+PathfinderMark Posted November 12, 2011 Posted November 12, 2011 I lurk because it is not a nice place to post. Unless one is a geonazi or a "purist" (whatever that means??!). It seems that only those with a particular and VERY NARROW view of what denotes "true caching" are allowed the latitude to splatter their view across the forums....all others do not seem welcome. Since I consider geocaching to be a GAME (imagine that!) and one that can be played in a wide variety of ways (hey, I think true virtuals should come back, that the archiving of the new challengings for no good reason, the stringent and obsene list of rules to create a "legitimate" earthcache, etc. are all not terribly healthy for the game). But alas, only others views are truly allowed...so I'll go back to lurking...and actually spend my time CACHING rather than screwing up other people's fun. Adios! Quote
+The Blorenges Posted November 12, 2011 Posted November 12, 2011 Sought and found my first one today. But not being a trusting soul I have to ask; what's to stop someone from posting false coordinates and leaving nothing there? You know there are people out there who would find it funny sending us on a wild goose chase. I suppose if enough people don't find it, we'll figure it out eventually. There is a reviewer that physically checks the cache before it is posted, at least that is what I have read. No, reviewers do not go out and check the physical placement of each new cache. Reviewers receive the new cache forms as they are submitted to the review queue and they use various on-line tools and mapping to see whether each cache complies with the Cache Listing Requirements for publication to this site. They can not tell whether the cache is there, in place - but be assured that the cachers who go and search for it will often let the reviewer know if they find a cache which they believe is in breach of the Guidelines and I'm pretty sure that anyone who started playing silly stunts like creating false cache listings would soon face the wrath of their local caching community and, eventually, the reviewer and Groundspeak. MrsB Quote
ritepath Posted November 15, 2011 Posted November 15, 2011 Just signed up last week....had never heard of GC before last week. I have two young kids ans thought this would be a great thing to do as a family together. So this weekend we all went out riding, some hiking and a little "treasure" hunting. Quote
+baluke Posted November 28, 2011 Posted November 28, 2011 Relative newcomer from Downunder, happy to lurk, glean, and learn. until that is i have something to offer! Keep the face of the posts friendly and family. While havnt been privy to the "rants" that are spoken of (and sorry no i havnt gone back the 10years and 40 pages of posts to catch up) it is easy to misread intention and intonation in text. Have only just placed our 2nd cache, waiting on Ump to OK it, and only logged 60 or so finds in the words of 86,... And loving it Baluke Quote
+grim325 Posted November 29, 2011 Posted November 29, 2011 Grim325 here.hello to all cachers. Nice to be part if this great game with the only requurement is to have fun. Quote
+hangingkayaker Posted December 6, 2011 Posted December 6, 2011 Been caching for couple years off and on. Just got my 100th cache this past weekend. Just came to this forum, signed up. Quote
+craftyhillbilly3 Posted December 7, 2011 Posted December 7, 2011 Howdy! Craftyhillbilly3 here,I visit these forums 3-4 times a week. I'm finishing up my second year of caching I've log over 500 finds and unknown number of DNF's (I'm not burdened by such things ) I've enjoyed putting out ten hides and take pride in the fact that I try to be a responsible CO! I have found that lurking in these forums has answered bunches of concerns about being a CO,How to act,and tech stuff when it comes to getting the most outta the GC website.AND all the kewl stuff I was missin' out of until I upgraded to PM! ooh yea I also git a kick outta dem sig's down at the bottom of the reply! Quote
+MrsWaszo Posted December 9, 2011 Posted December 9, 2011 Hi all, I just started Geocaching this past summer, been a member here for a few months, but haven't posted until today. It's great to get back out into the woods ( used to be an avid backpacker until kids, work etc derailed me ) Just wish the hubby and kids were more into it but hey, it is what it is. I'm lucky enough to live in an area with great caches to find. It's been a ton of fun! Quote
+peanutlikesbeans Posted December 14, 2011 Posted December 14, 2011 Often when discussing features of the website, the point is raised that many of the people who might feel one way, or another about a given topic never actually say anything because the forums are so hostile. Another good point that often comes up is that the forum is where people come to learn about caching, and we should try give the best impression we can. I'm curious to know how many people are out there quietly taking it all in. There really is no topic here, so you can't post off topic. And since there is no topic, there needn't be any arguing either. Feel free to use this thread to say "Hi", and introduce yourself. Quote
