+georgeandmary Posted May 20, 2002 Posted May 20, 2002 check out this little NPR segment... http://savvy.mpr.org/show/features/2002/20020517/feature1.shtml I missed the channel 3 segment. When do the video tapes start traveling around so all of us who missed it get to see Ron suck in his gut. george Remember: Half the people you meet are below average. Quote
+JaimeeG Posted May 20, 2002 Posted May 20, 2002 Good one Ron!! If you guys have the time, you really should go check out that wreck..and just try to imagine how on earth the car ended up where it did! Jaimee Quote
Ron Streeter Posted May 20, 2002 Posted May 20, 2002 ....I was going to make the videotape of channel 3 available to the masses, but after seeing it, I think I might not ! Scot comes off quite well though! ************** Meanwhile, take a look at what LO was referring to...my new cache...initial contact by LO/F...production by me ! Where's That Valet! ********** Ron I've never been lost. Fearsome confused sometimes, but never lost. Quote
+JaimeeG Posted May 20, 2002 Posted May 20, 2002 Any ideas on how that got where it was Ron?? The trail seems wayyyyy too narrow there to get a car through. Of course, that could be exactly why the car is now upside down over the water! Jaimee Quote
+JaimeeG Posted May 20, 2002 Posted May 20, 2002 I don't think I told this part of the SUV story before. As we were walking out (or wandering about aimlessly actually), we ran across a man and woman and their 2 dogs. Pat asked them which way was out, and they told us. We were then telling them about our "find." The woman said "Oh yea..that old car?? That's been there for a long time." I told her it was not old but actually was a newer Isuzu SUV. She covered her mouth, started laughing, and proceeded to walk away without saying another word!! Pat and I just kind of looked at each other, shrugged our shoulders and then continued on our way. We both thought her reaction was rather odd, but maybe she was just an odd person overall. This is kinda like those times when you see all kinds of commotion, police activity, etc., and then scour the papers/news for some mention of what was happening...never to find anything! Maybe it's because I am such a curious person by nature, but I really want to know what happened! Now I see that Scot has some news...can't wait to see what he has to say! Jaimee Quote
Ron Streeter Posted May 20, 2002 Posted May 20, 2002 ....when you need him? Well, LO, I'll answer your first question, but you'll have to wait for Scot to post his part of the story. There is a large trail (car width) that comes in from near the vineyard and goes to a large sandy beach. The beach is where I took pic #1 from. I theorize that the SUV came in on that road. Then, while heading out, whoever was driving it took a slight right and traveled along a trail that parallels the water. That trail starts out a little wide, but narrows down. From the way the car is lying down the hill, it LOOKS like the bank on the passenger side just gave away and the thing rolled over a couple of times getting to the bottom. The tree limbs stopped it from going right into the water. Can you imagine what a ride down the slope this must have been?! ************ As to the woman you talked to about the "old" car wreck, there are 3 that I know of in those woods. Two of them I saw and the third was seen by the Geocrickets. Those ARE old wrecks. ************ Well, with Scot's tale we will have one more episode in this story. And then the final episode is to come ! Ron I've never been lost. Fearsome confused sometimes, but never lost. Quote
+JaimeeG Posted May 20, 2002 Posted May 20, 2002 Okay Scot..come out, come out wherever you are and tell us the story!! My gosh..I cannot imagine how scary that ride must have been. It seems amazing to me that no one was seriously injured...that we know of at least. We saw the sandy beach just after we left the site of the wreck. It looked like a popular party spot with all the beer bottles and cans laying around. Interesting area and interesting day out there! Jaimee Quote
Ron Streeter Posted May 21, 2002 Posted May 21, 2002 ....geocachers ! Well, Scot posted his find on Where's That Valet! late last night. The helicopter that takes out the SUV would certainly be worth seeing and photographing, but I doubt the law enforcement folks will remember to let us know when that happens. Could camp out there I guess. Meanwhile, back to slipping and sliding in mud and rocks after the recent rains ! Ron I've never been lost. Fearsome confused sometimes, but never lost. Quote
