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Eastside cachers


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EGH, skydiver has a special alert e-mail service -- it alerts you when a new cache has been approved. Usually, it happens within hours, sometimes a full day. I can't remember if I subscribed on his store site (skydivergear.com) or somewhere else.


I don't think I've gotten a new cache alert in a few days. Perhaps his service is down?



Thanks! I find it just as easy to click on the Washington link of the Northwest forums. That's how I knew about this one.

Interesting! So do you have all your dogs in competitions? My old science teacher in highschool was really into showing dogs and did quite well.


skydiver???? Not sure what you mean there.

Rigth now we are just runing Chester. Kiwi and Weasle are lacking motivation, probably due to their senior age. Kitty,well kitty is coming around but not quite ready for trial. Agility is the running the obsical course and is more about the training. Showing is about breeding, ugh!


Cin, thanks for the skidiver explination! I was pretty dependent on it but it does fail. Caching, what a silly pastime :unsure:

Posted (edited)

The OCM burned me out a little so I have been laying off caching for the last few weeks. Except for finally doing a little giving instead of taking.


But I do want to congratulate:


PackRat #7

Cooperdog's 1 year aniversary

Cindy's 400th cache

Jon's new coin

John's FTF

Edited by MarcusArelius
Hmmm....I wonder if these Cabbie people are nice folks? B)

Check this out!


Eastside has an unfound cache after 24 hours...what's up with that?



Questionable Coordinates?? <_<

Maybe...or maybe it's really Evil...or maybe were all developing low vision from hunting sooo many evil little micros!



I was thinking of heading there after work, so around 7ish, but I could do 9ish if that works better for everyone. John, could you make it earlier?

Well, I guess we could try for 730. I'd like to get this off my list and I'll chedk in with you regard9ing the coords for the Zip Cache. Didn't get that one either. One of those days!


met with Moun10Bike and we knocked off Pine Away and Issy Insanity in that order. Nice to get those off my list. On way home mY fixed my very questionable DNF at Zip...not sure what I was thinking earlier?! Now I can go south and clean up Fed Way and part of Tacoma.


Dang, you all are out having fun and I'm stuck at home working working working. I'm just hoping that I'll be able to get out for some fun before next week. :huh:


To satisfy my yearning, let me ask: what's the favorite cache you've done in the past month? Is there a new devious puzzle that had everyone foiled? Was there a nice hike or a gorgeous view that added to the caching experience?


Just hoping to plan something fun when I'm actually able to get outdoors again,



Posted (edited)
what's the favorite cache you've done in the past month?


Not counting the two event caches (holiday party and the OCM), I'd have to say:


Third place goes to Waterway Viewpoint, for a great view, and reminding me of my one and only traffic ticket.


Second place goes to Patriarch Preschool, because it's quite amusing to have a dozen geocachers, driving snow, and no signal for anyone.


But my favorite cache over the last month has to be The Wall because of the great look of thousands of bricks, all with little snowy caps. The close-up photo I took became my desktop image for a while.


Honorable mention goes to Earthquake Slide 2001, because it's a perspective of the Nisqually quake I've wanted to see for two years, without realizing it; and to Phatboyz Mountain View, but only because I walked right up and grabbed a well hidden micro that's taken several other cachers multiple trips to find.

Edited by travisl
what's the favorite cache you've done in the past month?

No question, the New Year's Cache. What a nice little park a short drive from the end of a creative first waypoint. Bring a camera for the park, sure wish I had...also wish I owned one of the houses along the way to the park. Not visited yet by many of the usual south end suspects...

Posted (edited)
To satisfy my yearning, let me ask:  what's the favorite cache you've done in the past month?  Is there a new devious puzzle that had everyone foiled?  Was there a nice hike or a gorgeous view that  added to the caching experience?


I thought First City Want Ads was kinda cool. It's a fairly simple micro with an easy puzzle attached it. It also got me out to an area I had not been to in years.


In the same area Victor Falls brought me to the very top of a nice waterfall I didn't know exists. No Hike, it's right off the road, but you wouldn't even know it's there if not for the cache.

Edited by Right Wing Wacko
Posted (edited)



OMG I have now figured out why I don't have more caches placed! IT TOTALLY STRESSES ME OUT darn old stupid birds they never seem to want to co-op-a-rate!

Dead on one minute, 10 minutes later 50ft off, WHAT GIVES?


Ok I feel a little better now, but my box is still sitting out there and I haven't a clue if the coords will even get y'all to the cache.

I'm going back AGAIN tomorrow to try yet once again for some good readings.


