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Central Valley Cachers


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Too close to home... so I had to go frolic. The only problem is that I didn't know that Stop and Go Go Go was right there there there. So I blew it and left it to the next lucky dogs. Later, (too much later) I went back and almost feed the little poochies that live there. Yikes. Big Dog!


I still need to run out to Turlock to get George's cache that I solved when it came out. It's always fun to play with numbers so I just need to complete the fun now.


Looks like all the cachers are getting out these days and all the caches are getting exercised. So I'm really wondering why no one (like Ron) has gone for my Where Two Waters Cross cache. Must be too scary for all the brave cachers. icon_biggrin.gif (Don't forget to take your camera).


Bill of Green Achers


''There's three kinds of people in the world... Those that can count - And those that can't.''


Originally posted by Ron Streeter:


No code caches, no knives....soon, no caches !


Luckily, I suspect this one is grand-fathered. And anyone who has found it knows that no child is going to find it first..they would give up before that happened!




__I've never been lost. Fearsome confused sometimes, but never lost.__


No code caches?




"I don't care if your world is ending today because I wasn't invited to it anyway..."


Bill and Fallen...




I'm going hiking at Silver Lake this weekend (or Sunday-Monday) but I think your cache is elsewhere in the mountains.




Maybe Hemlock will see this post so I won't have to email him. I think several of us are under the impression that SOMEWHERE on the web site there is a notation that CODE caches aren't being approved anymore, but I don't know where that is. Maybe it's just that they are being DISCOURAGED but perhaps allowed on an individual basis depending on their circumstances or character.




I've never been lost. Fearsome confused sometimes, but never lost.


Originally posted by Ron Streeter:

Bill and Fallen...




I'm going hiking at Silver Lake this weekend (or Sunday-Monday) but I think your cache is elsewhere in the mountains.




Maybe Hemlock will see this post so I won't have to email him. I think several of us are under the impression that SOMEWHERE on the web site there is a notation that CODE caches aren't being approved anymore, but I don't know where that is. Maybe it's just that they are being DISCOURAGED but perhaps allowed on an individual basis depending on their circumstances or character.




__I've never been lost. Fearsome confused sometimes, but never lost.__

I'd need to look up Silver Lake. But I know you'll get there as it's your kind of cache (although missing a container - due to 9/11 type worries).


As far as Coded Caches. Has anyone been denided (even initially) due to the fact their cache was a coded cache? If so, how will Geocaching verify it's not a double coded cache? icon_eek.gificon_rolleyes.gif Hummmmm?? I may have my next challenge.


Bill of Green Achers


''There's three kinds of people in the world... Those that can count - And those that can't.''


Code caches..


Yes Bill, I had a code cache denied. The description said it was a physical cache, but did not contain a log sheet. It was denied on the basis of it being a physical cache but unable to hold a log sheet?!


I explained and appealed it to the approver in question and suggested that he/she try it out on the special forum approvers have to talk about things. He/she did, and told me they *all* agreed it couldn't be approved.


Well, I had had one just like it approved by one of those approvers, so I wrote to them (NCFlyers of...EUREKA, CA!) and they emailed the disapproving approver and made a convincing argument I guess. It got approved.


I think at the time the new approver was looking at things he/she was feeling the *power* that comes with the position, but not realizing that *guidelines* are one thing, *rules* are another. Sounds like Ranger10!


So, it does happen, but that's why I stress that all the approvers are only human. In a worst case scenario, one could appeal to Jeremy as he knows too that his human helpers sometimes make *mistakes*.


By the way, the Flyers are now doing more caching (and no approving).




I've never been lost. Fearsome confused sometimes, but never lost.


Originally posted by Ron Streeter:

By the way, the Flyers are now doing more caching (and no approving).




Well, at least some things are looking up in the world of caching!!




"What a fine thing it is to have an intellect, and room enough in the seat of your breeches to hold it."


Jaimee, Jaimee, Jaimee...


Proving once again that no one can make someone happy 100% of the time.


I always had good luck communicating with them though. The approvers get it from both ends...from cachers and from geocaching.com.


Poor approvers!




I've never been lost. Fearsome confused sometimes, but never lost.