+JaimeeG Posted May 21, 2002 Posted May 21, 2002 Good morning all Have any of you placed caches a long way from where you live? Like maybe in another state? If so, do you know someone in that area who is willing to help you out with cache maintenance? I was just curious because Pat and I had been talking about maybe placing a cache or two while on our trip, but I wasn't sure about how to keep it up properly. I guess we could try to find fellow cachers in the area and see if they might be willing to help out. Any ideas? Jaimee Quote
sfm12 Posted May 21, 2002 Posted May 21, 2002 I posted my SUV saga on the cache page late last night. One minor detail...Officer Rees and I noticed that the battery had already been removed from the SUV. Since it looked impossible to remove while it was inverted, he (and I concur) said that it was probably pushed down the hill after the joyride was over. Scot Quote
sfm12 Posted May 21, 2002 Posted May 21, 2002 How many of you have paid the money to become charter members. Is it worth it? Scot Quote
Ron Streeter Posted May 21, 2002 Posted May 21, 2002 ..... LO..... I have caches in Oregon, Arizona and Kansas. The caching community (for the most part) is so supportive that you can just ask the next person in to tidy it up ! At least that's my experience. I have one in AZ (Lifesaver) that was starting to get rusty. A newbie took in a new container for me. If they do go bad for some reason you can always just retire them. Unfortunately the container would be sitting our there (maybe..unless it was missing). One Sacramento cacher (who is no longer active) did run into some problems because his caches were on the Monterrey coast and some approver felt they were to far from his home to be properly maintained. I think though this person had some trouble politely expressing himself to the geocaching staff, and this may have been part of his problem. ********** Scot.... I joined to contribute something to the operating budget of the administrator...servers, time etc cost a lot. At this point the return on investment is small...you get to go after members' only caches (few of them around here) and you get to customize your logo/signature on the forums..there may be some other things, but if so I am not aware of them. The members only caches seem a bit "elitist" to me and so I haven't done any. In the central valley we are talking about maybe a half-dozen to a dozen consistent cachers, so seems a shame to exclude anyone. In a larger market this might make some sense. George has posted a couple of "short term" members only caches..Easter and Mother's day I think. Once they were found by one person, they were archived. George also says that on members only caches you can monitor who is watching your cache page and how many times they visit. I think this was an attempt by Jeremy Irish (geocaching.com) to accomodate people who wanted to know who was watching their caches. It doesn't seem to apply to caches in general, so I guess it is a perk of the membership. Ron I've never been lost. Fearsome confused sometimes, but never lost. Quote
+georgeandmary Posted May 21, 2002 Posted May 21, 2002 quote:Originally posted by sfm12: How many of you have paid the money to become charter members. Is it worth it? Scot I did it to support the site more than anything else. There are a few little benifits. I occasionally place a members only cache, but those are usually one time caches that are gifts to the community. Watch for them around the holidays. Memorial day is coming...... watch for it. george Remember: Half the people you meet are below average. Quote
Ron Streeter Posted May 21, 2002 Posted May 21, 2002 Take a look at this page which documents in exruciating detail the cache statistics on over 600 caches in AZ. http://www.azgeocaching.com/cache_stats.php?pp=all I have selected it to look at all of the caches on one long page, but you can also tell it to look at 25 caches at a time etc. The advantage of looking at all at one time is you can then use the edit/find feature of your browser and type in the name of a specific cache. I typed in Lifesaver...one of mine and it has all the data on finds, days since found etc. Popularity of cache is an interesting one. My Lifesaver sits at about 9% in popularity to all the others....since it is near Sedona (and not Phoenix or Flagstaff) that would be a factor now wouldn't it. Geocaching is a statisticians dream (or nightmare) and this page is well on its way to being .....over the top. Ron I've never been lost. Fearsome confused sometimes, but never lost. Quote
