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Originally posted by Ron Streeter:



Looking at the threads on BM's (THAT'S Bench Marks!) and many people are saying the given coordinates seem more like NAD 27 than NAD83. The 83 is very close to the 84 we are used to, but the 27 is off more. Maybe the guys grabbed (or converted) in the wrong datum.


Whoops !


__I've never been lost. Fearsome confused sometimes, but never lost.__


I read up a little on NAD 27 and the others. The last benchmark I looked for I switched between Nad 27 and WGS-84 on my gps and I think the difference was about 20 ft. Now the marker was about 200 ft from zero so another 20 ft doesn't really matter.


I've cleared just about all caches with 50 miles of me so unless someone else is hiding I can keep the skills sharp hunting markers. Especially when I get a jones for a quick hunt and I don't have a lot of time to dirve around.




Remember: Half the people you meet are below average.


This is my I think about the BM Cache. I do like it and I have done a few of them my self. I did log one ont the web site. However I think you should only log one, not everyone you find. Sure you can say looking for a BM is like looking for a 1/1 cache. This is only my thought. I do like the idea the Jemery will listing the caches separate.




I think your King Tut cache was a blast. I was unable to do a 2 of the caches because of

my knee surgery however the pictures that Dawn and George of the GeoRockers took of

the caches were great. I know I would have had a blast with them. I will be on crutches for

about 2 months and will not be able to do any hiking for 6 months so I will only be able to

do the 1/1 caches. I would like to do more of yours and others.


Thanks for reading.


Richard of the GeoCricket


....someone brave enough to go for Revenge Sweet Revenge...AND....honest enough to admit he couldn't find it.


Got an email from Tomaski who looked for about 1 hour. He more or less interpreted the clue correctly, and now I have put him closer to the cache with an email clue.


Who's next? Who will claim the victory of finding it without any guideance from me?


Any takers?




I've never been lost. Fearsome confused sometimes, but never lost.


....that bent knee doesn't help the cricket chirp !


I had similar surgery in the early 80's after a skiing accident. I was in a cast for 8 weeks and therapy for a year to get full range of motion back.


My daughter had similar surgery a few years ago and it was totally different for her. When I visited her they had a device hooked up to her leg in the hospital bed and it was moving her leg for her...flexing the knee. She recuped very quickly.




My Revenge Sweet Revenge cache is a 1 for terrain (or maybe a 1.5) but a 5 for difficulty, so the frustration factor might make the terrain seem higher!




Thanks for the compliment on the King Tut series. I enjoyed both the container prep and the web page prep. I find the computer part of making it appealing to cache hunters is every bit as satisfying as getting outdoors and hiding the cache.


That reminds me....I just placed two caches you could go for and enjoy....The Real McCoy and Out of Africa.




I've never been lost. Fearsome confused sometimes, but never lost.


Ron we have honestly not gone for it yet. Hopefully we can find it without a clue. (We'll see). I think Tomaski spent a little more time at Revenge with no sucess as well. He was frustrated I can tell you that. Spoke with him while he was there. icon_biggrin.gif


...I know you guys haven't gone for RSR yet...too busy with school and such.


If Kevin was frustrated with Revenge, he must have been equally nuts at RSR...it's that much harder and the clue is not as close as your clue was for revenge !


Good luck on your Sunday trip to Lodi and several of my Lodi/Woodbridge caches...you will have SOME success...either 1 or 2 of 3 of mine you might look for. You WILL find the Crickets Meadow.




I've never been lost. Fearsome confused sometimes, but never lost.


Originally posted by Ron Streeter:


If Kevin was frustrated with Revenge, he must have been equally nuts at RSR...it's that much harder and the clue is not as close as your clue was for revenge !




__I've never been lost. Fearsome confused sometimes, but never lost.__


There was a clue for Revenge? I never got that even after we found the cache. Then again, we found it in less than two minutes and didn't stick around to make the connection.




Remember: Half the people you meet are below average.


Originally posted by Ron Streeter:

....if you find RSR within 2 minutes of arriving at the coordinates, I will buy you a lobster dinner.