Ron, Ron, Ron


I am glad that someone had good luck communicating with them. Myself and a few others had nothing but trouble, which is why I decided to stop placing caches.


I appreciate the work that the approvers do and understand it is voluntary, they have to follow the rules, etc., etc. For the most part, the approvers I have had contact with have been cool and easy to deal with. There are just those select few who seem to let their approver status inflate their ego and send them off on a power trip. icon_rolleyes.gif


Jaimee icon_smile.gif


"What a fine thing it is to have an intellect, and room enough in the seat of your breeches to hold it."



Take one cacher with a big ego and make him/her an approver...what do you get?


The power usually runs amuck for awhile 'till reason sets in, but then a *seizure* might happen from time to time too.




I've never been lost. Fearsome confused sometimes, but never lost.


Looks like the good weather is getting the cachers out in large numbers these days.


A couple of the fun moving caches are The Stop and Go, Go, Go cache which is very active unlike the equally fun, CVC Tag! cache that is still stuck on the... you know. And lot's of great reviews on Get The Point? cache.


I've even been able to get out and collect a few finds myself. I tried to stash a new one today but failed. Not all great ideas are that great. The week end aint over yet so who knows what might happen... I still owe the frog.gifToadsfrog.gif for that little multi cache during the rain. icon_biggrin.giffrog.gificon_razz.gificon_eek.gif


Oh, I still need to complete Pass It On cache.


Originally posted by Green Achers:

A couple of the fun moving caches are http://www.geocaching.com/seek/cache_details.aspx?ID=51289 which is very active


No wonder we couldn't find that cache yesterday; we were using the coordinates listed on the top of the page, which I guess hadn't been updated since the cache moved. We were looking near the Macfamily's new cache, but I guess that is where you, Bill, picked it up, right??


For those who have not yet done Get The Point...do it! That is a really fun cache. We spent a lot of time laughing at some of the things we did in order to find the cache. I am sure if anyone was watching us, they thought we were bonkers.


We went up to Sacramento yesterday and did a few caches along the way. We only looked for and found 7 and then went and visited my mom for a few hours.


Might go back out today and look for some of the area caches we haven't done yet.




"What a fine thing it is to have an intellect, and room enough in the seat of your breeches to hold it."


Originally posted by JaimeeG:

No wonder we couldn't find that cache yesterday; we were using the coordinates listed on the top of the page, which I guess hadn't been updated since the cache moved. We were looking near the Macfamily's new cache, but I guess that is where you, Bill, picked it up, right??

You got it. Looks like you earned that DNF.icon_biggrin.gif

Originally posted by JaimeeG:

For those who have not yet done Get The Point...do it! That is a really fun cache. We spent a lot of time laughing at some of the things we did in order to find the cache. I am sure if anyone was watching us, they thought we were bonkers.

The classic story there is told by Wornout. He said the police really liked it too! icon_eek.gif I stopped by yesterday but didn't see any city workers with GPSr's but expect to see a couple new cachers soon. icon_wink.gif I guess that whole story can be told at the next gathering... which is when? (Please don't say it's my turn!) icon_biggrin.gif


Bill of Green Achers


''There's three kinds of people in the world... Those that can count - And those that can't.''


Wow..what a day of caching. We decided to venture north and hit some of the Stockton caches that are newer. I don't know if the coordinates were done hastily or both of our GPSr's were just testy, but we couldn't zero out to save us today.


The coordinate issues, combined with the fact that the majority of these caches seemed to be located on corners of busy streets with no parking (or dangerous parking), made me decide to avoid the Stockton area for the next while.


Now, dare we venture south to where I was invited earlier today?? I am thinking that someone is trying to get even with me for the "Hey Mister...can I help you with something?" that I pulled a while back!!!! icon_eek.gif


We did get the Stop, Go, Go, Go cache that we struck out on yesterday; amazing what the proper coordinates does for a hunt.


Have a good week all!




"What a fine thing it is to have an intellect, and room enough in the seat of your breeches to hold it."


Southern caching was MUCH better. We decided to go down toward Merced since there are lots of caches there we haven't done.


