating link in the cache description. Someone would have to host the DB to hold the results of all the caches. Not that big a deal, but it's something. I certainly could do it (and would be willing to). I've seen this done already by someone, but I don't recall who it was. Obviously, it was someone in the general bay area/central ca area, I just don't remember who. --Marky "All of us get lost in the darkness, dreamers learn to steer with a backlit GPSr" Quote
+mrZ Posted August 26, 2003 Posted August 26, 2003 I agree good caches should be identified; however I think a rating system might do more harm then good. It might even discourage people from placing new caches. If we had to pay-per-cache then an overall rating system would be essential. As an alternate approach, we all could award the great caches. It would be nice to see an annual Central Valley Cache Award Event and a Bay Area Cache Award Event. Several caches could be nominated in various categories and winners selected. A custom logo could be added to the page of each nominated and winning cache. This event might drive the quality of caches up without ruffling feathers. Since I live in the bay area I have done very few central valley caches. The next time I drive out there, it would be nice to target award winnings caches. The same would be true when people visit the bay area. Quote
+Green Achers Posted August 26, 2003 Posted August 26, 2003 quote:Originally posted by mrZ:The next time I drive out there, it would be nice to target award winnings caches. The same would be true when people visit the bay area. Hear Here! I'm planning on attending the 10/4 event and besides all the planets, I'd like to be educated... or entertained... or both. Maybe I'll do one cache on the way home after dark too! Bill of Green Achers "I like pigs. Dogs look up to us. Cats look down on us. Pigs treat us as equals." - Winston Churchill Quote
+Z, H, and S Posted August 29, 2003 Posted August 29, 2003 Congrats Bro... Great Uncle is also happy. quote:Originally posted by Brute-Force:_ARRIVED!_ Olivia On 8/23/03 @ 6:22am 7.2 lbs 20" Grandpappy Brute again. CQ CQ CQ DX...... Quote
+Z, H, and S Posted August 29, 2003 Posted August 29, 2003 Which you broke. Don't let Brute borrow a 4x4.. you will get it back needing $700 plus to repair. j/k It was an old / wore out trans. quote:Originally posted by Brute-Force:Go for it Bill. I think you'll be wasting lots of time that could be better spent actually finding a cache. I doubt anyone could find this cache out in that area without coords. I'm down here doing some caching in the Mojave area. HOT!!! Really do need a 4x4 to get to the majority of these. Luckily, I got to borrow one for the day. Quote
+Z, H, and S Posted August 29, 2003 Posted August 29, 2003 100 miles ?!? That is next door here. quote:Originally posted by Brute-Force:So, no more distant caches? What are the limits? 100 miles from home? 200? 500? And, will they be denied and archived even if the person can get to them and check on their condition on a regular basis? Will I be needing to send in my work schedule and route with each cache I plant? Not that it matters. Have one more to place and then that may be it for me. Just curious though... CQ CQ CQ DX...... Quote
+Green Achers Posted August 29, 2003 Posted August 29, 2003 I ran out this evening and picked up a cache that I'd found one year and ten days ago. It was archived after my find... likely because I thought it was funny how dangerous it was. And now, I went back out and picked it up for recycling. Go figure. Anyway, I found it on memory alone (no coordinates). Atleast this time, I wasn't getting shot at! LOL Bill of Green Achers ''Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote!'' --Benjamin Franklin Quote
+JaimeeG Posted August 29, 2003 Posted August 29, 2003 quote:Originally posted by Green Achers:I ran out this evening and picked up a cache that I'd found one year and ten days ago. It was archived after my find... likely because I thought it was funny how dangerous it was. And now, I went back out and picked it up for recycling. Wow...there's something new. An archived cache left in place and never picked up!! "What a fine thing it is to have an intellect, and room enough in the seat of your breeches to hold it." Quote
retreevers 4 Posted August 31, 2003 Posted August 31, 2003 Hello from the Retreevers. We escaped the valley last weekend and headed to one of our favorite spots in the Sierra for kayak camping. While we were there we checked on two caches that me had actually placed the year before but had lost the information on by the time we got home. It was good to find that both caches were in place and in great shape. The one on our favorite island had been visited by several non-geocachers.naUTICAl Cache (Retreevers Landing) The one on the shore line was more carefully hidden because of being placed in a more populated area. I Love Utica The shoreline cache is easy to reach with a bit of a rock scramble and if you enjoy a paddle go for the one on the island. It can be a day trip or an overnight one. If you enjoy fishing you may want to come for that too. We saw an otter on the lake and 2 minks with small trout in their mouths. I laughed when I saw that the closest cache was Burning Bush by none other then Bill of Green Achers. Fall in the Sierra is beautiful espeacially after Labor Day weekend. Quote