+peanutlikesbeans Posted December 14, 2011 Posted December 14, 2011 I'm still a lurker. I've left a couple of messages. But mostly I have been coming her to get hings and to understand how to hid and find Caches. Quote
+JTDOutdoors Posted December 18, 2011 Posted December 18, 2011 hello group, quick intro on my end... my family has been geocaching for a few months and we love it. we are a military family, so we wish we would have discovered it earlier to cache in all the different places we have lived and seen. the few cachers we met along the way have been so nice. we hope to meet more soon and even go on geo adventures with them. Quote
diggingest_dogg616 Posted December 27, 2011 Posted December 27, 2011 Hello to everyone! I guess I'll post here because I've posted everywhere else but here I started geocaching in 2009 and then had a serious lapse. I want to go more, so I'm gonna try and go more (especially with my dad, so we have something to do together). I like all sorts of outside activities, from jeeping to whitewater rafting to flatwater kayaking. I like hiking, historical sites (petroglyphs, pictographs, dwellings, old buildings), music, reading, and just plain having a good time. I guess I'm hoping to put myself "out there" more because I've been rather holed up and quiet for a while (it's been so long since I've posted on a forum board!). So hello, and it's nice to meet everybody! Quote
+Netizenxero Posted December 28, 2011 Posted December 28, 2011 Hello all. I'm a new Geocacher up here in snowy Manitoba, Canada. I had heard about Geocaching before, but had the wrong idea as to what it was. A collegue at work, who is an experienced geocacher, corrected my thinking and got me started, and I haven't been able to get enough. As for the lurking question, I've been lurking for a few days now, but I haven't really seen anything here that is nastier than what I've seen on some of the other forums I've been on. I might not have dug deep enough though. Quote
+Flyingcompass Posted December 29, 2011 Posted December 29, 2011 Hi, Only just joined, thought i'd take a look what all this was about, as i have a friend who does it. Well, within 5mins of reading i was hooked! Turns out theres dozens of caches within a few minutes walk of my location, our local woodlands are teeming with them, and theres loads within minutes of my workplace! Not got a working GPS unit at present (hoping to aquire one in next few days) but some of the caches local to me i think i will be able to find without! Quote
+Bushboy Posted December 30, 2011 Posted December 30, 2011 Hi Folks. I am a habitual lurker. I lurk at a number of sites covering a range of subjects. I lurk in real life too, so I doubt there's much hope for me. Quote
+Flyingcompass Posted December 30, 2011 Posted December 30, 2011 Hi Folks. I am a habitual lurker. I lurk at a number of sites covering a range of subjects. I lurk in real life too, so I doubt there's much hope for me. Nothing wrong with lurking! I learnt many years back to 'play the grey man', Never volunteer, and dont get noticed! Quote
+FrostyDon Posted January 1, 2012 Posted January 1, 2012 Another Canadian here! Joined the site a few weeks ago to learn about the hobby and have just gotten started. GPS arrived Friday, found 4 caches Saturday and hope to get out and hunt up some more before the snow starts to pile up around here. Thanks for all the info that's been shared, now I'll go back under my rock. Quote
+BRF! Posted January 3, 2012 Posted January 3, 2012 well, I'm TeamFosberg. I check the forums a 2-5 times a week, and usually just just lurk about. if the topic's good enough, I may post, but like someone else said, once you get past around 50 posts, the topic has usually been covered...though it is interesting to read the debates that go on. Quote
+Momma Nonna Posted January 5, 2012 Posted January 5, 2012 I am fairly new around here, but I admit I lurk to learn! I am Momma Nonna from WA & visiting family in CO. I do have a question. Am I allowed to post here or would someone point me to an appropriate area. My question involves field notes/logs from cell. Thank for all the knowledge learned by lurking. Quote
+RedheadsMom Posted January 6, 2012 Posted January 6, 2012 Often when discussing features of the website, the point is raised that many of the people who might feel one way, or another about a given topic never actually say anything because the forums are so hostile. Another good point that often comes up is that the forum is where people come to learn about caching, and we should try give the best impression we can. I'm curious to know how many people are out there quietly taking it all in. There really is no topic here, so you can't post off topic. And since there is no topic, there needn't be any arguing either. Feel free to use this thread to say "Hi", and introduce yourself. Quote