We even got to find one that we found last year! It was archived for some reason but never was pulled. I always wonder why someone would archive a cache, make some note as to why it is archived, and then never bother to go remove it. Oh well..to each his/her own!


Now to find a clean-up day to try and find all those ugly ones we missed today!




"What a fine thing it is to have an intellect, and room enough in the seat of your breeches to hold it."


Originally posted by Ron Streeter:

Jaimee, Jaimee, Jaimee...


Proving once again that no one can make someone happy 100% of the time.


I always had good luck communicating with them though. The approvers get it from both ends...from cachers and from geocaching.com.


Poor approvers!




__I've never been lost. Fearsome confused sometimes, but never lost.__


I personally never had the greatest of time with them either.




"I don't care if your world is ending today because I wasn't invited to it anyway..."


gc.com needs what /. has: rate the moderators. Basically the registered uses of /. will be given 5 moderator points from time to time to moderate other posts (offtopic, flame, troll, insightful, interesting, etc., and each keyword is tied to a -1 or +1 value). Those take place instantly. However, to prevent moderator abuse, those post moderations are then meta-moderated by other users and voted as "fair" or "unfair" or you can chose not to vote if it is not something you're familiar with.


I'm not exactly sure how this could be used at gc.com, but it would be nice if rejected caches could be appealed or at least reviewed by others. Actually, the main point I was getting at (but then briefly forgot) was that the meta-moderating keeps the moderators in check. Get an unfair meta-moderate voted more than a few times, and you lose your moderator privileges. The same would be nice for gc.com as a way for other approvers to do peer review if there are problems with a certain approver.


Of course, that's more workload that no one really wants... but then that's one nice thing about how the /. site works: if you don't want to moderate or meta-moderate, you just don't... plenty of others who will spend 5 minutes once per week to do so.


Just thinking out loud here, but really, the only thing I can see not wanting to have the gc.com community at large working on approving caches would be puzzle caches... otherwise, why not let someone with say 100+ finds and 10+ hides that knows the rules and agrees to abide by them be able to handle the approval of a cache per week?


You log into gc.com, and it says, 'you've got a chance to review a new cache' (my thought is that you'd be excluded from a FTF for the cache) and you can choose to review it (getting the cache at the top of the queue). If things were done that way, no reason why a cache couldn't be reviewed by two folks before being approved, and caches that aren't approved be meta-moderated by others.


Not that I think this'll change anything, just thinking out loud.


Jason Roysdon




Back in hot Stockton after Sunday and Monday at Silver Lake (60 miles above Jackson on 88 and near Kirkwood Ski Resort).


Beautiful territory there. Silver Lake and Caples Lake are the big lakes, plus smaller ones and lots of hiking trails.


There are about 6 caches or so in the area. Got one physical and one virtual. The others on trails we didn't hike.


Our big hike was six miles round trip along one edge of Silver Lake to Granite Lake and beyond and coming back the clouds got pretty gray with thunder but no rain. About 2 a.m. that morning the winds were roaring about 40 to 50 mph and our cabin was above and overlooking the lake...quite an experience, but no rain...just terrible wind. Finally quit blowing just after sunrise for our 8 am departure.


Back in Stockton, no terrain, no clouds, no cool temps....but home, sweet home, none-the-less. Oh...I also placed a cache near Granite Lake.




I've never been lost. Fearsome confused sometimes, but never lost.


Originally posted by Ron Streeter:


Back in hot Stockton after Sunday and Monday at Silver Lake (60 miles above Jackson on 88 and near Kirkwood Ski Resort).


Beautiful territory there. Silver Lake and Caples Lake are the big lakes, plus smaller ones and lots of hiking trails.


There are about 6 caches or so in the area. Got one physical and one virtual. The others on trails we didn't hike.


Our big hike was six miles round trip along one edge of Silver Lake to Granite Lake and beyond and coming back the clouds got pretty gray with thunder but no rain. About 2 a.m. that morning the winds were roaring about 40 to 50 mph and our cabin was above and overlooking the lake...quite an experience, but no rain...just terrible wind. Finally quit blowing just after sunrise for our 8 am departure.