__I've never been lost. Fearsome confused sometimes, but never lost.__


You know... I just don't like lobster. But I do like mahi mahi. Anyone know where to get some good fresh mahi mahi for Ron to buy me. Now, how want's to stand around with the stop watch?




Remember: Half the people you meet are below average.


....ready to put your money where your gps is?


No, that wouldn't be fair. After all, I KNOW how tough this cache is...you're just blowing smoke on how you're going to walk up to it!


Now, I WILL be happy to hold that stopwatch for you...I'll just run up to the top of the hook-and-ladder so the camera has a good view of you going around in circles.




I've never been lost. Fearsome confused sometimes, but never lost.


[This message was edited by Ron Streeter on May 17, 2002 at 07:51 AM.]


Let me know when you all go to RSR I want to watch.We found the GROTTO yesterday,I took the round about way,I had to put the jeep in low 4X4 the last mile,Ron you know witch way im talking about.It's the first place we attempted to get in.The cache was a fun one,It has a beautiful view. Mike


I have a doctors appointment today so I'm talking all day off. Heading to the Rio Vista caches. Specifically the two new ones. I might go for RSR this afternoon with Tomaski.




Remember: Half the people you meet are below average.


We might head out that way today also...haven't figured out our plans yet. I also want to try "Operation Enduring Freedom." I guess we need to figure out what other caches are along the way!


Good luck hunting everyone!


Jaimee icon_cool.gif


I was wondering something here. If you find a cache and then it is moved and given new coordinates, can you log that again if you find it again?? Just wondering because I noticed there are 2 or 3 that I have found that now have new coordinates. Pat hasn't found one of them (La Grange) so I figured I would hunt for it as well.


We have a new recruit going out hunting with us today. My friend Nancy wants to go, so maybe we will have a new Geocacher!


Jaimee icon_smile.gif

Originally posted by Ron Streeter:

....that bent knee doesn't help the cricket chirp !


No is sure dosn't. However Dawn will still go out with friends.


I had similar surgery in the early 80's after a skiing accident. I was in a cast for 8 weeks and therapy for a year to get full range of motion back.


My daughter had similar surgery a few years ago and it was totally different for her. When I visited her they had a device hooked up to her leg in the hospital bed and it was moving her leg for her...flexing the knee. She recuped very quickly.




I was told I will not be on the that device. I do good range no, however I need a lot more. I do not have cast or a brace. I can go from 0 - 90% I need to be a 0 - 120% by july.



My Revenge Sweet Revenge cache is a 1 for terrain (or maybe a 1.5) but a 5 for difficulty, so the frustration factor might make the terrain seem higher!


I do like a hard to find cache. Perhaps when I do not need to use the walking sticks I will try to go for this one.



Thanks for the compliment on the King Tut series. I enjoyed both the container prep and the web page prep. I find the computer part of making it appealing to cache hunters is every bit as satisfying as getting outdoors and hiding the cache.


That reminds me....I just placed two caches you could go for and enjoy....The Real McCoy and Out of Africa.




I did see them the outer day. I might try to get dawn to drive out there. Might try to go out next week.


Thnaks a happy caching




....what else !


Got my share in today:




Lover's Leap




I liberated two of George's 3 race car travelers.




Skullduggery....it's missing. I'll document it tomorrow morning.


Looked at:


Can You Float...near Skullduggery...it's 1500 feet out in the water on an island...as the author said...need a boat...unless you're a stron swimmer with something to carry gear on too.


Stopped by:


RSR and left a note for the boys....looking forward to reading their notes later tonight.


Off to a movie now....catch you all in the morning.




(oh, almost forgot....I placed one too...will publish it this weekend)


I've never been lost. Fearsome confused sometimes, but never lost.


well all i need is a couple of shots at these caches and plenty of clues. hey you could save all the clue giving if you would put neon lights on all your caches icon_wink.gif ron is a sicko with the cache known as Revenge, Sweet Revenge not right, not right at all. i also found revenge and since i finally understood a clue i knew it wasn't where it was supposed to be so when i found it i put it where it needed to be. i'm waiting for ron to get home from the movies to let me log my find.


the first kevin icon_cool.gif


Ethan Harp from channel 3 (Sacramento) contacted me and let me know that tommorow night at 6:00 after the King's Game, the Geocaching news story will be aired. Ron Streeter, Ethan Harp and I will appear in the piece.




