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Central Valley Cachers


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How... do you get time to handle a camera while Bar-B-Queing? It's all I can do to cook with one hand while working the fire extinguisher with the other. :rolleyes:


If I ever become that old, you're invited to my 50th birthday (but that's such a long ways off). :rolleyes:


Ok ok ok...this is actually Wolf Grrl but The Hubby is logged in so I stayed. Yes I'm pirating his log in right now. :rolleyes: Welcome to all of you newbies. It's nice to see new people in the forum. Seeing that you can BBQ not just grille (yes fellas I know the difference...The Hubby has taught me well) you need to HOST an event. Click on the link below and that is what we all mean when we talk about an event. That is when you get to meet all of us strange CVC/MAC people. We show up at your place or a park wherever you may be hosting and you feed us! :rolleyes: What a great way to meet us all and let's say ring in "back to school"! Just not in October...The Hubby is planning a really good one (Boo Bash).


I know Photom has plugged it but I will, MAC put on great events and you wouldn't want to miss Happy's to be 50 event. It sounds like it is going to be a blast. Plus they are going to have seminars that can really help newbies out.


MAC/CVC cachers truly are the nicest people!!! I mean that sincerely. I started caching in the Bay Area and I have cached a BUNCH there and I've cached in Texas a bunch and no one compares to our cachers here. This is just a great group, the most helpful and they will be the ones that make you feel the most welcome.


Spring Fling Event


Hope to meet you all soon. Happy Caching!


~Wolf Grrl




I agree! So when will we get to try some of this home brew and pork butt? We have a camping event coming up I think. And welcome.

Maybe this will help????? :sad:










Oh man, that is just wrong! Where is that moderator?!?!?!? I think at the very least these pictures should have included smell and taste!


Sorry for hijacking your thread. Whats the Tag issue?

You didn't hijack the thread at all. Anything goes. If you hadn't posted something, NascarFam would have done something to distract us from his "problem."

The "Tag issue" revolves around CVC Tag - a traveling (grandfathered) cache that is supposed to stay with the Central Vally. But NascarFam totally disregarded that prime rule, kidnapped Tag, and transported her to the unknown. Although the evidence is overwhelming, and he has confessed, the trial and subsequent tar and feathering is yet to be held. :unsure:


Oh wow Tom...I almost fell out of my chair laughing when I read your post!


Yes, Tag was grandfathered in but it was Tom and Doug who broke the original rules by taking it out of Stanislaus County (not the Central Valley)...Since then, there have been a number of scofflaws that have completely disregarded Tag's wishes...In fact, there are so many law-breakers here that we don't have enough tar and feathers to go around anymore! (Refer to earlier photos in this forum for the tar and feathering ceremony) :laughing:


Yes, Tag is a moving cache and it moves farther and farther by the day. Ron, don't become a scofflaw like the rest... :unsure:


Sorry for hijacking your thread. Whats the Tag issue?

You didn't hijack the thread at all. Anything goes. If you hadn't posted something, NascarFam would have done something to distract us from his "problem."

The "Tag issue" revolves around CVC Tag - a traveling (grandfathered) cache that is supposed to stay with the Central Vally. But NascarFam totally disregarded that prime rule, kidnapped Tag, and transported her to the unknown. Although the evidence is overwhelming, and he has confessed, the trial and subsequent tar and feathering is yet to be held. :laughing:


TAG is in Atwater?? I had no idea..........that's pretty cool.........we're heading up to Lassen in a few days....I bet TAG would love an adventure about now!!!!!!!! :unsure::laughing::laughing:



TAG is in Atwater?? I had no idea..........that's pretty cool.........we're heading up to Lassen in a few days....I bet TAG would love an adventure about now!!!!!!!! :laughing::laughing::laughing:

Or... you could pick CVC Tag!!! up on the way home and not have to get into the Tar and Feather line. :unsure:


Hijacked?! With food?? I'd call that a Rabbit Trail at best. Yaks-alot would have been a little ticked (vegetarian) but it just made me hungry



Look! Fast food



TAG is in Atwater?? I had no idea..........that's pretty cool.........we're heading up to Lassen in a few days....I bet TAG would love an adventure about now!!!!!!!! :laughing::laughing::laughing:

Or... you could pick CVC Tag!!! up on the way home and not have to get into the Tar and Feather line. :laughing:



Oh but that would be so safe and boring! :unsure:


Oh wow Tom...I almost fell out of my chair laughing when I read your post!


Yes, Tag was grandfathered in but it was Tom and Doug who broke the original rules by taking it out of Stanislaus County.

Au contraire, Mr Tim. You need to read the logs and then confess you falsely accused us!! I will accept your apology publicy.... :unsure:


Or... you could pick CVC Tag!!! up on the way home and not have to get into the Tar and Feather line. :huh:

Huh??? No, that won't work! You can not "undo" a felony! Stay in the line Greg. :lol:

You mis-read my statement. I wrote that in reference to 2-fur whom is calculating the route that will take them into trouble. I suggested the easy route to stay out of the slammer.