+RedheadsMom Posted January 6, 2012 Posted January 6, 2012 Hi. I am brand-new to geocaching and have really enjoyed our first forays. The first reason I got started was to try to get my 10 year old son and husband and I outside and doing something fun. The other hope I have for this activity is because I am looking for ways to connect with other people who are doing outside fun, together. So far I haven't figured out how to find active group meetups in the Silicon Valley, CA. Any suggestions? Quote
+RedheadsMom Posted January 6, 2012 Posted January 6, 2012 By the way, I think this is a really nice post! It sure brought us out of the woodworks :-) Thanks! Quote
bradwwood Posted January 12, 2012 Posted January 12, 2012 (edited) well, I've got a few posts under my belt, but I suppose I ought to at least officially say hello. Even though my join date says it was a while ago, I'm a n00b. I actually did find one cache about seven years ago when I was a Big Brother volunteer. My "Little Brother" didn't really enjoy it, so we just did it that one time. A friend recently brought a very nice coin into my office one day with a story. She was camping, and a neighboring camper asked for some assistance, which she provided. In return, he gave her a strange coin. This friend then brought the strange coin to me, knowing I'm strange myself, surely I'd know what this was. Even though I wasn't 100% sure what it was, I recognized the Groundspeak name immediately. This is the coin My Coin I created this account a year or so ago, but never really went anywhere with it. The geocoin given to me has resparked my interest in doing some cache hunts. I stopped smoking in Sept 2010, and proceeded to gain 40lbs. My main intent is to get back out on the trails, and geocaching is the perfect activity to keep me engaged while out and about. I took my ten year old GPSMap 76 out and was pretty disappointed in how poor the sat reception was with trees around. That disappointment led to the purchase of a 62sc, which I am now playing with. I'm batting 1000 on my "not found" success rate so far (3 for 3 fail rate). Hopefully the trend will turn. I'm really looking forward to placing my coin so I can watch it travel. My granddaughter will be coming next Summer, so I think that might be fun to place a coin together and we can watch it travel. So, I guess that is more or less my short story. - Brad Edited January 12, 2012 by bradwwood Quote
+Cazpro77 Posted January 15, 2012 Posted January 15, 2012 Hi I'm a lurker Kinda newish to geocaching haven't devoted much time lately real life keeps getting in the way! We enjoy geocaching there is me my hubbie and two year old daughter who often tells her friends we go out and find treasure ! I mainly browse or look up things when I'm stuck thank you for all the advice given When ur new to something it's quite hard knowing 'what's what' These posts help Cheers Quote
sulzer47 Posted January 16, 2012 Posted January 16, 2012 Hi My name is Matt, I live alone aboard Narrowboat "DELPHI II" which is often seen in the Burton on Trent area. I'm very fond of the outdoors hence the narrowboat, cycling walking and of course caching! Iam 33, but looking for a female caching friend in the local area of Derby where i work, Burton on trent where i travel through and Barton underneedwood where my "DELPHI" is residentially moored. Ideally I'd like a down to earth female, who also likes the outdoors and the simple boating life of course! Please reply if interested! Matt Bradbury (Sulzer47): "DELPHI II" Quote
jeffndad Posted January 17, 2012 Posted January 17, 2012 Hey there! I'm Richard... My son, Jeff and I just started this hobby. Already loving it. First time to the forums, so I WILL BE lurking more... Quote
+bsimmons2 Posted January 18, 2012 Posted January 18, 2012 I am Brian, a recovering muggle. I am definitely lurking! As good ol' Abe put it, "t is better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to open one's mouth and remove all doubt." Quote
+wildlifeupclose Posted January 20, 2012 Posted January 20, 2012 (edited) John & Kathy here. Lurking, but not hiding. Definitely enjoying geocaching and look forward to many years of it. Edited January 20, 2012 by wildlifeupclose Quote
+hiloh2o Posted January 20, 2012 Posted January 20, 2012 Hello, Im Christy. Been geocaching for a little while, but actually just found the forums... I mostly cache on road trips, I love being able to find little places that most people even in the area dont discover. Its also a great way to stretch the legs with a purpose Its a family affair (especially when im driving and they dont have the option to stop or not *grin*) Im hoping to check out the forums more often Quote
