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Who Are The Lurkers? Introduce Yourself.

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My name is Michael Hughes and I started caching in 2004 and then took a long layoff. I'm in the USAF and am stationed in Fort Walton Beach, FL. I recently started caching again as my kids are a little older. We go out as a family for the regular size caches so the kids can trade. I usually do runs for micros by myself as they aren't as much fun(yet) for the kids. I do lurk in the forums simply to get new ideas and see what others are thinking.

Posted (edited)

I first registered here a year ago, and didn't post until today. Didn't look for any caches until today, either. Registered when I bought my first GPS receiver, but it was junk. My next one (used) seems better, and finally went out today with it. So, in answer to the OP's query: "I'm curious to know how many people are out there quietly taking it all in," here's one. Up until now, anyway. :D

Edited by riffraff9000

I registered in January, but found my first cache a couple weeks ago. Now we are hooked. Not many caches in Costa Rica (much less well maintained), so even though we only have found a few, we are planning to start setting up some when we have about 50 finds.


I was just shopping, and... are you guys into memes?




Yo dawg, so I heard you like logs, so we made a log cache to put a cache log in it, so you can log your log cache!




My name is Winxx and I'm a lurker

*Waits for the simultaneous Hi Winx response of an AA meeting*

I just refound the whole concept of geocaching in the past week or so. Haven't found my frist yet but the plan is for saturday so wish me luck :laughing:





Hello everyone. Just ordered our first GPSr this week, so haven't been out yet. We do a lot of hiking in the mountains and thought this would be a cool addition to our family hikes. Reading as much as I can so we can go out and try it.


Funny thing: reading through the cache listings in our area we spotted one that belongs to a friend of my wife's. That will be our first target when we finally get the Garmin. Can't wait to log that one.


First post new member in PA.

I have been out with my kids the past phew weeks great fun.

Will be out there and on the forums till I learn all the in’s and out’s.

I have a lot to learn here and will be happy to pass on any thing I learn along the way.

See you on the hunt.



Hi everyone! My husband (Kruznn) and I joined around the beginning of this month and are having a great time Geocaching! We enjoy taking motorcycle trips and are now planning rides around this activity. I like the new Challenges, but can't seem to find a list of all of them. I have tried the worldwide search option, but only a few results are returned. I have been refreshing the page showing recent activity and look at what shows up there, but surely there is an easier way to get a more complete list? Thanks!


Hello we are James and Jamie Cook. We are from Presque Isle Mi. and have just got started with this wonderful hobby. I (james) am realy into the hunt and searching for the caches and she (jamie) is realy into the finding them and the Geocoins. We are up to 10 finds and loving it. looking forward to getting to know some of you on the forums.


Hi all of you.


I´m the 95% male part of The Kamikaze Clan. I´m 45 year of age, and lives on the swedish west coast. I´m "gifted" with dyslexia and severe ADHD of the combined type. I´m the kamikaze part of the caching name.

I got into geocaching when I got a Nautiz X7 PDA (it´s a grey Getac PS236) to use as disability aid in my work. The PDA have a really good internal GPS, and I got hooked on geocaching in an instant. The daughter got bored of it quite fast, but my wife enjoys a few cachefinds now and when.

I´m not too interested in the technical part of geocaching, but I do enjoy to learn about the tech behind the GPS system and hov to use it in the best way. I don´t have too many gadgets, but I have a powerpack for my smartphone because I forgets to charge it. I´m in fact have charging equipment hi and low because I forget to charge like everything I own. There are chargers and cord all over the car, and I even have a 12 volt outlet on my small Honda Innova.

The ADHD makes everyday planning difficult, and getting a cheap 500MB a month internet connection on my phone made a huge difference. Now I can do geocaching more and easier. The downside of the field logging capability is that it make it more dificult for me to write longer logging texts, something that makes a lot of swedish cache owner angry..


At the moment I´m building a collection of handicap caches here in Lysekil, Sweden. The goal is to make at least 20 caches (three now) rated H11111 at handicaching . I´m not physically disabled myself, but I got irritated of the huge amount of geocachers here that complains about caches that are to easy to get. They don´t care about others at all, and making accessible caches is a way to make easy to reach caches that also are good not only to wheel borne people. Not even the most egoistic geocacher have the guts to complain about caches that are specially made to suit whose who need them.

