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Central Valley Cachers


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Posted (edited)

...I thought we already discussed this... not a SPORT. If it is, then I will gladly race you 100 meters to the cache after a proper stretch. :)

So you ARE interested in the next GBES Rally!? It will be nice to compete against you. ;) (Geocaching is not just a fun sport, it's an addiction.) :)


Well, 1 out of 2 is correct... I'm not so sure that putting a gps in a race would classify it as a SPORT. The race is the sport. How it is done is the GAME. :D Back to my 100 meter challenge... the gps stays home along with the silky track shorts... ;)

So how would someone know when they're getting close to the end of the 100m (without a warning) and how would they know the've actually found the 100m without their GPSr? You think we work miricles?! No. Behind every good sport, there's the need for a GPSr. LOL


A race to the tupperware out in the open by foot (no jeeps or horses allowed)... no time outs or water breaks to the cache... spandex is not allowed but a good set of bifocals is... lol :) before the gps... there were measuring sticks or we can walk it off... lol :)

Edited by bubnme
I got a compliment this weekend at the event regarding the logging of my DNFs. It would be interesting to hear some feedback on this issue. Case in point, look at Muggle Training The Fountain then look at the other new nearby caches and ask yourself why this cache wasn't looked for.


As you can see, I am quite proud of my DNF's which I just counted this morning. I am even prouder of some of my FTDNFs but I haven't been diligent about keeping track of them. The only one I can remember off the top of my head is Jo Hates Ivy!

I personally have not looked for this cache, I did drive by and seen what I would be up against and decided not to look.


National Park, cache warning alarms have now been activated throughout the Western US. Thanks Greg. :(


Let's see. I've posted over ten times on this thread... found CVC Tag!!!... and what was the other requirements to forgive him? Do I need to have mercy?! No. I don't think that was it. Refresh my mind again Photom, please. :(




I think Robert is building a new cache that your GPSr will only be useful for part of the adventure. Maybe he'll call it, 'Are You A Sport?' or something. :)




Thanks to Mike for arming us with a new cool tool. I'm putting this onto my 'Bucket List'. :(

Posted (edited)

Ok I think i can explain this. two friends of mine Repelled off of the cliff side 150 feet down to where there is a notch where the spire and the cliff meet. then they keep the ropes with them that they repelled down with as they climb the spire. now that they are at the spire they tie the one rope off. the First person accross is ony going accoss on that one rope. once he gets to the other side he ties off the rope that he Carried across. when they did this I was on the cliff side and I did the tyrolean traverse across to the spire and back agian. so the whole time ai did it I had a second rope conected to me. but if that other rope gave way. it would not be pretty. as you could amagine.

Edited by Nascar Fam

(Wait. Is my iPhone a Pocket PC?)

Nope - a POCKET PC with a built-in GPS. "If you have a GPS-enabled PocketPC device you are ready to start your adventure. " Known (Supported) Devices:


* Garmin iQue M4

* Mitac Mio 168

* Mio DigiWalker™ P550


Posted (edited)

Ok the next time I go out and do this, and place a cache here would it be thenconsidered a sport? Oh wait never mind it is a national park so never mind.



Rock climbing is the sport... geocaching is the game to get there and not a cover up to justify it as a sport... pretty clear to me. :( maybe I should strap on my metal detector and call that a sport too... :):(:(

Edited by bubnme
Posted (edited)

National Park, cache warning alarms have now been activated throughout the Western US. Thanks Greg. :D


Let's see. I've posted over ten times on this thread... found CVC Tag!!!... and what was the other requirements to forgive him? Do I need to have mercy?! No. I don't think that was it. Refresh my mind again Photom, please. :D




I think Robert is building a new cache that your GPSr will only be useful for part of the adventure. Maybe he'll call it, 'Are You A Sport?' or something. :(




not a bad idea... :D a better title would be "are u game?" :(:(:)

Edited by bubnme

As I was telling Greg earlier...Geocaching is NOT a sport. It is a game. If it was a sport, the pounds would be melting off of me. It's a game much like croquet, shuffleboard, etc... No heart rate increase, no actual exercise no sport. Now if you actually hiked up in God's country to find caches then it could be a sport. Driving, getting out to walk a bit to find a container, getting back in your car and driving to the next one is not a sport. :(


Then you aren't playing the sport correctly Kim! I have a knack for turning a one-star terrain into a four-star terrain!


