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Central Valley Cachers


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Using an Apple at my daughter's so a little crazy typing here.....


George...I have NO CHANCE at your father's day cache !


Glad to hear the new date for the get-together...I plan on being there.


Now I am in Dumont, CO near one of the big forest fires and going caching with my kids in the next two days. Colorado Rocky Mountain High !




I've never been lost. Fearsome confused sometimes, but never lost.


George and Mary , we're waiting for your cache to post. Hopefully, it posts before work. I am still teaching, getting ready for the end of our yearl. Our last day it the 28th. Year 'round then starts back up for the teachers on the 2nd of July. We' ve been so busy working that we haven't had any time for caching . Boy are we itching! Anyway to bribe you for advanced directions? Carolyn


Originally posted by C&MMorris:

George and Mary , we're waiting for your cache to post. Hopefully, it posts before work. I am still teaching, getting ready for the end of our yearl. Our last day it the 28th. Year 'round then starts back up for the teachers on the 2nd of July. We' ve been so busy working that we haven't had any time for caching . Boy are we itching! Anyway to bribe you for advanced directions? Carolyn


I saw that you've tried 6 times to look at the page... Mr. Vic has tried 20 times...


It wouldn't be fair to give the coords but I'll tell you where it's near so that you can decide if you want to go for it..


It's near Ron's Barbie Pink..




Remember: Half the people you meet are below average.



I saw that you've tried 6 times to look at the page... Mr. Vic has tried 20 times...


Okay, that's embarassing! I didn't know you could view how many times a page was viewed. I'm probably up to 30 by now...


Will cache for food


Thanks for the hint George. If it posts after 2:45 tomorrow, we'll be on the hunt. But if it posts before, Mr. Vic will probably beat us to that one. I forgot that when you post a member only cache, you can view everyone who sees your page. So the counter starts working before it's even approved-cool!!!Good luck to all tomorrow! Maybe Tomaski will go for it also. Well, I've got to finish grading-good night all! icon_smile.gif Carolyn


What hint George, I dinn't get a hint and I have been searching Hi and Low tryig to figure out if I could find out something about this cache. No luck. I'm packed and ready to go! You got a way point a girl could see or something? What kind of hint, Me Me I want a little tiny hint, PLEASE.



Horizontals where it's at!


I doubt I'll get to this one unless it posts late tomorrow. I have to work early and don't get off until late afternoon.

Good luck everyone.



Will cache for food


.....what else?


Does Stairway to Heaven (cache) sound familiar. I just found the Colorado version and another one called Rubble Redoubt. Some fun (bumpy) 4-wheeling to get to both of these.


Sounds like the father's day cache is going to get some attention...PEPPER has the newbie cacher..."I gotta find 'em" fever !




I've never been lost. Fearsome confused sometimes, but never lost.


Fizzymagic was the one who got the Father's day cache. While he was down here he tried for some motown caches....


He went for Ripon Caches... I gave him my sypathy. He didn't find it, but he did find some thorny bushes. I have to go check on Smell the Roses. He didn't find that one either... It sounds like frow where he looked he should have.. I'm going to check now.




Remember: Half the people you meet are below average.


I have to go check on Smell the Roses. He didn't find that one either... It sounds like frow where he looked he should have.. I'm going to check now.


Of course, he could just be an idiot, too... icon_wink.gif


Boy, am I going to be embarrassed when the cache is still there. icon_redface.gif


Hello all


WHEW..that was a LONG trip! We just got home about 30 minutes ago, so I sat down to see what is new on the puter.


We drove over 4000 miles in two weeks, and we visited 9 different states. During that time, we ended up only doing 2 or 3 caches...didn't have time to really go out hunting. I also have a few new virtuals to submit as well.


Sounds like Ron was somewhere near where we were! We spent Wednesday night in Grand Junction, Colorado, after driving right past a wicked area of forest fire. We also saw smoke from the fire near Denver. That, combined with being stuck in a horrid storm complete with tornadoes touching down in Kansas, was enough to keep my butt at home for a bit!


