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The Great Train Race


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TheTravel Express Geocoins have been activated and there will be a total of (74) coins in the race. I will try and send everyone the tracking sheet so they can add the coin to their watch list. Coins will be mailed to the volunteers the first of the week.





Thank you! Love the trains!


I'm slightly worried that my train is combating Mr Gray's... Had I better hope my train moves slowly, to avoid causing extraterrestrial anger?


Let The Race Begin! Wishing everyone the best of luck with your trains, hope they travel far and wide. We hope to see some pictures of the beautiful areas where our trains travel. Thank You Gary for letting us join in the fun.

Posted (edited)

I haven't received a 'tracking sheet.' :rolleyes:


Email sent.


Update....I found the list through your profile. I hope this is the 'tracking sheet' everyone is referring to :lol:

Edited by eseurat

The "Travel Bug Express" made it's way to the post office today and (49) envelopes were unloaded to start their journey. Some of you will have (2) travelers to place and some will only have (1) to place. Please grab them from "The Travel Express" and place in your inventory so I know they made the first leg of their travel. Once they start getting placed we will post the standings and keep it up-dated. Good luck all, thanks and lets have some fun!




Received coin today...dropped off in one of my caches...will keep an eye out to make sure it moves, winter is here and the winter accesable caches are few and far between in this neck of the woods.



Received my coin today and will get it out in the next few days. It is supposed to snow this week, so I want to try to find a winter friendly cache to drop it in...the one that I had planned on dropping it in may not be easy to get to when the snow hits.


Either way - my coin is going to win!!! :blink::):anibad:


received my coin and dipped it in teh cache next to my work place, and will take to an event tomorrow to get sent on its way.


(who had me? I'm curious....)


My sons and I tried to mix them up the best we could and move them away from the owners. We did not log who had what. Sorry.



received my coin and dipped it in teh cache next to my work place, and will take to an event tomorrow to get sent on its way.


(who had me? I'm curious....)


My sons and I tried to mix them up the best we could and move them away from the owners. We did not log who had what. Sorry.



Just sent GaryM an email with a question, but this post answered my question - I grabbed the coin and will be setting it out soon.


I guess that the coin that is traveling my way has a slight disadvantage, going all the way to Norway.


On the other hand, Norwegian geocachers are well accustomed to snow, and do not let winter season stop them. :)


I guess that the coin that is traveling my way has a slight disadvantage, going all the way to Norway.


On the other hand, Norwegian geocachers are well accustomed to snow, and do not let winter season stop them. :)


Well... how about the one that will start from Greece, from Rhodes island then??? season is over and there is a possibility that the coin will move... on May! I just hope that a cacher will come with a cruizer ship and pick it sooner! cachers are coming like that during winter! :blink:


I will place the coin or the coins... what the letter will come, in caches close to the city that can be visited easily by cachers who are visiting rhodes for some hours..


I got Lenore's (Dressel Dragons) and David's (Seeker Family) in the mail today!!! Once this rain stops I will get out and find a couple of nice caches to drop them into and get em movin'!!!


I guess that the coin that is traveling my way has a slight disadvantage, going all the way to Norway.


On the other hand, Norwegian geocachers are well accustomed to snow, and do not let winter season stop them. :)


Well... how about the one that will start from Greece, from Rhodes island then??? season is over and there is a possibility that the coin will move... on May! I just hope that a cacher will come with a cruizer ship and pick it sooner! cachers are coming like that during winter! B)


I will place the coin or the coins... what the letter will come, in caches close to the city that can be visited easily by cachers who are visiting rhodes for some hours..


Yes, I guess that several coins have different disadvantages. Coins being picked up by cruisers have great chances of traveling very far, though!


There's no train in my mailbox yet - but mine has started moving! :( Big thanks to labrat_wr for taking care of it!


Hmm...I did not realize that they were being mixed up and sent out, because I received the one that was set up in my own name. I have dipped it in a couple of caches (one at home to set its starting point, and then another one on our excursion that day), and then will drop it off at my next opportunity.


Received GATOULIS's Racer to get started in the race. Thanks for setting this all up GaryM53, its always fun to see where your coin travels during the year. Will you have standings updated someplace?


Received GATOULIS's Racer to get started in the race. Thanks for setting this all up GaryM53, its always fun to see where your coin travels during the year. Will you have standings updated someplace?


;) Excellent news!!! :D


So, my train went to see the UFO base (I am talking about your UFO geocoin my friend)... and then it will start its journey!! :D


I hope the train/s thatwill start from Rhodes will come soon too! :blink:


I never posted whos traveler I got - I have Team kizbs' coin. I took it caching with me this weekend and I will be dropping it in a cache within the next few days - I have a perfect cache in mind! :blink:


Received GATOULIS's Racer to get started in the race. Thanks for setting this all up GaryM53, its always fun to see where your coin travels during the year. Will you have standings updated someplace?

The Amigos will be helping me with the tracking up-dates. I sent them a tracking sheet for thier review. Once the majority of the coins get moving it will be posted.


I received Chickahominy's coin last week and I plan to send it out before the holidays:)


: ) Yayyy! I'm so excited! This is the first 'official' race I've participated in. Thanks to everyone for making it happen.


Got a couple of race coins in the mail today and will drop them off soon. Thanks!


I received Mauison's coin the other day and dropped it in one of my caches. I was having a total brain freeze and didn't write down the tracking number as I thought it was my coin. Came home, read the forums and had a "doh!" moment. So, I disabled my cache and crossed my fingers that no one would go by the cache and grab the coin. Today, I set out on a caching adventure (mind you, I have been caring for a husband who just had total hip replacement surgery and a bedridden mother in law for 2 weeks now... plus the internet has been out and it's raining). I go by, grab Mauison's coin and head out for my first cache. A beautiful woodland setting way out in the country. Not where I would leave the coin, as it would sit there for a long time. I tripped over a vine, fell on my finger and broke it, I'm afraid. After a stop for a cup of Iced Tea and some a new router so I can connect to Geocaching.com, it began to rain. So, I'm home for now. I will drop Mauison's coin over the weekend in a cache along Myrtle Beach. There should be lots of cachers there this weekend from all over the world... great place to start a race!


I dipped Penny and Kona's racer in a nearby cache that I found today. I just did a visit, because I am traveling to MI after Christmas, and thought I could give it a nice mileage boost to start it. So if I find the cache in MI, I will leave it there. Or maybe along the road somewhere.

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