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Who Are The Lurkers? Introduce Yourself.

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Posted (edited)

hi there everyone. my name is chris geertsen and i use that name for my prophile account on geocaching.com. i was introduced to geocaching at a boy's ranch 4 years ago. but never really started doing it my self untill late march early february of this year 212. currently i have found 400 geocaches. 1 being an event 2 being a mystery cache and the rest being a traditional type caches. i am 6 foot 5 and sometimes have a mustache or beard but don't make that be a determining factor in how old i am because i am only 15 years old!!!!!!!!!! i live in kearns utah. currently i have placed 64 caches that have published. 2 of which have favorite points. 1 my twin towers cache having 1 point and my other will you find it? having 3 favorite points. i also have the most caches in kearns utah and have published them all within this year. i prefer standard map reading as a way to find and hide my caches. most if not all of my caches are dead on or really close as far as the coordinates go. i will usually only use a standard gps in the middle of nowhere but i have found a majority just using standard map reading skills. one day i went out without a gps or map and managed to find one hidden in the bushes. of course i looked at it and read the description before i went out to find it. that's my backround of caching!i was a lurker but as of today i am no more. i just went to my first event cache as of yesterday. i love adventure and the great outdoors

Edited by chris geertsen

Hello from southern Utah,


I am not new to Geocaching but have not found too many yet. Family, school, kids, and career took up most of my time the last several years. Now that my two boys are older I introduced them to caching this last weekend. They are very active and love the outdoors and love the hunt! My wife and I love the family time it allows us to have together and teach my boys a few things about the outdoors. It is by far my cheapest sport I participate in. A little gas money, a packed lunch and our afternoon is set. I do have my eye on a GPS unit for paperless caching.



Yes, I'll admit it, I'm a lurker. This isn't the only site I lurk either. :rolleyes:

But I'm going to introduce myself now & go post somewhere else because I have some questions. So "Hi"! I don't know how much I'll continue posting because, as was said at the beginning here, the anger I see going on. I'd rather just stay out of it and be amused :drama: than jump in and become mad myself. My stress level is high enough...this is suppose to be for fun. And that's how I'm going to try and continue.


Kimba (the Lonely Nut)


I've been taking it in for the first month. Diving in with posting today for the first time.

How bad can it be? I'm a veteran of numerous online rolplaying game forums. There can be no more vile online community in the world than them!





I've been a geocaching member a long time, although I took a break from geocaching. I'm happy that one of my first caches was adopted and is going on for over 10 years! :D I just got a new GPS, and I'm "lurking" again--although I'm posting some too. It's great to see there are many more caches since I last looked. :grin:


new to geocach. i was searching the web looking for something new and found geocaching. just signed up a few days ago and today we found our first geocache. so much fun!!! we use a cell phone gps and are "newbies" we left something in the cache but took nothing. also took a picture of it. anyone in north carolina have rules, ideas, suggestions.... all are welcome.until next time i will continue to lurk

Posted (edited)

Been lurking awhile, but finally registered and stuff after I bit the bullet and bought a new GPS (Oregon 450) due to arrive this week. Geocaching has fascinated me for a few years but there has just been no time to incorporate it into life. Now that I've transitioned from a stressful technical career to full time artist (watercolorist specializing in dogs), I have a bit more flexibility and can devote some time to geocaching. I figured I better get to it...I ain't getting any younger!


I'm hoping to introduce a couple of sketching friends to geocaching to see if they'll go with me on expeditions so we can discover caches and then sketch for a while at each site (where that is feasible). Also looking forward to taking my dog along on as many adventures as possible. Seems as if there are organized geocaching groups in Northern VA and Fredericksburg, VA but their activities seem to occur at locations that are a bit too far to drive for my preferences. I'll just have to see who I meet here and in real life and what options present themselves for joining up with other geocachers for group fun.


Can't wait to get my new GPS in my hands and set out to find my first sites close to home and then get more adventurous. And already the idea of having a signature item has poked my creative brain so I've been playing with some beads and rubber stamps and stuff to make a few prototypes...I do love that there is a creative element to all this. The signature item thread is pretty awesome.