Back to the real world now I guess. I hope everyone is doing good and having a nice summer!


Jaimee icon_smile.gif


Originally posted by fizzymagic:

I have to go check on Smell the Roses. He didn't find that one either... It sounds like frow where he looked he should have.. I'm going to check now.


Of course, he could just be an idiot, too... icon_wink.gif


Boy, am I going to be embarrassed when the cache is still there. icon_redface.gif


No, it's gone. You looked in the right spot. From where you told me you looked, you can go back and claim it as a find if you want.


I'll archive it in the morning.




Remember: Half the people you meet are below average.


I'm glad it's gone. Makes me feel better about not finding it, because we REALLY looked for this one. Hint made total sense and everything.


I know we're newbies, but at least I don't have too feel too stupid right away.


....I spent the night in Grand Junction on Wednesday too ! We could have gone caching together !


As to your 4000 mile trip, my younger daughter and her husband did the same length and hit Kansas, Texas, Tennessee and who knows what other states.


My trip will only be about 3000 miles, but that's enough. When I leave Dumont, CO on Monday or Tuesday, my first big stop will be Arches park in Utah.


Getting home always feels good after a big trip.




I've never been lost. Fearsome confused sometimes, but never lost.


Where did you stay Ron?? We were at the Grand Vista hotel! Tooooo funny!


The states we visited were Arizona, New Mexico, Texas, Oklahoma, Missouri, Kansas, Colorado, Utah and Nevada. I hated Arizona and Utah..they can keep the desert..BLECH!


Travel safely and have fun!


George..glad to see you did a letterbox. I am hoping that more folks will get involved in doing those. I have a few more planned and hope to get them put together before school starts back up again. I will probably try to do yours later this afternoon.


Jaimee icon_cool.gif


Hey all


While in Branson, we got a new digital camera. My grandfather had won it and didn't even know it was a digital camera!


Anyway, does anyone know how to reduce the picture size once the picture has been taken and uploaded to the computer?? The pics that we have are between 300-400 kb..wayyyyy too big. I have messed around with the software but can't figure out how to resize the pictures.


Any help would be greatly appreciated!




Originally posted by ZachNLiam:

I'm glad it's gone. Makes me feel better about not finding it, because we REALLY looked for this one. Hint made total sense and everything.


I know we're newbies, but at least I don't have too feel too stupid right away.


So after a month of no one looking for Smell the Roses. 3 people in one day look for it. After the first person logged a 'no find' I checked on it and found it missing. Then I find out 2 others searched for it on the same day. Weird.




Remember: Half the people you meet are below average.


Originally posted by Ron Streeter:


My trip will only be about 3000 miles, but that's enough. When I leave Dumont, CO on Monday or Tuesday, my first big stop will be Arches park in Utah.


Getting home always feels good after a big trip.




__I've never been lost. Fearsome confused sometimes, but never lost.__


Don't forget to log an Arch while in Arches NP. I love that place. Wander through the Firey Furnace if you have time.




Remember: Half the people you meet are below average.


That's odd how that could have disappeared George..considering where it was..not like it was in plain site or anything.


Did you also "lose" On A Clear Day?? Pat said something about it being archived.




If you have Photoshop (or Photoshop Elements) it's as easy as going to the Image menu, selecting Image Size and putting in the new size. Adjust the "long" side (width or height - whichever is longer) and make sure "constrain proportions" is selected. Then save it as a jpg with a decent amount of compression.


If you can't do this, email me the pics at my work email, randy@jamzcheer.com (I have DSL there). I'll resize them for you and send them back.


Or email me directly for more help. I can definitely be useful to the "Central Valley Cachers" on anything involving photography!!!




Anyway, does anyone know how to reduce the picture size once the picture has been taken and uploaded to the computer?? The pics that we have are between 300-400 kb..wayyyyy too big.


