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Fake Cacher in S.Jersey?


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Anyone who finds 120+ caches in his first month of caching like Dr Who is bound to attract some attention. Well, some of the local cachers have mentioned to me that when they checked their cache, he wasn't in the log book. Well, today Mickey checked on one of ours that he had logged a find on. Nothing from him in the logbook, AND the trade item he claims in the online log to have taken was still there. He was deleted, of course. I suggest everyone who has caches that he has found, check them also.

I really hate cheaters.


Tae-Kwon-Leap is not a path to a door, but a road leading forever towards the horizon.


But Pineys can't type either. And they don't have phones to connect the computer they don't have to the internet.


Tae-Kwon-Leap is not a path to a door, but a road leading forever towards the horizon.


I checked the Doctor's profile.


Dr Who's profile page


Interesting reading. 26 logged caches on April 11th (A Friday) in multiple states. Possible I suppose, but borders on Godlike caching ability and a speedy car. Also strange, A park just North of Trenton has 7 (i think caches) He logged most of them, but on different days!?! Some as much as 20 days apart. These are all well established caches. Why would someone who is a caching maniac, only log 1 cache in apark , then come back every few days to log yet another? I agree with you Mopar, something Fishing going on here. So Far, the Doc hasnt paid my caches a visit , but if he does, Ill go and check the logs and cleanup after him if he didnt sign in.


"Problems are merely opportunities for interesting solutions which can be implemented by those with the courage to be different."


I just noticed he also logged a find on a virtual we have. Since the email on that one goes to Mickey, I'll have her double check when she gets home, to see if he ever emailed the info. I'm betting he didn't.


Tae-Kwon-Leap is not a path to a door, but a road leading forever towards the horizon.


Probably a Piney. They can't write


I'm intrigued about the qualifications for being a piney. Would the banjo boy from Deliverance qualify? Or how about Cletus the Slack-Jawed Yokel from the Simpsons. Never heard someone being labeled a piney before geocaching. icon_wink.gif


Originally posted by Mxyzptlk:

I'm intrigued about the qualifications for being a piney. Would the banjo boy from Deliverance qualify? Or how about Cletus the Slack-Jawed Yokel from the Simpsons. Never heard someone being labeled a piney before geocaching. icon_wink.gif

Both. And both can be found driving the sandroads of the Pine Barrens in a broken down, rusty pickup truck.

Pineys are alot like the people you find in some remote areas of NW New york state, or the hillbillies in the Appalachian Mountains. Small, remote villages, with generations of inbreeding, makes for an, uhm, interesting population.


Tae-Kwon-Leap is not a path to a door, but a road leading forever towards the horizon.


At least we know how to go caching. What did you folks do yesterday? Met at 10 and were finished during daylight? What the heck is up with that?


Sheesh . . . you would think you would meet at 6:30 and go to at least sunset.







Geocaching . . . hiking with a purpose




I'm intrigued about the qualifications for being a piney. Would the banjo boy from Deliverance qualify? Or how about Cletus the Slack-Jawed Yokel from the Simpsons. Never heard someone being labeled a piney before geocaching.


To us North Jersyians, a Piney is anybody who lives south of the Driscoll Bridge on the GS Pkway.


"It has been my experience that folks who have no vices have very few virtues" -Abraham Lincoln


Getting back on topic, found another fake find By Dr.Who on one of mine today.

Perhaps even more interesting is his log on this cache.


icon_smile.gifApril 8 by Dr Who (119 found)

found this... well didn't actually find it...

I came over the hill following gps looked up and saw someone sitting next to a tree with something black in his hand.

It was theMagician he was out checking on his caches. He changed the coffee can for a nice new plastic 3 quart screw lid container. He told me all about NJGA and I joined on the spot.

I'll be trying to make some of the NJGA picnics this summer. Sounds like a lot of fun.


Talk about things that make you go hmmmmmmmm.


Like Magoo pointed out, his logs on April 11th, while not impossible, are highly unlikely, given the spread. He logged almost 30 that day (the number keeps dropping as more caches are checked) and even though I've found the majority of them myself, I think I would have a hard time hitting them all. Myself and others have found quite a few of his finds since, and nobody remembers seeing his log in the books. Although, he did meet themagician.