We worked-up quite a sweat yesterday caching in the hot summer day! :(


As I was telling Greg earlier...Geocaching is NOT a sport. It is a game. If it was a sport, the pounds would be melting off of me. It's a game much like croquet, shuffleboard, etc... No heart rate increase, no actual exercise no sport. Now if you actually hiked up in God's country to find caches then it could be a sport. Driving, getting out to walk a bit to find a container, getting back in your car and driving to the next one is not a sport. :(

Posted (edited)

As I was telling Greg earlier...Geocaching is NOT a sport. It is a game. If it was a sport, the pounds would be melting off of me. It's a game much like croquet, shuffleboard, etc... No heart rate increase, no actual exercise no sport. Now if you actually hiked up in God's country to find caches then it could be a sport. Driving, getting out to walk a bit to find a container, getting back in your car and driving to the next one is not a sport. :D


This much more serious than I thought... Nascarfam can not separate the two and might suffering from "wannabeathleteitos"... he is in denial or trying to justify exercise to his family doctor (Just kidding G) :( What you just described would be called hiking (sport) with geocaching (game) to get you there. :D Don't get me wrong... I enjoy this GAME. It gives me a chance to play with my gps and work on my ninja skills (that would be a hobby). :(:(:)

Edited by bubnme
Posted (edited)

You all call it a game, activity, what ever you want. Long live the Sport of Geocaching. Thanks Red for setting them strait. Is there anyone else out there that agrees with me on this? Judd, budddy help me out here please.

Edited by Nascar Fam

As I was telling Greg earlier...Geocaching is NOT a sport. It is a game. If it was a sport, the pounds would be melting off of me. It's a game much like croquet, shuffleboard, etc... No heart rate increase, no actual exercise

If you heart anit racing, then you aren't doing it right. I define a sport as this... If you can do it with a cigerette in your mouth, it's not a sport. Bowling and Golf are therefor not sports. Geocachacing, when properly done, does not have room for such distractions. LOL

Posted (edited)

I've got your back on this one Greg...It is definitely a sport.


I have heard that they may introduce Geocaching in the next Olympics! :(


You all call it a game, activity, what ever you want. Long live the Sport of Geocaching. Thanks Red for setting them strait. Is there anyone else out there that agrees with me on this? Judd, budddy help me out here please.

Edited by Sanruft
Posted (edited)

...As spoken by someone who clearly has never played the game of golf...If you can play the game without concentration, I would like for you to share with me your secret as my golf game could use all the help it can get! :(:(


As I was telling Greg earlier...Geocaching is NOT a sport. It is a game. If it was a sport, the pounds would be melting off of me. It's a game much like croquet, shuffleboard, etc... No heart rate increase, no actual exercise

If you heart anit racing, then you aren't doing it right. I define a sport as this... If you can do it with a cigerette in your mouth, it's not a sport. Bowling and Golf are therefor not sports. Geocachacing, when properly done, does not have room for such distractions. LOL

Edited by Sanruft

You all call it a game, activity, what ever you want. Long live the Sport of Geocaching. Thanks Red for setting them strait. Is there anyone else out there that agrees with me on this? Judd, budddy help me out here please.


Oh no!!! Nascarfam is passing out the Koolaid. If you drink it then there is no turning back from the sickness. :(:(:(


As I was telling Greg earlier...Geocaching is NOT a sport. It is a game. If it was a sport, the pounds would be melting off of me. It's a game much like croquet, shuffleboard, etc... No heart rate increase, no actual exercise

If you heart anit racing, then you aren't doing it right. I define a sport as this... If you can do it with a cigerette in your mouth, it's not a sport. Bowling and Golf are therefor not sports. Geocachacing, when properly done, does not have room for such distractions. LOL


Riding a tractor is not a sport either... :(:(:D but then again, it's not really farming either... :) bubnme reaches down for his favorite golf club and slowly sneaks up on a dilusional almond grower... :(

red' date='Aug 5 2008, 01:08 AM' post='3586471']

If you walked to the caches it would be a sport of sort.


Better start an IV and push some meds to clear up the altered level of consciousness on this one too. Run everybody a virus is spreading!!! :(:(:(

Posted (edited)

Back when I was on a golf team, the coach pointed out that I was doing one thing really wrong in my game (it's not a sport mind you). He said I was standing too close to the ball... After I hit it. This is likely the problem you're having Tim. The other would be if you're so focused that you couldn't drive another nail in the coffin.