+Green Achers Posted August 31, 2003 Posted August 31, 2003 Maybe I'll need to go up to the mountains soon. Thanks for the heads up and interesting story. Bill of Green Achers ''Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote!'' --Benjamin Franklin Quote
+Fallen Posted August 31, 2003 Posted August 31, 2003 quote:Originally posted by Green Achers:Hey Fallen... You've got mail. Did you ever start getting your HotPOP.com mail again? It looks like they've got my account fixed. New Sub: I went out on a dash today [dash> 2 finds per day]. I needed help on almost half of the caches - one ending as a DNF so maybe it's lost. I'm wondering if I'll ever be compentent at caching. With over 200 caches, I still keep stumbling on simple hides. Do you think it was the heat today? _Bill of Green Achers_ "I like pigs. Dogs look up to us. Cats look down on us. Pigs treat us as equals." - Winston Churchill Well, I am getting e-mail... I just don't know if I am getting ALL of my e-mail. Only those who wonder get confused. Quote
+Fallen Posted August 31, 2003 Posted August 31, 2003 quote:Originally posted by JaimeeG: quote:Originally posted by Green Achers:I ran out this evening and picked up a cache that I'd found one year and ten days ago. It was archived after my find... likely because I thought it was funny how dangerous it was. And now, I went back out and picked it up for recycling. Wow...there's something new. An archived cache left in place and never picked up!! "What a fine thing it is to have an intellect, and room enough in the seat of your breeches to hold it." Hmmm.... So... Maybe caching just got cheaper. I could find old archived caches and just replant them! Only those who wonder get confused. Quote
+Green Achers Posted September 1, 2003 Posted September 1, 2003 quote:Originally posted by ~`Fallen`~:Woops! Did you bubble? You know what they call someone that takes stuff that's going to the recycle center?? A Precycler. I'd love to have a list of archived caches needing precycling. Besides cleaning up the areas and arming myself with caching supplies, I'd be able to log a find if I haven't already found it before. (Yes, you can still log a find on an archived cache.) It's a Win-Win-Win situation. And if it's not there, you get an adventure! Bill of Green Achers ''Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote!'' --Benjamin Franklin Quote
+Fallen Posted September 2, 2003 Posted September 2, 2003 quote:Originally posted by Green Achers: quote:Originally posted by ~`Fallen`~:Woops! Did you bubble? Actually I hit "Post Now" twice because it wasn't going. Then I had two posts. Very odd yet, understandable. Does anyone have any idea why you get a delete option that doesn't work? (For some reason I find myself running a spell check right now....... all good!) Only those who wonder get confused. Quote
+Green Achers Posted September 3, 2003 Posted September 3, 2003 Delete Button? I think that's to queue in the management when the party's getting too rough. That's never happens here. LOL (or rather COL - Crying Out Loud). Hey, I placed old CVC Tag this morning. I think it will be interesting to read the NTF's log. I kind of put it in a interesting location while watching the fish run this morning. Is anyone doing the planet series? I thought it was such a neat idea that I'm putting it on my wish list (time being at the top of that list of course). It also looks like there are other galaxies out there (same system but different scale and state). Nevada has the same but it looks more difficult - 4x4's required. George?! Mike?! Speaking of Mike, where is he? I've called and left a howdy message a few times but never heard back. They stopped caching too. It's not a good sign of someone with Geo-addictions. Bill of Green Achers ''Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote!'' --Benjamin Franklin Quote
Ron Streeter Posted September 9, 2003 Posted September 9, 2003 ... Ho, Hum. Yawn. I've never been lost. Fearsome confused sometimes, but never lost. Quote
Ron Streeter Posted September 9, 2003 Posted September 9, 2003 Eureka ! Something of interest on TV....do a treasure hunt for *Tactical to Practical* on the History channel, then hope it's the episode that spends about 20 minutes on HumVee and H2 and 20 minutes on GPS in transporation, geo-dashing and search and rescue. Well done segments on both topics. The GPS segment has shots of *old yeller* and the Rhino. I fast-forwarded through the *night vision* segment. I've never been lost. Fearsome confused sometimes, but never lost. Quote