Tae-Kwon-Leap is not a path to a door, but a road leading forever towards the horizon.


I sent Dr Who an e-mail reminding him to write in the cache log. I explained to him that a number of his finds didn't have a corresponding log and some cache owners may delete his finds based on that.


Lets see what he says, if anything.


"It has been my experience that folks who have no vices have very few virtues" -Abraham Lincoln


This is odd. His/her first find was Happy Hunt by Savannah (GC4FC0). He/She logged the find two and a half months before the cache was released.


I used to watch the tv show Dr. Who. I guess it was based on a real person. Cool!





As always, the above statements are just MHO.



Dr Who logged all 5 of my Bucks County caches last week. All 4 traditional caches had vague entries and I never received a confirmation for the virtual, so I deleted it and sent him an e-mail. I will give him the benefit of the doubt on the others until my next trip to PA to check on the caches.


He caches closer to South Plainfield/than he does to the Pine Barrens...hmmmmmmm....


Originally posted by Harrald:

This is odd. His/her first find was http://www.geocaching.com/seek/cache_details.aspx?ID=20416. He/She logged the find two and a half months before the cache was released.


I used to watch the tv show Dr. Who. I guess it was based on a real person. Cool!





As always, the above statements are just MHO.


Very good Harrald! He "found" the cache a year before he registered on the site!


Tae-Kwon-Leap is not a path to a door, but a road leading forever towards the horizon.


NJ Admin

I think we may have found our mystery cache approver. Has he approved any caches before they were placed?


Sorry for the double post


Originally posted by Mopar:

Although, he did meet themagician.



But themagicians log says nothing about meeting another cacher? I don't want to impose my own standards on others, but I find that the majority of cachers will at least indicate a chance meeting of another cacher, and then some, since the cacher claims to have meet the owner...


In any event, it should be childs play to verify this particular situation.



Do not answer a fool according to his folly, lest you be also be like him.


[This message was edited by azog on April 23, 2003 at 04:20 AM.]


Originally posted by jonboy:

Speaking of Caches being approved before they are placed, check out this one placed 5-1-03: http://www.geocaching.com/seek/cache_details.aspx?ID=24966

I can't blame this one on Dr Who, there isn't even an admins name associated with this one, perhaps they are too embarassed.

Well, only the person who placed the cache can see who approved it.

The other thing, it looks to me like this cache was hidden quite some time ago, since the first DNF was back in August, 2002. You might try emailing the cache owner to make sure, but I'm guessing the hider plans on having the cache repaired by May 1st, so changed the hidden on date. Not really the best way to do things but......


Tae-Kwon-Leap is not a path to a door, but a road leading forever towards the horizon.


Originally posted by mogolloyd:

Has anyone e-mailed theMagician, too back up this story?

I don't know, but it's sort of odd that he's replied to other threads in the NE forum, but didn't comment on this one........


Tae-Kwon-Leap is not a path to a door, but a road leading forever towards the horizon.


Originally posted by azog:

But themagicians log says nothing about meeting another cacher?

Nope. Thought that very odd. Since if he really did meet Dr.Who, you would think that he would have mentioned it in the note he posted that day, and if he DIDN'T meet anyone, as the cache owner he would know its BS and delete the log. Passover has ended, and something doesn't smell kosher......


Tae-Kwon-Leap is not a path to a door, but a road leading forever towards the horizon.


I think the wording of that particular log is very strange. The description of the replacement cache was in the exact same wording as used by theMagician. Most people would give a different perspective like the color, or it's cool, or strange container. Very fishy... we need some forensic experts on the case. Any info he gives is either in the description, or in a previous log.


Here's an example of why cheaters like this effect all of us:

Travel Bug Pit Stop

Dr. Who logged a find on it right in between 3 DNFs by 2 respected cachers. I might even venture to say, if Mr.Magoo made 2 trips and didn't find it, it's probably not there.


Tae-Kwon-Leap is not a path to a door, but a road leading forever towards the horizon.


hi, I thought I might put my two cents in... If this Dr WHO continues to cache like this (fake) caching... he is gonna ruin cache sites and caches out there for everyone. What if he reports one missing and you dont go out to seek that cache and its right there all along. Or he does what Mopar sent a link in the above message. I really think that if he is found.. who ever he is, he/she should erase all logs and apologise. Buts thats just my feelings.. not like that would be likely.