Back in Stockton, no terrain, no clouds, no cool temps....but home, sweet home, none-the-less. Oh...I also placed a cache near Granite Lake.




__I've never been lost. Fearsome confused sometimes, but never lost.__


Silver Lake is truely an amazing place. We need to get out there again (last time was Summer of 2001). Actually, JWR (my brother) was out there 2 weeks ago and brought a topo map back home. He said the lake had just thawed (was still frozen over the weekend before). Perhaps we'll go out and stash some of these Ammo tins out there.


The valley down below the dam is amazing. You hike down about 10 minutes following the river from the dam and then suddenly the trees open up and there are huge smooth rocks everywhere, and then the valley starts to drop suddenly. There are plenty of little waterfalls and mini-pools to take a dip in down that way. Oh, yeah, it's an amazing place for geocaches. Then up around the lake there are many trails to hike up and smaller "hidden" lakes and the like around Thunder Mountain. Plasses Resort is a nice place to eat at the end of the day. One could easilly spend a few weekends there and not see half there is to see. I should go while Rebekah still fits in my backpack carrier.



Jason Roysdon




Hey Jason....


I've hiked the outflow from Silver Lake myself. Went out of the old PG&E campground...now called something else.


The whole area is beautiful and it's hard to go wrong on a hike there. The Lake Margaret hike is a nice one too. We hiked to the river there but didn't wade across as thunder was still rumbling and we didn't want to get caught in a storm. Lake Margaret itself is not all that great, steep rocky shores mostly, but the walk through the meadows to get there is great.


Here's the future page for Lakeside at Silver Lake, but as of 7 pm Wednesday, it had not yet been approved.




I've never been lost. Fearsome confused sometimes, but never lost.


I finally met old Red. The source of most of my resent DNF's. He may have given me more DNF's than caches he's bagged. And there's only one person I can blame for this... me. I grossly under estimated Red and I'm paying the price. icon_biggrin.gif


Now I'm beating my head on hollow rocks trying to figure out It's Hollow. It's all the price I must pay for pre-judging. LOL


FOOT NOTE: Red's a real nice guy and investing a lot of time stashing local caches.


Bill of Green Achers


''There's three kinds of people in the world... Those that can count - And those that can't.''


Originally posted by Green Achers:

I guess that whole story can be told at the next gathering... which is when? (Please don't say it's my turn!) icon_biggrin.gif


_Bill of Green Achers_


''There's three kinds of people in the world... Those that can count - And those that can't.''


Well now that is an idea! I do think we need another get to gether (what an interesting phrase) before the end of the summer. You want to take that on Mr. Achers?




"I don't care if your world is ending today because I wasn't invited to it anyway..."


Originally posted by Fallen:

Originally posted by Green Achers:

I guess that whole story can be told at the next gathering... which is when? (Please don't say it's my turn!) icon_biggrin.gif


_Bill of Green Achers_


''There's three kinds of people in the world... Those that can count - And those that can't.''


Well now that is an idea! I do think we need another get to gether (what an interesting phrase) before the end of the summer. You want to take that on Mr. Achers?

Um, Fallen. How come you pay so much attention while caching but over look bits and pieces on the forum? icon_biggrin.gif Yes, I know I'm due and so I'll commit to saying, I'll think about it. I've already found the place but now need to think about all the other details... like if I can make it myself.


New Subject:


I have interesting question. What kind of error would you expect to see if you set your GPSr to read out in Degree's, Minutes and Seconds in a Geo-world using Degree's, Minutes and Thousands of a Minute? And while I'm asking... why are there so many different possible variations of the GPSr to use. Concidering the technology is so new, it's surprising it's more jacked up than our various distance messurements (Meters, Feet, Furlongs, Hands). [Look out. I feel a cache coming on again.] frog.gif


Bill of Green Achers


''There's three kinds of people in the world... Those that can count - And those that can't.''


Originally posted by Green Achers:


I have interesting question. What kind of error would you expect to see if you set your GPSr to read out in Degree's, Minutes and Seconds in a Geo-world using Degree's, Minutes and Thousands of a Minute? And while I'm asking... why are there so many different possible variations of the GPSr to use. Concidering the technology is so new, it's surprising it's more jacked up than our various distance messurements (Meters, Feet, Furlongs, Hands). [Look out. I feel a cache coming on again.] frog.gif


_Bill of Green Achers_


''There's three kinds of people in the world... Those that can count - And those that can't.''