BTW, I read those farmer comments, guys. And I'll have you know I'm not Almond farmer. LOL

Edited by Green Achers

Back when I was on a golf team, the coach pointed out that I was doing one thing really wrong in my game (it's not a sport mind you). He said I was standing too close to the ball... After I hit it. This is likely the problem you're having Tim. The other would be if you're so focused that you couldn't drive another nail in the coffin.


BTW, I read those farmer comments, guys. And I'll have you know I'm not Almond farmer. LOL


Isn't it the same thing? :lol:

Posted (edited)

The following names were changed to protect the insane and this is a fictional story and any coincidence is just plain luck:


It was a beautiful day with the birds singing from atop the trees. Deep inside the apartment lay Tom Gregory aka "Fascarnam" stretching from his bed. "Ouch... why am I so sore?" Tom had to reflect on his previous day of SPORT and soon realized that the soreness has set in from the activity of geocaching.


Flashback... flashback... flashback...


Tom was sitting in front of his computer as usual when a "ding" sounded off... "what's that?" asked Tom. A cache has popped up and Tom realized that he wanted to be FTF. All he needed to do was find his defective Colorado and load the cache in. "Where could it be?" Just like every night, Tom realized that it was laying under his pillow next to his issue of "wannabe athlete weekly". As fast as you can say SPORT, Tom was out the door with his extension of his body (gps) on his hip.


"To walk, bike, or drive... what to do", asked Tom. The cache might be too far to walk or bike so Tom took out his car keys and walked toward his trusty geocaching mobile with the custom "geocaching" license plates. A quick wipe off of the plates and Tom was in the driver's seat. Pushing the pedal down you can really feel the roar of the cache mobile.... Varooooom!!!! Tom lay his right hand on the dash with his eyes rolling back and reflected the days of caching as you can feel all 145 horsepower roar through his bucket seat. 45 minutes later, Tom regained consciousness and focused on his prize. "Navigate, navigate, navigate"!!! yelled Tom. He was on his way... 100 yards later.


"The prize is in sight and nothing will stop me"!!! Being a seasoned cacher, Tom knew where the cache was... the sneaky light post. Tom got out of his car to retrieve his prize when a "muggle" was approaching. "What to do... what to do". Trying not to look suspicous, Tom quickly placed his gps to his ear and looked away from the approaching muggle. "whew... that was a close one but I think I pulled a muscle", said Tom. How was he going to lift the cover off that light post? Tom was not coming this far and going away empty. He quickly reached into his Official CVC Geocache fanny pack and pulled out the drink of the dilusional cacher... "SPORTADE"!!! He needed to be reminded again about his false beliefs. Chug... chug... chug... Just like that, there was a transformation from the dilusional Greg Thomas... Er I mean Tom Gregory to FASCARNAM!!! With one mighty swoop, the cover was lifted and the log was retrieved. "What's that", asked Tom? A bead of sweat had trinkled down his brow. "Am I melting"? Another chug of the drink and Tom quickly took five steps back to the car. "Must have AC... must have AC", said Tom. A short while later, Tom regained consciousness and drove home to log his find.


With his gps in hand, Tom fired up his computer and navigated to the cache site. "Oh no", shouted Tom!!! You guessed it... finger cramps. This SPORT is too cruel. Tom looked all over for his SPORTADE. He needed to replenish his body from all the activity to log his prize. His apartment was bare except for the little can of reality sitting in the corner of the living room. The label read "GAMEADE". Could Tom take the chance and try something that was in reason? Would this drink bring him back to reality? Will the cramps go away long enough for him to log his find? Just as Tom was getting ready to take a drink, his doorbell rang...

It was his good friend Will of Blind Acres. "Put that drink down", shouted Will!!! Tom put the drink down and Will took a seat at the computer to log Tom's find. "That was a close one and I'm glad I made it in time", said Will. And with that, there was a "ding" coming from Tom's computer. "Another adventure for us to conquer" , said Tom. This cache will try their endurance... 200 yards away!!! And with that, they put there SPORTY capes on. They were out the door to the cachemobile. They lived happily ever after.



Edited by bubnme

LOL! A golf team eh?? Well had I known that, we would have hit the links a long time ago!