Welp after seeing this I double checked and I still have an outstanding find with no email from Dr Who on my Virt in DC Solar Sailing. He log will be gone soon enough as it was logged on 4/8 and I have not gotten an email with answers yet.




While it all sounds very suspicious, all I gotta say is verify. If he turns out to be a hoax, at the level he's hoaxing, the admins can easily deal with him (block him, and the purge his records from the databases).



Do not answer a fool according to his folly, lest you be also be like him.


His #'s dropped to 115 since Mopar started this thread. I suspect it will keep going down as more cache owners double check his finds. Also think of how bad it could be if he was claiming benchmarks


Originally posted by azog:

While it all sounds very suspicious, all I gotta say is verify. If he turns out to be a hoax, at the level he's hoaxing, the admins can easily deal with him (block him, and the purge his records from the databases).



_Do not answer a fool according to his folly, lest you be also be like him._

Very true, Azog. That's why I've waited going to them with this. Personally, I've looked at at least 5 caches after him, and don't remember seeing his sig in any of the log books. He also logged a find on 2 of my own caches, one a traditional where not only was there nothing in the logbook, the trade item he claimed to have taken in the online log was still there. The other was a virtual where he never emailed the answers.

He has not repsonded to any emails.

I have heard from several other cache owners with the same experiences. Right now it's just a matter of cache owners checking more of his finds.

Several of the admins are already aware of whats going on.

If it looks to be pretty solid proof this guy is a fake, I will ask that geocaching.com step in and handle this. As I understand it, if it comes to that, the account would be removed, and if the IP address matches another cacher, he may be locked from the site as well.


Tae-Kwon-Leap is not a path to a door, but a road leading forever towards the horizon.


I just visited every single one of my caches that Dr. Who states he visited... not one single page in the log book filled out was from him. I even brought my camera incase i did find one and could take a pic of it for you guys. He's definatly not visited any of mine. Too bad we have a hoax in our group!!


I just visited every single one of my caches that Dr. Who states he visited... not one single page in the log book filled out was from him. I even brought my camera incase i did find one and could take a pic of it for you guys. He's definatly not visited any of mine. Too bad we have a hoax in our group!!


Good job he's down to 110 now.


Originally posted by SunCrush:

why thx ... now what about virtuals.. i dont remember getting any answers too??? can i delete them fairly or should i not....

I think 2 weeks is long enough! If he was able to log the caches online, he was able to send an email. He has also logged into the site recently. Burn the witch......er...uhm.... I mean delete them!


Tae-Kwon-Leap is not a path to a door, but a road leading forever towards the horizon.


Dr Who has posted to my Allen's Town virtual cache. I checked my e-mails and the geocaching.com notification of his posting a find is still in my deleted folder. There is no e-mail from him verifying the find. Just to be sure, I've e-mailed him not only asking to verify the find, but telling him how to do it. If I don't hear back shortly I'll be deleting the find. -TripLeader


It has just been brought to my attention about this fake cacher. I live just across the street from the TB Pit stop and all other seven caches. I will check on them right now.


Dr. Who has logged 4 of my caches. After looking at the log book I have come to the conclusion that they are all fake. Not one time did he log his find in the pad. I also looked at the logged find on the web and found the logs diddn't make sense for the area. Two logs in particular. One log was from my cache called "Marclar". In his log he said he bushwacked all the way to the site and used no trails. I don't believe this is possible unless you wanted to come out of the woods scarred for life by all the thorns. Another log was in my cache called "Yeaaaa! I've got cache!" In his log he noted he thought the cache might be in that tree that looked like it was struck by lightening. There is no tree in the area that looks like this. I have deleted his logs from these four cahes.


While the evidence here is clearly mounting, please indulge me this opportunity to remind other cache owners NOT to jump to hasty conclusions.


Recently on a cache maintenance trip, I noticed a few finds logged on the website by one cacher for which there were no corresponding logbook entries. In fact, this cacher's FIRST find was logged on my most difficult multicache, which often requires multiple visits even for experienced cachers. I was even more suspicious because all the logs were entered at once, rather than at the time of his finds.