Soooo..do we get to log Skullduggery since we were there and it wasn't???? icon_confused.gif


We are planning our mode of attack for "Can You Float." I would have swam for it today if I had a swimming suit with me!


Ron..did you see poison oak up at the Modesto Leftovers cache you placed?? Just curious just the other folks to find it mentioned it being up there but we didn't see any.


Glad to hear Kevin met with success today. Now I know who to call when I get up to RSR and can't find it!!!! icon_biggrin.gif




Originally posted by C&MMorris:

Let me know when you all go to RSR I want to watch.We found the GROTTO yesterday,I took the round about way,I had to put the jeep in low 4X4 the last mile,Ron you know witch way im talking about.It's the first place we attempted to get in.The cache was a fun one,It has a beautiful view. Mike


I know how mike got in but how did ron get in...


Mike how was the second "obstacle" getting in? I about threw my back out getting past that one.


4X4??? I didn't need 4WD, I don't even have 4wd. I just picked my way carefully. But I did pray a little bit.



I didn't go for RSR with Tomaski... he left earlier than I could so instead I went to to visit a friend I haven't seen in a while. Might go for it tomorrow or Sunday.




Remember: Half the people you meet are below average.


....and plenty of it !


1) Channel 3 story. Saturday night at 6 ! Everybody tape it so we end up with good copy for the Central Valley Cachers official archive!


2) LO/F....I think you could log the Skullduggery cache....how did you know to climb the tree? That might be the determining factor. Did you come up with that on your own?


3) Congrats to Kevin on finding RSR...with a clue from me. Now George gets to try it. Even if he goes out with Kevin (to watch him squirm) he won't find it without the narrowing clue.


4) George...congrats on the two virtuals...hope you really enjoyed them. I like that kind of virtual...I think they're something special, don't know about how other people feel about them.


Finally, George...all praise for the virtuals aside, I am going to take away your geocaching merit badge if you DIDN'T go for Black Scarab and Sandy Splash while you were in Rio Vista !




I've never been lost. Fearsome confused sometimes, but never lost.


I could of made it in 2wd, I put it in 4wd low so I could creep over the rockes and ruts without breaking anything. The syspension on my jeep is real stiff, In 4wd low you can let it Idel over things.

We planted a new cash in Angels Camp last night, It should post today, We will be caching up around hwy 49 tomarrow, I hope everyone has a good weekend. Mike


....Ok, Tomaski found it with a clue I provided. I have just emailed him a long note and I have asked him NOT to provide anyone else with the clue I gave him.


I know the geocaching "Code of Honor" will hold here....if a future cacher can't find it, go home, email me and make another trip ! I know it's a pain, but until I get a cell-phone, that's what you have to do. Even then, you may not reach me as it may not be turned on, etc. I tried to call George yesterday in Rio Vista and got his cell phone answering machine....didn't do me any good at the time.


So RSR wannabees...."eat the pain" ....you'll find it the second time....maybe.




I've never been lost. Fearsome confused sometimes, but never lost.


....I got into Grotto via the yellow gates. The second yellow gate was DOWN when I went in. I checked it out on my way out, and decided to leave it down. I wasn't going to break my back lifting and swinging that thing at the same time !


I think welds broke on the hinge end.


I bumped on down the road in 2wd as my 4wd is out for some reason. I mentioned before that I had hiked that road years ago, so it was fun to get back to. I would like to go the whole distance of the road sometime. I think Mike came in from the other end where he and I originally hit what looked like a true private property gate....guess he went through it.


Have a fun weekend guys...taking the girlfriend hiking today but no caching...keeps peace in the family !




I've never been lost. Fearsome confused sometimes, but never lost.


