+georgeandmary Posted May 11, 2002 Posted May 11, 2002 Ron, now that I look back at the pages about Mom's Tattoo I do notice a few warnings about the area but I don't think you do the place justice. I left a nice Log for you to read... I don't think I'll be back to that place. http://www.geocaching.com/seek/cache_details.asp?ID=20339 Some of this info should maybe be on the main page. I dl'ed the page to the PDA so I didn't have the log to warn me but even then, it's not apparent by why you see at the park that you're doing anything wrong when you do it. george Quote
+georgeandmary Posted May 11, 2002 Posted May 11, 2002 The thing with breakfast or dinner is where to eat. I think the easiest would be a buffet style place. Everyone just pays to get in and you eat what you want. Not the best food but it does provide some advantages. The best one is you don't end up with one huge bill and everyone trying to figure out who owes what OR you don't have the hastle of having the waitress having to seperate everyones bill. Plus everyone could come and go as the wanted, easy easy easy... what do you think? george Quote
Ron Streeter Posted May 11, 2002 Posted May 11, 2002 ....continues to be in trouble with the law....Well, the cachers are in trouble, not the cache. Folks, if you have the flashlight coordinates to this cache, park in a DESIGNATED parking lot, go for a walk on a 12 foot wide road, and you will not be hasseled by park rangers. Nuf said? Ron ********* George...I posted the above before I read your post here about Tatoo Parlor. Your post on the cache page is fine....reflects your experience based on how you approached it. I have added three moving alerts at the top of the page to warn people what to do and not do. As far as the PDA goes, I bought one a week ago and am using the Pathetique downloads too, but I am also using a clipper by RSchoolfield which lets you include the decrypted CHEAT and....the logs ! This way you can have the list of 100 or so caches from Brian AND if you so desire you can do some individual synchs to memo pad notes for individual caches....may seem redundant, but consider this.... If you synch with Brian on Wednesday and a cache is placed on Thursday, the RSchoolfield method lets you grab the full description of the cache which you would not otherwise have until the NEXT Wednesday. BTW...love my Prism..anxious to get color maps from the new version of TOPO USA 4.0 and the new X-Map which allows maps on the Palm device. I am also developing my own small Palm OS based programs for my Prism...will show them to you when we get together for lunch/dinner....the buffet ideas makes total sense to me ! Ron I've never been lost. Fearsome confused sometimes, but never lost. Quote
+CatToy Posted May 11, 2002 Posted May 11, 2002 Let's have more info on the PDA software you're playing with! Kevin CatToy Quote
Ron Streeter Posted May 11, 2002 Posted May 11, 2002 ....PhD...Etc Well Kevin, I could tell you, but then....I'd have to "cache" you! I'll show you on the PDA whenever we all get together for a meal. My little programs are just for fun...nothing big or special. As a software type I would guess you have some ideas too. Ron I've never been lost. Fearsome confused sometimes, but never lost. Quote
+georgeandmary Posted May 12, 2002 Posted May 12, 2002 quote:Originally posted by Ron Streeter:As far as the PDA goes, I bought one a week ago and am using the Pathetique downloads too, but I am also using a clipper by RSchoolfield which lets you include the decrypted CHEAT and Ron __I've never been lost. Fearsome confused sometimes, but never lost.__ The pathetique site should also include the cheat... if you scroll to the bottom of the page it says "Hint"... just click and it decrypts it for you. I haven't picked up clipper yet, but I noticed some discussion on the new Palmable geocaching services that are going to be added to Geocaching.com. It sounded like Jeremy was fishing for some help on setting it up. quote: Geomuggle posted April 09, 2002 04:35 PM -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Moving to .NET We're moving to .Net, working on a palmable eBook format for geocaches (both PocketPC and Palm/Handspring), and upgrading our format of XML to the GPX format Dan at Topografix has been working on. We're also working on some intricate searching tools to get just the caches you want. I'm also trying to keep up with the traffic on the site, and trimming down the code to be more efficient. Not to mention the 100+ emails a day that I have to respond to. If I'm here, debating with you guys, I'm not coding. I'm not in the business of creating "quick fixes" since I will ultimately need to support it, so have been doing a lot of research as to what a full, finished solution should be. It will happen, and will happen soon. Jeremy (currently ill) Jeremy Irish Groundspeak Lackey and Geopuppet Quote