Greg on the other hand has pole position. His penalty day is approaching. :huh:

Posted (edited)

What part was incorrect Tom...That you and Doug took it out of Stansilaus County? We know that part was true as the two of you were tried and convicted of that...No public apology necessary on that part! Now, you may not have been the FIRST to break the rules, but the rules were broken nevertheless! :huh:


Oh wow Tom...I almost fell out of my chair laughing when I read your post!


Yes, Tag was grandfathered in but it was Tom and Doug who broke the original rules by taking it out of Stanislaus County.

Au contraire, Mr Tim. You need to read the logs and then confess you falsely accused us!! I will accept your apology publicy.... :lol:

Edited by Sanruft
Posted (edited)

Just wanted to vent a bit. I had two caches muggled, and two more had to be archived or disabled. For those who have partial Coordinates for Pirates of the San Joaquin River, they are no good anymore.

Edited by RunningWolph

Just wanted to vent a bit. I had two caches muggled, and two more had to be archived or disabled. For those who have partial Coordinates for Pirates of the San Joaquin River, they are no good anymore.

That sucks!!! ;):D

Yeah, it really stinks whe that happens...Best advice is to not worry about it...They do disappear once in awhile. (And sometimes more than once in awhile).


Just wanted to vent a bit. I had two caches muggled, and two more had to be archived or disabled. For those who have partial Coordinates for Pirates of the San Joaquin River, they are no good anymore.


I'd rather get muggled than be called a ''re-muggle''. ;)


Caches may come and caches may go but getting out to enjoy one is so worth the risk of having some low-life-scum find try to steal our joy. Not going to happen!! :D


I know how you feel. Back in 2006, right before we left, every one knew we were going to leave the area a lot of my caches started disappearing. That also happened after I denied a cacher a hiding spot that I had and they wanted. Eventually I gave up and moved on. It does stink because that was time, work and money no matter how simplistic the cache or hide was. People suck! ;)


WAY TO GO SB JUNKY. I will get there someday.

Get there someday, I have passed 500 and even 600 on my way to 700. Not to toot my own horn but, WHOOOO-HOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


WAY TO GO SB JUNKY. I will get there someday.

Get there someday, I have passed 500 and even 600 on my way to 700. Not to toot my own horn but, WHOOOO-HOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And just think if you weren't doing all your caching from an excavator at the same hunting ground - day after day after day!! Did you get the Manteca Travel Bug Hotel yet?! :rolleyes:


Congratulations on 643 finds so far!!


I'm going back to my studies in Cacheless Caching. :blink:


WAY TO GO SB JUNKY. I will get there someday.

Get there someday, I have passed 500 and even 600 on my way to 700. Not to toot my own horn but, WHOOOO-HOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Good Going Scott. I thought I would of gotten some more this week. But it did not happen. Ok I am thinking about going and getting Wait till Dark next saturday. Anyone else game about going out. I was told not to do this bymyself. But I also noticed that some of the fireflys might be missing so It might be better for a group. Anyone else Up for this? or are you all still sleeping?


WAY TO GO SB JUNKY. I will get there someday.

Get there someday, I have passed 500 and even 600 on my way to 700. Not to toot my own horn but, WHOOOO-HOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Good Going Scott. I thought I would of gotten some more this week. But it did not happen. Ok I am thinking about going and getting Wait till Dark next saturday. Anyone else game about going out. I was told not to do this bymyself. But I also noticed that some of the fireflys might be missing so It might be better for a group. Anyone else Up for this? or are you all still sleeping?

This is best hunted alone - while dressed like a sheep. :rolleyes: It's cougar country but I know that just adds to the challenge to the adventure. I did it by myself with a pen light but honestly agree it would be smarter to have someone with you (that you can out run).


Today Raatler is letting me borrow a eTrex Legend, so I will finally try to do a puzzle cache. I will probably start with a local one that way if I completely blow it, I can still get home :o


Congrats on the 500 :lol:


I just hit the 100 mark this week :lol:

Posted (edited)

S.O.S ... S.O.S.



I'm trapped in my own house with nine thousand three hundred and twenty seven 11 and 12 year old girls!!!! My duaghter's having a slumber party for her birthday and they are EVERYWHERE!! They're under the refrigerator... they're climbing out of the vents ... they're ...they're AAAAHH!! THEY'VE GOT ME!!!! HELP!!! HELP!!!! HELP!!!

Edited by The Hubby

S.O.S ... S.O.S.



I'm trapped in my own house with nine thousand three hundred and twenty seven 11 and 12 year old girls!!!! My duaghter's having a slumber party for her birthday and they are EVERYWHERE!! They're under the refrigerator... they're climbing out of the vents ... they're ...they're AAAAHH!! THEY'VE GOT ME!!!! HELP!!! HELP!!!!


:lol::oAnd I happen to know that TWO of their Mommies are camped out in Merced, nice and comfy (and quiet) in a brand new motel. They had to camp out after a hard day of caching and another planned for tomorrow.


And the way I heard it, you VOLUNTEERED for this duty (most likely sucking up to your wife, I expect.)


But, how are you going to stay ahead of NascarFam when you are now a professional "sitter"? Huh?? :o:lol:

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