Originally posted by Ron Streeter:.


Finally, George...all praise for the virtuals aside, I am going to take away your geocaching merit badge if you DIDN'T go for Black Scarab and Sandy Splash while you were in Rio Vista !




__I've never been lost. Fearsome confused sometimes, but never lost.__


It was just a matter of time... We drove as far as we could to see how long the hike was and we determined we didn't have time. I orginally inteded to be back in time to get RSR. There are quite a few left along 12 that I need to go back and get.




Remember: Half the people you meet are below average.


Originally posted by Ron Streeter:

....I got into . I think Mike came in from the other end where he and I originally hit what looked like a true private property gate....guess he went through it.




__I've never been lost. Fearsome confused sometimes, but never lost.__


I thought the yellow gates stopped you two the first time.... It stopped me too. I want and asked a local how to get there.




Remember: Half the people you meet are below average.


I didnt see any yellow gates the first time, The 4 gates i went threw were all different colors. I didnt see yellow until I was heading out the oppisite way I came in. I wont to go back to this road when it's muddy to see how the jeep will handel it. George and Mary, Ron, Pat and Jamiee, Kevin if you guys and gals want to meet up at the lake, I will bring my Boat and you can take turns going to get "CAN YOU FLOAT" mIKE


Hay, I just saw the story on Ch3. I think Ron did a great gob. However people say the

camera makes you look larger then you are, I don't that that was the case for Ron.




Originally posted by GeoCrickets:

Hay, I just saw the story on Ch3. I think Ron did a great gob. However people say the

camera makes you look larger then you are, I don't that that was the case for Ron.




i have to agree. it looked like ron dropped a few pounds since i saw him last.




Well, they dug my pool saturday morning... they also hit my sewer line and the water line. I'll be busy re running the sewer line on sunday... I knew going in it might come to this, but they broke the water line because they were dumb a$$e$. I can wait for them to fix that, or I can just fix that tomorrow also. Any way, I won't be caching this weekend.




Remember: Half the people you meet are below average.


...for the channel 3 camera !


Glad to hear I looked thinner on TV...now here's the rub !


Although I asked all the local geocachers to tape the darn thing, I forgot to do it AND I didn't even see the report !


I was in such a hurry this morning I forgot to set the vcr and didn't back to town until 7:45.




Maybe Scott taped it as he was in it too? I hope so.


I got an email from one of my old teaching friends, so that was nice.


Any help in the taping dept...please say yes !




I've never been lost. Fearsome confused sometimes, but never lost.




They put your name under my face in one little part of the story. I think that is why people were amazed how much different you look on TV. The piece was over 2 minutes long! I guess we are famous NOT!!!!!

I will see if I can get someone to copy the tape so that you can have one Ron.




but, it only taped until 7 and the piece aired after that, thanks to the over and over and over and over coverage of the mighty Kings loss to the Lakers icon_rolleyes.gif


We had a 10 cache day today. Would have been 11, but one was missing..again! Must be our week to go hunting for the missing caches. icon_mad.gif


I hit my 100th find today as well..and we also placed 2 new ones. Well, Pat placed a real cache and I did a locationless. Hope folks can make it up to Sacto to hunt them!


Ron...Pat and I had both been in the location of "Skullduggery", which was confirmed by Tomaski. After Pat spoke with him, we tried one more time, just to see if maybe we were missing something. The area was thoroughly searched, but we didn't even see any remnants of the cache. Also, did you get our answers for "Cave of Reeds"??


Hope everyone else had a good caching day.


Jaimee icon_cool.gif


After rereading your question, Ron, I realized I didn't really answer it. Pat climbed the tree first..not sure why...guess the monkey in him was coming out. He almost fell coming back down out of it. I then climbed also, but not as high. After those climbs and looking for a long time, Pat called Kevin. Pat told Kevin at that point that he had climbed the tree.


Jaimee icon_smile.gif


...Scot, I knew you would come through. Anxious to see it...what better way to lose weight than to have a picture of you with my name on it !