Ron Streeter Posted May 12, 2002 Posted May 12, 2002 ....YEP, Brian's pathetique does have the decrypted hint, but as he says it doesn't have the logs...YET. The logs are sometimes an invaluable source of info since they reflect actual experience at the cache...witness the log(s) on Mom's tatoo. The really interesting thing will be to see how Jeremy's Palmable application comes out. Always nice to have a choice of what to use. I didn't use the EasyGPS for a year because I was using other programs to do much the same thing, but I use it a fair amount now for downloading coords to two gps's and for easily renaming the geocache code to an English name. Easier for me to relate to GROOVY than GC1234 when I look at it on a computer map. Hope everyone has a nice Mother's day....caching for me ! Ron I've never been lost. Fearsome confused sometimes, but never lost. Quote
+JaimeeG Posted May 12, 2002 Posted May 12, 2002 We finally got to hide 2 caches today. We originally put one at MJC, but we decided to move it after realizing a security guard was watching us the entire time. Both of the caches are themed, and I had kid cachers in mind when putting them together. Hopefully they will be fun finds for everyone though..not too challenging but they both contains very nice items. Happy Mother's Day to all the moms! Jaimee Quote
tomaski Posted May 12, 2002 Posted May 12, 2002 hi everybody, had to maintain a couple of caches today. i checked on T4 and re did the coords for single barbless hook. i have new coords posted for SBH and i added cash to both caches. just a little perk for anyone who hasn't found them yet. i put $7 in one and $10 in the other. get them both and have lunch on me. i went after three but LO got REVENGE on me. even after a hint i still didn't get it. i got the grotto and past is present. i was lucky my cell phone went through from the grotto. my gps went nuts in there. had to call in the navy for help. happy moms day, kevin Quote
Ron Streeter Posted May 12, 2002 Posted May 12, 2002 ....is a cachin' WIMP ! Called for help on something simple like the grotto ! Couldn't find Revenge even with a clue .... Whoa! I give lessons Fridays ! And wait 'till you go for Revenge, Sweet Revenge....either no one has gone for it or they're all afraid to fess up they couldn't find it ! Now as to MY stellar accomplishemnts today... Found: Bowl Rim Man Bites Dog Groovy Fox (special find on this one!) Egrets....version 2 Haven't posted the finds yet, but getting ready to. Just giving you a hard time (smack?) Kevin. I've been on the "begging" side of the coin a few times myself. Ron I've never been lost. Fearsome confused sometimes, but never lost. Quote
tomaski Posted May 12, 2002 Posted May 12, 2002 its OK ron you develop a thick skin working construction. on another note i just figured out the geo clipping thing very cool. i needed this today since none of my channels had the grotto on them. this techie stuff is just about all my welder brain can take i thiiiink iiimmmm gooiiinngg to bloooww....#####**********%%%%%%boom Quote
Ron Streeter Posted May 12, 2002 Posted May 12, 2002 ....Cool isn't half the praise ! Thanks to Kevin and George for introducing me to these devices. I think George introduced Kevin if I remember correctly. I can't say enough about them. I think a few years ago I thought of them as mostly the 4 basic functions they do, and I could live without that. Now with the clipping services of one type or another they are great. ************* Kevin...I got the same brochure you did from DelOrme. I think I'm going to invest in both TOPO 4.0 and the X-map. Any thoughts? Send me email. Ron I've never been lost. Fearsome confused sometimes, but never lost. Quote