On a more personal note, I'm married to a great guy. We have a small farm where we raise miniature donkeys (to keep the place in land use so that taxes are lower). I also have a lovely (and gigantic at 18 hands) mule named Emma who I trail ride. Would be very cool to incorporate a trail ride with looking for caches but the only problem is that once I get off, it's a bit of a challenge to get back on without something to use as a mounting block. :P


Anyway...looking forward to fun. If you're in my neck of the woods, give me a shout.


I've been taking it in for the first month. Diving in with posting today for the first time.

How bad can it be? I'm a veteran of numerous online rolplaying game forums. There can be no more vile online community in the world than them!


Haha, I hear that. EVE Online was my drug of choice for four years. That community is one of the most harsh :)

Edited by DogArtist

Been on a few caches with some family from out of town before I registered my own account. Thought it was really fun so I decided to register myself up and get in on the action! Only 16 caches found so far, but it's sure a great time and I enjoy it. If your caching in the panhandle of Florida maybe I'll see you around. ^_^


Hello All,

My name is Matt and I have been here for several years and I took a long break from Geocaching but now I have become very into this again. Honestly it was my new smart phone that regenerated my interest. It was always so "Luggy" Wring down or printing the info then entering the Coords into the meggellon. Then go off to find the cache with limited information. Now with the phone and the geo-app WOW It is easy and a lot more fun. If you havent hunted using your smart phone your missing a lot of the fun.I have not posted in the forums before though I frequent several other forums and find them usefull and interesting.


I am ready to hide my first cahces either today or tomorrow, One large cache with trade items (My favorite type) and one micro.


Thank all of you for a Great Geocaching Adventure !!




Hello everyone. My name is Andy (Herdo), I'm 24 years old, I live in Phoenix Arizona, and I am brand new to geocaching. I started looking it up about 2 days ago and I went out today to find my first. I checked one that was within 250 meters of my house or so but I could not find it :(.


I then looked up another that was close to my house and I set off towards it. This one was tough to find but I eventually found it and inside was a travel bug! I decided to take it because I will going on a trip a week from today and I thought it would be nice to get it out of state.


I went to work and went about my day until lunch. At this time I pulled up my Groundspeak app on my phone and saw a geocache located directly behind the building I work in, 150 feet from where I was standing! The one hadn't been logged since Christmas day, so I was unsure if it would still be there. So I wandered over there and was searching through the bushes when I heard foot steps. I look up to see a couple walking up on me who kindly say, "Good! We won't have to bend over to log it!" I couldn't believe it. My second geocache and I ran into other geocachers; what are the chances? We ended up chatting for a bit, I got their username and we parted ways. Overall it was an excellent first day for me. My girlfriend and I have already decided we are going out all weekend looking for geocaches.


Hi all!


My name's Thibault, I'm a 26 yo French bloke living in London.

I discovered Geocaching earlier last year, and I'm having great fun with it, especially when I'm abroad.

I value good caches that makes me visit places I wouldn't have seen if not for the cache!


I hope I can bring something to the community in London at some point, it would be nice :-)


I'm metalbearspy...started caching in Aug 2012. I am very addicted to caching and so much so that I do my hunting by public transit because i don't have a car.


I tend to drive my family nuts because they dont like geocaching and my mind is always on it.


Hi everybody!


I'm "technically" not new, since according to my profile I joined back in 2008 and even logged a few finds, but I quickly abandoned the hobby because I didn't want to go alone. I recently talked to my boyfriend about geocaching and he liked the idea, so I dusted off my old account (didn't think it would still be up) and we went on a quick caching trip around the neighborhood last week. Lucky me, he liked it! Needless I've spent the week planning routes and checking nearby caches for our next trip tomorrow. Can't wait! Think I'll be sticking around for good this time. :D

Posted (edited)

Is it a capital offence to lurk?

I am a newbie to geocaching and to the site but to remove the Lurker tag today I found my first cache.

Way to go eh


PS did introduce myself in say hello so maybe I am not technically a lurker after all

Edited by Tilly41

(squeaky voice from the back) - uh...hello! Myself and my lovely lady herwelshness have been geocaching since October last year.

Since then - we have become increasingly addicted to this wonderful world. It actually has been the springboard for us to start hiking, biking, and road tripping.


We try to post a pic at every cache we find. Would be nice to make some geocaching friends in Kansas City.


