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Eastside cachers


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Yikes! Hazard and I got questioned by a cop on the Tacoma Narrows Bridge when hunting for Criminal's Galloping Gertie II cache once (which ended up stopping traffic on the bridge!), but that was daytime and at least we were together!


Tom, I hope you have fun with the Maze! I'm honored that you would consider it for your 500th!

So I'm guessing that this would be a bad time open the dialog for reactivating that one... :unsure:

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Why am I posting this early? Because we had to go caching this weekend to try out his new BD present...... a new Garmin Map 60c !


Have a great time with it sweetie! :)



Mrs. WD (aka Donna)

Edited by Wienerdog
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Thanks all. The birthday is the easy part… all a person has to do is just wait a year or so and it just happens. Right now the hard part is fussing over every little speck of dust or fingerprint that shows up on the new toy. A good splat in the mud will probably fix that problem.


See you out on the trail soon I hope!



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Happy Birthday Mr. Weinerdog!


Can hardly wait to get out on the trails with you two.



See you guys! I'm not the only one who can't spell it right! Happy Birthday Mr. Wener...weinr...wiener... Mr W!!! :)

I sure wouldn't want anyone to call *me* 'W'! :D

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:rolleyes: Pssstt...eastside cachers! I am traveling to Maui on March 15 and I am willing to take a limited number of TBs along. By limited, I mean they would all fit into an average size grocery store plastic produce bag. And preference will go to bugs for whom Hawaii would be a big step toward their objective. If you have bugs that want a nice little Hawaiian holiday, drop them off at Riverwalk Holiday Exchange in Redmond no later than March 12 and I'll try to help them along their way. Aloha and Mahalo!



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I'm not an Eastside cacher but I am about to activate TB blindleader whose goal is to visit all the warm pleasant places of the world on someone else's dime. Now to find a produce bag I can fit into.

to late.... I've been wearing a TB Tag around my neck for several months now :lol:


Now to figure out how to hide in that small box in Redmond until Flyingdogs picks me up :lol:


Of course you do know that Hawaii seems to be a travel bug black hole. Once they get there, they never seem to leave.

Edited by Right Wing Wacko
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I'm not an Eastside cacher but I am about to activate TB blindleader whose goal is to visit all the warm pleasant places of the world on someone else's dime. Now to find a produce bag I can fit into.

to late.... I've been wearing a TB Tag around my neck for several months now :lol:


Now to figure out how to hide in that small box in Redmond until Flyingdogs picks me up :lol:


Of course you do know that Hawaii seems to be a travel bug black hole. Once they get there, they never seem to leave.

one of my bugs, The General went there and made it out alive! He's really doihng well...16300 K miles traveled...2 months shy of 2 years of travel

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I'm not an Eastside cacher but I am about to activate TB blindleader whose goal is to visit all the warm pleasant places of the world on someone else's dime. Now to find a produce bag I can fit into.

to late.... I've been wearing a TB Tag around my neck for several months now :lol:

Of course you do know that Hawaii seems to be a travel bug black hole.  Once they get there, they never seem to leave.


Watch out, or Blindleader might grab you and bring you to Hawaii.

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