+JaimeeG Posted May 12, 2002 Posted May 12, 2002 Hey Ron Pat and I buzzed out to Fox Grove on the way to get groceries. The cache was most definitely gone. I don't know if you noticed that the sign was hanging partially off the post on one side; that was not like that when we were there earlier in the week. Also, those vines that were on the post had originally been draped over the sign..looked as if someone had pushed those out of the way. You would think if someone opened the container and saw what was inside that they would have just put it back! When we were there, we definitely weren't watched. We passed some fisherman down by the boat launch area, but those were the only other people we even saw in the park that day. Too bad that type of thing has to happen! Jaimee Quote
Ron Streeter Posted May 13, 2002 Posted May 13, 2002 ...The gps led me (and my cell-phone toting companion) right to the little spot and after looking in the usual places for awhile, looked at the PDA version of the cache description including the decrypted clue. The sign was completely loose at the right edge and I first thought it was going to be a Listerine micro until I read it was a normal sized cache. This was a time when having a cell-phone was a real plus....I was ready to quit looking, as a level 2 for difficulty and good readings AND the clue pretty well told me it wasn't there. When we were there, there was a family at the nearby picnic table. Now that I look back on it, I thought it was odd that they seemed to have no interest in the 20 minutes we spent....obviously looking for something....in that spot. MAYBE THEY HAD ALREADY LIBERATED IT! I mean usually when someone is poking around for a length of time, someone will come by and say "What are you looking for?" Hmmmmm? Ron I've never been lost. Fearsome confused sometimes, but never lost. Quote
+JaimeeG Posted May 13, 2002 Posted May 13, 2002 There were also several families there when we went to check on the cache. Most were packing up and leaving by that time though. I wonder if maybe a kid found it while playing around. Odd though because it didn't really stand out from the sign...actually blended in pretty well. Pat didn't see it for a few minutes as he was concentrating on the trees and the ground. I looked first at the sign so I immediately saw it. No one has done Revenge, Sweet Revenge yet?? We just haven't made it out there so far. My finals are this week and then I have a whole month's break from my studies. I hope to break 100 during that time! Jaimee Quote
+georgeandmary Posted May 13, 2002 Posted May 13, 2002 quote:Originally posted by LuvOzzy: There were also several families there when we went to check on the cache. Most were packing up and leaving by that time though. I wonder if maybe a kid found it while playing around. Odd though because it didn't really stand out from the sign...actually blended in pretty well. Pat didn't see it for a few minutes as he was concentrating on the trees and the ground. I looked first at the sign so I immediately saw it. It was never a really hard cache but it was a missdirection type cache. Hidden where you didn't expect it. But even then it was not in plain view and not where civillians would seem to just hang out for no reason. My theory is that someone wanted the sign, tried to rip it off the fence and stumbled upon the cache. quote:No one has done Revenge, Sweet Revenge yet?? We just haven't made it out there so far. My finals are this week and then I have a whole month's break from my studies. I hope to break 100 during that time! Jaimee There is not much up there any more except revenge, sweet revenge. Long way to drive for 1 cache. Although, I am planning some deep woods caches above sonora so it's something I could hit on the way up. The Grotto... I'm glad Kevin went for it. And even though he called me, part of the trick is just getting to the spot, as Ron and Mike found out the first time out. To tell the truth, Kevin actually asked for help on how to GET there too. But he didn't ask me. He just used some info on the page and used his head on who to ask. The clue does help a lot on that one. I basically just reitterated the clue for kevin. But it's kind of interesting being on the phone with him and hearing, "Oh there it is." george Quote