Hi, I'm Tony. While looking for some alternate things to do actively with my kids, aside from sports, I came across Geocaching. I had noticed that a couple of my cousins were doing it so I investigated. I explained what it was and they were interested in trying it out. I signed up in November of 2012 but didn't search for my first geocache until January 1st of 2013. I guess starting a hobby like this in the dead of winter wasn't the greatest idea but I've enjoyed it (obviously a bit more than the kids and wife). I now have just over 100 finds and that will only increase when the weather breaks. Very addicting. I'm from Cincinnati Ohio. I'm going to attempt my first 5/5 when it warms up.



I'm Ramon from Chattanooga, Tn. Just started 4 days ago and I'm addicted! :) Already got one daughter and son-in-law of other daughter busy hunting with me. Winters aren't bad here, so I'm heading to the National Forest tomorrow to do some hike in's.


Really enjoying the Forums. Great information. Appreciate it!


Often when discussing features of the website, the point is raised that many of the people who might feel one way, or another about a given topic never actually say anything because the forums are so hostile.


Another good point that often comes up is that the forum is where people come to learn about caching, and we should try give the best impression we can.


I'm curious to know how many people are out there quietly taking it all in.


There really is no topic here, so you can't post off topic. And since there is no topic, there needn't be any arguing either. :P


Feel free to use this thread to say "Hi", and introduce yourself.

Don't like the hostility but I'll give as I get. I'll soon have 200 finds, have placed about 90. Like hiding a bit better than looking. Dont like some types i have run into that place questionable caches but then rant and rave for similar caches i place. Quite often i like to add in caches to break up a long hike. A hike quite often to nothing spectacular. And then i'll get hassled for doing so.


I like caches with a bit of a challenge. Don't like caches with neon sign hints. Dont like cachers who complain when you place a cache without a neon sign. I like people either like my caches or have the common sense to pass over my caches and not complain if they dont like my style. Bottle caps with a magnet epoxied into the end can be useful but would prefer some novel design. I like geocachers who enjoy figuring out a weird hint so that when they do find the cache they get to have a good feeling about finding a a cache AND that feeling of "yeah, that hint tells you just where to look!"


hello..ive posted one time before on here. Its the middle of winter in NW Wisconsin, not a very winter geocach friendly time of year. Altho I have seen some caches say they are winter friendly, but havent had the courage to venture out in the below freezing temps to check them out. Any one else have this problem? I just bought the Oregon 450t...havent put batteries in in it yet but I am anxious for the weather to warm up so I can get out there!


hello..ive posted one time before on here. Its the middle of winter in NW Wisconsin, not a very winter geocach friendly time of year. Altho I have seen some caches say they are winter friendly, but havent had the courage to venture out in the below freezing temps to check them out. Any one else have this problem? I just bought the Oregon 450t...havent put batteries in in it yet but I am anxious for the weather to warm up so I can get out there!

My daughter is up in Canada now. Alberta. She has gone out to place a cache with some TBs in it for it. The TBs were gone when the FTF was made the day after the listing went active. Somebody is getting out in the cold weather though.


Not extremely cold here. Hovering up and down below freezing. Had planned a train trip to one station that would have netted my at least 6 and maybe up to 16 caches. Rained though. Not dealing with a rather hard rain AND the cold.


hello..ive posted one time before on here. Its the middle of winter in NW Wisconsin, not a very winter geocach friendly time of year. Altho I have seen some caches say they are winter friendly, but havent had the courage to venture out in the below freezing temps to check them out. Any one else have this problem? I just bought the Oregon 450t...havent put batteries in in it yet but I am anxious for the weather to warm up so I can get out there!

My daughter is up in Canada now. Alberta. She has gone out to place a cache with some TBs in it for it. The TBs were gone when the FTF was made the day after the listing went active. Somebody is getting out in the cold weather though.


Not extremely cold here. Hovering up and down below freezing. Had planned a train trip to one station that would have netted my at least 6 and maybe up to 16 caches. Rained though. Not dealing with a rather hard rain AND the cold.