Most any image editing software will do this. I use a program called Paintshop Pro, which has all the functionality of Photoshop for about 1/8 the price...


It has this neat feature where you can interactively change the JPEG quality and see what the file size will be. Originally, I was reducing my pictures to 640x480, but I have recently been able to post several at 800x600 and still get them in under 100 kB.


Pepper makes hers tiny! I can barely even see the things! icon_razz.gif


Originally posted by LuvOzzy:

That's odd how that could have disappeared George..considering where it was..not like it was in plain site or anything.


Did you also "lose" On A Clear Day?? Pat said something about it being archived.




I just archived it because I thought I could do better. The contents are going to be recycled and end up near pinecrest or lyons dam.


The container ended up part of the letterbox.




Remember: Half the people you meet are below average.


So I was on the way to Sunol to do the caches in the park... stumped, burl ives...etc. when I stopped to ask for directions. The gas station people had no idea. My gps said 5 miles away but I was looking for the main road to the area.


Just for kicks I checked for closest waypoint on the gps and it said there was a cache within a mile. I crossreferenced the GC number with the page on my Handspring and it said it was an 1/1 in a local park. So I hit it quickly and found the cache.


Well that worked, so again I checked for closest caches and I found one that looked quick. Found that one.... kept doing that and the next thing I know I wandering around the south bay, having no idea where I was, but finding caches along the way. I just followed the arrows and the descriptions on the Handspring. I ended up with 8 finds before I got a call from Mary that siad I needed to be home for dinner at my parents. I probablly could have strung together a few more without trying very hard.




Remember: Half the people you meet are below average.


George, what do you use to get the data into your Handspring? I think I read that the easygps program will export an Excel file, which I can then convert to read on my Palm, but is there something better than that?


I would love to stop printing all my "caches to get" and just have the data on my Palm instead, especially if I could easily search by waypoint name.


Since I'm so new to this, I'm sure there's something that works really well that I haven't even thought of yet.


Thank you for any info! Having a blast. Started caching today and wound up by the Modesto Airport where they were having an airshow. Took a helicoptor ride and hung out there. Going back to Legion Park to try the few there tomorrow (Father's Day).




Originally posted by ZachNLiam:

George, what do you use to get the data into your Handspring? I think I read that the easygps program will export an Excel file, which I can then convert to read on my Palm, but is there something better than that?


I would love to stop printing all my "caches to get" and just have the data on my Palm instead, especially if I could easily search by waypoint name.






This is actually done outside of www.geocaching.com but it works really well. There are instructions on how to set it on the bottom of the page.


You're going to have to use Avantgo but it's free. www.avantgo.com




Remember: Half the people you meet are below average.


.....Central Valley style !


Just got back from an overnight camping trip with my kids.


The drive in was 4 wheel drive road...took two hours to get to site ! Some of the roughest road I've been on...a national forest area.


I placed a cache there and it will be a 5 for terrain (roads) and maybe a 2 or so near site. Difficulty will be a 2 to 3.


I let my kids try to find it, and they did so without any clues in about 15 minutes.


This cache is only available about 2 months of the year if snowfall is normal...July and August, so it will be lucky to get a couple of finds a year due to that and 4 wheel drive needs.




I've never been lost. Fearsome confused sometimes, but never lost.


Originally posted by georgeandmary:

Originally posted by ZachNLiam:

George, what do you use to get the data into your Handspring? I think I read that the easygps program will export an Excel file, which I can then convert to read on my Palm, but is there something better than that?


I would love to stop printing all my "caches to get" and just have the data on my Palm instead, especially if I could easily search by waypoint name.






This is actually done outside of http://www.geocaching.com but it works really well. There are instructions on how to set it on the bottom of the page.


You're going to have to use Avantgo but it's free. http://www.avantgo.com




Remember: Half the people you meet are below average.


george hooked me up with all the info on palmable geocaching and it is awesome. i just got a travel bug today that will get me a personal index.

i'll be dropping the bug off in the area real soon. anyone who is interested keep your eyes on the local pages.