+C&MMorris Posted May 21, 2002 Posted May 21, 2002 Well It's almost here, We are leaving thursday morning for pincrest. We are staying until monday. I plan on hiding some caches up there. Their is some really cool spots. I wont be able to post them until after monday. But if anyone comes up I will give you the coords. so you can look for them.If you email me I will give you our camp site number. If you want to see the Helo pick up that suv call flight support in stockton and ask for the lift division. Talk to Kevin and tell him you want to get pictures of the lift. He will tell you when it's going to be.We became members to support the website. Mike Quote
retreevers 4 Posted May 23, 2002 Posted May 23, 2002 I was just noting how quiet the Modesto Area Group was yesterday. I got on late at night and noticed nobody had anything to say. This month for our household is one of the busiest around. We have all the end of the year programs and school work to get wrapped up and finished. Any one going out this long weekend? Quote
+JaimeeG Posted May 23, 2002 Posted May 23, 2002 And everyone else! Yes, this board has been quiet for the last couple days..I noticed that last night. I have been working lots and lots of hours and also doing some preparing for our trip next week. We may head up to Sacramento again this weekend. There are so many nice caches up there. I think we did 10 up there last weekend. There are several new ones around here that I would like to try for as well. Anyone else have any fun plans? Jaimee Quote
+georgeandmary Posted May 23, 2002 Posted May 23, 2002 Planning on a big weekend. We're going to hit SF and the bay area. Plus also, hang around China Town. I've had a craving for some pork buns. george Remember: Half the people you meet are below average. Quote
Ron Streeter Posted May 23, 2002 Posted May 23, 2002 The forums are quiet as everyone gears up for the long weekend ! I went to the watery delta Wednesday and got Hockey Puck and placed Isleton History. Friday I am thinking of heading to Sacramento and the weekend will be dedicated to non-caching, outdoor activities. I've done all the central valley caches I think (except for the letterbox at Dos Reis) and need to head north to Sac or over to the bay area. Hope everyone has a safe, sane and sticker and tick-free weekend ! Ron I've never been lost. Fearsome confused sometimes, but never lost. Quote
Ron Streeter Posted May 23, 2002 Posted May 23, 2002 ....I have to SAY it at least. Shows I am making an effort at having a life! (also, I am trying to get in the Guinness Book of World Records...IF I can NOT go caching for just 2 weekends in a row, I get in !) Ron I've never been lost. Fearsome confused sometimes, but never lost. Quote
+georgeandmary Posted May 23, 2002 Posted May 23, 2002 quote:Originally posted by LuvOzzy: for what?? Related to caching? Jaimee For not finding a cache. He's joking again... george Remember: Half the people you meet are below average. Quote
+JaimeeG Posted May 23, 2002 Posted May 23, 2002 Okay..I was dumb there. I read too fast and miss things I think! Thanks for clarifying for me George. Jaimee Quote
Ron Streeter Posted May 23, 2002 Posted May 23, 2002 ....it was for NOT GOING CACHING two weekends in a row, but Geroge's idea would work too ! Ron I've never been lost. Fearsome confused sometimes, but never lost. Quote
+C&MMorris Posted May 23, 2002 Posted May 23, 2002 Well Ron, If you come up to Pinecrest you can hike around the lake and NOT find the 2 we are going to hide, Carolyn is getting 4 caches ready. If we can find the right spots, We will hide all 4. Hope to see you there.(and anyone else who wants to show up.) Mike Quote
Ron Streeter Posted May 24, 2002 Posted May 24, 2002 ....if I could be that close to 2 to 4 NEW, unpublished caches and not go for them, I would consider myself either really sick or truly dedicated to making someone else happy by distancing myself from geocaching for a day. NO WAY could I resist THAT temptation (to find them!) Ron I've never been lost. Fearsome confused sometimes, but never lost. Quote
tomaski Posted May 24, 2002 Posted May 24, 2002 anybody know what campground mike is going to be in. kevin Quote