So, I wrote the cacher an e-mail, explaining my concern and asking for some basic information to confirm his find. Very quickly, I received a reply from a nice, honest cacher who just isn't as detail-oriented as many of us. He didn't start logging online until a few months after he started caching, and he was going from memory and got some of the dates wrong. He also explained that his online name does not match what is in the logbook -- rather, his team uses a unique sticker in each log, that does NOT have a name on it. He said he didn't care very much about numbers, he just enjoys getting outdoors with his family, and that he really liked my caches.


Sure enough, he correctly described the details of my multicache, and I also recognized the unique way in which his team signs the logbooks. I wrote right back to say there was no problem, his story checked out, sorry to bother him, etc.


Had I rushed to a hasty judgment, and wrote a more accusatory e-mail or just deleted his finds, there would have been bad feelings and perhaps a nice healthy online flame war. Instead, I have yet another "friend I haven't met yet" from geocaching.


When you encounter a questionable find, please bear THIS story in mind, along with DrWho's story, which sure appears to be on the other end of the spectrum!



Some mornings, it just doesn't pay to chew through the leather straps. - Emo Phillips


Well, I will jump on the bandwagon too. I am a cache-nazi on my virtual caches. If you don't send me correct verification I will slash your log. I have done that twice on my DC virtual so far. One of them is... you guessed it.. Dr Who. icon_mad.gif

Tuesday, April 08, 2003 5:17 PM

Dr Who has added a log to your cache (So We Will Remember Them). You can visit the cache at the following link:




User comments:

Did a cache trip to DC. Had over 400 saved in GPS.

they were so close we seemed to be tripping over them.


Beautiful city with LOTS of great sites.

We saw more of the city by caching then we ever would on a sightseeing trip.

Thanks for bringing us to this spot.

I waited a few days and then sent an email and asked for verification. The "Dr Doot" never wrote back. I deleted the log. Sorry, but that's the way it is. I don't get verification, you don't get to log. Looks like I caught them early on.


I saw RobAGD's post above and the bells went off in my head. A very sad state since these bogus logs can mess up good caches and cachers for all the reasons stated above. Virtual cachers that have Dr Who logs... get your delete finger ready on that mouse!


I can not imagine what kind of loser would bother doing this.


Is there ANY cache that has evidence of a Dr. Who visit? If so, I can imagine a doot-head who likes caching but wants to pad the numbers. But if you never go cache hunting why in the world would you waste the time it takes to log a find, who is he trying to impress? I don't get it.



If trees could scream, would we still cut them down?

Well, maybe if they screamed all the time, for no reason.

Click here for my Geocaching pictures


While the evidence here is clearly mounting, please indulge me this opportunity to remind other cache owners NOT to jump to hasty conclusions.


Dr Who has yet to answer any e-mails asking him to explain himself. If he were legit, I'm sure there would have been a response similar to the one you received.


The guy (I assume it's a male) is pretty pathetic. He even goes through the trouble of making up a paragraph or two for each log. I've seen other fakes and they usually just write "found it". It's probably some teenage kid with way too much time on his hands. If it is an adult, I feel really sorry for him.


"It has been my experience that folks who have no vices have very few virtues" -Abraham Lincoln


WOW! This is great forum stuff! Where else could folks from NJ all the way to DC compare notes. Maybe since the Bad Doctor 'spread' out his claims he figured there would be no way to get caught. Think again Doc.


Mopar, thanks for the plug above. Im not done yet. 3rd times a charm for the TB pitstop!


I also logged a couple of the Virtuals in DC this spring while hiking with the boy scouts.

mtn-man's is quite moving. I also did Solar Sailing which is a lot of fun. Double check your answer before moving on with this one icon_biggrin.gif.


"Problems are merely opportunities for interesting solutions which can be implemented by those with the courage to be different."


Gosh, my first post!


After being alerted to the nefarious Dr. Who by Mopar, I checked two of my caches on the way to work. Sure 'nuff, no entry in the log book from Dr. Who.


Now, I'm inclined to agree -- he could be a guy who just doesn't "get it" -- that is, geocaches with no plan and then, weeks later, logs a bunch and gets dates mixed up. Am I naive? Yeah, probably. I'm also the only person in America who thinks the jury's still out on Scott Peterson's guilt. (yeah, right).


Keep us posted if Dr. Who emails anybody with an explanation. Til then, delete delete delete

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