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Central Valley Cachers


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Here you go. Does it have to be in the area of the challenge??


It can't be in the area of the challenge because Alpines oldest active cache is 2001 or 2002.


After a bit of research 1. Searching for "old" local cachers, 2. Looking at their earliest finds, 3. Using their finds to find more "old" cachers etc. ad naseum:


I found GCDE, GCD2, GC104, GC108.


One of these pages had a bookmark for CA counties oldest active caches. This may not be helpful because most of my local counties only went back to 2001. I think the ones above are mostly bay area caches. The county link is here for what it is worth:




Did 2 for the road find GC104?


No, we haven't found that one and I'm not sure why because we regularly camp at Del Valle. Must have ruled it out because of not wanting to hike!! If anyone goes for that one beware of rattlesnakes at Del Valle. We've seen them there and even have a picture of one!


Thank you so much, I have been trying pocket queries for different areas then using GSAK to sort by date placed.


These caches GCDE, GCD2, GC104, GC108 should do it. I thought I was in for it when I saw the first cache was placed in May of 2000, I was thinking of making the drive to Oregon (any excuse for a road trip), but the original cache is now a 2006 cache LOL


No, we haven't found that one and I'm not sure why because we regularly camp at Del Valle. Must have ruled it out because of not wanting to hike!! If anyone goes for that one beware of rattlesnakes at Del Valle. We've seen them there and even have a picture of one!

I wouldn't mistake Dragon Head Cache with camping at Del Valle. The camp and the cache are many miles a part. That is unless you're really into hiking and don't mind one heck of a final climb/decent to get the cache, then reversing it. I'm not sure I could make that hike! :laughing:


One more month until the CVC Camo Contest. I hope everyone's ready to take a beating!! :laughing:

Here are the rules:


1) Caches have to be placed within Merced, Stanislaus and San Joaquin counties.

2) Caches have to be placed from October 1st through January 1st, in all weather locations.

3) Caches have to be placed in public areas.

4) Caches have to be larger than a micro with (in your opinion) 4-5 star camo.

5) Caches have to be listed privately till January 1st, at which time they can be listed publicly for anyone and everyone.

6) The first person who finds all of them wins. The prize will be a small trophy.

7) The winner has to devise a challenge for the summer by April 1st.


No, we haven't found that one and I'm not sure why because we regularly camp at Del Valle. Must have ruled it out because of not wanting to hike!! If anyone goes for that one beware of rattlesnakes at Del Valle. We've seen them there and even have a picture of one!

I wouldn't mistake Dragon Head Cache with camping at Del Valle. The camp and the cache are many miles a part. That is unless you're really into hiking and don't mind one heck of a final climb/decent to get the cache, then reversing it. I'm not sure I could make that hike! B)


I meant it was in the area, and when we camp, we often cache the surrounding area. I think we probably did pass on it because of the hiking! :laughing:


No, we haven't found that one and I'm not sure why because we regularly camp at Del Valle. Must have ruled it out because of not wanting to hike!! If anyone goes for that one beware of rattlesnakes at Del Valle. We've seen them there and even have a picture of one!

I wouldn't mistake Dragon Head Cache with camping at Del Valle. The camp and the cache are many miles a part. That is unless you're really into hiking and don't mind one heck of a final climb/decent to get the cache, then reversing it. I'm not sure I could make that hike! B)


I meant it was in the area, and when we camp, we often cache the surrounding area. I think we probably did pass on it because of the hiking! :laughing:

You darn near pass my cache Concannon Fodder as you travel from the camping to the Dragon Head Cache. B)


No, we haven't found that one and I'm not sure why because we regularly camp at Del Valle. Must have ruled it out because of not wanting to hike!! If anyone goes for that one beware of rattlesnakes at Del Valle. We've seen them there and even have a picture of one!

I wouldn't mistake Dragon Head Cache with camping at Del Valle. The camp and the cache are many miles a part. That is unless you're really into hiking and don't mind one heck of a final climb/decent to get the cache, then reversing it. I'm not sure I could make that hike! B)


I meant it was in the area, and when we camp, we often cache the surrounding area. I think we probably did pass on it because of the hiking! :laughing:

You darn near pass my cache Concannon Fodder as you travel from the camping to the Dragon Head Cache. B)


But do I have to HIKE?? Or think too hard??