+georgeandmary Posted May 24, 2002 Posted May 24, 2002 Well, it's time again, the one time holiday cache has been placed. http://www.geocaching.com/seek/cache_details.asp?ID=23535 It is memebers only again... BUT... if you're not a member, and want to get into the race, I have something for you.... http://www.geocaching.com/seek/cache_details.asp?ID=23536 This cache has the coordinates to the other cache inside... so if you want to try your luck. Find it first then go for the MO cache. If a non memeber finds the MO cache, I'll take it off members only so that they can log the find. Let the race begin. george Remember: Half the people you meet are below average. Quote
+JaimeeG Posted May 25, 2002 Posted May 25, 2002 Anyone else look for this cache this morning? Pat and I got out there about 9:45 and spent about 30 minutes searching. We were wondering if maybe someone thought they were supposed to take the entire cache....?? Jaimee Quote
+georgeandmary Posted May 25, 2002 Posted May 25, 2002 quote:Originally posted by LuvOzzy: Anyone else look for this cache this morning? Pat and I got out there about 9:45 and spent about 30 minutes searching. We were wondering if maybe someone thought they were supposed to take the entire cache....?? Jaimee It hasn't moved. george Remember: Half the people you meet are below average. Quote
+GeoCrickets Posted May 25, 2002 Posted May 25, 2002 LO Did you get my Email on the O'Pioneers Cache Both GeoCrickets and the GeoRockers got this find. Thanks Richard [This message was edited by GeoCrickets on May 25, 2002 at 10:08 PM.] Quote
Ron Streeter Posted May 25, 2002 Posted May 25, 2002 ....A nice day at Pinecrest. The S.O. and I arrived about noon and found Morris family camping site...left them a note and went back to our car where we ran into the Tomaski clan. After pleasantries (about caching?) we went our separate ways. A couple of hours later I heard my name being called but when I turned around I couldn't see anyone on the trail behind me. Turns out it was Mike, Carolyn and son in a boat below us. We got together on the shore by the dam and talked for awhile. I gave Mike the coordinates to a cache I had just placed and he couldn't do the same, because they were just getting ready to place one and we were on the way home. Tomaski had also placed a note on their picnic table but Morris' hadn't seen them. On Friday the Morris clan caught 9 trout, but as of 3 or so on Sat, they weren't as fortunate. I'll publish my Pinecrest cache Sunday and it will be waiting there for any summer visitors. Hope everyone is having a good Memorial weekend. Ron I've never been lost. Fearsome confused sometimes, but never lost. Quote
+JaimeeG Posted May 25, 2002 Posted May 25, 2002 Hi Richard I did get your email, and I emailed you back earlier. I have been having on-again, off-again email problems, so it might be lost in transit somewhere. Thanks for visiting that cache. Sounds like a Pinecrest kinda day! We did no caching..other than trying, unsuccessfully, for George's new one. We watched a couple of movies and were generally lazy! Might try "Only on Sunday" again tomorrow...if I decide to get dressed and out of the house before early evening! Jaimee Quote
+GeoCrickets Posted May 26, 2002 Posted May 26, 2002 quote:Originally posted by LuvOzzy: Hi Richard I did get your email, and I emailed you back earlier. I have been having on-again, off-again email problems, so it might be lost in transit somewhere. Thanks for visiting that cache. Might try "Only on Sunday" again tomorrow...if I decide to get dressed and out of the house before early evening! Jaimee I know what you mean. Somedays I don't want to do a thing. Just sit home. However right now with my knee that is all that I can do. Can't Drive the car yet so I am stuck at home. I will look out for your message.. Thanks. Quote
+GeoCrickets Posted May 26, 2002 Posted May 26, 2002 LO quote:Originally posted by LuvOzzy: Hi Richard I did get your email, and I emailed you back earlier. I have been having on-again, off-again email problems, so it might be lost in transit somewhere. Thanks for visiting that cache. Can you resend the email I have not received it yet. Thanks. Richard Quote
+georgeandmary Posted May 26, 2002 Posted May 26, 2002 http://www.geocaching.com/seek/cache_details.asp?ID=17922 check out where this cache is now hiding... and then check out near by caches. Looks kind of lonely out there.. But this thing has traveled further than any travel bug I have. george Remember: Half the people you meet are below average. Quote