+JaimeeG Posted May 13, 2002 Posted May 13, 2002 Hello all Anyone want some cherries fresh off the tree?? We have two HUGE cherry trees that are just hanging with fruit right now. One tree is ripe and the other will be in the next week or so. If anyone wants some cherries, you are welcome to come out and pick as many as you want. If you do want some and don't know where we live, email one of us for directions. Jaimee Quote
tomaski Posted May 13, 2002 Posted May 13, 2002 i emailed brian and asked if he would do a list for sonora. as soon as i was home from work he had it up. what a guy pathetique's sonora page with this one and stocton and patterson i've got the valley pretty much covered. kevin Quote
Ron Streeter Posted May 13, 2002 Posted May 13, 2002 ....and Sonora is in my Prism ! Thanks for the heads-up Kevin ! I checked the links in my RSR cache on the Prism and the link for LO/F's Revenge pops up its description. Pretty nice. Ron I've never been lost. Fearsome confused sometimes, but never lost. Quote
+JaimeeG Posted May 13, 2002 Posted May 13, 2002 Did anyone feel an earthquake just about 5-8 minutes ago...around 10:05-10:10 p.m. probably? I swear I felt one but Pat didn't! Even my ceiling fan pulls were swaying and so was the light over my kitchen table! Jaimee Quote
+JaimeeG Posted May 13, 2002 Posted May 13, 2002 there was a 5.3 quake about 3 miles from Gilroy! Quote
+georgeandmary Posted May 13, 2002 Posted May 13, 2002 quote:Originally posted by LuvOzzy: Did anyone feel an earthquake just about 5-8 minutes ago...around 10:05-10:10 p.m. probably? I swear I felt one but Pat didn't! Even my ceiling fan pulls were swaying and so was the light over my kitchen table! Jaimee Mary's all excited.. it's her first one... and she's a geologist. She's from Michigan. Right away she figured out the direction fo the movement and we went to this site to figure out where the quake was.... http://quake.usgs.gov/recenteqs/Maps/122-37.html She's still all giddy. george Quote
+C&MMorris Posted May 13, 2002 Posted May 13, 2002 We didn't feel it but our dogs started going crazy. LO, your kids caches were a big hit with our kids. They were so excited to find them!! Yesterday, we spent some time looking for skullduggery, without a find. We had fun out there but frustrated we couldn't find that one. So, we had some redemption after our finds today. Carolyn[] Quote
+georgeandmary Posted May 13, 2002 Posted May 13, 2002 I noticed some new memebers to the 100 club... Fatuhr and C&M Morris, 101 each. They'll be on the world ranks now. http://www.m.kth.se/m95_bef/geo/worldmain.htm george Quote
+JaimeeG Posted May 14, 2002 Posted May 14, 2002 to Mary on experiencing her first earthquake!! I also went to some website to see if I could find anything out; this was before the news came on and gave about 10 seconds worth of information. Congrats also to Pat and the Morris clan for finding their 100th. I only have a few to go until I get there also. Can someone please put some REALLY easy ones out there for me??? Congrats to the Morris kids for being the first to find Hello Kitty and SpongeBob...I am glad it was kids who got to them first! Okay..nuff congrats for now! I hope everyone has a great day! Jaimee Quote
Ron Streeter Posted May 14, 2002 Posted May 14, 2002 ....congrats to those who hit the 100 mark ! It IS a milestone to be recognized. NOW, LO if you REALLY want to celebrate a 100th find, DO A HARD ONE ! Think of the satisfaction you'll feel when you actually find (not!) Revenge, Sweet Revenge ! Think of the "raspberries" you can throw my way when you find it (not!). Think of the glory you'll derive (not!) when others CAN't find it! Well, just a sugesstion ...... Ron I've never been lost. Fearsome confused sometimes, but never lost. Quote
+georgeandmary Posted May 14, 2002 Posted May 14, 2002 quote:Originally posted by LuvOzzy: Congrats also to Pat and the Morris clan for finding their 100th. I only have a few to go until I get there also. Can someone please put some REALLY easy ones out there for me??? Jaimee here are 4 easy ones for you... http://www.geocaching.com/seek/cache_details.asp?ID=21863 http://www.geocaching.com/seek/cache_details.asp?ID=21119 http://www.geocaching.com/seek/cache_details.asp?ID=20481 http://www.geocaching.com/seek/cache_details.asp?ID=20483 george Quote