I have two vcr's so I could make a copy, or I'll wait on yours. I'll give you a call Sunday or Monday.


Thanks...hope it turned out well.






Congrats on your big finds at Sac ! I emailed you a while ago on Cave of Reeds...go ahead and log the Skullduggery too. I am going to take it out of commission on Sunday until I move it to a new location.




I've never been lost. Fearsome confused sometimes, but never lost.


[This message was edited by Ron Streeter on May 19, 2002 at 12:58 PM.]


.....and the real world !


Darn that lawn that needs mowing ! Reality has caught up with fun. George is working on plumbing, I'm mowing the lawn and other such duties.


I just phoned LO about a web page question she had, and they are out somewhere.


Just saw a Bowl Rim post by K. Tomaski, so some caching is happening anyway.


Also, Kevin of Cattoy emailed me with some pics and questions about RSR. The hunt is on !


Friday and Saturday I was in the LaGrange area...got the Lover's Leap on Friday and did some other checking around, then came back on Saturday for some straight hiking in the area. Accidentally happened on a coyote yelling event in Coulterville...got inside the museum but missed the actually howling contest. A lot of strange people there !


So, off to mow the lawn and hope to hear of some adventures later today.


I've never been lost. Fearsome confused sometimes, but never lost.


Wow..did we ever find a cache today! After leaving Secret Forest 2, Pat and I came upon an overturned Isuzu Rodeo. I have no idea how it even got into that area (if you have been there, you know what I mean probably), but it was overturned, laying top down just over the water. I would say it was about 40-50 feet down, and you could see scattered car parts all the way down the hill. We could smell gasoline and see oil on the water as well. Pat went down closer to see if anyone was inside the vehicle, but he couldn't see anyone. There were bullet holes in the passenger door and no license plate on the front...interesting! I called the Lodi PD, and we then spent the next 30 minutes on and off the phone with them as they couldn't find the car. Apparently that portion of the river isn't accessible by boat, so they were going to have to walk back in there just like we did. We ended up giving them the coordinates to get them in the vicinity..I guess the deputy that Pat spoke with was familiar with GPS units. Man..and we thought SF2 was a micro cache!! icon_biggrin.gif


Then, we seemed to get ourselves turned around and lost on the way out. All the trails were starting to twist and turn and converge and look the same. I think the lesson here is to mark where you park! The clouds were starting to get very black, so I figured we were in for a very ugly hike back. Thankfully the rain held off until we got back to the car.


A fun day..lots of walking..lots of dodging poison oak..lots of picking ticks off Pat (hahahahahahahaha..not ME this time!)..but a fun day nonetheless.


We were unsuccessful at "Only On Sunday", which I need to email Ron about.


Jaimee icon_smile.gif


Jaimee -


Wow! What a tale. Sounds like you had a most full day indeed.


Your trials on the way back reminded me of a habbit I've gotten into, which has saved my tush more than once: when I'm hiking away from the car or the camp, I hit MOB or waypoint "Car" or "Camp". If I don't have a map and compass, this often is the only way I get back.


As long as the batteries don't die!


Kevin Quinn



....wow....wish I had been there. I hope you had the digital camera with you and will share some pictures with us.


LO....I will email you the answer to your picture query and you can call me if you have any questions.


I finally got around to watching the last episode of Amazing Race....what a cliff-hangar it was ! Pretty exciting and fun to root for the ones I wanted to win it (they didn't) but I was also happy to see the "rude" one lose...he sure didn't deserve to win.


The races have always been close at the last obstacle..this one had some interesting things thrown in....mainly by the "rude" one trying to throw off another team.


Later....cachers..... Ron


I've never been lost. Fearsome confused sometimes, but never lost.




You should go and check SF2. If LO found it in 2 Min. I don't think it is still 4 in Dif.


I also saw the last show of the Amazing Race. I am also glad the rude one did not win. Do you think they could have won if they did not try to lose the others?




.......I probably will check the SF2...I almost went up this afternoon because I wanted to see the SUV also, but I doubt they will get it out of there today...might go on Monday.