I finally figured out how to shrink those dang pictures..WHEW! Thanks to everyone who offered help.


We now know to change a setting on the camera before taking the actual picture also.


Jaimee icon_cool.gif


I'm having trouble making this work. I know I can pick a current index and everything will probably work perfectly, but I want the listings to be local to me, and Patterson is the closest index I could find (no offense georgeandmary!). When I select the page I THINK is correct with AvantGo, I have to put in my zip code in my Palm. It then says it will update at the next hotsync, but never does.


What am I doing wrong? Or do you HAVE to pick a particular index?


Thank you for ANY help!!!




Originally posted by ZachNLiam:


What am I doing wrong? Or do you HAVE to pick a particular index?


Thank you for ANY help!!!




You can't just use any old zipcode. You have to use one of the codes already set up, and use that specific link.


As an example.

If you wanted to set up a custom channel for Patterson (95363), you can since it's already set up.


At custom channels (on Avantgo)

1st name the channel (ie Patterson Caches)

2nd cut and paste the URL to the URL section..




Set the channel size to 250K

Link depth to 2


and then set how you want to refresh...


But you can only choose from those already set up on http://www.pathetique.com/geocaching/


If you set up 3 custom channels for Patterson, Stockton, and Sonora, you will pretty much cover the whole area around here. You could add Sacramento and bay area zipcodes as needed.



Tomaski has the magic travel bug that if you find it, Brian at pathetique will set up a page for your own zip or your own account name. But you have to find this travel bug. http://www.geocaching.com/track/track_detail.asp?ID=1384


Or I saw a card from brian that does the same thing. It's in this cache..



So you have to either stick with the available pages, or find the two items above to get your own personal page set up.




Remember: Half the people you meet are below average.


Originally posted by ZachNLiam:

I'm having trouble making this work. I know I can pick a current index and everything will probably work perfectly, but I want the listings to be local to me, and Patterson is the closest index I could find (no offense georgeandmary!). When I select the page I THINK is correct with AvantGo, I have to put in my zip code in my Palm. It then says it will update at the next hotsync, but never does.


What am I doing wrong? Or do you HAVE to pick a particular index?


Thank you for ANY help!!!




hey randy,

i just got an email today from brian

(mr pathetique) and now there is a modesto

index. the modesto index


it only has about 20 caches right now

but after he updates it on wed. it will

have the full 100

happy caching,



Just curious as to other's opinions on themed caches. If you see a request from the cache "owner" to keep the cache themed as is, do you try to honor that request? Is it "wrong" to expect a cache to stay a certain theme, even if the person placing it goes to the trouble of finding many items to fit the theme?


I know that the hunt is supposed to be the game here, but I think that lots of folks also enjoy trading items.


Personally, I take nothing/leave nothing if I visit a themed cache and have nothing themed to leave. I just was wondering how others feel about this subject.


Jaimee icon_smile.gif


Originally posted by LuvOzzy:

Just curious as to other's opinions on themed caches. If you see a request from the cache "owner" to keep the cache themed as is, do you try to honor that request? Is it "wrong" to expect a cache to stay a certain theme, even if the person placing it goes to the trouble of finding many items to fit the theme?


I know that the hunt is supposed to be the game here, but I think that lots of folks also enjoy trading items.


Personally, I take nothing/leave nothing if I visit a themed cache and have nothing themed to leave. I just was wondering how others feel about this subject.


Jaimee icon_smile.gif


I try, but I don't trade much anymore. I just sign the logs and go. I carry a few items with me just incase I see something I'd like to trade for. I haven't seen many theme caches that had something I wanted.


Is Sponge Bob getting Scooby Doo items? icon_wink.gif




Remember: Half the people you meet are below average.


Did both of you (Lo/F and Morris Clan) jump ahead in the directions to the points you recongnized? I was wondering if the research part of the istructions worked according to plan or not.