I feel sorry the FTF'er! <_<



Edited by Team SuperGenius

Pepper....any idea when that cache gonna be official? :-)


I'm off knocking off Cougar Mountain tomorrow...4 caches for me and 5 for Adena (Cache Ahead). Adena may be putting a box out on the way so be on lthe lookout for that. One of them I've done way back when...March 29 02...site of my first travel bug collected...Sarge! Coals to Newcastle...tricky signal there...I see Hydnsek didn't get it. I'll make sure Adena does though. It's in a good spot. I figure total hiking will be in hte double figures...10-12 miles give or take as we are not car shuttling.

Posted (edited)
Pepper....any idea when that cache gonna be official? :-)


EGH about my new box it is a multi with a box for the final. It won't be up and running until I am satisifed with the coords. It is over in the Issa area. Hopefully today I can get a dry spell and get some more reading.



Edited by Team SuperGenius

I just saw all those new caches from you...cool! I probably won't get out to them for a few days though. Cache ahead has planted one also by Fall City...same theme as your on the way caches. This one is on the way to Carnation Plateau...site of my 800th last summer.

Wow, it looks like a whole bunch of new caches just got Peppered along I-90 near Preston. ;)


SuperGenius #17 - Preston

SuperGenius #18 - I-90 Preston Exit 22

SuperGenius #19 - Copper Bison

Team SuperGenius #20 - It Goes On and On...

MA I read your post a while back about you had been busy giving instead of taking and it hit home.


Soooo...I went placing instead of hunting.


I placed another box this morning at an unknow location to me until I decided to check out a dead end road.


Now all I need to do is submit it. YUCK I hate creating cache pages.




Apparently a cache thief is in the area who calls himself the Renegade. He took my Swamp Creek II cache this morning. Blindleader thinks he saw the guys car leave the area as he began to hunt. He left the plastic bag and a note saying something to the effect that he took the cache and left a coke bottle. So be warned. The note was dry and appeared to have been just placed.


ON a lighter note...had fun hunting theCoin Collection Cache north of me. Ran into EraSeek and Wired1. Tough little hide.

Posted (edited)

!@#$%^&*( cache Thiefs!


Lighter note, flyingdogs and I had a heyday this morning! FTF on CacheAheads and Peppers multi! Seconds on two other of her micros, ran out of time so left Copper for others. Nice enjoyable caching; much more fun than being stuck to the screen waiting on the hot spud!


I guess I better make time to log our finds!

Edited by runhills
Apparently a cache thief is in the area who calls himself the Renegade. He took my Swamp Creek II cache this morning. Blindleader thinks he saw the guys car leave the area as he began to hunt. He left the plastic bag and a note saying something to the effect that he took the cache and left a coke bottle. So be warned. The note was dry and appeared to have been just placed.


Thanks for the heads-up on this. It would be great if we could catch this miscreant before any further area caches are hit.


I had fun today at Coin Collection. Was first on scene, and was joined by Blindleader, Durango00, and GO West within an hour. Durango00 arrived carrying the cache! (No wonder we couldnt find it!) I got to log FTF for being there first to search for it.

!@#$%^&*( cache Thiefs!


Lighter note, flyingdogs and I had a heyday this morning! FTF on CacheAheads and Peppers multi! Seconds on two other of her micros, ran out of time so left Copper for others. Nice enjoyable caching; much more fun than being stuck to the screen waiting on the hot spud!


I guess I better make time to log our finds!

Congrats to runhills for the FTF's today. I found the time to finish up on Chicken and Eggs. Those chickens were tough to find.

Posted (edited)

Super WOWie, I may live to get 500 if the Hot Potato doesn't do me in :D


Way to go Moun10bike!!! :o


typos may also get me ;)

Edited by runhills
Posted (edited)

Very cool. I get a spot on Jon's milestone page.


BTW, the Slough was my very first geocaching attempt. A DNF!!




Ya know if I EVER make an entry that I don't have to edit I'll be amazed.

Edited by MarcusArelius
Posted (edited)

THANK YOU EVERYONE!!!!! We had a great time out there finding our 500th. Thank you to all of you for your hard work in placing nice caches for TIAG! and others to find.


Congrats Moun10Bike!!! That's a WHOLE lotta caches.

Edited by TeamIt'sAllGood! (TIAG!)

Gosh Dern It! All that activity last at my house and I missed out.

Got up this morning checked my mail, LOW AND BEHOLD the bug is at my front door. I go check so I can grab it and that HOT POTATO IS allready GONE.


Ok which one of you Eastsiders pulled it right out from underneath my nose?



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