Its slightly above 20 degrees today. I downloaded some caches on my new unit and am thinking of getting my Columbia boots on and going for a hike to see how winter friendly caching can be...Id actually like for it to be a bit warmer. Not sure Im that brave yet LOL. Supposed to get 4-5 inches of snow after midnight tonight. It would be nice to find some other people in the area who like to geocache


I guess I am a "lurker." I come on a few times a week, see if I see any new topics that catch my eye, read a bit, get lost in forums reading all kinds of fun stuff. But, never say anything =)


Hello from Maine. I've been a lurker for a while as well. Even though the forums have been very helpful for me as a newbie, I've never dared to post anything in fear of sounding stupid and annoying anyone. This is my 1st post. I've finally ordered a GPS and it will be arriving in a couple of days. Can't wait to get the family out there for our 1st search. Last summer on one of our hikes, we found a cache by accident that was not covered up well. Needless to say, the kids were amazed. We're getting more snow this weekend, so I'm still in the process of figuring out which cache we want to attempt that will not be buried in snow. Looking forward to upgrading my membership to Premium as soon as we get the GPS set up.


Well from out of the darkness of lurking into the light of posting... HELLO EVERYONE! We are new to this, 3 days! Love love LOVE it, we are planning some amazing caches of our own, a special one in Holland at Easter in loving memory of our mum (she's Dutch), a local castle and a place we find very beautiful indeed (and hope others agree).... we can't wait to read the logs as we are going to try and make them as interesting as possible :) defo want them to have travel bugs so we can watch them make a journey :) We are a family of four who love being out doors, we are named 'Black Dragon Clan' thanks to our truck named by our youngest clan member(Jake 3yrs). If anyone has any advice on how we should go about leaving a cache in Holland that would be great (how do you do maintenance?? can you leave instructions for people to help out a little??) Thanx!

with love,


xxx Black Dragon Clan xxx


Hi folks,


Quick intro (before I ask a question in the Wherigo forums). Been caching a couple of months in Sydney and enjoying it immensely. Now planning my first hide.


Cheers to all,


Geoff aka Tyreless

:anicute: Hi! We are new to this game but are addicted already. There are 4 of us that play together, Cory, Nikki, Aidan & Tara. Hope the weather is a bit better this weekend so we can go log more finds! :anitongue:

Hi everyone, went out to my local outdoors shop the other day just to buy some bits and pieces, hiking socks, new boot foot-beds and the like. Somehow I managed to end up buying a Garmin GPSmap 62s. Whilst I was registering it on Garmin's website, I noticed a link for geocaching.

I'll be out searching for my first cache on Monday, looks like a fun new hobby awaits.


Hello I am new to Geocaching. I bought Magellan explorist 310 on February 9th and to this date have found 40 caches. I just love this sport.

So frustrating at times when the cache is not where the coordinates say or the GPS is bouncing around like crazy. Telling me I have arrived - then telling me to go another direction after I hit ground zero. And what is it with people who give the worst hints - like a look for a lone tree and a log while I am standing in the middle of a forest.

Nevertheless I have found some good caches and I am pleased.


And what is it with people who give the worst hints - like a look for a lone tree and a log while I am standing in the middle of a forest.

I'll give those people some support. It gets boring just walking up to the cache everytime. DNF does NOT mean you failed. It can tell the CO that they may have underrated the difficulty or with several in a row, maybe a trip to check that the cache is still there. I place quite a few caches in full site and the only hint might be to look for something that just doesn't seem right, or may even seems TOO right. I get more whining from cachers who just want to write their name on a piece of paper but I also get the comments that make it all worthwhile, like when somebody makes a log comment or sends a personal note saying how cool the hint was once you finally figured it out. You find a cache AND you figure out a puzzle.


Hi All!

Been at this for about a year now! Just decided premium was the way to go. Hoping to get my first cache published this week... wish me luck!




Hello friends! I'm mishkamigos.

Actually my siblings and I share this account since we really got into geocaching together. It's been tons of fun so far and the best part is that it gets everyone off the computer and out of the house!

We definitely got way into it and have gone geocaching almost every day since we started. Although we'll probably slow down a lot more now.

I'm excited to get more involved in the community. Cache on! :)


I've been lurking on the forums for a while. I mostly use the search feature to find threads with a question I have about caching and I almost always find the answers here.


I'm at almost 50 finds. I live in Greensboro, North Carolina (although I also cache in Winston-Salem where I grew up) and a lot of the caches around here are LPCs or film canisters admittedly placed just for numbers. I don't like pulling off the side of a road or wandering around a parking lot to have everyone wonder who that crazy chick is poking around. I've found some of them, but I prefer caches in the woods, which take some time to plan because of the walking/hiking requirements. So my numbers are very slowly creeping up.