That's an interesting question. Try it. I imagine you will be a little bit off if you tried to enter coordinates from GC.com, but I don't think you will be more than a few hundred feet off. I know there is a calculation between the two (divide by 60 or multiply by 60 or something like that). So... Maybe you can be a few miles off.

I don't really know why there are so many different standards. It actually has to do with how the coordinate plains are cut. Some of them calculate for a sphere and some of them don't. Maybe this is something I should look up.




"I don't care if your world is ending today because I wasn't invited to it anyway..."


Hey everyone I just met a new cacher to the CV area and just like all of us.... he is a bit lost icon_smile.gif


Welcome rowdy bunch to the CVC!




"I don't care if your world is ending today because I wasn't invited to it anyway..."




All cachers interested in Red's *It's Hollow* cache....we need to get Red's phone number so we can stir him to action!


If the cache is still there after all these experienced cachers have looked for it, I will be amazed.




I've never been lost. Fearsome confused sometimes, but never lost.


Welcome to N-B's Rowdy Bunch! We're glad you're aboard and look forward to hearing from you.


It's Hollow was in fact reported MIA by old Red. He'll have it back up and running soon and I'll need to disallow myself from being the FTF due to disclosure. However, I'll welcome the STF position!


I was up at New Hogan Resevior yesterday and noticed the only caches are near the darn and the launching ramps... so I'll have to go back and ballance things out there. The only problem will be that I can't assure you'll be able to get them without a boat. Does that up the ratings? Special equipment needed. icon_confused.gif


Congradulations to Hot Foot for reaching 200 (before me)! He logged it on Trust Me! I guess Fear Factor was too far. icon_biggrin.gif


I've been saving the Flower Clock for my 200th find but ''someone stole the clock.'' What bad luck, huh?


Bill of Green Achers


''There's three kinds of people in the world... Those that can count - And those that can't.''


Just a simple question...

Has anyone else had problems getting to certain cache pages?




"I don't care if your world is ending today because I wasn't invited to it anyway..."


Yet another day on outer space.... or.. Stockton I mean.


Ramming Speed

It appears there were some people that decided to move in near the cache site, so... I'll be back I guess.


Steeeeerike Three!

In the greatest of shape really. I did, however, forget how difficult it was to actually get to the cache site. OH well. I replaced the log because scraps of paper had started being used.



I still love this cache. I now understand what happened to it before and decided to replace it how it originally was.... So, for those of you who know, the cache has been restored to it's original configuration.




"I don't care if your world is ending today because I wasn't invited to it anyway..."


Just wanted to drop a note here, and put in my two cents worth on some past issues, and some recent flack one CVC cacher has been getting on some of his cache placements. He even commented on one of his cache pages that if they don't like them don't hunt them. So for some time people have been telling him he should place a cache in the middle of a cactus plant. Well this last weekend Jaimee and I were in Ventura, and we found a cache in:




My wife says put a coordinate on it and I'll find it.


Originally posted by Fattuhr:

Well this last weekend Jaimee and I were in Ventura, and we found a cache in:

icon_eek.gif You aren't... You wouldn't... Are you... Hey Pat old Pal. How's everything going, friend. Please don't send us into a cactus patch.


Oh, one correction regarding New Hogan Lake. There was one cache on the east end that I forgot about. Because I had already found it, it wasn't coming up on my search of the area. Anyway, soon there will be an addition to Ron's Operation: Enduring Freedom. It will be called Operation: Enjoying Freedom. [i hope Ron doesn't mind.]


Bill of Green Achers


''There's three kinds of people in the world... Those that can count - And those that can't.''


Pat and Jaimee...




Was that bullheaded cacher me? I've said that before and thought it often. If you don't want to go for one of my caches DON'T. There are plenty of other caches out there.


