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Central Valley Cachers


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Originally posted by Ron Streeter:

....I'm revoking your teaching license.


Don't you know that saying Eureka! AND I found it is redundant !




__I've never been lost. Fearsome confused sometimes, but never lost.__


I was just translating for the non greek speaking, or is that latin?


Think of it as a subtitle.



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I just placed a level 4.5 cache. It could be a 5 but then again, for Mike it's probablly a 2 or 3.


I retired the original Egrets, the originial cache is not where I originally hid it due to mother nature and her wonderous ways. The new cache is very near the old one but ENTIRELY different.




It won't work until it's approved.



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We were going to hit that cache tomorrow! I hope the new one gets approved soon so we can go there instead. We are both off tomorrow so we have West side caches planned in our agenda. I just went off track!!! YES!! FUN!FUN!-oh, and then I have to attack our house icon_eek.gif Carolyn

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Originally posted by C&MMorris:

We were going to hit that cache tomorrow! I hope the new one gets approved soon so we can go there instead. We are both off tomorrow so we have West side caches planned in our agenda. I just went off track!!! YES!! FUN!FUN!-oh, and then I have to attack our house icon_eek.gif Carolyn


Now you won't have the description or clue, but just in case.


N 37° 30.343

W 121° 05.153


I promiss these coordinates will be better than Cinco De Mayo



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That was pretty comical actually. How on earth that could be perceived as a "security risk" is beyond me!


Keep your eye open for my next locationless: Fly to Iraq...find a nuclear weapon...take a picture of it along with your GPS..and don't forget to post the coordinates!!!!


Jaimee icon_biggrin.gif

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I need some big time help on grasping the concept of some organic chem problems...anyone have expertise in this area?? I HATE organic chem icon_mad.gif Give me the radiochemistry anyday!


Unfortunately, there are no decent chem tutors available right now so I thought I would see if someone here could help..maybe....please!?


Jaimee icon_cool.gif

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Originally posted by C&MMorris:

We were going to hit that cache tomorrow! I hope the new one gets approved soon so we can go there instead. We are both off tomorrow so we have West side caches planned in our agenda. I just went off track!!! YES!! FUN!FUN!-oh, and then I have to attack our house icon_eek.gif Carolyn


What happened with the caches today? did you find the new egrets?



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11 pages worth of posts in a month...I guess I'm going to have to check this forum more often.




PDAs - get one, there a great toy. I use mine the most while traveling for dictionaries, street & subway maps, notes, and solitaire. For Geo-Caching use the pathetique site, a must have. Until I started using this I would just DL the cords for all the caches in an area and go, not bothering to look at or print the cache page. While this made for good (real) hunting, it was lousy for theme caches...as I wouldn't have the right item(s) to trade. Now that is not a problem.


Harder caches in our (your) area - I think the caches that are hidden in this area are harder. You guys seem to be more into hiding the cache from the Geo-Cacher, while (in my limited experience) most others just hide the cache from the casual eye. Not good or bad just different, to each their own. I'll pass on looking for the altoids tin in waist high grass. I've been spending my time Geo-Dashing as that allows for more exploring and site seeing, which I enjoy more than looking under rocks.


Underwater Cache -

I hope some of you will give mine a try, if you do please drop me a line. I would like to observe, I have concerns about the mechanism for replacing the cache after retrieval.




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Okay..I have now been labeled a "terrorist" because of my locationless "state capital buildings" cache. He has changed the "yes" answer on the survey to read "yes, the owner could be a terrorist." I guess he isn't really labeling me this, but I am not really liking what he is insinuating. Friggin' nuts if you ask me!


Does anyone think I did something wrong with that cache??? By your other comments I am guessing not, but I just wanted to make sure.


We went out caching for a bit today...found one...didn't find the second (and I am NOT saying which one it was icon_mad.gif )...and then came home because my allergies went crazy.


Thanks to everyone for the offers of chem help..I think I have it figured out now.


Dirthawker..I want to check out the area of your underwater cache. Depending on what the water looks like, I might try for it if I can get out to it.


Jaimee icon_biggrin.gif

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Look at the email I just got from this trippy dude who started the "security risk threat" thread!!!


User KD7MXI has contacted you with the following message:


I ALLREADY SENT YOUR GEOCACHE SITES URL TO THE FBI if they dont take action then i will try to erase the thread


Am I in the twilight zone, or what??? I wonder if he is gonna turn the rest of you in as well??!!!



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Originally posted by LuvOzzy:

Okay..I have now been labeled a "terrorist" because of my locationless "state capital buildings" cache. He has changed the "yes" answer on the survey to read "yes, the owner could be a terrorist." I guess he isn't really labeling me this, but I am not really liking what he is insinuating. Friggin' nuts if you ask me!


Does anyone think I did something wrong with that cache??? By your other comments I am guessing not, but I just wanted to make sure.