Ron Streeter Posted May 14, 2002 Posted May 14, 2002 ....look for my latest "locationless" cache which has the finder posting an experience with an earthquake. Special requirements, only one person can log a given earthquake so read all descriptions before posting yours. Exception: IF (repeat IF) you can prove that yours was an aftershock or the movement of different plates, you can post as an offshoot-2 of the same earthquake as someone else. "proof" is a photocopy of notarized printouts from a state or federal agency. Hope you enjoy this "locationless" cache. Ron I've never been lost. Fearsome confused sometimes, but never lost. Quote
+georgeandmary Posted May 14, 2002 Posted May 14, 2002 quote:Originally posted by Ron Streeter: ....look for my latest "locationless" cache which has the finder posting an experience with an earthquake. Special requirements, only one person can log a given earthquake so read all descriptions before posting yours. Exception: IF (repeat IF) you can prove that yours was an aftershock or the movement of different plates, you can post as an offshoot-2 of the same earthquake as someone else. "proof" is a photocopy of notarized printouts from a state or federal agency. Hope you enjoy this "locationless" cache. Ron __I've never been lost. Fearsome confused sometimes, but never lost.__ so do I need to take a video with my gps to confirm my 'find'. I can probablly make one up for you. Look for video of me at the Loma Prieta quake, with my gps, coming your way really soon. george Quote
Ron Streeter Posted May 14, 2002 Posted May 14, 2002 .....Well, it seems I have found all 4 of the "easy" caches you suggested to Jaimee, so it seems it's your turn to look for my "easy" RSR. You mentioned it was about the only one left for you up there, but for Jaimee it would be on the way to some of yours. She could bag 5 "easy" ones in one day...well, your 4 anyway ! Come on George...make the drive...a level 5 is the equivalent of at least 4 level ones ! I put on 170 miles going for 4 of yours on Mother's Day ! Ron I've never been lost. Fearsome confused sometimes, but never lost. Quote
+Fattuhr Posted May 14, 2002 Author Posted May 14, 2002 Man you guys are ruthless today. I'm glad that I don't ever have any problem finding caches. (Ha Ha) I have to admit though that some of the "easy" tend to be tougher sometimes (cause maybe I overlook the obvious) We will get up to RSR soon and hopefully Ron won't get revenge on us, but he sure is confident that he will. Only time will tell. Quote
+georgeandmary Posted May 14, 2002 Posted May 14, 2002 quote:Originally posted by Ron Streeter: Come on George...make the drive...a level 5 is the equivalent of at least 4 level ones ! Ron __I've never been lost. Fearsome confused sometimes, but never lost.__ I'm still planning my attack. I might just bring some extra equipment to ensure I come out of there with a find. Not quite x-ray vision, but close enough. george Quote
Ron Streeter Posted May 14, 2002 Posted May 14, 2002 ....you don't fool me ! Go ahead, take along your metal detector if you must. Or you could do it the old-fashioned way as I did at one of yours ! You might also want to take along a canoe, scuba gear, pitons, ropes, crampons and high-altitute oxygen mix as well....never can tell what you might need ! How about a hook-and-ladder truck? ***************** On a lighter note (if that's possible).....just posted a new cache called Out Of Africa...watch for it opening soon at a web-site near you. Go George (and F/LO and Tomaski, et al) I've never been lost. Fearsome confused sometimes, but never lost. [This message was edited by Ron Streeter on May 14, 2002 at 12:50 PM.] Quote
+JaimeeG Posted May 15, 2002 Posted May 15, 2002 Well, I am hoping to get out to do some caching on Sunday...finally! We were going to head out yesterday, but I figured I needed to cram a few more hours of studying into my head! There is one particular cache that I have been eyeballing since I started doing this. Actually, Pat was showing me the website and explaining how all this works, even before I started..and that is when I saw this one cache and said "That sounds way cool!" Soooooo, "Only On Sunday" is my challenge for this weekend! I also hope to hit the Secret Forest caches and a few other in that area. Have any of the others here tried for Only On Sunday?? I know only 2 have found it but wasn't sure who might have tried without any success. Have a good day! Jaimee Quote