+Lil Devil Posted September 9, 2003 Posted September 9, 2003 Just a reminder that the River City Geocaching & Dining Society's September dinner event is this weekend! If you plan to go and you haven't sent in your answers to the questionnaire yet, now is the time to do so. There will be valuable prizes to be won, but you've got to send in your answers to be eligible! And mark your calendars! October 11th we will be having a picnic in Fair Oaks. Hope to see ya at bothe events! Lil Devil Quote
+Green Achers Posted September 10, 2003 Posted September 10, 2003 Interesting TV article... did anyone tape it? I'd like to see a copy. Geogatherings... Reno Air Races this weekend... 10/4 gathering would be a ''most likely.'' Time is short these days and homework is great. At least Dusty is back on... er... off the road. Bill of Green Achers ''All my life, I always wanted to be somebody. Now I see that I should have been more specific.'' --Lily Tomlin Quote
+DavidT21 & Fisherwoman Posted September 11, 2003 Posted September 11, 2003 Just wanted to remind everyone about the Geocache Picnic in San Mateo on October 4th.Spread the word. Bay Area and Beyond Picnic #2 Quote
+Brute-Force Posted September 13, 2003 Posted September 13, 2003 Thrilling day! I finally got a chance to go get this cache. http://www.geocaching.com/seek/cache_details.aspx?guid=8c7e9c40-27fc-4282-9a84-4c41f5c5b6fc Only 2nd to find. Afterwards, my friends flat bottom V drive boat sheared off it's prop at 55 mph. That caused the thing to almost roll over and throughly soaked us. Full of water in the back, a huge wake from another passing boat came over the stern and completely swamped the boat. We bailed and had to be rescued by other boaters. Rescue attempts of the boat failed and about 15 minutes later, it headed to the bottom. Fortunately, I had my GPSr in my pocket and I even marked the spot. So, this ultimate cache find can be found at N 37 42.826 W 120 24.054 at a few hundred feet down. Bring a wet suit.... CQ CQ CQ DX...... [This message was edited by Brute-Force on September 13, 2003 at 10:19 PM.] Quote
+Z, H, and S Posted September 14, 2003 Posted September 14, 2003 quote:Originally posted by Brute-Force:Thrilling day! I finally got a chance to go get this cache. http://www.geocaching.com/seek/cache_details.aspx?guid=8c7e9c40-27fc-4282-9a84-4c41f5c5b6fc Only 2nd to find. Afterwards, my friends flat bottom V drive boat sheared off it's prop at 55 mph. That caused the thing to almost roll over and throughly soaked us. Full of water in the back, a huge wake from another passing boat came over the stern and completely swamped the boat. We bailed and had to be rescued by other boaters. Rescue attempts of the boat failed and about 15 minutes later, it headed to the bottom. Fortunately, I had my GPSr in my pocket and I even marked the spot. So, this ultimate cache find can be found at N 37 42.826 W 120 24.054 at a few hundred feet down. Bring a wet suit.... CQ CQ CQ DX...... [This message was edited by Brute-Force on September 13, 2003 at 10:19 PM.] Just glad you and J weren't hurt more. Quote
+C&MMorris Posted September 14, 2003 Posted September 14, 2003 I'm Still around Bill, Thanks for asking. We are trading the Air Races for Hawaii this year. Have fun at the races and take some good pictures for me. Mike If it's got wing's, I can fly it!! Quote
+beckerbuns Posted September 15, 2003 Posted September 15, 2003 (this is cross-posted) Geocacher manstone (Scott) a dear family friend of mine, to whom I introduced geocaching several months ago, lost his life yesterday when trying to save a fellow kayaker. The news article is here. I understand that Scott attended a couple of Fresno geocaching dinner events. He also came to Joani's Buggy Birthday Bash here in San Jose. Please keep his girlfriend Carol and his two teenaged children in your thoughts. ------------------------------------- Becky Davis Geocaching blog San Jose, CA Quote
+Great Scott! Posted September 15, 2003 Posted September 15, 2003 I met Scott at our last Fresno geocaching event. http://www.geocaching.com/seek/cache_details.aspx?ID=69081&log=y&decrypt= He is seated, at the center of the picture, just left of the little girl in purple. Scott was fairly new at geocaching back then. He even forgot to log his find at the event. Scott's first geocache hide was near where he died. I haven't been out there yet, but I will be going soon to pay my respects to him. He is a brave man. Quote
+Green Achers Posted September 16, 2003 Posted September 16, 2003 So sad... first I read Mike's going to Hawaii without me. Then, the passing of a Hero/Geocacher. What a sad story that one is. I'm praying for manstone's family even though I've never met him. Bill of Green Achers ''All my life, I always wanted to be somebody. Now I see that I should have been more specific.'' --Lily Tomlin Quote
+beckerbuns Posted September 20, 2003 Posted September 20, 2003 (crossposted) Hey all. I want to thank you all for your kind thoughts and words in regard to the drowning death of geocacher Manstone (Scott). I have passed them on to his longtime partner, Carol. I know this is short notice, but I wanted to let you all know that we are having a memorial service for him today at my mother's house in Los Gatos (my mom is one of Carol's best friends). It will be at 2:00. Here are the coordinates: N 37 14.347 W 121 56.85 All are welcome. ------------------------------------- Becky Davis Geocaching blog San Jose, CA Quote