We went out caching for a bit today...found one...didn't find the second (and I am NOT saying which one it was icon_mad.gif )...and then came home because my allergies went crazy.


Thanks to everyone for the offers of chem help..I think I have it figured out now.


Dirthawker..I want to check out the area of your underwater cache. Depending on what the water looks like, I might try for it if I can get out to it.


Jaimee icon_biggrin.gif


I have to work late wed, and dentist thrus, but maybe friday?



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Originally posted by LuvOzzy:

Look at the email I just got from this trippy dude who started the "security risk threat" thread!!!


User KD7MXI has contacted you with the following message:


I ALLREADY SENT YOUR GEOCACHE SITES URL TO THE FBI if they dont take action then i will try to erase the thread


Am I in the twilight zone, or what??? I wonder if he is gonna turn the rest of you in as well??!!!




Well, I kind of suspeced you were going undercover to get a chem degree so that you could make biological weapons of mass distruction. You spend your time hiding secret items around the state, then you wanted a listing of Red Barns. Hide outs maybe? Now STATE CAPITOLS, this will undoubtedly save you and your ring of undercover agents minutes. Otherwise you'd have to search the web for photos (it can be done) and look on maps for street addresses. Eegads!



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Originally posted by Dirt Hawker:

Harder caches in our (your) area - I think the caches that are hidden in this area are harder. You guys seem to be more into hiding the cache from the Geo-Cacher, while (in my limited experience) most others just hide the cache from the casual eye. Not good or bad just different, to each their own. I'll pass on looking for the altoids tin in waist high grass. I've been spending my time Geo-Dashing as that allows for more exploring and site seeing, which I enjoy more than looking under rocks.


Underwater Cache -

I hope some of you will give mine a try, if you do please drop me a line. I would like to observe, I have concerns about the mechanism for replacing the cache after retrieval.





Good job on Northern Harrier, it was a fun one.



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Hey Ron...didn't make it to Revenge, Sweet Revenge, but I think Pat already posted that. Yesterday was the first time we had been out caching in quite a while, and, unfortunately, we didn't have enough daylight hours left to go very far icon_frown.gif


I have the rest of May off, after two more finals next week, and the entire month of June off as well. I hope to get lots of caching done during that time. There is a big long list sitting on my desk of "to do" caches...hopefully we can get to all of them. It sucks when you only have a bit of time to cache..how do you choose what to go for?? UGH! It sucks even worse when you pick the cache or two to hunt for...drive about 30-40 minutes to get to it...walk however far to the location..hunt for an hour..and NOT find it. icon_mad.gificon_mad.gificon_mad.gificon_mad.gif


George..I see someone finally caught on to what I have been up to. I hope gooney man doesn't find out I went and listened to a nuclear arms inspector speak last Friday night..YIKES!! Something is just not right with that guy...he definitely gives me the heebies. icon_eek.gif


I had no luck on finding spots for my two kid-related caches yesterday...gonna look a bit more today on my way to/from school. They won't be high difficulty because I want them to be for the kids mainly.


Off to get ready for school...hope everyone has a good day!


Jaimee icon_biggrin.gif

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Has anyone read the Geo-Court thread? Apparently someone was nabbed for placing a cache near a railroad tunnel. He was charged with vandalism and trespassing if I remember correctly. I guess the vandalism stems from his use of gold paint somewhere on the tunnel. Apparently a bomb squad was called out to destroy the cache, which was in an ammo box. Pretty interesting stuff, especially since it occured here in California!


Jaimee icon_cool.gif

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....what's the sudden interest in caches on railroad property?


Here's the link so others don't have to look it up.




By the way LO, I was on a set of tracks recently and a pickup truck with railroad wheels and 3 railroad men went by and waved to me and didn't say a word. I wish I could have gotten my camera out faster it was a good shot !


As a "railfan" since the 70's I can tell you that railfans line tracks on a regular basis to take pictures of trains going by. Of course they are usually vintage trains and the crews expect crowds for that, but I would think common sense has a lot to do with being on railroad property.


Driving across tracks might even be construed as trespassing !


In my youth I hopped a freight thinking I would get off a mile down the line....ended up going 60 miles and getting off in the middle of the night 2 miles outside a small town. Had to flag down a car to get change to make a call on a pay phone !




I've never been lost. Fearsome confused sometimes, but never lost.

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American Coot - Glad to hear there is some interest. I would recommend going on a weekday, as it is a pretty popular place for camping and fishing. As to water quality...Well the clarity is good, but I personally wouldn't vouch for the safety of any water in the Central Valley. I would have rather placed it in a river, but none of the rivers in my area have any visibility. For those that consider themselves water challenged I didn't use a boat to place this one and I'm not a strong swimmer. You might consider putting your GPSr in a jar, unless you want to test the water resistance of your unit. Also the state is sponsoring a kids fishing derby there this weekend. I guy pulled a 54lb stripper out of there last year...