SimpsonJr Posted January 21, 2012 Posted January 21, 2012 (edited) Stumbled on Geocaching a little more as a month ago, like the idea very much, but can't justify buying a GPS-receiver at the moment. Google earth helped me find my first cache today though in which respect it certainly was a friend Best wishes, Bart Edited January 21, 2012 by SimpsonJr Quote
+antaries Posted January 23, 2012 Posted January 23, 2012 i guess you could call me a lurker too! i visit the forums daily to see whats going on in the wide wide world of geocaching! Quote
Island Keeper Posted January 24, 2012 Posted January 24, 2012 New to this board and to geocaching. Live in Northern Ontario and am lurking the boards to acquire knowledge about this new hobby of mine.This is my first post but it will not be last. Presently I have one find but that number will grow. Quote
+JJEF Posted January 24, 2012 Posted January 24, 2012 Good Day One n All Been searching for about a year now and have found so many new areas within the district I thought I knew here in the UK, a cracking good way to get out and stretch off. Just placed my first hide having fallen foul of a few sub rules and unknown difficulties but hey ho we live & learn. Have started making my own cache containers to make things a bit more interesting but I will continue that on the appropriate thread. My good lady and I enjoy this pastime and hope to keep in touch J & E Quote
motnahp Posted January 25, 2012 Posted January 25, 2012 Often when discussing features of the website, the point is raised that many of the people who might feel one way, or another about a given topic never actually say anything because the forums are so hostile. Another good point that often comes up is that the forum is where people come to learn about caching, and we should try give the best impression we can. I'm curious to know how many people are out there quietly taking it all in. There really is no topic here, so you can't post off topic. And since there is no topic, there needn't be any arguing either. Feel free to use this thread to say "Hi", and introduce yourself. Hello, My user name is Motnahp and I am just writing this to see if I have been banned or not. Someone called Sandy banned me a few days ago for using an alias which I thik they called a sock puppet. My question is, "Can I post or not?" Quote
+AsstScoutMast Posted January 27, 2012 Posted January 27, 2012 Hi, I am AsstScoutMast, ASM for short. I have looked (lurked)through the forum before to find out some answers to questions I was having. If I could find what I was looking for by scrolling through postings than I have not bothered anyone and I have instantly gotten my answers. Other than that I have not had that much to say:) Quote
+KazumiSun Posted February 2, 2012 Posted February 2, 2012 Often when discussing features of the website, the point is raised that many of the people who might feel one way, or another about a given topic never actually say anything because the forums are so hostile. Another good point that often comes up is that the forum is where people come to learn about caching, and we should try give the best impression we can. I'm curious to know how many people are out there quietly taking it all in. There really is no topic here, so you can't post off topic. And since there is no topic, there needn't be any arguing either. Feel free to use this thread to say "Hi", and introduce yourself. Quote
+KazumiSun Posted February 2, 2012 Posted February 2, 2012 Hi.....new year, less lurking....love geo....live a busy life so don't get to enjoy it as much as I like.....However, I'm writing for some "hugs" my first cashe, all the swag and log book was stolen...BIG BUMMER....I was really mad, Thank goodness a nice geo person let me kmow what happen to it. I took it off the list till I get to fix it....but it still burns me that someone would just take everything inside. I did put time into finding fun and different swags. I was hoping when people found it they would enjoy the "sway" too....well I"m sure this has happen to others. I may have taken the wind out of my sail for a bit, however, I'm still in love with geo. just wish I could put up a camera so I could find out who did it lol hope everyone has a fun geo year.....take care all you NICE geo people Quote
lolwutitsalex Posted February 3, 2012 Posted February 3, 2012 Hello everyone! I don't get to geocache much, as you can tell from my profile. I love doing it. Just never have the money to drive everywhere. But when I get the chance I love to do it. It's a great way to get out of the house. Quote
Teddiebri Posted February 11, 2012 Posted February 11, 2012 Hi guys... not sure what to do here. My kids were out exploring and found one of these containers. They wanted to keep something and put something in. I didn't see the harm in it and I made them put it back exactly where they found it. I've heard of this but we've never actually tried finding anything lol My kids want to get into this now. Quote