+Green Achers Posted September 21, 2003 Posted September 21, 2003 I see my latest stash was approved. It's always interesting to see if there's any mistakes so I'm looking forward to reading the first few logs... any takers? Juan Bautista de Anza. Also, I was out touring the Planets yesterday. While passing by a gas station, I caught Fallen out of the corner of my eye. After making a couple wild turns, I was able to catch back up with him and had a great visit. After not too long, GeorgeandMary drove past honking. What are the chances?! Anyway, it was good to get time off. I had a great day and got to talk to a friend to boot. I ended up logging as many DNF's as Finds but it sure beats doing home work! Bill of Green Achers ''All my life, I always wanted to be somebody. Now I see that I should have been more specific.'' --Lily Tomlin Quote
+ZachNLiam Posted September 24, 2003 Posted September 24, 2003 Hi to everyone! Wanted to let everyone know we're still around. We just got a Jeep, so I think some serious caching will be coming up for us here soon Hope we see everyone soon! Randy PS. Pat, everything kewl with the computer? Bill, thanks for inquiring about us a while back! Quote
+Marky Posted September 24, 2003 Posted September 24, 2003 Missing 14 year old girl in Modesto, CA Click above to see the main forum post for more details. --Marky "All of us get lost in the darkness, dreamers learn to steer with a backlit GPSr" Quote
+Camelot Crew Posted September 25, 2003 Posted September 25, 2003 quote:Originally posted by Marky:_http://ubbx.Groundspeak.com/6/ubb.x?a=tpc&s=5726007311&f=4016058331&m=22060098_ Thanks for putting up the link Marky. I sent an email to DiverMan offering any help we can. Even if it is a runaway situation it is still got to be something awful to be going through. Our heart goes out to the family. -- Camelot Crew Quote
kablooey Posted September 26, 2003 Posted September 26, 2003 We're going to Las Vegas to celebrate Woof!'s 21st birthday! Woof!'s Wild & Woolyt Wenty One Weekend Whoopla It'd be great if you could join us. Let me know if you're interested in getting a room. If we get ten rooms, we might be able to get a discounted rate. Quote
+Green Achers Posted September 28, 2003 Posted September 28, 2003 Wow, Missing Modesto Teenager [yes, I pray is found in good health], Woof turning 21 [yes, I pray will remain in good health] and Randy makes a surprise apperance [which means there's two more weeks of summer]. Here's a new idea... have a Geo-Gathering where cachers can log 10 finds for attending. Now, why didn't we think of that? Bill of Green Achers ''All my life, I always wanted to be somebody. Now I see that I should have been more specific.'' --Lily Tomlin Quote
+GeoCrickets Posted September 28, 2003 Posted September 28, 2003 This is a log from a cache in the area. The person is somewhat new however they should know that this is still a no find. quote:ok....sorta found it. technically i didn't find the candy tin but found the truck much more enjoyable. if i had more time the tin would have been located. i was most impressed with the strength of the spider webs that covered this area. Perfect for halloween. i think the truck should be the cache. thanks What do you think? Quote
+Green Achers Posted September 28, 2003 Posted September 28, 2003 No cache, no joy. Give 'em the axe. Finding the hunting area is not finding the cache [iMHO]. If they're new, be kind... If they know better, use your judgement. Bill of Green Achers ''All my life, I always wanted to be somebody. Now I see that I should have been more specific.'' --Lily Tomlin Quote
+Green Achers Posted September 28, 2003 Posted September 28, 2003 BTW, Congratulations to Pat and Jaimee on their Annaversary! Way to go you two. Bill of Green Achers ''All my life, I always wanted to be somebody. Now I see that I should have been more specific.'' --Lily Tomlin Quote
+Brute-Force Posted September 28, 2003 Posted September 28, 2003 I think maybe I should go through all my DNFs and change them to happy yellow smiley faces just because I got sooo close. CQ CQ CQ DX...... Quote
+Lil Devil Posted September 28, 2003 Posted September 28, 2003 I just wanted to post a link for the River City Geocaching Society's Picnic in the Park on Saturday, October 11th. Mark your calendars! See you there! Lil Devil Quote
+Green Achers Posted October 3, 2003 Posted October 3, 2003 We can't make the outing next weekend but hope to slip over to San Jose tomorrow for the digs. It should be a lot of fun but time will be limited. [No Planet seaches]. Looks like the Ca-Geocoins are going to be voted on shortly. I can hardly wait 'til they get minted and shipped. Nxx xx.366 Wxxx xx.417 Bill of Green Achers ''All my life, I always wanted to be somebody. Now I see that I should have been more specific.'' --Lily Tomlin Quote
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