Railroads - I visited a cache that was within 20' of the tracks. And while I was putting the cache back a train came around the curve and the Engineer leaned out of his cab to see what I was doing. As I had used my dirt bike to get to the cache site, I was expecting to see the sheriff waiting at my truck when I got back. You people would have liked this one. It was buried and then had a ~40lb rock on top of it. It wasn't obvious at all, if I hadn't happened to notice that there was dirt on one side of the rock (where it had been rolled recently) I wouldn't have figured it out.




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Originally posted by LuvOzzy:

Look at the email I just got from this trippy dude who started the "security risk threat" thread!!!


User KD7MXI has contacted you with the following message:


I ALLREADY SENT YOUR GEOCACHE SITES URL TO THE FBI if they dont take action then i will try to erase the thread


Am I in the twilight zone, or what??? I wonder if he is gonna turn the rest of you in as well??!!!




Hey Jaime,


Take it from a person with a several FBI files on them, including a top secret security clearance with a special background investigation, big brother is watching you! Just in case you want to check and see what the status of this FBI report is I'm including a link that will allow you to search for your file. Good luck, but cohorting with known terrorists may effect my securtiy clearance...I once had a roommate from Canada that drove the secret service nuts when they were offering me a position in the White House.



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....is in a new home.


When you check out the new description, look at the bottom of the page for a red link to ....The Tomb Of A Million Souls !




If you can not access the page it is because the geocaching gods have not yet reactivated it. Should be done by the end of Thursday the 9th I would think.


May Rah be with you.




I've never been lost. Fearsome confused sometimes, but never lost.

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We posted one cache as a members only, and one open to all. With a members only cache, the placer has the ability to read who is viewing the page. We've read other threads about the subject, and thought we'd try out both options. There was one opinion that said that a members only cache was less likely to get plundered. There was a problem with teens getting the coords., going to the site and taking the caches. It could also happen to members only caches. icon_smile.gif

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thanks! We haven't taken the plunge and become members yet just because I really didn't see the benefit. Yes, I know it helps Jeremy with fees associated with all this...but, I thought I would wait a bit and see how it went.


I guess now we can part with the $60 since it seems we will continue to cache...and then we can hunt for the member's only caches!


Where were your Mother's Day caches located?


Jaimee icon_cool.gif

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Originally posted by LuvOzzy:

How come folks are doing the "member's only" caches? Just curious because I thought there were only a few people around here who are members.


Jaimee icon_smile.gif




Please forgive any typos because i have come down with carpal tunnel syndrome, I don't want to loose my credential. icon_wink.gificon_wink.gif


We actually became members to help offset the cost of running this site. We thought it was the least we could do because we enjoyed geocaching so much. we also bought t-shirts ect...


I know we have done members only on a couple of our one time only caches. I think george was trying to get Kevin to pony up and become a member. which, by the way, he did.

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That was mean of me, huh?? I hope DirtHawker didn't take offense to my joking..my apologies if that happened!!!! icon_eek.gif


We bought Geocaching shirts too...and they are pretty cool. It's interesting how many people ask you "What is Geocaching?" when you have the shirt on!


Hopefully we can get some of these dang caches placed in the next few days. I have 2 especially for kids but nowhere to put them!


Jaimee icon_biggrin.gif

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George, do you use a manuel stapler and or pencil sharpener? I now have an automatic stapler and pencil sharpener because I started to get CTS and now I don't feel that pain. We also sold our pinball machine, which I use to play a lot. Lethal Weapon causes you to use the flippers often.

LO, MD#1 was by the mall and MD#2 was between the Fruit Yard and Waterford.

Carolyn icon_wink.gif

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Originally posted by C&MMorris:

George, do you use a manuel stapler and or pencil sharpener? I now have an automatic stapler and pencil sharpener because I started to get CTS and now I don't feel that pain. We also sold our pinball machine, which I use to play a lot. Lethal Weapon causes you to use the flippers often.

LO, MD#1 was by the mall and MD#2 was between the Fruit Yard and Waterford.

Carolyn icon_wink.gif


mary has the sore wrists. I'm fine so far. She needs to remember to sign her logs..


As far as I know she has an automatic pencil sharpener but not stapler. I have my TA's staple my stuff, let them get CTS.




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...to meet the newbies to our area and some others who didn't make it to the picnic.


Now Kevin, you KNOW that the host should be the person/team with the FEWEST hides and finds ! (That would be you).




OK all...took a break for awhile and am going to spend Mother's Day looking for about 4 caches while my mother celebrates Mother's Day in Kansas and has to be satisfied with a phone call and a card !




Haven't heard yet from Channel 3 on when the feature will be on...hoping it's next SAT/SUN.




I've never been lost. Fearsome confused sometimes, but never lost.

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