+JaimeeG Posted May 15, 2002 Posted May 15, 2002 Okay..I need some opinions here. I was looking through some of the logs/pictures on my "State Capitals" locationless. I noticed that there are 2 logs for the Georgia state capital..a week apart. I stated specifically that each site could only be used once. Should I just delete the second one??? I already sent the folks an email telling them it had already been claimed. I am figuring that if I let it stay there, then others might run with it and there will be all kinds of duplicates. Any ideas? Jaimee Quote
Ron Streeter Posted May 15, 2002 Posted May 15, 2002 .....the answers you need ! Only On Sunday....yep, I've been there. I can tell you that it took Scot Martin 5 hours to find it (at least that's what he said). The Geocrickets were there for 1.5 hours and didn't find it. And finally, you'll enjoy your time there even if you don't find the cache. Good luck in being #3! As far as locationless caches go, I submitted one recently which was a little controversial, and IT DIDN'T GET APPROVED !. In subsequent conversations (email) with Jeremy Irish, I learned that there are going to be new rules for locationless posted soon. One of them will be that a site MUST be capable of being visited by more than one person. This would seem to eliminate the rule many people establish that a particular site can only be visited by one person. Frankly, despite the fact that I have "visited" a couple of locationless caches, I DO have a philosophical problem with them. My attempt at publishing one was a "tongue-in-cheek" effort and I guess the fact that it wasn't approved, proved my point ! Hope this gives you some insight LO to your last two questions. *************** Here are a couple of new caches to go for on your way to Black Scarab. Out Of Africa and The Real McCoy [This message was edited by Ron Streeter on May 15, 2002 at 09:58 AM.] Quote
+georgeandmary Posted May 15, 2002 Posted May 15, 2002 quote:Originally posted by LuvOzzy: Okay..I need some opinions here. I was looking through some of the logs/pictures on my "State Capitals" locationless. I noticed that there are 2 logs for the Georgia state capital..a week apart. I stated specifically that each site could only be used once. Should I just delete the second one??? I already sent the folks an email telling them it had already been claimed. I am figuring that if I let it stay there, then others might run with it and there will be all kinds of duplicates. Any ideas? Jaimee Sine you posted instructions you need to either delete the log or change the instructions. But, I'm kind of coming the the conclusion that there is not much of a problem with duplicats. And I now think it's actually closer to actual geocaching to have duplicats. As an example, my natural arches cache. If someone posts the coords to a natural arch that they know of, someone else can used the coordinates to find the same arch and visit the same place. I think that's more in the spirit of the game than, "only one per person". This is just a recent conclusion that I've come too. george george Quote
Ron Streeter Posted May 15, 2002 Posted May 15, 2002 .....now there is a list of benchmarks in your zip code. I have 150 or more in my zipcode with 40 or so within 10 miles. Looks like they DON'T tally up on your regular find count....THAT'S GOOD ! Here's the thread....I think non-members can access it too. http://opentopic.Groundspeak.com/0/OpenTopic?a=tpc&s=1750973553&f=5790959854&m=8680910954&r=7630970954#7630970954 I've never been lost. Fearsome confused sometimes, but never lost. Quote
+georgeandmary Posted May 15, 2002 Posted May 15, 2002 A new game.... way to go. If only they were downloadable. george Quote
Ron Streeter Posted May 15, 2002 Posted May 15, 2002 ....check out my first log for a benchmark ! http://www.geocaching.com/mark/details.asp?PID=JS4192 Sorry, LO, I think you have to be a member to access the actual benchmarks (at this time) but you can look at the forum address I posted above. George...after you look at my post you'll see one of the inherent dangers in this new game. Other markers will be inaccessible for one reason or another, but I can see SOME appeal to this. I almost took a picture of a benchmark in a parking lot in Rio Vista recently. Wish now I had ! Guess I'll have to go back ! Ron I've never been lost. Fearsome confused sometimes, but never lost. Quote