We're going again in April, so can we do it then? B)


Agreed that it's kind of a 1/1 (but as I recall, you can't push a stroller to it so maybe I'd rate it a 1/1.5). If you walk over from the Del Valle camp ground, up that rating to a 1/4.5 :lol: Best to drive around (to the darn) and park in the cache hunters parking lot. :(


By the way. Back to the sport or what have you question. I was looking at the main page for Geocaching.com and it say right at the top "The Sport where you are the search engine" so there you have it. it is official. I was right. Thank you....


By the way. Back to the sport or what have you question. I was looking at the main page for Geocaching.com and it say right at the top "The Sport where you are the search engine" so there you have it. it is official. I was right. Thank you....


The Groundspeak Lackeys have spoken! So it is; so it shall be!


Nice find Mr. NascarFam


By the way. Back to the sport or what have you question. I was looking at the main page for Geocaching.com and it say right at the top "The Sport where you are the search engine" so there you have it. it is official. I was right. Thank you....


The Groundspeak Lackeys have spoken! So it is; so it shall be!


Nice find Mr. NascarFam

Whoa. Not so fast. Here is a quote, also directly from geocaching.com, "Getting Started with Geocaching


Geocaching (pronounced geo-cashing) is a worldwide game of hiding and seeking treasure.


When is a sport not a game?





even curling ect


Not all games are sports though (see golf) ^_^

You can go watch any of the games but collectively, the games are the sport. Geocaching doesn't have 'Game Night' so regardless when you're doing it... it's a sport. :unsure:


When is a sport not a game?





even curling ect


Not all games are sports though (see golf) :D

You can go watch any of the games but collectively, the games are the sport. Geocaching doesn't have 'Game Night' so regardless when you're doing it... it's a sport. :D


The reason we don't have a Game night is because the Game never stopes. it just keeps on going ;) from sun up to sun up! :

Posted (edited)

Hi guys and gals,


I haven't been caching(need GPS), but went on a couple great hikes. Desolation wilderness in Tahoe and yesterday we did South Grove at Big Trees. Figured I wouldcheck in and say hi

Edited by wlfpkrcn

Hi guys and gals,


I haven't been caching(need GPS), but went on a couple great hikes. Desolation wilderness in Tahoe and yesterday we did South Grove at Big Trees. Figured I wouldcheck in and say hi


Hi there!! I love Big Trees...reminds me, we should get up there before the summer's over this year!


I hope you get to cache soon--you know depending on where you're at, you could probably find a decent little number of "urban" caches without a GPS...I know some of the ones I've found here in the Riverbank area wouldn't necessarily NEED a GPS to do--might take a little bit longer, but you can get pretty far by looking at the maps, haha. You're up in Valley Springs right?


Have a great weekend!


Hi guys and gals,


I haven't been caching(need GPS), but went on a couple great hikes. Desolation wilderness in Tahoe and yesterday we did South Grove at Big Trees. Figured I wouldcheck in and say hi

OK, I have to ask... What is it going to take to get you into the search mode?! At least get a used GPSr so you can start enjoying the greatest SPORT in the world. Maybe even printing out a Google Earth satellite photo (remembering it is not calibrated accurate due to a complicated correction factor of applying a 2-D image on a 3-D object).


Never the less, there's at least one guy that had several hundred finds without owning a GPSr. Heck, even hitch hiking with other cachers would get you your first find. [You know you want to]. At the very minimum, go to a Geogathering, but do something!! ;)






1 more to 300 finds!!! then 0 more to 3000 (homeschool math :( ) 300+0=3000 :laughing:

I love your (math) skills. Way to go on your first 3 centuries. At this rate you'll pass me in... wait a minute... everyone is going to pass me! :laughing:


Keep going!! :D




BOGA...if you spent the time you do in the forums on actual geocaching you will notice your finds will go up. :laughing:

Ohhh, that's cold! You been watching the Democrats and Republicans, have you??? :laughing:

maybe that is my problem too. but work has been getting in the way. I spent the weekend in sonora and did not even get one cache. wait that is like two weeks now without a cache. what is wrong with this picture. Boga is rubbing off.


Sorry...not watching those.


BOGA...I hope you didn't take that the wrong way. I just thought I'd be helpful and point out the obvious. Sorry. :(


Nascar Fam...2 weeks without a cache?! :) No way! :D You know what, I think I am the same way but that is solved tomorrow when we leave for D*land. You need to start caching buddy! Get back to the dark side! SB Junky even got a FTF near your territory. I knew something was up with you! :laughing:


Sorry...not watching those.


BOGA...I hope you didn't take that the wrong way. I just thought I'd be helpful and point out the obvious. Sorry.

hummm. Could be more complicated, but if you bought off on that math (0 finds added to 300 finds equals 3000 finds) you may not understand.