I must admit that I also like to make hard to find geocaches. I have two caches that´s a little difficult to get and another is in the works. The new one will be in a deep crevice that´s narrow and long. It´s so narrow that getting to the correct coordinates can be done from above. Climbing and crawling will be neccesary and it´s quite dirty on the bottom. The cache container will not be plastic and it will blend in good with the enviroment. The crevice is very stable with no risk of falling rocks, and the site is too good to leave without a cache.




Hi! I'm Ally. My husband has been at this forever. I always snickered at him until I discovered TB's. Love them! Now I love geocaching and trading swag. I love hiking and trekking, in general, and it is great that geocaching gets him hiking and trekking more. :) Normally, we both go with our two dogs which comprise "The Bear Pack". I have an awesome cache set up, but it's so hard to find a place to hide. Due to its theme, it kind of needs to be an urban cache.


Peeves so far:

I'm not too crazy about micros, but we've encountered two fun ones.

People that hide 100+ micros along a trail, etc. That seems selfish and takes away from those who would like to actually hide a real cache. Also, can they feasibly maintain that many caches?

Gross swag such as hair ties. Yuck.


Hi Everyone!


I'm BirdTrekker, longtime lurker first time poster. :) I live in Idaho and have been caching since March 2011. I visit the forums from time to time to see what interesting finds or creative caches others have been finding or creating and to see what current topics are in the world of geocaching. I enjoy the humor in many of the posts, cachers are a funny bunch. :D I also like to get ideas about what NOT to do as a cacher and/or cache owner--like caching etiquette and other do's and dont's of caching. I have spent 10 years earning 3 college degrees and have recently found the joy of traveling now that I've finally graduated. Geocaching is the perfect excuse for exploring new areas! I love the aspect of geocaching that brings me outside and helps me discover new little areas of my world. :) Happy caching!


I'm one half of 'Found It! Where Next?' - we've been caching a little over a year now. I sometimes pop in, find an answer and pop out again.


Today was my first post!


Not sure how often I'll post, but I surely will when I have something useful to contribute.... so possibly not too often! :-)


Lost Girl here. I'm a "lone wolf" cacher. My (now) husband got me into caching in 2005 when we first met. His GPS was crazy and it got us into all sorts of predicaments. We always had an adventure (and, due to the instability of his fancy "fully-loaded with bells and whistles" GPS, had many DNFs. After VERY infrequently going out caching over the years, he finally bought me the lowest end eTrex possible. So, out I went solo (he has since become a born-again Muggle *sigh*)2 years ago, and haven't looked back. Most of my finds have been since I got my own GPS and even though it isn't paperless, and has NO MAPS, it has almost dead-on accuracy! I am purchasing a higher end GPS in Sept., and am looking forward to FINALLY going paperless. My beautiful little eTrex that has brought me to almost 600 finds, will always be with me, even with my "fancy" new one. This is such a fantastic hobby (and, for me, quite the addiction). I'm so grateful for this sport. It has taken me to so may wonderful places I never knew existed AND it's my favorite way to get exercise. As a person with Fibromyalgia, it is difficult to be very active, but there are days where I will push myself to do "park once" caching (my FAVORITE types). On days when I'm not doing well, I resort to PnGs. Now, if we could just keep the wars between cachers to a minimum, this will continue to be a fun experience for me. Unfortunately, there are many out there who have a Napoleon-Complex and feel it is ok to treat others like dirt. I had to state that last part because I just got back from a short caching trip and DNFd on a cache placed by a well-known local cacher who had me in tears due to (at the time) a minor newb error on my part. That was well over a year ago, but I'm still scarred by the experience. :mad: I won't even post a DNF on this one, because I am pretty confident they will run right out to that cache and post some nasty note on the cache page accusing me of some outlandish type of mayhem. :blink: Ok, end rant! I have gotten quite a few friends into caching, and 2 of them are my caching buddies whenever we can get out there. Welcome to all the new cachers! Have FUN! That's what it's all about IMO. :)


Greetings Everyone from the Great Lakes State of Michigan. I never heard of geocaching until I started looking for a gps to use with my kayak. When I stumbled upon the word I googled it and thought...that sounds fun!


So now I've been caching for about a month. I've told a lot of my friends about it and they are getting into it too. Most of them have kiddos just the right age for it too. Except a few who scolded me because now they have to buy gps unitl! hahahahaha


Hopefully I'll start hiding my own soon.


Slainte friends!




My name is Winxx and I'm a lurker

*Waits for the simultaneous Hi Winx response of an AA meeting*

I just refound the whole concept of geocaching in the past week or so. Haven't found my frist yet but the plan is for saturday so wish me luck :laughing:





So how did it go? Did you find one?