Remember: Half the people you meet are below average.


Dawn and I also try.


Originally posted by LuvOzzy:

Just curious as to other's opinions on themed caches. If you see a request from the cache "owner" to keep the cache themed as is, do you try to honor that request? Is it "wrong" to expect a cache to stay a certain theme, even if the person placing it goes to the trouble of finding many items to fit the theme?


I know that the hunt is supposed to be the game here, but I think that lots of folks also enjoy trading items.


Personally, I take nothing/leave nothing if I visit a themed cache and have nothing themed to leave. I just was wondering how others feel about this subject.


Jaimee icon_smile.gif


When we look at a cache we want to go after we check if it has some type of theme. If we have somthing that fits we will trade something. If not we take and leave nothing.




We had a pretty good idea of where the letterbox was based on the clue. In fact, Pat had thought of placing a cache VERY near the same location but I thought it would be too visible.


We started at the research point actually..and I found that quite fun. From there, we drove to the next point and then walked around for the rest of the way.


It was fun, and you did a good job.


Jaimee icon_biggrin.gif


This one was one of the first for us, the Obriens and Rigatoni (we all know each other - lol). the Obriens went out to find it to show some friends what geocaching is all about and said it was gone. I haven't gone out there myself to check, but I hope it isn't true.


If it is gone, George and Mary are having some bad luck with caches right now!! That one was in a pretty popular spot though. I had to try many times before I finally was able to get in there without a ton of people watching me.




Originally posted by georgeandmary:





Tomaski has the magic travel bug that if you find it, Brian at pathetique will set up a page for your own zip or your own account name. But you have to find this travel bug. http://www.geocaching.com/track/track_detail.asp?ID=1384



Or I saw a card from brian that does the same thing. It's in this cache..








I'm actually trying to keep track of all of my Palmable Geocaching Travel Bugs. There are several of them in the area.



Palmable Geocache Travel Bug Map


Originally posted by blscearce:


I'm actually trying to keep track of all of my Palmable Geocaching Travel Bugs. There are several of them in the area.




I just thought it was funny. The day after I found the bug I had been looking for for so long. I find the card in a cache.


When it rains it pours.




Remember: Half the people you meet are below average.


Originally posted by LuvOzzy:

If it is gone, George and Mary are having some bad luck with caches right now!! That one was in a pretty popular spot though. I had to try many times before I finally was able to get in there without a ton of people watching me.




I do place a lot of urban caches. They do have the highest chance of being found out. Bowl Rim stayed in place for a couple months. That's not bad. Considering how out in the open it was.




Remember: Half the people you meet are below average.


Poor George!! We think Its all about balance is gone also. George and Mary have a lot of caches out to find around in this area that might get plundered. Maybe at the dinner we can help you get some more caches put together so you can hide them for us. icon_biggrin.gif You guys are soooo gooood at hiding clever caches icon_wink.gif (Del Puerto, to mention one)What do you guys think about bringing contents for a cache to the dinner? Carolyn icon_smile.gif


I would be willing to bring some items to donate for caches...just as long as Ron doesn't get to place them this time!!!! icon_biggrin.gif Has anyone else been up to the Modesto picnic leftovers cache?? Do not attempt that one on a hot day if you are walking the entire way. Those hills you have to go up and down are very, very mean and nasty!


Jaimee icon_smile.gif


Have any of you ventured out to the grandaddy of all caches yet...Dragonfly?? If not, you really, really should. For most, it is a true test of patience, perseverence and hunting skills. Some of us (won't mention any names here) icon_mad.gif had to make several trips and spend lots of time before finally finding it. I think there were a few folks who found it without much difficulty, but most have had troubles.


There is also a virtual right across the street, and there is a nice one in La Grange (about 10 minutes from D-fly) as well.


Just wanted to make sure you all were aware of this cache..because I am hoping to see some others moan and groan about it like I did!!!! icon_biggrin.gif


Jaimee icon_cool.gif

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