I hid my first cache recently in an area I loved taking walks in as a kid. I'm hiding another soon at a recently restored, beautiful little lake, but I have to build the cache container first. ;-)


I was very concerned about the lack of finds on my first hide. Took days to get a FTF. But I found a thread of someone with a similar problem and I realized it wasn't me, it was the low saturation of caches in the Clemmons, NC area. Just not a lot of players there. Hope that changes eventually.


I cache alone unfortunately. My boyfriend didnt take an interest like I hoped he would, although he's helped me find one. I'm very interested in meeting other cachers in real life, but have not had the opportunity to attend an event, yet,


Hello, Rabid_Dingo here. I've been passively Geocaching since the end of last summer. By passively I mean I have two young kids that I want to get out with and do fun stuff. But the youngest one is only 2. So soon enough, as Spring comes around full circle we'll get out there. the older brother likes treasure hunting and I keep it real with collecting geoswag for our adventures. That way he knows what to expect. We visited a geo maze/GPS exhibition hosted at a local museum. I bought a couple of coins and activated one to send out. The GPS exhibit rekindled a desire to geocache.




Hi there! Msmustache here... I'm fairly new to this and looking for more local cachers, and local events too! I am really looking forward to being in an event. I can't wait. 55 finds in about a month- not bad but I hope to up my numbers some more.

Posted (edited)

Often when discussing features of the website, the point is raised that many of the people who might feel one way, or another about a given topic never actually say anything because the forums are so hostile.


Another good point that often comes up is that the forum is where people come to learn about caching, and we should try give the best impression we can.


I'm curious to know how many people are out there quietly taking it all in.


There really is no topic here, so you can't post off topic. And since there is no topic, there needn't be any arguing either. :P


Feel free to use this thread to say "Hi", and introduce yourself.

Wife and I just starting geocaching about a month ago, we are having a blast,for me its the journey and the search and the actual find is the topping. It gets me outdoors in all kinds of terrain and allows my Canadian wife to see more of our area. She is loving it. Actually she is somewhat addicted. LOL. She likes the number of caches we find, as barometer of how we are doing, so far 169, she seems to never be satisfied, she is very competitive.I need to keep up with her.

Edited by rockgurl1965

My name is Paul and I'm a lurker. :rolleyes:


I live in Slidell, Louisiana. I'm a part-time geocacher. I primarilly cache when camping or when just wanting to get out of the house on the weekends. I usually cache with my family DW, DS, & 2 DDs. We've only met one other cacher face-to-face while out and about. We do know another local family that does caching also.


Hello All,


Very much a lurker and n00b, from Centurion in South Africa. I heard about Geocaching a few years ago, but could never remember the name, then I met a n00b geocacher on Tuesday evening, heard about it and decided to get stuck in. On Wednesday I registered on the site, downloaded some apps, searched for some local caches and ready to get started this weekend.


Looks like such a nice, fun, family kinda thing to do.


Looking forward to finding my first cache and meeting other local geocachers in the Centurion area.


I have been around for about a year now and I am hoping to get up to 200 found geocaches this summer. I have one that I have hidden so far and a few more that I am planning. Geocaching has quickly become one of my favorite hobbies and I have really enjoyed reading the forum topics here. I cache in the Pacific Northwest area currently but I am hoping to someday find some caches back east and abroad. I recently wrote a post for my blog about geocaching. Its sort of what I would have wanted to know when I first started out. Geocaching 101Its been really sunny out here lately and I hope you all are getting out and caching your hearts out. I sure have been. :)


Hello everyone from Greece!!!


We may not have lots of caches in our beautiful country, but the community is growing and soon we will reach 2000 caches hidden in Greece!


I have 132 founds and 13 hides, hiding more this weekend.


Best wishes from SE Europe!


This is my first time lurking. I somehow went through a year of finding and placing caches without ever checking out the forums. I'm sad to hear that they're so hostile, I'd hoped it wouldn't be that way. I guess I'll just stick to lurking :P


From Wood Co., WV. I'm Luke and I make up one half of Team-Facetious adults. We have many kids that go on a lot of our adventures, if they're in the mood for it. We've been doing this for a year now and just picked up our first dedicated GPSr about a week ago, been using the iPhone's since then. We love it and have a blast with all of this. 130 finds and a few hides and already thinking of ways to hide a few more clever and facetious caches :)

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