Teddiebri Posted February 11, 2012 Posted February 11, 2012 (edited) oops posted twice sorry! Edited February 11, 2012 by Teddiebri Quote
SoHotImCool Posted February 12, 2012 Posted February 12, 2012 I'm not actually a lurker as such, I'm totally new to Geocaching as a "found cache by accident" recruit, but I figured it would be nice to drop by and say hello! I'm Crazypolyglot38, also known as Charles in real life. I'm located in the beautiful Cathedral city of Ely, near Cambridge, and I am thoroughly looking forward to getting stuck into Geocaching. Having not long given up smoking after 15 years, I figure this will be a fun way to get fit! I actually came to Geocaching, as I say, by accident. I was out walking and discovered the remnants of a Geocache in my city which had been wrecked - all the stuff stolen, the logbook missing, everything...bar from a travel bug which was buried in mud about 6 feet away from the cache. I've reported the cache site as needing maintenance and I've retrieved the bug and contacted its owner, and pledged to forward it onto another cache as soon as possible. I can't really say no now, can I? This is going to be a lot of fun for me, and for my brother hopefully, since I'm trying to get him interested too! Anyway, that's it for me for now, see you round! Quote
+navychief98 Posted February 18, 2012 Posted February 18, 2012 Hello everyone, I am navychief98. I've been Geocaching since September 2011. I love this game. My wife of 16 years says I'm obsessed. I am just now learning to use the Forums. There is a lot of good information here; also a ltf junk which I don't care to read (arguing). See you on the trails! John navychief98 Quote
+Megarhyssa Posted February 21, 2012 Posted February 21, 2012 Nice to meet everyone! My husband and I are absolute novices -- got introduced to caching by an old friend. Still in the "how do we figure out this dang app?" phase. :-) Two possibly unusual things about us: First, we're fiftysomethings. Second, we're Americans living in Canada, and we travel back and forth over the border frequently. Between us, we have one Canadian iPhone 3GS and one U.S. iPhone 4, so we're covered for now. Stilll wondering whether we should get a dedicated GPS unit. Looking forward to learning more! Quote
+Olric Posted February 25, 2012 Posted February 25, 2012 Well I am new here and have lurked for a bit and now I guess I can say hi. I have never found a cache or have never looked for one. Well I now have my son interested and we are going to look for a GPS and we are going to be on the hunt. Have a great hunt everyone happy caching Quote
+bptattooist Posted March 6, 2012 Posted March 6, 2012 (edited) Made my first post tonight. Don't think that qualifies me as a lurker although "Lurker" is kind of a neat title. But I am taking this opportunity to let you know who is reading the blog. I'm a 50 year old dad of 7 and grandfather of 12. I was given a GPS last Father's Day because I had found out about Geocaching from a guy who was caching out in some woods where I walk my dog and he told me what he was up to. I got interested and tried it a few times with my car GPS which is a TOM TOM. I had fun but realized the accuracy and lack of durability with the mobile unit was not practical. My wife saw my enthusiasm and surprised me on Father's Day. I've been hooked ever since. I don't think I'll be a regular poster on blogs like this or reader of them for that matter, time does not permit. However I think this is a great tool to ask other sport participants their views, opinions and ideas. Thanks to all of you who spend the time to facilitate these features...BPTATTOOIST Land O Lakes, Florida Edited March 6, 2012 by bptattooist Quote
+Big Ghoti Posted March 6, 2012 Posted March 6, 2012 (edited) Post 3. I'll lurk for a while. Then either stay a lurker forever, or become terribly addicted to posting. It's pronounced fish. Edited March 6, 2012 by Big Ghoti Quote
jidanni Posted March 11, 2012 Posted March 11, 2012 (edited) Hi. I'm Jidanni from Taiwan. I wanted to plant a cache under my bed but Mom said that wasn't allowed. So I just lurk. OK, I play CouchSurfing instead Edited March 11, 2012 by jidanni Quote
+ZeeCaching Posted March 25, 2012 Posted March 25, 2012 I'm Zaneta. I went GeoCaching for the first time last week for my birthday. The girls and I dressed super silly and got some crazy looks, but had a blast. We found 8 caches!!! It got me exploring and discovering different parts of the island. I'm currently in Okinawa, Japan with my husband, a US Marine, and our daughter. I hope to go back to the States and visit this summer and find some caches there as well. Quote
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