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The {PINK YIME} Project for Breast Cancer


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All weekend I'm going to be singing "I've got a Golden Ticket, I've got a Golden Ticket". I'll never get that silly movie out of my head . . . :anitongue:




If you get one, I'll flip the switch on the bad egg chute... ;)


All weekend I'm going to be singing "I've got a Golden Ticket, I've got a Golden Ticket". I'll never get that silly movie out of my head . . . ;)




Me too!


who would have imagined that the two of us would receive a golden ticket???








I saw everyone was getting their invoices, but I hadn't got mine....Dang junk mail filter. I rescued the email and will send payment in Monday, when I get paid. Thanks again for this great coin.


I'm so excited it's my first non-Groundspeak geocoin. :anitongue: Watched the first ones go through and then jumped on this batch of reservations.


I bought the coin to remind me of my own breast issues and will be sending it to remind women of all ages to do self exams. As a young woman finding that lump was unbelievable because you don't often hear about the younger women who have these issues.


The other coin I'm keeping and sharing with people as I meet them.


I have received no invoice yet. :) And, yes, I check my spam folder. Nothing there either. ;) Have they all been sent? I only ordered one...




I still have a few dozen invoices to go, but I'm pretty sure I recall yours being an early one. (I remember the cf30 in the address) I'll double check the receipts tomorrow, because I could easily mis-type an email addy. I'll let you know soon!


I have received no invoice yet. :) And, yes, I check my spam folder. Nothing there either. ;) Have they all been sent? I only ordered one...




I still have a few dozen invoices to go, but I'm pretty sure I recall yours being an early one. (I remember the cf30 in the address) I'll double check the receipts tomorrow, because I could easily mis-type an email addy. I'll let you know soon!

Thank you! :laughing:




The "business" update...

The Pink Yimes started shipping last night, and all paid orders will ship by tomorrow. I still have about a dozen invoices sent that haven't been paid, so I'll be trying to corral those in the next few days. Invoices for ALL website reservations were sent out last week, so if you're reading this and you haven't received an invoice, contact me ASAP.

The "pleasure" update...

If you ordered a Pink Yime, be sure to check behind the art cover! Two "GOLDEN TICKETS" were placed inside, stuffed into pink pouches and mixed up in a big plastic bin full of lots of other pink pouches. We LOVE randomness, so we have absolutely NO IDEA who will receive them! If you're the lucky recipient of a Golden Ticket, you'll win one of only 42 exclusive 2010 Compass Rose Geocoin® YemonYime Variants!


Behold...this is the ticket you seek!




PS: I've received a few emails asking if I ordered any extras, and the answer is "yes, a few." Let me see how the "corralling" goes, and I'll post if any are available.


My Pink Yimes arrived the other day. Love them! I don't purchase many coins these days.. only buying those that I absolutely have to have. I made a great decision here. Yimes coins are always special. Thank you and the elves who packaged them. I hope they are okay after the candy fueled packing marathon.


No golden ticket here. Can't wait to see where they show up!




Thank you. I got mine in the mail yesterday. These are great coins.

This is such a worthwhile project thank you for doing it.

I am a Nurse in an ER, and four of my co-workers in the last year have been diagnosed with breast cancer, so yes.. this is subject near and dear to our hearts. This project, these coins are fun, and at the same time a remembrance that we need to stop this cancer.

Again Thank You for your time and effort on this.


God Bless, and Merry Christmas



GOT BearSoup


I got mine today. Absolutely beautiful. I was glad I got a few extras, because I am not sure I will be able to let mine go. But I can't believe






I never win anything. This just made my day :rolleyes:


Yay! My coins arrived. So excited. First real geocoins ever (not counting my Groundspeak one).


Can't wait until this summer to set one free. The other one I'll be bringing around with me for people to discover and such. Can't wait to bring it to work and show people.


BINGO CALLED, hold your cards please! Could this be the first Golden Ticket sighting? I'll have to hear from cas85 with some particulars, and then have the citrified accountants of Citrus, Citrus, Juicy & Ridiculus confirm its validity. Stay tuned, because there could still be one more out there somewhere...


In invoice news...it's Christmas time, money's tight, we all know how that goes...but it's gonna have to be last call for the unpaids. :anicute: Second reminders were sent, so I've gotta shore this up for the final donation or release the remaining coins to others who missed the reservations. If you're interested in picking up a few Pink Yimes, send a note to pinkyimes@verizon.net. I'll create a waiting list and open up some unclaimed coins this weekend. Remember, there appears to be at least one unclaimed Golden Ticket! We pulled all the drawstring pouches shut after the Golden Tickets were placed, so unless we hear of a second sighting...there's a small chance it's still here to be had! And no, I'm not peeking for ya. :)


To wrap up this update, I've got to once again thank you all for your support and positive comments. There have been some very touching personal stories, both public and private, from people whose lives have been affected by breast cancer. One thing I'm learning from this project is that even though you hear the statistics in the media, you're never really fully aware of the impact of this disease until you hear individual accounts like these. Gotta say, it's sobering...but it's also encouraging to hear how this project has been something to rally around for so many as well. :)


No Golden Ticket here, but I got two Pink Yimes yesterday, with pins; what more could I want? Thanks for the great geocoin [:(] Looking forward to seeing how big the donation is going to be!


2 Pink Yimes came in the mail today for us. I had gotten 2 of the Pink v1 hoping to release 1 but ended up giving the second one to my mom. So I plan on activating one of these and releasing it, but most likely when it warms up a little. B) I have said it before, but will say it again, this is a great coin design and a great cause!! Thanks again Yime :)


No Golden Ticket


My two arrived safely -- lovely coins, and Summer is fascinated by the little pink bag. No golden ticket here, but I'm very happy to have been a part of this fundraising drive nonetheless. : ) Thank you!

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