Ron Streeter Posted May 28, 2002 Posted May 28, 2002 Well, we all survived the holiday ! I went up to SAC and cycled 20 miles and found 7 caches, fell off the bike once, almost fell in poison oak, picked 10,000 weed seeds from my socks and generally wore myself out...therefore a successful day ! ************ For Palm OS users, I got this message from Jeremy regarding his progress on Palm work for geocaching. ************* We're working on the palm stuff now. It's taking a while since we want to do it once and don't have to keep reinventing the wheel. I want it too since I'm going on a short vacation on the 7th and want to have the info with me too. So it better be done by then! Jeremy ************** What news from all the other cachers on the last few days of caching? Ron I've never been lost. Fearsome confused sometimes, but never lost. Quote
+georgeandmary Posted May 28, 2002 Posted May 28, 2002 quote:Originally posted by Ron Streeter: What news from all the other cachers on the last few days of caching? Ron __I've never been lost. Fearsome confused sometimes, but never lost.__ I got some nice comments on the Zebra cache we were talking about the other day. Fizzymagic found it and even offered to move it to a slightly better spot within the same complex. I've got my eye on some caches around Lake Del Val. It looks like there are 5 in and around the lake now. One looks like a definite boater and fizzymagic gave me a heads up and told me another is easier by boat also. We'll see. I have to figure out how to strap the canoe to my truck. george Remember: Half the people you meet are below average. Quote
Ron Streeter Posted May 28, 2002 Posted May 28, 2002 ....did you get to San Francisco, Chinatown, etc. for the holiday weekend? If so, did you find/place any caches? Ron I've never been lost. Fearsome confused sometimes, but never lost. Quote
+georgeandmary Posted May 28, 2002 Posted May 28, 2002 quote:Originally posted by Ron Streeter: ....did you get to San Francisco, Chinatown, etc. for the holiday weekend? If so, did you find/place any caches? Ron __I've never been lost. Fearsome confused sometimes, but never lost.__ Ended up tearing apart the bathroom, mary wanted to finisht he remodel... still not finished though. I just don't have a bathroom sink now. We found 5 caches near Pleasenton. Shadow Cliffs park has 4 really close together... I was ambushed by a wild turkey at one of the caches. I was within 3 feet of the bird before he made himself known. george Remember: Half the people you meet are below average. Quote
Ron Streeter Posted May 28, 2002 Posted May 28, 2002 Is geocaching dead? I just read a response that McIrish posted to a thread by Anton in New York State. McIrish commented that caching seemed to be getting off to a slow start and that she hoped it picked up. My take: I just did 7 caches along the American River yesterday (Memorial Day) and have to admit my heart wasn't in it like the old days (a year ago). Maybe it was because I biked 20 miles, fell off the bike once and almost fell into poison oak, but the "thrill" didn't seem to be there quite as much. The weed seeds didn't help either ! I have been spending some time with a group of cachers from the Oakdale, Modesto, Ceres, patterson area the last few months and I have to say our caching differs somewhat from what I used to do. We seem to be challenging each othe quite a bit with difficult microcaches and just fun, different ideas. This has kept the interest alive a bit. Though I found some challenging caches on my most recent trip, I think that like any "hobby", interest starts to wain and that's why people move on to new interests. I haven't seen the interest in the forum here like I thought I would as an example. Some of the names I remember from some months back don't seem active yet either...or maybe just not active in the forum. Since it is going to be really hot soon, this would seem to be the time of year to cache. Personally, I'm thinking fall and winter is the best. I'd rather fight some wind and rain and cold than mush through those stickers and be sweating and watching out for poison oak patches so much. Any thoughts Sacramento? Ron (Feb, 2001....73 hidden/253 found) I've never been lost. Fearsome confused sometimes, but never lost. Quote
+Fattuhr Posted May 28, 2002 Author Posted May 28, 2002 I still have the interest, but I'm with you Ron, I would much rather hunt for caches in a cooler weather. I think that LO and I will probaly slow down some as the weather gets warmer, and do more as it tends to cool off again in the fall. I think the ones that we will do in the summer will be easier ones (no climbing). Quote