+georgeandmary Posted May 15, 2002 Posted May 15, 2002 quote:Originally posted by Ron Streeter: ....check out my first log for a benchmark ! http://www.geocaching.com/mark/details.asp?PID=JS4192 Sorry, LO, I think you have to be a member to access the actual benchmarks (at this time) but you can look at the forum address I posted above. George...after you look at my post you'll see one of the inherent dangers in this new game. Other markers will be inaccessible for one reason or another, but I can see SOME appeal to this. I almost took a picture of a benchmark in a parking lot in Rio Vista recently. Wish now I had ! Guess I'll have to go back ! Ron __I've never been lost. Fearsome confused sometimes, but never lost.__ I was first NOT to find, dive into the delta this weeknd. On the way back, as I hung my head in shame, I spoted a survey marker. I took the photo, and the coords, and claimed that as a find. george Quote
Ron Streeter Posted May 15, 2002 Posted May 15, 2002 ....do you find your hit counters on your recent pages to be useful? I used them briefly in the past, but unless you get the fancy-smancy ones that track actual user history, they don't do much for me. I noticed on mine (yours too) that if a person first logs on to your page, the counter goes up one....let's say from #5 to #6. If the person then clicks on the "hint" the page redraws and the counter goes up to #7. With this in mind, the number shown MIGHT be twice the real number of counts. It might also be 1.5 the number of actual hits, etc. etc. Looks nice though. Ron I've never been lost. Fearsome confused sometimes, but never lost. Quote
Ron Streeter Posted May 15, 2002 Posted May 15, 2002 ....take a look at this cache in Southern CA. The author of the cache posted some pictures to lead the hunters along the way. http://www.geocaching.com/seek/cache_details.asp?ID=3935 Whoa ! Ron I've never been lost. Fearsome confused sometimes, but never lost. Quote
+georgeandmary Posted May 15, 2002 Posted May 15, 2002 quote:Originally posted by Ron Streeter: ....do you find your hit counters on your recent pages to be useful? I used them briefly in the past, but unless you get the fancy-smancy ones that track actual user history, they don't do much for me. I noticed on mine (yours too) that if a person first logs on to your page, the counter goes up one....let's say from #5 to #6. If the person then clicks on the "hint" the page redraws and the counter goes up to #7. With this in mind, the number shown MIGHT be twice the real number of counts. It might also be 1.5 the number of actual hits, etc. etc. Looks nice though. Ron __I've never been lost. Fearsome confused sometimes, but never lost.__ I'm just playing with it... I only placed counters on the last few. I like the members only option that let's you track who visited and how many times they visited. It also includes when they last visited. Then agina.. it only works for members only caches. I've only placed one time members only caches. george Remember: Half the people you meet are below average. Quote
+georgeandmary Posted May 15, 2002 Posted May 15, 2002 quote:Originally posted by Ron Streeter: ....take a look at this cache in Southern CA. The author of the cache posted some pictures to lead the hunters along the way. http://www.geocaching.com/seek/cache_details.asp?ID=3935 Whoa ! Ron __I've never been lost. Fearsome confused sometimes, but never lost.__ Hey ron, most of those are from the cache cameras... did you notice the pic of JASW? Only the first photo is showing the way. The rest are cachers. george Remember: Half the people you meet are below average. Quote