No harm. Keep having fun.


Good job on the shameless plug... I thought I was the only one. :rolleyes:


I've been hiking all over up there (during hunting season) and I'm sure that's a reachable location. Too hot in the summer and too wet in the winter. Best reached early in the morning.


Where are you, FTF Hounds???! :laughing:


I have to say, getting out caching on Saturday was way better than chatting in the forum. (Thanks Wolf Grrl for the suggestion.) :rolleyes:


So Fizzy and I rented a kayak and went to New Hogan Lake because it best met our needs for The Fizzy Challenge. Yep, even ol' Fizzy hasn't completed the requirements (yet). It took us close to 4 hours to paddle 7.2 miles and find 5 caches including one great multi (yer pirate lubers).


So now I'm hooked. I'm selling the horses and buying a kayak!



So Fizzy and I rented a kayak and went to New Hogan Lake because it best met our needs for The Fizzy Challenge. Yep, even ol' Fizzy hasn't completed the requirements (yet). It took us close to 4 hours to paddle 7.2 miles and find 5 caches including one great multi (yer pirate lubers).


So now I'm hooked. I'm selling the horses and buying a kayak!



You went to New Hogan and didn't invite me OR stop by for a beer :rolleyes: You are officially off my Christmas list!!


I have to say, getting out caching on Saturday was way better than chatting in the forum. (Thanks Wolf Grrl for the suggestion.) :lol:


So Fizzy and I rented a kayak and went to New Hogan Lake because it best met our needs for The Fizzy Challenge. Yep, even ol' Fizzy hasn't completed the requirements (yet). It took us close to 4 hours to paddle 7.2 miles and find 5 caches including one great multi (yer pirate lubers).


So now I'm hooked. I'm selling the horses and buying a kayak!


You are welcome! It's nice too see you out again. One time kayaking is all it takes. That was the drive behind our purchase of kayaks. We love them! It's peaceful, relaxing, and just fun.


I'm glad you had fun and was able to get out.


I'm still trying to figure that one out Nascar Fam! What is wrong with you...you are disappointing me. :laughing: What will it take to get you back out there? Did the Mega Run do you in? :laughing:


Good job BOGA! I'm glad you had a great time and grabbed a boat load of caches...hahaha.


I better see all ya'll at Boo Bash! It's going to be so much fun!!!


What a weekend to end a great caching week. We cached our way down the mountain and saved 5150 for the grand finally. I'm not sure why anyone would log it as a DNF unless they simply got to the hunting area and common sense over came them! :laughing:


Now I need to get logging! :laughing:


What a weekend to end a great caching week. We cached our way down the mountain and saved 5150 for the grand finally. I'm not sure why anyone would log it as a DNF unless they simply got to the hunting area and common sense over came them! :D


Now I need to get logging! :laughing:

Well said Bill! The event was awesome in that we only needed 495 more folks to make it a MEGA event! But we made the best of it, finding three of Bill's CLASSIC HIDES, having a couple great meals (trading stories), sleeping in the cold, and then caching our way back to the lowlands. Totally awesome. And I have PHOTOGRAPHIC evidence. :laughing:


One more month until the CVC Camo Contest. I hope everyone's ready to take a beating!! :)

Here are the rules:


1) Caches have to be placed within Merced, Stanislaus and San Joaquin counties.

2) Caches have to be placed from October 1st through January 1st, in all weather locations.

3) Caches have to be placed in public areas.

4) Caches have to be larger than a micro with (in your opinion) 4-5 star camo.

5) Caches have to be listed privately till January 1st, at which time they can be listed publicly for anyone and everyone.

6) The first person who finds all of them wins. The prize will be a small trophy.

7) The winner has to devise a challenge for the summer by April 1st.

Only 8 days remain until those entries can be submitted (aka Posted). I understand someone had a false start and someone else 'never knew about the contest', but she's kind of blindbutnowSHEsee's! :o [Any guesses who that could be?!]


Question: If you received a series of DNF's from a cacher that assures you that the cache is MIA... and so you go up to look at the cache - which is in the only logical location - and you find the cache was right where it should be... do you think her find log should be deleted and she should have to go find the correct cache? :o:)


Question: If you received a series of DNF's from a cacher that assures you that the cache is MIA... and so you go up to look at the cache - which is in the only logical location - and you find the cache was right where it should be... do you think her find log should be deleted and she should have to go find the correct cache? :o:)

Bill, I think you should ask tmkbk that question. She seems to have it all together and would give you a sound, reasonable, and logical answer. :D

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