I appreciate the golf tips...I will try not to nail another nail in the coffin! :lol:


And yes...as far as I am concerend, golf (and Geocaching) is still a sport! :)


Back when I was on a golf team, the coach pointed out that I was doing one thing really wrong in my game (it's not a sport mind you). He said I was standing too close to the ball... After I hit it. This is likely the problem you're having Tim. The other would be if you're so focused that you couldn't drive another nail in the coffin.


BTW, I read those farmer comments, guys. And I'll have you know I'm not Almond farmer. LOL


I've got your back on this one Greg...It is definitely a sport.


I have heard that they may introduce Geocaching in the next Olympics! :mad:


Now if that happens would they develop a test to rule out cheaters (like cycling & doping)? :yikes:


I've got your back on this one Greg...It is definitely a sport.


I have heard that they may introduce Geocaching in the next Olympics! :mad:


Now if that happens would they develop a test to rule out cheaters (like cycling & doping)? :yikes:


WHATEVER you do, do not try searching the internet to find the difference between a game and a sport. You may find something like this:


You're confused because the word GAME has several meanings. You can

play a game of sports, but you can't sport a game. To illustrate

this, think of the Olympics. They are called the OLYMPIC GAMES. All

the competitions are in specific Sports.


The GAME is that world-class athletes --all good at different SPORTS

--COMPETE for medals, and future endorsements.


Pocket Billiards is a sport, and you can play different games [rule

sets] within the sport: 8-ball, 9-ball, etc.. [for those that

disagree, Pocket Billiards has been declared a Sport by the **Olympic

Committee **


Football is a sport, and when you watch it, it's a game of football.


Swimming is a sport, and there is no game of Swimming. Even a Swim

gathering is not a game, it's a Swim Meet. This is the same for

fishing, rollerskating, skiing and similiar activities.


In a game you can blame the referee (or the luck of the cards). In a

sport, win or lose, you always put forth your best effort.


Baseball is the sport, the "World Series" is a Baseball Game.



CONGRATS to Sanruft for passing 1100! :yikes:


Could it be...Sanruft back in the game? YES...I do believe it so! FINALLY! It's nice to see them back!


BOGA...give in to the dark side :mad: You know you want to! Stop playing in the forums and use that time to find a cache.

Posted (edited)

I've got your back on this one Greg...It is definitely a sport.


I have heard that they may introduce Geocaching in the next Olympics! :yikes:


Now if that happens would they develop a test to rule out cheaters (like cycling & doping)? :ph34r:


WHATEVER you do, do not try searching the internet to find the difference between a game and a sport. You may find something like this:


You're confused because the word GAME has several meanings. You can

play a game of sports, but you can't sport a game. To illustrate

this, think of the Olympics. They are called the OLYMPIC GAMES. All

the competitions are in specific Sports.


The GAME is that world-class athletes --all good at different SPORTS

--COMPETE for medals, and future endorsements.


Pocket Billiards is a sport, and you can play different games [rule

sets] within the sport: 8-ball, 9-ball, etc.. [for those that

disagree, Pocket Billiards has been declared a Sport by the **Olympic

Committee **


Football is a sport, and when you watch it, it's a game of football.


Swimming is a sport, and there is no game of Swimming. Even a Swim

gathering is not a game, it's a Swim Meet. This is the same for

fishing, rollerskating, skiing and similiar activities.


In a game you can blame the referee (or the luck of the cards). In a

sport, win or lose, you always put forth your best effort.


Baseball is the sport, the "World Series" is a Baseball Game.



Game, sport, hobby, or activity? I can see it called 3 out of 4 here. I believe it is the SPORT (hiking, racing, etc.) that lead you to the GAME, hobby, or activity (geocaching). I just can't see why people can't undertand this. Just my two cents... :mad: I hope nobody gets offended. :mad:


PS The story from an earlier post was typed in good fun.

Edited by bubnme

As I was telling Greg earlier...Geocaching is NOT a sport. It is a game. If it was a sport, the pounds would be melting off of me. It's a game much like croquet, shuffleboard, etc... No heart rate increase, no actual exercise no sport. Now if you actually hiked up in God's country to find caches then it could be a sport. Driving, getting out to walk a bit to find a container, getting back in your car and driving to the next one is not a sport. :mad:


Ok kim it depends on how you do it. If you drive up to it , get out of your car and walk five feet to it and find it and walk five feet back to your car it a game. Now on the other hand, If you get on your bike and ride ninteen miles in eight hours, and collect fifty or so caches, it a SPORT!