+JaimeeG Posted May 28, 2002 Posted May 28, 2002 I am not from Sacramento, but here is my 2 cents! I will probably do VERY little caching during the hot months. I pretty much become a slug when the temperature rises over 90. I want to be in air conditioned comfort only. I certainly won't be exerting myself when it's hot..yes, I am a WIMP! My friend Nancy says I am allergic to exercise. I am much more into exercising my brain than my body! Maybe I burned myself out a bit with getting into caching gung-ho. It also seems that some of the caches I have found lately have been garbage...looks like people were cleaning out drawers and decided to throw those items into a cache instead of into the garbage. I know it isn't about what you "get" from the cache, but it is kinda fun to be able to trade some decent items. We leave Friday on our trip to Missouri, and we hope to find a few caches while there. It will be interesting to see the difference in hiding styles, etc. Oh..one more thing..Pat, shouldn't you be working instead of being online???? Have a good day! Jaimee Quote
+georgeandmary Posted May 28, 2002 Posted May 28, 2002 I saw the same thread and searched inside to see if I was loosing interest. I decided the answer was NO. I've just found all the caches in the area and they're getting harder and harder to string together a days worth of caches. I'm also up to my neck in working on things around the house. New Pool, new windows, bathroom remodel, color coating the outside of the house, working on the RV.... etc etc etc. May caches are going to take more planning to hit. The retreevers placed two water access caches along the river and I'm trying to figure out if I want to get those by boat, or try to find out who to get permission from to go on private property. The easy stuff is gone. It's just a busy time of year. But I still get a thrill at finding a box of toys hidden in the bushes. george Remember: Half the people you meet are below average. Quote
Ron Streeter Posted May 28, 2002 Posted May 28, 2002 ....and other matters. I think George has hit on one of the important factors. The closer caches are pretty much done and more planning is required for a trip to get just more than one. I DO think that the "glow" goes off of anything one participates in though. Or maybe I'm just the type of person who goes full throttle and then on to something else. When I started playing golf about 6 years ago, I couldn't get enough of it. I had one deal that essential gave me unlimited play at one course for a year...I got in 80 games that year..that's a lot of golf ! When I first started caching I drove pretty good distances to get just one cache. Now I won't do that...and don't need to with so many available. I do think that the influx of the Modesto, Ceres, Patterson cachers put some new life in it for me though. now to other business.... Wow...wives keeping track of their husbands getting on line....sound like a short leash to me ! I've never been lost. Fearsome confused sometimes, but never lost. Quote
+JaimeeG Posted May 28, 2002 Posted May 28, 2002 Come on Ron..you know me..did you think it would be any other way??? I had to give Pat a bad time because I was also supposed to be working but was online at the same time! Tonight is my daughter's 8th grade graduation, so we have family here from out of town and a busy evening planned. Should be fun! Jaimee Quote
Ron Streeter Posted May 28, 2002 Posted May 28, 2002 ....anybody hear from Mike Morris? Did he fall in the lake at Pinecrest? Maybe Tomaski suffered a similar fate ! Report in troops or we'll send out the geocaching squads to find YOU ! Ron I've never been lost. Fearsome confused sometimes, but never lost. Quote
retreevers 4 Posted May 28, 2002 Posted May 28, 2002 I think for us this time of year gets full of events. We enjoy geocaching for the new places it takes us. Like out beyond "Skyride". We did place 2 caches- one is accessible just by wading. The other you will need a boat, canoe, raft or kayak (which is how we placed it) to get to it. That was a fun ride from Knight's Ferry. There was a lot of bird life. The Russian Rapid we portage the kids around and then Harold and I took a turn riding through. That was some rapid- do not take a canoe through it there is a sharp turn towards the bottom of it. The rest of the river had fast water in some places but no serious rapids. Rons cache out towards LaGrange was fun to find but do it in the morning! Quote
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