Hi my name is jason from st.louis missouri, and i just started looking for caches. I really need to team up with someone more experienced cause i need the help.


Hi Jason! We have met so many awesome friends and geocachers by attending local events. It's a great way to meet the local geocachers and eventually find a geocaching pal. :laughing:


Chyo! My name's Steph, I've been a GeoCacher since 2009's winter. I found out about GeoCaching one night while my friend was rambling one of his stories and he quick mentioned it and kept going on in his story. I stopped him and asked what the heck GeoCaching was, he explained it and I was extremely excited to do it. I've stayed inside my whole life, so GeoCaching is a great way to just go out and enjoy nature! :D I always go out with my fiance, he has his own account, too, sometimes we bring a friend or two along. Waiting to get a harness in the mail to bring my cat along, she's very dog-like with going outside.


GeoCaching aside, I'm a professional illustration artist, both traditional and digital. But of course, when I need a good break, I go out and GeoCache. :P


Hey my name's Sara but most people call me Skye from Peoria, AZ. I started geocaching very recently, only found a few caches so far, but I'm quickly becoming addicted. Even before I got my GPS I was lurking the forums trying to know everything I can about the sport. Sadly, I don't know any geocachers. I found out about this from a movie and ever since then it's always been on my mind. So I finally got the money to buy a GPS (I'm a poor college student, so that took a while) and dragged my boyfriend on two urban caches. He doesn't seem to be as enthusiastic as I am, but I will try my best to get him addicted too. Today I found an amazing cache with my mom in Prescott, but she hates being "lost" and definitely made the hunt less enjoyable, but it was still fun. Can't wait to get more and more under my belt and hopefully create some caches of my own! :)

Posted (edited)

I just started my self I go by Nick54, Bristol PA, I was a Army guy twice 72-78 got bored --->82-86 and was pretty good with topo and compass myself. I am still waiting for my GPS to arrive in the mail. Want to Start a new hobby and get out of the house..

Edited by Nick54

Hi, we ahve been geocaching since Easter. We have 129 finds. Its a great family hobby. I usually read the forums every day but seldom post. Recently I posted a few times just to complain about all the anti mod postings.

What I like most is getting info for geocaching, I learned about paperless caching and bought a Dell Axim 3, and use GPS Sonar, and Mapopolis. I really like being able to learn new tech items.

I also like the stories of the unusal finds, ect. I would love to see a geocaching magazine or newsletter with more stories.

Thanks for all the fun created by Jeremy and crew. A very satisfied customer.


I bought an Axim as well but have found that I cant connect because my comp cant see it now , although it will recharge I cant do any updates because the docking station doesnt seem to work after 3 years (X3i model)

I got cachemate for paperless caching , I had to go back to printing out stuff, I find this site very helpful but I`m not racing against anyone to get more than them .And I do a bit of lurking ( hehe ).


I'm from Massachusetts, USA, and started geocaching in 2010. I bought a GPSr for my (then) 11 year old son in December 2009, but his interest level in geocaching was close to zero since it involved...walking. Let's just say that he hasn't picked up the exercise bug yet. So I decided to try it myself, and I immediately fell in love with it. I really enjoy the outdoors (former Boy Scout), technology, and Fleetwood Mac, and geocaching encompasses at least two of those. :rolleyes:


I've been lurking these forums almost since I started geocaching, as I also lurk other forums as well. I appreciate the wisdom from the old dogs and usually have nothing to add. But maybe I will here since it seems to be such a nice community of people, or robots cleverly pretending to be people. I like human-impersonating robots too, especially if they have access to my credit records and/or bank accounts.


Keep up the good work geocaching community!



I'm Jamie and have been a casual cacher since August 2011. So far we have only found one cache while visiting my mom in Florida, but we have looked for a few here in Chicago. Getting better slowly! I've been lurking the forums here learning new tricks and just rules of the game. I am excited to get out there and get better at the game. I'm sure I will celebrate 10 caches found like someone would celebrate 100! My 7 month old son loves to geocache... it gets him outside! He is also a good excuse as to why I am looking around all over "he threw his paci into these bushes!".


Hey there, I'm daz_app (Darren) and I have been looking for film canisters, magnetic nanos and Tupperware since Aug 19th 2011. Found out about Geocaching a couple of years ago, but didn't have the means (or time) to take it up.


But now since I have had an Android Galaxy, and a few weeks off work, I'm seriously hooked with 86 caches to date. Some nettle stings, wet feet and much scratching of head! Met a few fellow cachers out and about (Hi Sir Tiberian, Squirtle, et al.) Just need to place a few caches, and I've started to get a few supplies together.