I've never been lost. Fearsome confused sometimes, but never lost.


for the compliment! Cuz LO finds it in less than 2 minutes, that means it is not a 4 in difficulty anymore??? SHEESH!! icon_razz.gif


Actually, I will email ya Ron and tell you right where it was to see if it has been moved or something!


Jaimee icon_biggrin.gif


...angry female cacher in the house !


Just remember, HE SAID IT...I DIDN'T !




Just sent in a new cache and it got approved right off the bat !


Skyride !


I've never been lost. Fearsome confused sometimes, but never lost.


....I always convert the coordinates right after I post and then look at the cache site on my TOPO USA software to verify it looks ok.


This is the first time it SEEMS to be way off !


I didn't have both gps's with me when I placed Skyride, but I took two different readings and they are both on my etrex. They are very close to each other.


The only thing I can think is that the MAP is wrong. Have any of you done a similar thing and seen this kind of problem?


I remember some of the "weird" park caches came up on the opposite side of a river, and that's sort of what's happening here, but it seems even more off.






I've never been lost. Fearsome confused sometimes, but never lost.


Not at all LO..


If I remember right Dawn (my other half) said when she went to check on our Cacheshe also checked on SF2 and said somthing that it was not in the same place as she found it. She was the 2ed person that did find it however. So when you say you found it in a few min. I would half to say it was not in the same place as Ron hid the cache. I have not meet you however you seam to be a good finder at caches. However this one was VERY hard to find for Dawn and most others.


Richard of the GeoCricket


....shall keep us from our appointed rounds!


Well, maybe gloom of night might. Anyway, braved rain storms today to get to Secret Forest #2 and to check on the SUV wreck report by LO/F.


Found both and will give an extensive report here and at web pages later today. Need to do some other work at the moment.


Ron (2 pm...Monday)


I've never been lost. Fearsome confused sometimes, but never lost.


Richard by reading the posts it appears that your other half has found the cache, but there is no mention of you finding the cache. If this is so, maybe you should go look for it then give us your opinion on what it should be rated. icon_redface.gif


....play nicely or grandpa Ron will have to put your gps's on the top shelf of the closet!


I DID go to SF #2 today and checked out the wreck LO/F found on Sunday.


First SF #2:


I don't want to get in the middle of this mix-up, but I THINK all Richard was trying to say was that it SOUNDED like the cache might have become easier to find based on the amount of time people in the past had looked for it. I don't think it mattered whether a man or a woman had found it, just sounded like the cache had gotten easier. I believe he was suggesting I check it out to see what was up.


I KNOW all the people who looked for this cache. Hiflier never found it even AFTER I made the clues as obvious as I could. This is because it was quite well disguised and not obvious at all.


The fact is, when I went today, I saw it quite handily and it had moved about 3 feet toward the vineyard and had become uncovered. This seems to be a freak of nature that happens after half a dozen people find a cache.


Something sets in to the current cacher that says..that was to hard..or...that was too easy. I'll do something with it to make it the way it should be.


LO, do you remember our discussion of your Timmbrrr cache? A similar thing happened to your cache.


Anyway, I rehid it and the same clue will still work, but it is not where I originally hid it, nor is it where LO/F found it.


More than this I think need not be said.






I've never been lost. Fearsome confused sometimes, but never lost.




Originally posted by Fattuhr:

Richard by reading the posts it appears that your other half has found the cache, but there is no mention of you finding the cache. If this is so, maybe you should go look for it then give us your opinion on what it should be rated. icon_redface.gif


If I could do this I would however I will not be doing any caching for up to 3 months or more. I just had knee surgery . icon_redface.gif




Originally posted by Ron Streeter:


First SF #2:


I don't want to get in the middle of this mix-up, but I THINK all Richard was trying to say was that it SOUNDED like the cache might have become easier to find based on the amount of time people in the past had looked for it. I don't think it mattered whether a man or a woman had found it, just sounded like the cache had gotten easier. I believe he was suggesting I check it out to see what was up.




That is what I tried to say. I am sorry if offended LO.





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