[Game, sport, hobby, or activity? I can see it called 3 out of 4 here. I believe it is the SPORT (hiking, racing, etc.) that lead you to the GAME, hobby, or activity (geocaching).]


Wouldn't it be the other way around? It is the GAME, hobby, or activity (geocaching) that leads you the the SPORT (hiking to find a cache, racing to be FTF, etc.)? :yikes::ph34r:


I can't speak for the others but no offense taken here! :mad:



Ok kim it depends on how you do it. If you drive up to it , get out of your car and walk five feet to it and find it and walk five feet back to your car it a game. Now on the other hand, If you get on your bike and ride ninteen miles in eight hours, and collect fifty or so caches, it a SPORT!


Touche` SB touche`! Now your talking...a bike involved! We did do pretty good on our bikes that day! You want to ride, I'll take you on a route, no caching, that will work you.


BTW...nice to see you in the forum!


Redneck Stonehenge or Where's That Valet? Which one makes a better cache?! [Gee I need to go caching!]


Not sure I understand the question, since Redneck Stonehenge isn't a cache, but Where's That Valet is a great cache to find with a group of friends on a cool spring or fall day. Nice easy hike, history, scenery... All the things that make geocaching fun. :mad:


Redneck Stonehenge or Where's That Valet? Which one makes a better cache?! [Gee I need to go caching!]


Not sure I understand the question, since Redneck Stonehenge isn't a cache, but Where's That Valet is a great cache to find with a group of friends on a cool spring or fall day. Nice easy hike, history, scenery... All the things that make geocaching fun. :yikes:

So if I go and bury a bunch of gas guzzlers, I could create a magnetic multi and would keep cachers searching (and neighbors wondering). :mad:

Posted (edited)
[Game, sport, hobby, or activity? I can see it called 3 out of 4 here. I believe it is the SPORT (hiking, racing, etc.) that lead you to the GAME, hobby, or activity (geocaching).]


Wouldn't it be the other way around? It is the GAME, hobby, or activity (geocaching) that leads you the the SPORT (hiking to find a cache, racing to be FTF, etc.)? ;):D


I can't speak for the others but no offense taken here! :D


I guess it all depends on what triggered the activity to your addiction... the idea of exercise or geocaching. :anitongue: I 100% agree with you that there is a separation... Let the blind man see... :D No offense taken here either. What a can of worms that got opened... ;)

Edited by bubnme
Posted (edited)

Just adding fodder,


I think exercise is a side effect of the caching for most. I have never climbed so many stinking hills and mountains in my life :anitongue: (boga sent me to a top of a mountain). Many caches will say there is a 1/4 mile walk but fail to mention the 3 miles in altitude change to get to that 1/4 mile.


I am not saying it is a bad thing, just a side effect. ;)

Edited by ferventkids
Wouldn't it be the other way around? It is the GAME, hobby, or activity (geocaching) that leads you the the SPORT (hiking to find a cache, racing to be FTF, etc.)? :wub::wub:
OK guys, here's the question to ponder for a while:


a] Is tarring a game or a sport?

b] Is feathering a game or a sport?

c] Does it matter whether you are the tarree/fetheree or the tarrer/featherer? :laughing:

Wouldn't it be the other way around? It is the GAME, hobby, or activity (geocaching) that leads you the the SPORT (hiking to find a cache, racing to be FTF, etc.)? :wub::)
OK guys, here's the question to ponder for a while:


a] Is tarring a game or a sport?

b] Is feathering a game or a sport?

c] Does it matter whether you are the tarree/fetheree or the tarrer/featherer? :wub:

If properly done... :laughing:


Actually, both would be a game (like Russian Roulette) by the smoking model. You shouldn't smoke while being Tarred or Feathered due to the fire hazards of both! :)




Speaking of sending people up a little hill, looks like someone did those caches while MOUNTED. I think one of my horse would go up there but not sure he'd make it back. The others - not a chance. :D Too scarry. :D


Yeah, it certainly seems that way. In fact, I am going to be placing a cache or two (and archiving a few as well)...I am glad I am back in and I thank you guys for it!



CONGRATS to Sanruft for passing 1100! :wub:


Could it be...Sanruft back in the game? YES...I do believe it so! FINALLY! It's nice to see them back!


BOGA...give in to the dark side :laughing: You know you want to! Stop playing in the forums and use that time to find a cache.

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