My finest moment was helping a TB to its goal and making a couple of Geokids very happy on both sides of the pond.


Thanks for all the advice and tips from the forum, and laughs as stories emerge about snakes hiding in cache spots!


Bye for now!


Hi. I am Mike from "Team Spigerge" from Goffstown, NH. I don't go to the forums too much right now. I started Geocaching in June of 2011, though I was intrigued for quite a bit longer. I would love to get out more often than I do now but it is difficult with everyone's schedules. I do enjoy it very much!

Well that is all for now. My break is over and I have to get back to work.

Happy Caching!



Had my first find today--what a thrill! Can't wait to try this again.


I already want to hide a cache of my own but my new coworker and GC mentor (Shadow_Ed) says to wait until I've found a few more. He also sent me here to sign up.


Turns out that caching is a wonderful team-building exercise.


Lurker! I have to chuckle. . .I was looking at the users #'s logged in. Mine is 18638. It's sad to think I've been at this for more than 10 years. . .All right, I confess, I've not been active in a long while. .


Wesley H.


Hi...I am Jake Angelo AKA JA-TEXAS and been a basic member since 4/09. Just got an HTC EVO phone which alows me to do some hunting. Being a tech guy it should not amaze me to stand 4' from GZ and find a peanut size container with a log sheet.......but it does.


Thanks for good descriptions & reading logs....this is fun for this old guy and his wife Shari.


Hi, totally new to the scene bought seems like fun so bought myself a Garmin 60csx to have a play with. Went on my first quick hunt yesterday evening and managed to find a micro, it was great fun so I think I'll end up hooked! Got a day off work tomorrow so I intend to try and few local caches.


My name is Jon by the way, and I'm based in Derby, England.


Hi everybody. I am CACAHUETES, or as you may have seen when I 'sign out', ''Huetes', or ''Huetes out', or just plain old 'CACAHUETES'. But not 'CACA'. Never 'CACA'. You will know why if you are romanian.


'Huetes out.


Hi everyone, I'm BEAT-YA-2-IT ... I was lurking around to see if there were any organized SINGLES Geocaching Groups in the Indy area. I have written a little in other forums, but the folks get right down rude. I've been Geocaching since 2007, but I haven't really dedicated a lot of time into it, but I'm hoping to hit 300 caches before 2012........



Recently, I've found a couple caches unintentionally while climbing and hiking. I started searching with a GPS and armed with info from geocaching.com yesterday. Looking forward to using geocaching as an excuse to get out and hike some more remote areas, or just get the family out on (and off) the trails.




Hi everyone, I'm BEAT-YA-2-IT ... I was lurking around to see if there were any organized SINGLES Geocaching Groups in the Indy area. I have written a little in other forums, but the folks get right down rude. I've been Geocaching since 2007, but I haven't really dedicated a lot of time into it, but I'm hoping to hit 300 caches before 2012........


Hi I'm Morgan, a GIS mapper/cartographer/surveyor/pilot. Member since 2001, in fact I placed the FIRST Geocache in Montana as well as finding dozens in the PNW. Now for some reason all my info is gone?! So I guess I'm back to starting over :/ Not sure what happened or why, but life goes on I suppose.


Hi, I'm KahunaB and my family caches under the name EchoJ-KahunaB-RS-Boz. Yes it's a family affair, our kids love being outside and have been struck with the fever for finds. I am so new I squeek so I don't have anything of use to add to these forums, but I do like reading them to learn new things about geocaching. Not a fan of argumentative debates so when I see those I tend to skip over them, especially those that seem needlessly unkind. Everyone in GONIL (Illinois area) has been super welcoming so I haven't been too afraid to ask the stupid questions in the chat rooms. I would probably be more hesitant to do so here based on some of the threads I've stumbled across. Love the geocaching and all of the great information on this site. Therefore I'd like to send out a huge thank you to the people who maintain it and keep it growing.


Sought and found my first one today. But not being a trusting soul I have to ask; what's to stop someone from posting false coordinates and leaving nothing there? You know there are people out there who would find it funny sending us on a wild goose chase. I suppose if enough people don't find it, we'll figure it out eventually.


Sought and found my first one today. But not being a trusting soul I have to ask; what's to stop someone from posting false coordinates and leaving nothing there? You know there are people out there who would find it funny sending us on a wild goose chase. I suppose if enough people don't find it, we'll figure it out eventually.


There is a reviewer that physically checks the cache before it is posted, at least that is what I have read.

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