Sometimes people just have to complain about something. At one point some people didn't like my clues so I stopped putting in clues. Then some people didn't like that there were NO clues. One guy said I couldn't count..the cache was 20 feet from a spot I indicated, not ABOUT 18. Puhleeeeze!


Jaimee...I *found* one of your caches, which you can see here.


Enough for now, got a 4th of July celebration to prepare for.




I've never been lost. Fearsome confused sometimes, but never lost.


Originally posted by Ron Streeter:

Pat and Jaimee...




Was that bullheaded cacher me? I've said that before and thought it often. If you don't want to go for one of my caches DON'T. There are plenty of other caches out there.


Sometimes people just have to complain about something. At one point some people didn't like my clues so I stopped putting in clues. Then some people didn't like that there were NO clues. One guy said I couldn't count..the cache was 20 feet from a spot I indicated, not ABOUT 18. Puhleeeeze!


Jaimee...I *found* one of your caches, which you can see http://www.geocaching.com/seek/cache_details.aspx?ID=25660.


Enough for now, got a 4th of July celebration to prepare for.




__I've never been lost. Fearsome confused sometimes, but never lost.__


Well then there is only one thing we can learn from this... Ron's feet are bigger! icon_smile.gif


I think when people complain about my clues it just means they couldn't figure them out. I generally spend a lot of time on my (complainable) clues so it is just self gratification when people b**ch about them.


If you think there is a cache that is just so miserable you can't stand it... DON'T GET THE dadgum THING!


Oh well, I still have fun!


Placer of miserable caches,




"I don't care if your world is ending today because I wasn't invited to it anyway..."


Originally posted by Fallen:

If you think there is a http://www.geocaching.com/seek/cache_details.aspx?ID=53554 that is just so miserable you can't stand it... DON'T GET THE dadgum THING!


Good grief. Maybe you should rename that cache to "Yes, there might be some stinging nettle out here and yes you might get some on you so you have been warned, and now don't complain when you hunt this cache and are exposed." icon_rolleyes.gif


There is no pleasing some folks. If the cache is a 1 in terrain, they complain that it was just too easy and not a challenge. If you add a bit of challenge, then it's too tough and they got hurt by mean things while trying to get the cache.


Oh well...life would be boring if we were all as docile and agreeable as moi icon_biggrin.gif


Happy 4th everyone.




"What a fine thing it is to have an intellect, and room enough in the seat of your breeches to hold it."


Originally posted by JaimeeG:

Oh well...life would be boring if we were all as docile and agreeable as moi icon_biggrin.gif


Now who on earth told you that!



I was actually commenting on the cache that Fallen has referred to. I haven't gone for that cache yet, but I am planning on it just because of all the complaining about it. I guess we can't please everyone.


My wife says put a coordinate on it and I'll find it.


Originally posted by Fattuhr:



I was actually commenting on the cache that Fallen has referred to. I haven't gone for that cache yet, but I am planning on it just because of all the complaining about it. I guess we can't please everyone.


My wife says put a coordinate on it and I'll find it.


I have noticed that there are 4 people 'watching' that particular cache. Wow! Maybe I should invite complainers!!! icon_smile.gif It seems to generate more popularity for my caches.


Trying to make life as miserable as possible,




"I don't care if your world is ending today because I wasn't invited to it anyway..."


Gee. Isn't one of those complainers also the one that was going to boycott ALL of Georges caches because a couple of other ones were missing when he got there? Also, terrain changes. I now have caches that have horrible sticker stuff and a couple with poison oak around them which was not there when the caches were planted. While out checking my caches and placing a TAG the other day, I found that another one of my caches had a rotting deer carcass very close to it. That's 2 now. Eeewwwww. If only we all had a crystal ball. Maybe I'll go get that Crawdaddy cache. No complaints, my choice.. But, I'll wear long pants. icon_biggrin.gif


CQ CQ CQ DX......


Originally posted by Brute-Force:

Maybe I'll go get that Crawdaddy cache. No complaints, my choice.. But, I'll wear long pants. icon_biggrin.gif


CQ CQ CQ DX......


Darn! The complainers just take away all the surprises!




"I don't care if your world is ending today because I wasn't invited to it anyway..."