Ron Streeter Posted May 15, 2002 Posted May 15, 2002 Re the hit counters....yes, they're fun to play with. So, if you pay $10 or so to the hit counter provider, they track the actual user who hit your page. You mentioned they would only work on member only caches? Why would that be? ******************** The pics on the web page in S. CA....I was so amazed by that stack of pics I didn't even look through them. I think in the Year + I've been doing this I've seen about 3 cache cameras get developed and posted. Too bad they don't have 12 exposure cameras....guess you could go out and collect it before it was all used, but that would waste half the value of the purchase price...save you half on developing....and get the pics out faster. A web page with the pics would be best way to go, but most aren't that savvy. ********* Ron I've never been lost. Fearsome confused sometimes, but never lost. Quote
+georgeandmary Posted May 15, 2002 Posted May 15, 2002 quote:Originally posted by Ron Streeter: Re the hit counters....yes, they're fun to play with. So, if you pay $10 or so to the hit counter provider, they track the actual user who hit your page. You mentioned they would only work on member only caches? Why would that be? Ron __I've never been lost. Fearsome confused sometimes, but never lost.__ If you place a members only cache, geocaching.com has a feature that let's you track visitors. It's built in to the site. On my last members only cache.. Cinco De Mayo. I was able to view, who viewed the page. It listed, how many times they had visited, and when was the last time they had visited. Place a members only cache and check it out. george Remember: Half the people you meet are below average. Quote
+georgeandmary Posted May 15, 2002 Posted May 15, 2002 Well, I've found two marks within a couple miles of my house. There are a lot more but I recongnized the descriptions and had a good idea where they were. One was at least 200 ft away from zero. I would not have found it if I had not read the discription. I tried for a couple other markers that were in empty grass fields... No luck there. Let's see how it works out. george Remember: Half the people you meet are below average. Quote
Ron Streeter Posted May 15, 2002 Posted May 15, 2002 Well George, I am willing to give the BM's (that's BENCH MARKS !) a try, but I think it's stretching the limits....again. The list I generated had some spikes, iron rods and tanks in it. Those are the ones I think would be fun. The fact that some of these are either plowed under by construction (see the forums on this topic) or overgrown with weeds is a bit disheart ening. It's bad enough not to find a pint-sized container placed within the last week (or year), let alone something that hasn't been tracked since 1975 (like the one I went after). ************ I get the drift on the geocaching tracking of who has looked at one's members only caches, but I was referring to the hit counters that one can subscribe to for $10 a month or so...they can track who has looked at your web page too. They may do it only with an isp identifier or something, but I know it is possible. Probably not as sophisticated as Jeremy's since he has NAMES of who looked at a page. ************** Got an email from Tomaski that he had made an assault on RSR. Didn't find it. I haven't gotten back to him yet. I also noticed someone found Revenge, but didn't know what the clue meant...they found it without the clue apparently and went on their way. Mo Later....Ron I've never been lost. Fearsome confused sometimes, but never lost. Quote
Ron Streeter Posted May 15, 2002 Posted May 15, 2002 ....REVISITED...AND OTHER NEWS. Looking at the threads on BM's (THAT'S Bench Marks!) and many people are saying the given coordinates seem more like NAD 27 than NAD83. The 83 is very close to the 84 we are used to, but the 27 is off more. Maybe the guys grabbed (or converted) in the wrong datum. Whoops ! ******************* Now here's an interesting quote from J. Irish when asked if the benchmarks would affect "found" counts. Here it is... ******************* I'm breaking all the scores out by cache type (and benchmark type). You gotta be pretty lame to cheat. You're only cheating yourself. Jeremy Jeremy Irish Groundspeak - The Language of Location ************************** This would seem to indicate that our future breakouts will be things like: Traditional found Virtual found Locationless found Benchmark found One can only guess that "placements" will be broken out the same way. Happy to say I'm HIGH on the traditional side....call me an old fogey ! Ron I've never been lost. Fearsome confused sometimes, but never lost. Quote
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