Originally posted by Fallen:

I have noticed that there are 4 people 'watching' that particular cache. Wow! Maybe I should invite complainers!!! icon_smile.gif It seems to generate more popularity for my caches.

I'm one of those watching that cache, because it was one I especially enjoyed, and I was anxious to see what others thought! Believe it or not, I started watching it long before the recent brouhaha...


Wow, a three day weekend! Happy 4th, 5th and 6th everyone. (Everyday is Independence Day for an American Farmer.) icon_biggrin.gif


OK, let's see if I follow all this. We're to go hunting as many caches as possible and then complain about them in our logs. I think I can do that. I generally spend a lot of time on my complaints so it is just self gratification when people b**ch about them. LOL [Just kidding.]


In all honesty, I've learned to be careful with what I write because most of the time it is blown out of proportion. I've also been known to blow it too - I'm sorry to say. A little back ground on that nettle attack... the poor cacher didn't know what nettle was as he lives where they don't have any. He's really a great guy and was just making comment (I believe) about his learning expirence - while in a lot of pain, grant you.


Well, I'm off on an adventure. Maybe to go get some crawdad's. Maybe I'll run south (which is DX to me) so I can answer those CQ calls.


Bill of Green Achers


''There's three kinds of people in the world... Those that can count - And those that can't.''


Nice adventure today... included homework and allowed a couple cache runs.


Crawdaddy's Second Home is ok. I was one of the four that's been watching it for some time as I planned on hunting it. Of course, some of us have been there before after solving a code cache that's now been archived. I was amazed that the area has grown so much since my last visit. And that's the first time I've ever looked up to the top of Nettle. It's over 10 feet tall - no kidding. But there's no need to go though nor near it.


The cache was properly placed and like any cache, there's a time to look at your GPSr and there's a time to look at your environment. I've felt the need to explain that on two of my caches. The Burning Bush and Where Two Waters Cross. In both cases, I'd hate to read about someone putting the Duh in Stupid. icon_biggrin.gif


Bill of Green Achers


Some asked questions are already known. Gen. 3:9


Just in case anyone wants to go looking for the cvc tag cache - don't look fot it at Don't Play on the Tracks. We picked it up today around 5 p.m. and will have it placed by sometime tomorrow. icon_smile.gifWe just moved to a newer used home. It has a pool which the kids are glad to have in their backyard but everything is topsy- turvy. We just got back on line and dug through boxes to find the GPSr unit. We will be spending the rest of the summer getting organized.


I have 4 tickets to Country Fest 2003. We won them but we're not going. I'm going to put them in a new cache for a FTF if I can find the time. If I can't find a spot for a new cache I'll place them in an existing cache by wednesday. The concert is all day saturday in Galt.




Wanna go for a ride?


Congrats to the Green Achers bunch on find #200!!


Jaimee icon_smile.gif


"What a fine thing it is to have an intellect, and room enough in the seat of your breeches to hold it."


Country Fest?! What's that date? I'm always game for a FTF and if it comes with a prize, that's just icing on the cake. Even if it's a fifty dollar coin or... tickets to more fun.


Thanks Jaimee. I never thought I'd make it.


Hey, The first races made it in to Pheromone for the 2003 Cannonball Race. It was a slow tie! Can you believe the slowest two racers won? What are the chances!? icon_biggrin.gif


Bill of Green Achers


Some asked questions are already known. Gen. 3:9


Slow but steady wins the race. icon_biggrin.gif

The best part is that one of the two Cannonball Racers to tie for first place is a CVC bug. Tilly Tortoise made it home to California tied with her friend Toby the Tortoise from Texas whom she met during the race. Tilly is from Stockton. icon_smile.gif Had to show all those racers that CVC rocks!


Originally posted by sigJ:

I like your avatar, Team GUI.


dadJ of Team sigJ


That is a picture of Google our team mascot. If you have ever seen how much a Newfoundland drools, you will understand why his nickname is GUI. icon_wink.gif


Hey Bill


Have you planted any caches down around Las Vegas? I'll be headed there in a couple of weeks. Don't know if I'll have time to cache, but I'm sure going to try. I know my brother has one there.


CQ CQ CQ DX......

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